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<br /> ` \.. , �' ,'°�'I��'I��117'�I�11 t�e itltp�veai�Ais�tloV6t Oi���tmetaf crt thG jxopCrt}r.�a►�l al!`�sCzii�m�.4PA��<.: .
<br /> ��#'�i�tam�s`r,ow.�cLc�etifcer i�art.csf i�se�rcrpe�'�jr: At�:�repta�emcnt��seddI,siads sRtt��Iso 6c�asres+a�by t�is Secier}zj+ "- .`.
<br /> — — o b�menG 0 a tx� �n o t 'Secui�"jr as , • .- �------- - -
<br /> _ . � BQRROW�R A�V$NPiN i'S tT�t Serr6+ii�r�S lawf�t�y setsQd bf t�a es4ta htreby• veyed sad bsss the,:dg�ht to g�Caui.
<br /> � ' . �urd convay.t�G Pk+�sty�utcb tb14t dte. ia�aa�tmDt�ed:GxceAe foteacum�r�nces,o g�c �
<br /> pt,i�peity '. �frec,oid.�Bbnox�ec:�it�rrants aud
<br /> _ — t�• wll�defend ga�ally.tt�e rlt2a m��+a�ert5►.rgu�at all�Uinl.6 aad decnargds��iib,��,�r.eacumDt�uc�flf ricoid. , � . �
<br /> �.:.: ,THIS SECZJRI'�Y�IIZTS'tRVME�Pi'combimes unifa�a covenartts fot oational use a�ld�o�un(fom�cov�aats wIth . � -
<br /> — � � , wnice�varIad�s ey f eurisd�ctiaa tqoonsB�te�}�mffann s�uity 3�sa,u�entc�veai�g ce�l proptrty►. � . ` .� ; : .` '
<br /> `'. - -tT,�i�sRR3Gt'ii�i�'S�,Ba�t+awarm�Leuderc�vensatamdsg�aasfnttaava: - '� :'. r , � , --- --_
<br /> �._��__� ,_� .���t oi.Prindps�i�and�nteresii�P�nt an�Lait C�gis. �o¢ra�gzo�F�Y P8Y�dua ihe __ --- _-
<br /> - • ,pnuci�pal of smnd interesf an tiie�M evidenoea6y�e�oie and Ra3t�eDaYmeaCan�la� es ctu�i;�tQer�fot�- - � .� �«
<br /> �. ?. Fimds fcs'lh�aad� Sub,�eata app`l�cabte lawor W sw,riueQ.waiverDy i.�der.Bazrnwer sha11P$Y�To.
<br />— � LeQder on the day flaontAly payraenl3 are due tmder the Nate;unriut�tt�e Note is paid ic�tiil�:s suas f°�nds°)for.(a)yearly �'
<br /> taxes aad a�es�asnts whic�may at�in priority over thia Seerttity�sK�ent es a Uen ori�s PlaPeztY;(b)xe�Y t�hoId , .
<br /> Pal'm�ar gmvnd te�ts an tfle Pkvpeaty.�€•any; (c)Year�y'8azerd er:�riy�sura�ce piemia�ms:_(�9earlY�ttdad �
<br />�- insuranc�premiums.if any; (e}y�y mortga$e:iasutance.pc�miumsr if�esy;;end(t��anY�s�s yayebt¢:byr.Barmwer to
<br /> - � , Lendet.in a000rdance with the pmvisions o€patagtapn 8,iu lieu oF the pay+�aent of martgage iasuraas��piewlwav. 'i�ese :;�;:
<br /> ' i�nos aic cetied"Escmw items." Lender may.at any 6me,collect aaa tw�d�ds ict aa ea�unE not rto'exioeEd t6e rnaxmnnm `.�-:::ti ._
<br /> '_.._. ....ameunt.a lender_far a.fed�a]Iy s�l�ted_�ngage 2oan may:tec�+e fur Bon�wer�es�caw asCOUni e�ntte„�fe�)RRa1.' S°
<br /> �.SC�CDL$OC�S�f#�:�/43S3IQP.II��fPOI*fQ�fOQIIt2►t���`.S.C•���Ct�2Q'("���.}LLTu'R.�CS•�iit�f iY_
<br /> !aw that applies to the Fu�ds s�s aY�t��_�f�,i�anaY,�a:iyi�.a�l?�'a�ho3d��3n a�m#�i tsi= --
<br /> - •:t.exaeed We less�r amownt. ��s�ag esa����t of�I3�8s�au t�8�asis af�c��.r�ab� .
<br /> s e�ma�s of expendituies of fati��s�o�r Ft,%i�mi�nis�aA`asi�o�wid�app7�abie�a�. . ' : . • ::, ..
<br /> � �".The T�mds shati.6e heid in an:instiwtiaa who��,,�,ar�insut�d by a fe�de.ra3�ettey,inshss�n�tal�.¢�s ent�g�".:::._•;. �� --
<br /> r.m
<br /> ���` ,{i��g Lender,if I.ender�s su�an institution)or in akay�deral Home Loan Bank:�der shall apply the�a�s��ay . - --
<br />_4 -- _t��aw�ns. Leader may.no3_ch�rge Boaower for.�uid'ui8�aPPh+�S the�s_ennualty_anatyzing the�ow. .
<br />__ accomu, or verifying the Fsa+uw Items,untesa I.eader pays Bormwer intenst on tht Fluids ar�d applicable!aw pemiits
<br />- Leader to make such a charge. However,Leader�nay requi�e Borroa�er w pay a one�time cha�ge for an independent zeal .
<br /> es�te tax reporting service useQ by Lender in eo�nec8on with this loan.untess applicable law provtdes otheia+Ise. Ualess an ,
<br /> - agreemeni is made or applicable�aw requirea inte�st to Qe paid,Lender shaU not be required W pay Bormwerany interest ar
<br /> eatntugs on tha R�ads. Boirower and Lender may a�ee in writinng,however.that interest shall be paid on the R�ads. l.eader
<br /> ` shall g[ve w Horrower.wIthout charge.an mutual ea:ounting of the R►ads,stiowing credits end debits w the Fitnds sud the
<br /> - �-?��= Qurpose for whFch each debit to the l�unds wa4 made. 'Rie F�nds are pledged as additional securIty for all sums securcd by , .
<br />_ r..ti s�;'�`�:. thIs Secu�ity Iustnun�n� . ' .
<br /> -'"`:�-;;�� " It No Phnds hetd by Lender eaceed the amounts permitteQ to be Aeld by applicabte taw.Lender ahall accaunt to
<br /> ' :��.;�••.�`,;:�• �� Horrower for the eacess l�lmds In accordance with the requlremeats of appl�cable taw. if the araount of the FUr►ds held by_
<br /> ti <::��`�: '"'' '� " l.eader at any time ia not sufflcient to pa�che Escrow Items when due,Leader may sa notify Bomnwer in wr�ting.and.in �
<br /> ' ' ' such case 8ocrower shaU pay to Lender the amount necessary to mafce up tIIe defccteacy. Borrower�shall make up the
<br /> - '..rj.?.e:'' �: ..s. .
<br /> : . :;� .� • deficiency in no moie than twelve monWy payments,at Lendert sote discrerion.
<br /> . ��,',;�.:. :.-�-- - Upon paymene in fu11 of all sums secured by thIs Security Instrument,Lender sha11 prompdy r�efiusd W Borrower any
<br /> _ :;;= FUnds held by Leader. lf.under paragraph 21.l.euder shalt�acquire or seU the Pnupert�r;Lender,pnor to the acquisiaon ot
<br /> - � � = u.._ sale of ttta Pmpe�ty.shall apply any FLnds held by Lender at tRe 6me oi acquisitioaor,sale as a credit against the sums , _
<br /> ` . .. � . � secuced by this Secutity instrument = �
<br /> �� �'. �. . ' 3. AppUeation of Pgytaents. Untess applicable law provides otAerwise.alt paycneats received by Lender weder ' -__
<br /> , � � paragcap6s 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.to any prepayment cLarges dae under the Note;second,•to amounss payable uader �';;;.�_ _
<br />_� � • . pazagrapb 2;tRird,to iaterest due:fourth,to principal due;and last.to any late charges due under the Note. �;�_:-�_'
<br /> � ' � ' 4. C6a es;Lteas. Borrower shall a all taxes. assessments.char es. fines and im sitions auributabte ta•tAs •"�`_-'
<br /> �'8 P Y 8 Po •.�#�i;�
<br /> � �;;;�;<<';,�,�:�� Propeccy which may attain priorery over this Security Insa�umea�and leasehvld payments or ground ients.if any. 90�mwer '�;�r:��'=-
<br /> ' ��_`-
<br /> , _ , �"�,.�: ` P Y S�oru in the manner B
<br /> _ . • :�;\,-.,;,;%;:�.,. shalt a these obli provided in para�aph 2.or if not paid in thaz�anner. oirower shall pa�¢Lem oa :. .,;y�,`�,�+;;�-_
<br /> � �.� =�� ,,t �"�;�.;`�. time ditectly to the person owed paymenG Boaower shall prompdy fumish to Lender al!norices of amounts to be paid under _•,,.,•�� .��—
<br /> .;.?:, ;; '.�.1. .� :, this paragraph. If Bonower makes these paymenu directiy,8orrower s'haD prompt t y fumish to Lender receipis evidencing �� ,,�_
<br /> ,t ; ;:. ?S�t '�•• the payments. ;�. , �* —
<br /> . ; � �-°
<br /> ,+. Bonower shall prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Insirument unless Borrower.(a)agrees ;�,2, .,
<br /> . .�.�'•}'`• in writiag to the payment of the ebligation secumd by the Ifien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contesu in good faith the ;;;.,t�., ,
<br /> � ,::Y.,.i::,. .
<br /> r�' . . lien by.or defends against enfor�ement of the lien in,legat proceedings whicb in the Lenderk opinion operate to prevent the . • . � .,.'1-.;�
<br />-` � � � enforcernent of the lien;or(c)secures from�he holder of the lien an agreement satisfactary to Lender subordinadng the tien � _ �,;�:;�:;;..�•
<br /> � ' � ' _ to thls Securiry Instrument If l.ender detepmines that any part of the Ptoperty is subject to a lien wtuch may attain priority �• ; ���='•
<br /> '? �� • ' over this Security Insuument.Lender may gdve Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Boaower shalf satisfy the lien or take , .. •�;_;, ��;�`�':'
<br /> � `:_ � one or mocc of the actlons set forth above�viihin 10 days of the giving of notice. , .. �ti.- ` ''��' '`
<br /> �• S. Haaard or Property Insuranc� Borrower shall keep the improvements now exisung or hercafter erected on the '. ,���^�`��. f� '
<br /> � . Pmperty�nsured against loss by fue.hazards included within the tertn"escended coverage"and any other hazards,including • ' '
<br /> _ ;.L floods or flooding.for which I.ender requires insurance. This insurance shail be maintained in the amounts and for the � .• . ,.:�;'..:�
<br /> i�.� . �
<br /> Form 3028 9190 (pagt2 oJ6 poge.rl ' '
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