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<br /> st ��-e a.rc�.+�'a�r� - a'C . �'• � � ,�F�'~ � �K_,
<br /> ° { � _h..ar_.:.]ti.a�T �t'-<.e ,S`�. -� .;%c- ° ,�-.
<br /> � 't ��c` (��.k . �:�s . .:.� .� :i �. — , - _ _ -
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<br /> LC . � ' , _ '._ vZ,��,`—>'T'� .k•YC�—`-.�. - - '. ' -�--•a..�._.:� . � ._`. .
<br /> . � 1 ` Q` .�..-..��-..�� O ' .
<br /> �•.�� � ` . � - ' . . . . - .. , P '. .: . � .a .. . � p�.
<br /> ,;ti,.� :�` . . . , V . , c _ . �.
<br /> _-� . � ` uger b�roqu#�d,�t tho uptIou o�Le�dcrf if mort�e i��ttanoe�ov��ga(t�t�e emonn�snd foi �;�.� ;�•
<br /> -- ==g.�,� `} _.l�Y�,maY no tQ � .
<br /> = _...tP�at-�aa�r.�qalte§1 pT��.hY.�.���uvcd by Lender egalt�h�aees availabto mntl ts obtained 8���}U�gt', _
<br /> �i�_.._�. `--� �
<br /> - ' t4�grenli�asreqtt�t�edmtiia�afo�gelge�-�i�ft�i: �" •- -- � --.-�`" ��� -
<br /> iasuranoe ends in aoca:dmtco with nay writt�n agneemeat between 9oimwer end tRndrr or�pllcabla tatv.. � •: . � , , —
<br />_ - --- ` � 9.�peNEan.Lcndcr or ita egent m�r a�sice�asonaDta enfrt�apoa and taspsctians of tAe Frv�ty.l�ader e6s1�givQ: . , :: c
<br /> ---- • Ba�war�t�cc at the tims of ar piior:to ea f�pe�o�6peeifyiag neasoaabte causa far the inspactWn. � .�;: .
<br /> ` � lU.�o�on..1�pma�eds of anp aw�d ur cla{m for Qnwages.dis�act or wnsequeatfaal.ta ronncctla�t witfl aoy . ' `
<br />` . ouademnat�oa ar oth�r tafdag of any��azs oi the Froperty,or for coavey�ce in Ueu af onnd�tto�t.a�+e�tei�bj►asaf�d aad `
<br /> — . sball De pa�d to Lesrder. = ._�_ ._ .. _ - - - -- � ;� -. _
<br />- __ - - �- - • . ` Insttumcut, .- - -----
<br /> IQ t3te eventats Sutal la�oi N�Pmp�y..�pt+�oeeds_sball he appl�_r�tlse suma s�ed QY this Staui!Y ..
<br /> whetfler os not tdeQ due,with aay e�cces3 Paid w Boicow�er.Ia the evmt oY a partial taYiqg of the Fcaperty-ta,whir��o f�r . . ,
<br /> `' m�et value of We Pmpeny immsdiateiY before the taking is equat w or pieater thaa tIle a�auat oY the sutns sesua+ed b��thts .
<br /> t�.� -"� � Security Iastrument�iately 6efore the takiug.�mtess�mmwec and l.eader otherqdse eg�+ee in writing,tbe sum4 seanod by . .
<br /> ��. ttis Secvrity•'Iashument shal!be reduoed by the amount of the pmceeds tnuftiptied by the fallawIng fiactio�t:'(a)tDe.tat&1_'
<br /> 5 L. amauat,of the.snms seaued;,*+�+,gt�ArP�y 6efore the talting.divided by(4?ti�e fair mark�vatue of the Pcope�ty imu�ediatdy�
<br /> � .: -� �°'� Aefore t6e ta�ng_Aq}►balaace shatl be paid ta Borrower.In tbe ev�t of a partiaf mtdag of tl�e Pnuperty ia wh�CL the fair ; .
<br /> ,.; .�, _�:
<br /> �•�.�`-.�,.�.� maricel valne of dte Pmgerty immedlateiy befose the taldug is Ees�tban the aiaaunt af the.sams secute�ima�ly 1�efoxe the
<br />��y���r:�:�:�; --. . t8ki�;utdess 8artowet an�i I:euder-atl�erwise agtoe I�twriting-or unle��ap�t�bte�lsw othetwiSe pt+avides.�die PnocxeJs shali.-
<br />-�uT.•iY�l-•:'"-•✓,-��� -
<br /> �•- s :..;. be spglied to the snms se�vxed Dy this Seauity Insqumeuf whetner or aot the sums atc th�dne..
<br />���,r.�.` =``F�� � .if the P�ape�ty'is abandoned by�orrower,or if.aft�natice by t�euder to Borrowei�hat the coadea►nor offers to ma�ce an
<br /> —���."� •" � ai�vaid or s�tte a claim for damages, Borrower faiIs to respond to L�der withia 30 days after the date the not�ce is given.
<br />-- r.�. , <; ;���,,�'•, or w the sums
<br />��-,'�_.� ;: •. . � Leader ts euthoiized to oollect aad apply the prooeeds,at its option,either to restoration or rzpair of tRe�operty
<br /> _ �: �.t.;�.. ._•'=�,,,:, aecu�d by[his Sec�e4ity Itisttument,whetiter ot not then due. � `
<br /> _ �- t �k� - UNess Lertdec�aad Boanwer oihenvise agree in wiiting, a��rPllc�ion af ps�eds co principal s1ia11 nor.earen�or .
<br /> .. s.��.��s a � post�one the due date of fi*�ueouthty paymenis refemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chauge t�e amnuat of s�ch payme�s.
<br /> �?-��=°,��L '... 11.Borrow�Not Re[eas�;�Lr�ea�auce By LeadPr Noi a Watver.Extensioa o�We time for Dayrmeut or candification --
<br /> :;`�_> ..� . >. .: - .
<br /> - of amorti7adon of t�e sums scnued�br tHis Security Instrument gwnted by Leader to any successor in interest of Borrower s1�aU -
<br />=_`:�:° .�:`.'I �� �. not oge�ate to release the liahiliry of the original8orrower or Borrower's suacessots in interest. L,eadet shall not 6e t+equired ta
<br />� . �; `' ':• <:: �''� aommatoe pmceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otheiwise modify amart�tion
<br />,�•� " . �� " • of the�swms sectued by this Se�vrity Iastn�ment by reason of any demand made by dte origiaal Borrowes or Bomnwer's
<br /> � ;° ". ;�:.=� _.: •.,, successors in intenst. My forbesiance by I.ender ir�exercising any right or teme�y sball not be a waiver of or pceciude tf�e . .. -
<br /> - exercise of any ri�r�mr remedy. � �
<br />� �`._ � "..v` �. .
<br />_7� . � . 12. 5am�and Asst�v Bound;Joiat and Several LtaE�ilItr;�-signera 'Rie oovenants and agreements of ttis::`�. _
<br />- - "'� Security Instrument shaii bind and benefit the successors and assigns�f IIeuder and Borrower. sub}ect to the provisioas o£`�'',;'�
<br />- ...4�.. -. .
<br /> �.;�;,3;;,.�.a,: _.''� paragraph 1T. Borrower s cacc��is and agrcements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who c.o-signs dsis�ty � , ____
<br /> � '';`:;:��;;{''�`• - Ie�tcument but dues uot execc3c�r�Note:(a)is co-signing this Seauity Instruinent onty�to mortgage.gtant aad ccav+ey tLat•� - -__-
<br /> �� Borrower's intecest in ihe Propeitf�der tt�tua►sc of tius Secvrity Instrument;(6)is not personally obligated to pay the sums.;��:,
<br />-_ ~-,.�r.: . secured by this Secur�ty Inswment•and(st a�s ihat Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extead,modify.forbear ar•'. .:;,
<br /> ��`-' • - � make any accommodations witb regaF�to�e¢eem�of this Security Instrw»ent or the Note without that Borrower s coates�t. � _ �__-----
<br /> � . , 13.Loan Charges.If the ia�se�ared 6�'�his Security Tnstrument is subject to a la�v which sets maximum to�zti c�arges. �___-_-----
<br /> and that taw is finally interpmt�so that the interest or ather loan charges collected or to be collected i�conn�•��h the ="��—
<br /> � � • ' ' ' loan excced the permitted limits.then: (a)aa�such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary►to reduce tEe cha'rge ?-�_--
<br /> `�r==-
<br /> _ � � to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrativer which exceeded pemutte�limits will be refudded to : �.__
<br /> , Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Nate or by makiag a dir�ect � °`.==wr.:`
<br /> � � � •, ,_ payment to Borrower. If a r�ftind reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any . :'��:_
<br /> � ' �� � ' prep�ymeat charge under the�v:.. �.`�_
<br /> � � ` ''�''' 14.Notices.Any notice tu Barrower provided for in this Security�Irutrument shatl be given by delivering it or by mai ling �: ��' "
<br />. � a ' ' it by first class maif unless applicable law re�sirec use of unother method.The notice shail be directed ro the Property Address .
<br />-'t3 , . or any other address Borrower designates by notice ta l.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to __
<br /> ' . i.eader's address stated herein or any other address l.ender designatex by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided far in this ,� ��=;Q,,;.=_—.
<br /> � . , , : Sec:�ity Instrument shall be deemed to havc been given to Bano�vcr or l.ender when given as provided in this paragrpl�. --n
<br /> � D5.Governing Law; Severability. Thic Securiry Instrument shalt be govcrned by federal t�w and the tr.0 of the • , ��..�:.�'.�'
<br /> urisdiction in wi�i.�the Pro tt is lacated. In ihe event that un rovision ur clause of thix Secu fnstrumenc or the NorE k�"'-
<br /> '- ���. � J Pc Y Y P mY � `-;`�?t��;';�
<br /> � . conflicts with a�?icable law,such conflict sl�ull nut aifect other pn�vision,�f this Security Instrument ur the Note whfch car�l�e � , �:��t���;3�
<br /> : , given eifect with�.t the conflicting provision. Tu this end the pm��isionc of thi�Security Instrumcnt nnd the Note aze declared �.. ''�>'�'�
<br /> 'y to be severnbte. � � `�� � •
<br /> ;:; ,�;:,�,.�.. . ..
<br /> 16.BorroKer s Co�►�.Bo:rawer shall be given one confc�nned cnpy�ol'the N��te and of this Security Instrument. '`'�'��"'; ,
<br /> Farm 3028 9190 • . . •
<br /> 1:��' . . `' Dayo 4 016 ' . ' .
<br /> a, t .
<br /> �;`
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