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.�l�n' .L�l/�`�,�:1. ' .K`� �—' ... . , .. . i _ _ — _— _ <br /> .:�iL? �4 �_.� � ��� A'ti __' _ _ _'-�, 5:^:�.�. ' - <''. " — _—_ ' <br /> .N a,� ` � � • . � � - i . (�, .5...�� ,–~ , t \ . ' <br /> �_ •* ,. . � . . . 4 . ' e 1�/���lPi7af.�ic. 4.�. :ti <br /> — _ `.y.• -- 17•�lEdi�YE�l!!�Or A�i���II BOld�O�`_u 8u OF Q�If Q�4�tI.�lpeil�QT BAY�t110C�t�t1�t ,.5� <br /> IS.60I1�0I tI8I19fC![�{Q�;�$� C�II�GIbSY�11�tIUWCt IS&OY�OT RSAS"f8t!@(I @11A�SQ11Y1virrr is i�ut a�pe�s► . : <br /> - — --_��---'�- erea cnasent t�,+�t�.mav - -- - — �.u�Wt1.�at�_"stul�s b3��s�� - <br /> — - t.Haw�rer tI�D 6�I QD1 bClASiCi �J1 I.C�3�P.f(EfClSC 9S, a �'aT�era�Tigw�s e- o-�3•� <br /> - A�f�.4�SBC'�tltyl�il1f'lCilt. •t�,4�D � ; . . � .. , . ' ' . ' � _ <br /> � • ��IIf£7tClC�SC9 f�1S�QIIs����YQ BOT(�WCi QQi�OC O�e00E��tStlOil.�IIdtlOE&ItBtt �i�Ct�DE9 Qf At�' . ';- _: <br /> -- � I2S9�llVl•�Q�S�i th��t�8 110t�CC�S QGIIYCI�OI T118118f1 WIl�l111 W11FC11 HOlTO��ll15t��6'61II1S 5�lDt��fjl�S �: — <br />- _- Soauicy Insuu�nt.If�nowes faiia to psy the�sums prbr to the eapuadon af ti�is pesso�E,l.ender mayr isivbke a�y�iea ` .• <br /> -- — . � �emdttod 6y tLis Secvri Lnsnuipeat witDout,fua�er notlee or dc�maad on Bot�wer.. �� � � . ' <br />--_ - -18...Hormw�s�i�ht_to:�d�tate, if Banawe� m�ts ce�siu cos�fitfons. Borrower sbatl�have tlte�sgtit to hav� --- -- <br />�;,; eufomement of d�3s Secunry I�suuatent�o�d.ei euy"t�ue prinr to the�er o� Ia)S days(oi suc�oti�Qertad aq � ' . <br /> - - - - __ ----- ----- -_- ' lavv ma . ' fQr3elnstat�!►t�_hef�a�ale of_the.FtoFett�c_Pti�st�nt_to a�►�wer.of�ie cbLtained�,in t�fs . __ _ _ ._ ---_------ <br /> . eA�t� Y ��- - � <br /> :4 5�vritY Instnm�ut�.or{D)c�nt�r vf a j�d$�eat ea�fordng this rSewri�,��� ��aooelerabianlrad wa�aic�ed�(b , <br /> l.eadet all s�s wlnsh then would be due ttffier this Se+croaity . <br /> c�ues any defaWt pf asry other oovenants or agceemausi�C�P��exPt`OSCS 111C'RitBO lII f�QiC111g tL}S S{%�lMSf�Shfimant, . -- <br />=�:-- Inctuding,but not Umita�to.teasonabie attorneys'fees;and(d)tak�s snsh actioa as Let�der may reasonably�reQuine to assu�e �� _ - <br /> - that the tiea of this Secauity Iastn�ent,iadd�r's righ�in the Property aad�8otrawea's obligation to pay the sums seamod by�� . <br /> this Seauity Inst�umeat sAa11 oo�inue und�an8od. Upon rein�tatemenT�.by Ban�wa, this Secnrity Insaurt�nt aad the - ' • <br />-. ohligadaas secured herebyrshail iemain fulIy effediva as if uo maoeiecauo��ad acrur�ed.Iiawev�,this right w reinstate s�a1�- : <br />- not appiy in tha c�of aoceIeration nnder paragraph 17. � - <br /> - .19 Sale oY-Note;-C4aog�o!Loan Servioer.The Note or.a p�tial i�:ia the Nate{wg�her wit�this Seiv�ity • . <br /> - fnsuument)may be sold oae o:more times without prios notibe to Eam�ver.A'saie t�xf r�iit�n a cAange m ttie eatityi(lmuwu. . <br /> - ., ag the•Loan Servioer°)timi colleds moruhlY t�Y�dne uadertir�I+F�e a�d t�is Sewrit�►��m.There atao may�re olse <br /> ;:-„-k:..,_. or more c6anges of the Laan Servioer tt�la�d to a sale af the Note.i�'t�ere is a d�ange Qf tS��o��5ervioer,Bonvwer tvt1l be <br /> �- �.- �' give�writtea natice of tbe cbange iu savc�aace witl�parag�aph i4 above and agpiis�btedaw.'1'[ie'iioace will state the aame aad — <br /> • � t parag a <br /> ��=' �� address of the new Loazt Serric�aad dre sddress to a+tuch payments should be�de.'I�e notiae a+ill also aontain any►uther <br /> . �y, -_.+,`.:;.. . <br /> ,� '' �� �':�'• infor�ation reqoired by apgLicsble law. . <br /> �:;:..'�„�,`:.°�.�'°` 28. Hsiardons SuDstanccs.Borrower s�a!! na�wuse vr pennit the pmeace, uss,dispasa� storage..or retease of any . _ __ _ <br /> , , �; ..�....,. - <br /> '��..:.r <br /> -- <-. ,..., ' -' Hxrardous Su6stances on or in the PrvpeEty. Borrower shall noc do, nor aliow enyoae else to do, anything�ng die <br /> �.,����:•�^.;_' Precedin� P Y P�,,use.or <br /> t,_..�::,;, Property that is in violatioa of any F�virnnmeatal taw.7'he two sentenoes s4all not f w the <br />= ' �°::°t.'....��%�.�':a. sto Qu3n Pa gPP�P <br /> ..,, rage on the Prop�ty of sma21 dties of Hardnious Substaaoes that are eneeally reeo ' to be riate w nnrmal <br />� :.•;° °_.? �: � � residennal uses and to maintenanae of the Praperty. _ � <br /> t' � Bomnwer shal!prompUy give l�euder wntten aocice of any investigatioa,claim,demawd; lawsuit or other actian bp any <br /> �-� , :..J;..• governmental or negWatory a,gemcy or private party urvolving the PropeKy aud any Hazardaus Substance or Envimnmenta!Law — <br /> •�,•�°%��'-`: � ``°,� of which Borrower Las actual imowledge.If Borrower leazns.or is noiified by anyr governmeatal or regWatory authority.tAat <br /> � �' �"�' any removal or ottter remediation of any Haz�andous Substance affecting the Pmperry is n�T Bprmwer shall promptly take _ <br /> - I � � all necessary ceraedia)actions in a000rdance with Environmental law. . . <br /> `,. ..�. ,- F` As osed in thla parag�ph 20, "Hazandous Sabstances"are those substances d�e!'a�tod as coxic or 6azardous su6staaces by � - <br />_ `',§r•„�:,�;.�� � -� �nvironmentat law aad�e.�ollowing substances: gasoline. kerosene. other•E�able or toaic petrol�tm Qroducts. toxic •: -- <br /> . ��a� <br /> ,�_���,� , ..;.�. Qesticides arsd 6etblcides:i�aGle solvents.materials a¢uiaining asbestos or formatitehyde.and tadioachve matenats.As used it�.. ' :_ �� <br /> .in,,. .;�� �: ;..�_ tlris paragagb Z0. °Envimnmental Law" means federaE�aws and fa�s of the jurisdicdon wheie ttie Froperty is ia�itr� <br /> n _ relate to h�alcG;safety or environmental protection. � - <br /> U?..� : ` NON-[TNIFOAM Ct3VENANTS.Borrower and��T further covenanl and agree as follows: r __ <br /> _ v,;x�-' .:�-�= � .`:`:.;.' 21.Aoceteratbon;R�aedtes.Lender shall give'�vo�ee to Borrower prEor to uoceteratton foQowiag Barrowe�'s DreaeD __ <br /> �5�.,���:��; .. a.: Y? unle� <br /> A�.r:�:,_,_� , of any covenant or.agreement in this Securtty Fr,s�a��t (6ut not prIor to ac�oelesatton wtder parag�'apb " _ <br /> 41� - • .: - aPPl�cabie Iaw pmWdes otherwtse).The not�ce shal�.�ecify: (a1 the ddaWtc N) the actton reqnired to cam dte ddaWt; - --=�-=- - - <br /> (c)a date,aot less ttuia 30 days i'rom the date the�tfce Ls gtveu to Barrower,Dy whicd the defauIt mnst he cured;and '?`;�`'.,f-� <br /> '!�,` , , ,, <br /> ;�t� (d)that faiturE to cure the defaWt on or 6efore the date specitied in the notFoe me,y resWt in aeceterallon of the sums ... a��_ <br /> � : ;ti, � secured by t6is Secwrity Instnuneat aad sate of tlse I'mperty.TDe aotice sl�l`urther infona Borrower of the right to -- <br /> ;, ,:�;;,,. .; . " � re[nstate atter acceteratiaa and the right to britrs a rourt adlon to assert tlte.non-existence of a defaWt os any other ^F; ' �?- <br /> '�'-� ' defease of Bornnwer�t�a�eration aud sate. It tE�e dePault is not cured on or 6efum the date spectfled tn tde nottoe, .s;.•, = �x-� <br /> ^ >�'i���. ' , ' I.ender,at tts opttoa,caaa require immediate pati�reQi in full ot all snms serured by tdls Security Iastroment witdont ��_ <br /> ='� furthec d,�scaad.aud may imoke the power of sa�au�any otQt¢�rem e d Ies perm itt e d by s,��Uca 6 le l aw. L e n der s l m fl i�e = '� , �-:�=:a <br />-� �� " � � entttted tm c�tfect a11 eacpe�es incurre�3a pursuit�t�e remedics provided in this paragragls�t,tucluding,Aut not ttusit�d ' x y�"= <br /> � ' t ,�. . to.r�easos�al'�te�u�aets 6�es and costs of dtte evnd�ace. :[�. .�;: r,�'�.r <br /> , r�` _ <br /> :;��.:. !: • •If the �o iver aE sa'�e is invoked,Trustee sfiaalF�ecord a notice of default in each county in whfdc�e art of f6e {� °�r = <br /> � : �trogerty is locat¢�aac!siaall mail rnptes of sucb�r,�icc in the manner prescribed by appltcabte la�v to�irower and to - ��`:� <br /> � ��� � �' '� �� the other peisons prescr+�ed by appltcable la�v.A1�ter the time oequired by appltca6te law.Teustee sdall give pubHe no8ce •� " . ' ""'-�' <br /> _ ..�f�' .,i .. <br /> I � � � ' of sale to t6e persons and in the mannrr presccIbed by applicabie la�v.Trustee, �vithout demand on Borrmver,shall setl ��' �' .��e.�.:��. <br /> _ L ,'���.,`.� :....; �` �,.:�'�;."� . <br /> <. `i• � � t6e Property at publtc auction to the highest biddcc at the time and place and under the terms destgnated tn the notice of {�.• , <br /> � sale in orte or more par�ds and in any order Tnistee determin�.Trus�tee ma}postpone sale of all or any parcel of the ..�{ <br /> : 7'. '. Property by publtc a�noun�..ment at the time aad place of an�previausiy s�eduled sete.Lender or��s destgnee may �;,; ;.- - �� . „ _ <br /> �. � ' � pue+chase the Pragerty at a�o}�sale. ;��. . <br /> i: <br /> i; , • . , . : ` , . <br /> f <br /> '�f ' Fcerr+3DZ8 9l40 � <br /> i 't: � <br /> '" Pago B o'B . <br /> j.:. . , <br /> �� . . � i �. ` - <br /> �{S- . - . _�-,,."'... ......-� . ._ ..._......._. , __."-^ --'---°' . ....." . _..-.--,-�,_ '�.� . <br /> r v ...-�,�,--.�-t..---.-..T----- -.-�iF: <br /> , • , - � - • . . ,.. <br /> �„ ���. � ._ . , . <br /> ��, ' , , , , . ' . ' ', • . � _ - <br /> �. .,�`, • ' • . • ,, <br /> t �� ' .� , . ' ' ' . <br /> i . <br /> �� .. _ ' . . ' , ' . <br /> . � .. ... ,` , , . <br /> r�: ` � • . , • ` . , . „ ^ ' ' ,. ' <br /> : � . <br /> 4's , , . <br /> '- -'- ---- --__ _._ _.___.__.__.___ <br /> �- --- --- -�- <br /> —�-- ••--°---- --- �—_'-_-"_'-_''- <br /> � _ _ _ - - ° - --• " --- —_�__��_.-_�_..— ---- --- --='__.— <br /> � �� k , ' • ' . ' '-�'". � ' . <br /> i t: <br /> � . • �' . . " u ' . <br /> ; <br /> , ,,, . . .. � <br /> � � •. <br /> ; � . , � <br /> . .. _ . . <br /> t . � , � � <br /> � . , . • _ _ _ - - - --- . _ _-- <br /> . _._ ... _-- - <br /> . <br />