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<br /> � ��l' � � ,
<br /> - D"-'°-"�--�i IY'd 8��-��f�$ $8ffi�iIICttidBf�'$(11��G.Teim!'�7fiesrtf�w��:i+VlsgQ[I� A__!���:��5�L���-' '�-� ,_
<br /> � 'flaads or ftodSing,€or aa+tich LeudPr i+eqa��insnranoe.'Ih1s�5��sl�alt 6a Qnaiutai�ed in thb amau�aa�d far�t�ptttods � �,�.
<br /> ' . � �that E.effi!e�requirY�s.'l�e insutance aaisier pmv�d�g tit�tnsu�aaoB s1�sll�be chosen Dy BOhawer subj�q ta G�der g�ova� � .
<br /> whic�s&ai�not be unsrasona6ly wiiT�eld.If Boti+on�ts fails to q�aii►tAin aQVr.�age d�bod eLove.L�er�y.et ��'
<br /> Optlon.cb�in wverage oo pmtect I.�dra's rights in the Ptape7ty in acaot�a$a�pvith para�apb 9: ,_ � ,. � : .; .
<br /> -- . All'ras�ua�e'polictes attd�ewals s�ait 6��ocepLsble W�der�d r�t iaclude�stactidAtd u�rtg�c�sase.�.e�dQ',,:
<br /> at
<br /> � t ta hold the pollaes ai�!rranewa�s.If I.eader�quires►Bomnwor shall ptaaoptly�ive to i,ender a t l neoeipts o f�-
<br /> .�shall da�re the:slgh. �
<br /> -- -____ - paid premituris aad n�ewal uotioes.In�e cve,nf bf Ioss.�omm'�t�hel?��va grompt uottce to tha i�sutt�s�rttes 8s�Lender. .
<br /> � __
<br /> __ ____._
<br />— — -'-�-----=---" - =-_:-------=---=-=-� -
<br />�----._ ���� _.
<br /> ___�_----_---• - of Lassifuot y. : ---- --- -
<br /> ��..,� � . Untc�L�der and Bonower ot�era�ise a�ree in wrlting.im�ennce Qmoeeds shall be applled w resiutatiau or n�aif of ttte
<br />�-=��--°��°-= p�roDertY d�aa�ad.if t6°tesWration or�air is eoonaaticallS'feasi6ls mffi Lender's�nty is not tesser�ed.If�the a�cstoration ar — --_
<br /> cepair is not ea4aomicaUy f�'b!e os Le�der's seamtY'•arm�id 62�eaed.the iasaraa9e pt+ooeeds sball 6e agplied to the suuzs
<br /> --- - - seamod-by tfis Sewr�ty In�ns,whet�er or aat t�dtse.wit�any ex�oecs Pa�d to $osmwer._If Bormwer ab�udo�tt�e �
<br /> — - piopecty.Pr dces aot ansata arittia 3tt daya a notioe�m Lznder�tbai the insarauce c�ler Las offued ta seui�a r,[aim,thm
<br />—--=_�� I.ender ma,Y aol[ect t�e insuraaoe pioceesis. Leoder�ase the pcoceeds w.t�air or �staie t�e Property or to�ay sa�s
<br /> —�_�_ ,
<br /> —�..t���s
<br /> __ r:- � ' . ... .._. ��or�i thea The 30�day petiod wiil begin when tFse noiioe is gtvea.
<br /> �.-�'�'� . . s�b�!._.'_.S�atS+Ins�v��, . . .. . .. . ...�• ._ ..
<br /> ------.- � � � -l�atio�bf no�eods ca� ' ' al.shm11:aot e.xteua o� .
<br /> _�;� _ ,_ . Ualc�s i.�der and Borrower othetwise sgree m�wri6ng,anY ePP t� P�aP
<br />—:;J;��� _ postpor�the dne date of the muntlily p��ems teferred.to in psragcaphs 1 and 2 orc3�ange the amount of 11� p�-�
<br /> :��;;;:�=��"� - ' under parag�h 21 the Prnperty is asquired bp L�,Bomower's rIgi�t m a�r insu[aaoc poli�and prooeed�t�Itiug fiom
<br /> °`-`A��.�-�p'�, . damage to the i�toperty paor to tbe acquisidon shall gass ta Leuder to tne exte�of the suans sect�d bY tLis Sea�citY Jnsuumeat
<br /> � -- C:.4}..}i` _. •
<br /> - �•''`�.�•. "�;°•°. immediately prior w the soquiSYdon
<br /> � ' ,,-�.---;-�, 6.Qa�,Pt�ervafiva,D�fi�suoe and Ptntectton nf t�¢Pnop�ty;Borm�+re�a Loan ApplIcatton;Leasehotdv. --- _
<br /> - --. . . . . - Bmrower sball oocapy.estaDlid�.aad use the propeKy as Borrower's priacipal i�sidence wittun sixh►daYs a8er the eaewtion of
<br /> "��.L..,:..•'_': `�T'..•�_
<br /> '`�� .:,. this 5ec�uity Iast�ument aud shalf co�ue to oaaipy We P�operty as Borrower's prtmcigal re.sidensc fo:et tc�§t one year a�er
<br /> ,.:. .
<br /> . ",:`.;; the date of oocapancy,unless I�eader a�wise agrees in writiag,wbich aonseQt sE�all not be unreasoaably c�held, or unIess
<br /> � eateanating circumstaaces exist which ase beyond Barmwer's canuvl. Bomuwer s6aq aot d�ny. dsas48e or iaq�aic ttte
<br /> i. � ; . ., .'1:. Ptoparty allow t6e Pmpezty to deterfotase,or oo�wnit waste on tGe Propetty. Bortower st�al!6e in-defaWt ff any forPeic��re
<br /> _ � aaioa ar prooeeding,whether civit or criminal,is begun that in I.effier's gaod faith judgment ooWd resnit in forfeitnre o��
<br /> � , Pru�aty or othecwise materialty impair the lien created by this Securiry Iasuume�or Lender's seauity interest.Horrawer may.
<br /> - a . . n. cuna such�a a�c��a��r�.�p��a�a�F�b ie.by ca�sing the acaon or praoeeding to�dismissod witl�a niling =
<br />� �t;-:�'' .-'i?,�;{�.��::: tLat,•in�Lmxtelt's gaod faith detemunation, prectndes fatfeiture of t�Bomower's interest ia 1�e Pcoperty or other ma�ial
<br /> --•,�.�L`,! :��. ��meat•�of�the lien cr�ated by tlus Security Ir�sttum�nt or Lender's seatrity interest.�sb�aU'also 6e in defautt if`
<br /> �.��'�:';1,:x�;;n r- � ....
<br /> . .���� Borroaer;dWiag t6e toan application process.gave materially false or inaoauate informaatio��ar.�m�ta to I,ender(or fa�ed
<br /> .,4',.:;:'�•:;f a:�.�.r:- . . .
<br /> `'h`;',. `_�, �;: �,.� m provide L�ixter with aQ�-arateria!infomiation)in oancsection with the loan evt�sced by the�irTote,incl►�isi�,:but not Timited �
<br /> ,�;,,s,<_;� �:,,t;::,..... , �?r+"'`-=-
<br /> ' �;�:_: : .���: to.ceptese�nieiians ca�s�g.Borrower s oocupancy of the Property as a priac�z�sidence.If this Secur�r T.nsuument is oa a �-
<br /> ' et
<br /> �. . �^'��r' : leasehatd, ��.s�:bomply with all the pravisions of the�iease. 1f�awer acquires•fee title to �te Pcoperty,�� "1,,,�_�
<br /> � ' _, °��;��;� � t e a s e h n t d f u►d t h e f e e t�f e s b a i l n o t m e r g e n n l e s s I.e n d e r a g�e e s to thc a�°.�a g e ccr��ritin g. . `'�r g�., ,�
<br /> g�
<br /> � . .-` ` -��'' 7.Prote�tam iof�'s Rights ia the Pro If Borrower fails to er�'c��n the coveaams and a ts oont�at�ua ' '�`<, �
<br /> g�iy. P S�� c.,:.' :.r,.,
<br /> : this Secttricy InscnTm�;t,astherc is a legal proceeding that may signi&cendy�i.`eu�I.eader's�ights in the Propercy(such�as a �'�i.::=.., -�;•�-
<br /> - !� . . . . proceetling in bunl:tuptcy.�crabatc.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce��s or mgnlations). ttten Lender may do aad �,':�',;<;-.i� -���'
<br /> � �`, � �
<br /> - � ' • , pay for whatever is�necessary to pmte�t the vat�of the Pra rty and Lender's ri ts ia the Pro I.ender s actions may t���: :.=;-��f;,�;�
<br /> Pe P� P�3�• �•, _
<br /> •�,..� ;f_rirv;�. -
<br /> include paying anp�'sams secur'ed b� a lien which has priority over this Security Insuument. appearing in court, paying • _,.�,.,,;�3.�;%�--
<br /> ��� , - reasonable atrore�ays�fees and enterir�va the Properiy to matce repairs. Although l.ender may take action under this paragraph ...�:; ;' �;�tj�;;;r;�_
<br /> �s.,�!.. • ' 7.Lender does not huve tm do so. 1 . `' ,'' --
<br /> " ` An amounta-dIsbnc�sed b Ler�d.c under this h 7 shall bea�me a�ditional debt of Botrow��r secured by this "=•� -
<br /> y.:.���,•'. Y Y P�S�P .�, . =:
<br /> : ' �' � •<� ' Security Instrument��Onless Borrower ar�3 Lender agree to vther terms of ps�-cr►�t these amounts shall bear iMerest from the �`� ' � � :
<br /> �i� . .". ;
<br /> ,; �. . �;:`s �� date of disbursesaont at tEFe Note rate and shall be payable. with iare.est.upoz r:o:ise f�Rn i�,ender to Borrower requ�esting
<br /> 1• PaYment. '�'.. .- -1�. .f , -
<br /> '��' 8.Mortgage.i��ace.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a madiac�a�E c�ak6r�g tfte loan secured by this Secur�ty S� ' •�
<br /> `g a.�
<br /> '����''``' ' Instrument. Bore•awer sFait pay the premiums requirod to maintain the mortga�.a;suraace in effect. If. for any reason. the '
<br /> , + ,� . • •.., . :
<br /> �� �� mortgage insuranos rnve�age required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Bonower shall pay the preMums requirod to �� :�,;.._:,;.;: ` �
<br /> � 4 � �' � obtain coverago substandaliy equivatent to the mortgage insurance previous{y in effect,at a cast substantially equivalert to the ' ��`'�' � '
<br /> •t 7 ?t•,�,�:�:�
<br /> cost to Bnrrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an altemate mortgago insurer approved by L.ender. If �'��`��'=��� �
<br /> -: ��: �,'�`'�t;'`:'.;
<br /> , ; substantially equi��lent rt�ortgage insurance rnver�ge is not av�itable.Bonower sh�ll pay ta Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> ' � one-twelfth of chn.yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coveroge lapsed or c�ased to ; .`�;�'. �
<br /> {... ' •..
<br /> ;.� be in effect.lender will accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurunce. Loss reserve � .
<br /> FoTm 3aZt� �1�7 ' -,�,
<br /> '• r.`ti.
<br /> 1� . Pago 3 0►6 �� '
<br /> ? • .�• ''c� -
<br /> i4 ` � •
<br /> �r�, � . • . . . �C-�°�"'_..._.. _. -_•_"- -- . . .....__..�_ ..- - -�------.._._.._._�. _ :r----�-------.�....-_�•.-•_. __,,,�••----•—_._..._�' .
<br /> ��`� if� .. ' - .�,� o " . � .
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