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<br />�_ ;Cr�C-�4' .4':. . . , - . � . .c\' n „ - C . . .. .
<br /> ' - � ' . \'o . . .. , tl..
<br /> --��n�'_' :��� ' • '�'[. � � _ . . . . . .
<br /> . �� ` C , � 1' . ,. . �,������ - � ` � �
<br /> . .. . �. 7 `v 6.
<br /> � -_`��-'--"_��_�. . . - "
<br /> ,`��filIIt T.C11tjffi I�AQII .�{�10 jti$i11Rit��11'�'�`�OV� I��i�1D$GS��OY10pfC13II�JOC4�D r.EQ�Et'8 . _
<br /> ��
<br /> . �i at wliiicb shaU aps�bo►�a�saa�aDly withhaE�. If 8asraw�r�ro ma�min cavei�gc:dascribeil a�wv�,�may,at "" �
<br /> 0
<br /> .I�er� �D�oav�to prascct Lt�dcr��iatha�in aocof�4an�wit8pa:agreg8 T:� . �. ° -� , - .
<br /> � A1T�oa pa�ea an �enenns�ah�li Ua a��c ro end shaU inctude a se�d3�martg�ge slaus�.°La�6er�
<br /> — ' i � stmit have thc cigtftto holddis0 gOlic�es ant�renawals.If Lendsr�� '-'�a�ureraLall ptompt�y g�ve w I�endar e�reoe�. : � - - -
<br /> � u€p a i d.p�i u m s a a t l r c a c w t il n a 8 s x s. I n t h s d v m t o F lo s s�Barrowct sha1S g iv,a p i o m pt uo�ioe go the insuraa►oe cariis�'Ja�td .
<br /> �. e Leader.Leanderr,�ay make proofof Ias�If nat madePromptlY�Y��'� . � • .° .
<br />----- U�ess Lender au��areower otieenvlse�gree in wrltsng,insutanoe pmceeds shall b�ap�liedto�on or • cg, �
<br />_� gre , . � .
<br /> -- .�=;;---- -- -ttt� t2rs r�staiatiun or.�r ia e�aomts�Uy feastble aQd Lendei�secu�ty is not te�eaed. If rha: . . ...
<br /> Ptagatg,dAnnag�d;_�f.-- -- -- . . .
<br /> _ .-------
<br />- � msroratton as repsir�s.nQt+ecanam�cnlly fensibla oi Lend�a�sec�uiry woutd he fessene��eins�ce proceeds s7ia1f1Te-----, - - - - -
<br /> agplie�d m tt�e sums seaual by t6is 3xutity Inswmen�ar�ether or not thm due.witt►asiy excess paid to�m►vwe�: tf • .
<br />--'-' Bnaower abaadnas tti�'Ft�nperty�ar does aos answer witLin 30 dnys a aotioe frum Leader thar the insucanse cacrier ltas . •
<br /> --.. off'e�ed to settte a ct2nm,d►ra�I�der may coUect tLe insurnnce pra�eeds, Lender may use th�proeeeds tb cepair or�rstosa .
<br /> - - � the Prapa4Y ar co p�y.sums sepmeQ by dds Security Iasuumenr.whether ar aot thea du�. 'Ihe 3U-day geriad w�l8egia when '
<br /> �,.-_-- thenotic:eis givm � � '
<br /> � Unless Lettd�_and Bomu�ver mhaadse ag�e in writing.ar►y applicatioa�f pmc�eed�to pmtcipal shall not e�tteatl or
<br />= postpoa�the due date of tt�e mantWy paymea�ts refened to in patag�pl�s 1 and 2 or citange the amouat of tfle gaymeats. ff . '
<br /> _ uuder paragtag��21 ttt$Prape�is aoquued by L�mder.Bomowerg right.m sny,ins�u�ance policies aad.p:oceeds.resultiag :.. �
<br /> o shall ass to[xnder to the extent of the sums sec�ued S . .
<br />- to uisitI n
<br /> m to the or the aY �
<br /> -� � �� �A�Y F� �1 P .. ..
<br /> = Tnstmment i�iately prtor ta t6e acc� don. � ��~ �:.r : • .
<br />_ 6� Oavpaacy;.Preserv�tton, Mdintenaace aa� protection of the PropQrty; Borrower�lC���AypBca4tonp '::,.;- -
<br /> ieeasQRalds. A4ftpw+er shall oocupy.establLsb.and nse due Property as Horrnwer*s principal tesideace w�:�►days at� . ,��;;,,;.,::.
<br />- `x 9" ,'.h, ' t@e exec�r�s;ofthis Secwity tnsm�ment and sLall oontirrue m oa�py the Property a4 Boirowes��riacipa�t i�ence fua,�;;;'::�����;'-ti`:(
<br /> _ ��- s`� teast.eat;°.� alt��the dete of aecupancy. unless Leader otherwiss a�eees in w�itiag, whicA consent shall not�'��- >.'.;.;__;;,,'.�
<br /> _ `�� � um�a�y with4etd,or unfess e�ctenuating ci�nsoances exist which ana 6eyand Bamnwa�oonuvl. Batmwer sha�ixa�;':'�;:�<;:°:.°.�.z:
<br />_ ' ���amage ar.impair the Pmpetty�allow the Aroperty to deteriorate,or cormnit waste on tha Property..8orrower s�=��°=��:�:�;:
<br /> �''L'�--
<br /> , 6�ia c��utt if any forfeitiu�e action or pmce�dmg.whether civil or crIminal,is begun that in LenderIs go�faith jndgiaeat �``. ,`
<br />_ .`�:,•`,:� , ooui�r�utt in forfeiture of the Ftoperty or otherwise mater3ally lmpair We lien crEated by tfiis Seau�tp`Iasaument,or �:� ;
<br /> .� a ` t;eadEC��auriry interest. Bo�ruwer may cure such a defaul::ad neiastate,as pmvided in paragcapb 18,by causing dne action
<br /> d
<br /> -'` ;;�;,�.�Y�` .':i".�, ar pioeeeaing to ba dis�nissed with a niling that,in Leaderk good faitb determination,precludes for�eitvne of the Borrower's �
<br /> ^..fl;;,.�'�;;�,,���. � interesE in the proparty or other matetial impaira�ent of the tiep cneated by this Secunty lasfr�ment or Leader�s sec�uity
<br /> - .;t�::'�°` ! ��.,��':�',:yJ. interest. Bomo�ver shaA also be in defaWt if Bormwer.dwing the loan applIca7on pracess, gave materially false or
<br /> �:✓o.
<br /> .;�:=:°•%��rl �::-:-s;��::.'t:`.r �t18CCt1T8tB IIlf07f1121lQII Ot St8tC1I1E711S tQ IRAdCf(O!f81ICA t0 pIOVIQC I.COdCf WW!STljl t[lSt2AAI liIf0171181tOD)iD CON1Cdi0A W1U1
<br /> ��''�v�k� the toa�e�+idenced by the Note.including. but aot Umited to,t+epresentations mnceming Bomower�s v�aacy of tIIe --_
<br /> •.�,:�-��,:..; - � � ;
<br /> _ - ' , `�,/������a Pmpe�y�s a princlpal residence. If this Security Inswment is on a leaschold,Bomnwer s6a11 comply with ai!the provisie�s_ � -
<br /> 0.} .. !\�2F�"t'�`t4`�.Y�.,. G � '.
<br /> �� >���••, of t�e t�. ff Bwmwer acquires fee tide to the�iroperty,the leasehotd and the fee titte shall aos mer�e unie�s Leader a�:
<br /> -� ; s ..t �tr'��,;;; to the�r in writing. : � .
<br /> yE�' `�y ; -:'" ,�f '�+.,+ ?. �rotecHon of I.ender's Itigdts ia the Property. If Bomower fa�7s to perform the covenaats r�r,�agr�ta�'s:•� `. ,_ _--
<br /> 4'�, '� a`'" *' �` N,.^.:i cuntain9d ia this Spewity Instrument,or theie is a Iegal pmoeEding that may significantly affect Leu�r`;s�is cm ct�� ' -
<br /> 4 lr.;� 1��..; . . ':_..
<br /> t�.,.�S�;t t j', s,�•�;; .
<br /> r +� ,���,.��, � 'pcopecry{�ch as a�rnceeding in bankNpicy.pmbate.for oondemnadon or forfeiture or to enfarce laws or�ansy.�a .
<br /> `:��;.��;'}�`���w;?;~ l.ender msy do and pay for whatever is necessa:y to protect the value of the Ptoperty and i.�der�s rigDts in tbe Pmpenagr: �
<br /> ,,rt�ipa. ',rt-�.i��•� ::. �
<br /> �„,b�..,, ;�,„�t„ Lendetk actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument,appeaimg
<br />_ �� M ���'x'`•�;:> ;n court.paying reasonab2e attomeys'fees and entering on 1he Property to make repairs.AIdtougd Lender may take actioa
<br />- h,L.jy t- �'�• �. . - 'r:
<br />- ��:��`�••��'•�:.'• .°.`� under this paragtaph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. �-`
<br /> ��}���,••.-.�-•-�.��;,:,,•,,. —
<br /> S ...._,,, ._• _ • ,,;��,. , Any amounu Aisbutsed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shaA become addirionai debt of Bomnwer secured 6y thLs -_ _
<br /> _ r � � � . Securiry Inswmen�. Unless Borro�ver and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shaq brar interest ftom the _
<br /> _. ' , e�t- date of d�sbursement at the Note rate and shall be payabto,with interest.upon nodce from l.cader to Borrower tequesting Y::
<br /> � ..r,f{_.:�. ,:
<br /> • � � ; f�'',t;; paymenr. � '"�-
<br /> y ....... . ..:.:+,�., .. . . 8 1Mortgage Iativrancr. If Lender rtquired mortgage insurance as a condiuon of making the loan secured Isy di*s ; . „_,3
<br /> ��T�;�r> :�'� � '� Security insyrum�ent, Sorrawet shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in eE�'�c¢: If.for d:.y ..� �r�-,�
<br /> i'3�.�`...`.. ... . , , .. 8 8 �8 �l Y P ga e ;.�.�`.^;:n,
<br /> ����,�wn..`= . tcason. the mart a � insurance cove e uired b l.ender la ses or ceases to be in effect, Bcs�oB•e� sL�a1} y trs.. - _
<br /> ,.���:.... . premiums required to obiain coverago substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance greviously irc et�'�.zt a o�t
<br /> � . su6stam��Ely equivatent to tha cost to Borrower of the mongage insurance previously in effec�,from an atterrnat:�a�tg-�: •� __ -
<br /> .�;� ���',. „ _ • insuier�oved by Lender. If substantially equivalet►t mortgage insurance coverage is not available,Borrower sha;ipa,q -;�ir;�„k��_�
<br /> ' Lender ezsh month a sum equal to one•twelfth of the yearly mortgago inswance premium being paid by Borrower wl'r2cn d� . ..•�.1;`====---
<br />`,, �s `'�".°`'� ."� ` insurance coverage lapsed or ceased ta be in ef�ect. Lender wi11 accept.use and retain these payments as a toss reserve ic�Dieu �'��'i�;:-----
<br /> ��z:'�: �i�" of mongage insurarx�o. Loss reserve paymenu may no longer be required.at the option of Lender.if mcsce��„e ias¢ra.�ce "� '''��-�'�_-
<br /> rar o
<br /> � .,�.;c:-�. -
<br /> �; ° =` � '•,,, ; � coverage(i�the amvunt and for the period that l.ender requires)pmvided by an insurer approved by Lend�s�ai►7 b�omas '``��������at�,; .` � �'.
<br /> ;:';.;';,. : �•;:i,��;:'�: avaitabt�:a�d is obtained.Borrotiver shall the remiums uired to maintain mort a e insurance in effect.�r to zi�3 '�°;�'��'�L � ��
<br /> �.•-..,: . .''�ih�Ya . PaY P re9 8 S , � �: � ��;i:��t::.:�''`.�-":
<br /> 1 i. •..�,•,ti,{ .., loss resea��until th�reyuirement for mortgage insurssnce ends in accordance with any wntten agreement herween Borm�xr : �
<br /> t ° `.;•.•��,,,
<br /> • :�c�in V`".'�`.{•.t',. � 8ild�.C[IQQf Of ��Ca'16�8�8\Y. � � '
<br /> F, ats<.lat.. .. �� .. . ,"' .�:,:,'.
<br /> .;i;`-:h�:°:•-'-,'-. ' • 9. Insp�ction. l.endar or its agent mny make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Propea.ry: Lender shall •�� � ... .
<br /> '�}�''-��' `:,,��"�": �°" � give Borrower notioe at the time of or prior ta an inspection specifying r�easonable cause for the inspection. � � •�,'' �
<br /> �:�`�"�' � '.�i4�;N,� 10 CondemnsUon. 'R�s proceeds of siny nward or claim for damages,direct or consequendal,in con�:ection with any �,•;;...� ; .
<br /> , ; :,���}.,a,,. ° •.'•
<br /> � a�'�s•'_.,..
<br /> `:. ::�,:�?�}`,;; Sin3k�mity-•Paaekl�taef�'reddirMacWIFOR!111NSTRUHENT••UniformGr:c:�.ts 9140 (page3ofbp�r�t1 ,� , ,����.�`' ,
<br /> . .. .,����5�,� • ''.�}'..'':'?� .'��
<br /> y... � . . , _.. G�at Uil'rs�?tTtdt�� , � •_.�•,'`,;' �
<br /> �`t .. ToO�RerCr�iSOIIv''�'rW:+37FAE8Tb7tif•1131 . .
<br /> ; �'•`'•"
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