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<br /> =�lA�av�rt aP a Lot�1 takiug oP th�P�perty.tf�e pmsec�s sha1�6e apP e*:e c�•a�_ __
<br /> . _ 4=�_' . 71��iiT .�'. -' ..�.t��'_..�_�� . —__--__—.—
<br /> �tastrumai��dA�r�no't tl�ea due.wlttt eny e�cess patd t�o Bonower. In the clreat�a pa�t��t tnkln8 of the Property tA
<br /> — _..._ --.--�cfi�s fa'u m�$pt value of tne�koperty immedIateiy Defor�the tu�iag is vqua�co or g��`t���cwnt oY shs sums _ -
<br /> -- s�u�by t�is Seiwiiry I�strument Iminec�atety befan�tIle m k i c i g,u n lg�Borrower n n�l.e n der otheiwise a g m e tn writin g,
<br /> --_ - t�e su�as sec�ued Dy Ws Secutity Insaument shall be�duced dy tfl�nmauut oi the�rnoeeds muttigl�ect�y the foltowing,
<br /> -�i -- - ', fm�tion: (a?the taaet amo�t of tLe sums secured immedtatei EeforaMe ta�tn$.div[ded Dy(ba the falr market vaIue af t�
<br /> -.;:�
<br /> __„ pi,op��tmmediateiy before the mging, qny balcutce s�all paid to Soaower. b the event of a pace�sil t� a€ti�e
<br /> - alcn
<br /> „� _ _ pruperty w�r��e-fnir markei value�tt�e Pt+op�ty imnQediutety fiefore tim tutdug is fs�a tRa�tSte-a�nouut o€ �uns- --- -
<br /> -.`r .secnred immediatQty befoie t1�e taking,unless 8oaaaer aad Lender pt�erar�se agiee in writ�g or unless appiicaDte taw
<br /> . othe�wise proyIdes.the ptacEeds sRall De appffed to tt►e sums secured byv t�is Stiecurlty insttumeni�vhetlter or aot We sums are
<br />=�y; t�en du� `
<br /> If th�pcupeity is abaudoaed by Boiro�er,oa if.after uotice by Leader to i6ormwer t�arthe condemnor offets ro au�,
<br /> -_ � ea awand aar settie a ctaim far damage�,Bomower fails to msgond to Lender witt�n 30 days afte�tee dst�t1�e n�is giyeu.
<br /> T�, Leader is amhorize�f to colIect and apply tde pr�daedg.at its opaoa,eit�es ro cesrorati,on os ee�air of the Rnpe�ty or m t�
<br />_: - sums setured by tbis Securisy inm�mnen�whether or rwt tnm du�.
<br /> =�.�:` • Unless Lend�r and$curower otheiwise ag�ee in writing,a�►ap�licasion of pia'eeds w prin,cipal sHaatl aot exteQd or .
<br />_:� .� �<_�. -._,�
<br />�,� � : pas�one the due date of the momhly payrneats.oefemed to in paragapMt 1 aa�2 orchange�Il�amoua�[tif sut�payments. �
<br /> ca
<br /> i_ �:��� ,; 11. B�rower Not Reiea�ed's ��� �q �dee Piot a VYa�cet: Fi�ctensioa of the time for payme�u or
<br />_�-� .�-.-- .: mudiRcadon of amo�tization of the sums secured Dy this Seciuity Inswment gcanted tiy Lender to aay s�tccessor in inietest
<br />_:" - ^'`�:r.=.,�=;�._� of Borrower sha11 not operate m tclease the liab�it�of the ori g i n a l Boirower or Borrowerls suoa�sors in intetest Lent�r
<br /> _�� ' �- . shaU ac�t be roquired m cammence ptocee�iitigs agunst any suocessor tn inte�est o:cefuse oo eutead time for payment or
<br />= t otherwise mad�r amortimtion of the sums secured Dy this SecUrity Insstument by reason of any demand made by the origutai --
<br /> = � '� - Bmrower or Barroarer's successors ia iatetest. Any farbearance�y l.ender in eaercisiag auy�3.�±r re�ae�iy r,hall not be a � --
<br /> j:•',:'...'�� ��:��``� waiver of or preclude theesercise oF any right or cemedy.
<br /> ,,. 12. Sue�ssors aad A.s�igas Bound;doint and Severa!Llabit�ty;Casignera 'f�e covenants ana agreemenu of thia _
<br /> ' • Security In�metn shai[�and 6enefit the successots end assigns of Lender and Boaawer,sublect w t1m ptovisioas of
<br /> � �t{ ��. patagraph IZ Eom�i��.cvvenants and�egt�eements shat!De joint aad several.My Bomnwer who oo-signs this Security
<br />�:'�� � � � Instrument b��s u�gf.e�me t�e Not�(a)is co-signing Wis Security Insuument only w martgage.Srant and convey that _
<br /> e
<br /> ='-' Boirower*s�.in th�Fto�itY.under the teims of this Secwiry instrumen� (b)is not peisonally obligated to pay the sams
<br /> �`:: . • �enied by tf��ity In3�a�ad tc)agc�aes that L.ender and any ather Boirower may agc�ea w extead,modify.forbeas -
<br /> : _. • ��a�e ang aa�mmudauuns.w�h negaTd to the tertns of this Security Insoiument or the Wote witIwut that Bmmwer�s �
<br />_:c;�� ' . _._ :�seat
<br /> j a;,i ' �l� E�i_�.�.'1aFge9. If�the loan�by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a taw whicb sets maximum loan .
<br /> �=:'��. ' �° : ehuges.art�ldx��aw is finally interpnetedsn fir�t the interest or other[Qan charges collected or to 6e ooIIected in connectian:
<br /> r�
<br />_;'`�'`� . �. . . 'wa.a� the loan e�ed the pemdtuY!limits.tTa�: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the mtmunc aecessacy to redttoe.
<br /> ?`<<: •,;;<: tft��:�arge to tlte pem�itted limi�and(D)any sums alce�dy collected from Horrower which exceeded pem�itted luruts will be
<br /> ;;��:' �•' r,�m�to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this iefr�id by mducing the psincipal owed undet the Note or by ma�iag a ---
<br /> ��j,;` ." - � � efrirst���"�to Borrower. If a refund ieduces princiF'.�,the reduction will be ore�sed as 3 partia!BmpaYmettt withoui any =_-_--
<br />='-t•'� � e under the Note.
<br />- .:. !: : . P�Ymer.�c�~'*tt -
<br />_ •• 14. l�ati�. My notice to Bonower provided for in this Security lnstrument:s5all be given by delivering it or by : _
<br /> ��!`t � maiGng it bp�class mail unless applicable taw ceyuires use of another method.The uodce sha116e dir�cted to the Properly � -
<br /> ? � Addn�ss or any a�er address 8orrower designates by natice to Lender. Any nodce to Lender shall De given hy firsc class }t
<br /> • . - mzil to Lendet's address st�herein or any other addc�.s Le.�der desigrtates by notice to Borrower. Any notice pmvided for � �_'•:��. .�, '
<br /> . i '���•r -
<br /> . in this Secwity Instniment sftall be deemed to have[se�c given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this •.'r,�`:;`:�_-__ -
<br /> P�-
<br /> .'. ;: ParaBraPA• � =
<br /> '�"�. �; . l5. Governtng 4aw;Severa6illty. 7Ttis Security fnstrument shaQ be govemed by federal law and the law of the •�� � ';:_
<br /> - , jurisdierion in which the Property is loca� L��ihe event that any provision or claase of this Security Instrument or the Note � � �-
<br />�:��1��• .• conflicts witA applicable law.such wnflict shall no�af'fect other provisions of this 5ecuriry lnstrument or ihe i�iate which can c�. � —
<br /> � ''' " ���":� • Be givea effect without the conflicting provision. To this er.d the provisions of this Security I�utrument and the Note are , —T
<br /> .:,• ���• -
<br /> �••`.: •. �� `.' ' declared to be severabte. "
<br /> i::: :.�'��.,, � >:.-�'r3F�---
<br /> lb. Baremwe�s Co y. Borrower shall be �ven one conformed cv of the Note and of this Securit Insuument. 3�`-�f�
<br /> . P g PY Y �;<�•�,;s,,,,��.,
<br /> ' 17. 71raR.�`�fer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Bumtmer. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in . ;• .rt Y =;•
<br /> `'�� �.,� .:,;�;�;,�s it is sold or transferred(or if a benefccial interest in Bortower is sot�or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) ,: ; "�•"'.A,�
<br /> �i;;:` • �•�,.�":��•. without Lender�s prior written consent.Lender m3y.at its option.r�quim immediate payment in full of all sums secumd by •.' ;, *�
<br />_,'';> `•.�'�'''`•�•;i', . this Security Instrument. However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federat 1�-N a4 of -', � -��.r.;:.
<br /> ``;+, ;, . , the date of[his Security Instrument. �' . �•� . : . ..
<br /> ,.:;;Z ; � , . . lf Lender exercisec this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice oF ncceleration. The rtatice shall provide a period of � ,. ��;?,j.':
<br /> ' • not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or m,uled within which Borrower must pay alf sums secured byihis '
<br />=''� '•' � - • Security instrument. If Borrower iaiis to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this periaf.Lender may invoke.any� ,: " '�
<br /> • �: remedies pertnined by this Securlty Instrument without further notice or dernand on Borrower. �: .
<br /> :� a','. .l:
<br /> , ' 18. Borro�ver's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets cenain canditions, BoROwer shall have the right to have � .� ' �� �
<br />_ i�y . � enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to ihe earlier of: (a)5 dayc(oF such othes periad as 'a•
<br /> ;,�.� �.� . '�� Single Famiiy--Fc.�eue�1aelFreddle B1uc�YIFOR!41 I��TRU�tE�3T•-Unifomt Co�ensnb 9/90 lpuge4 ofb pagesl �`
<br /> ,:i.. J 1 . .�� . -
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