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<br /> '� _ - '�4���• . , . . . . .. . '. -.s'ac..e'-'."'�._: _at._ -
<br /> '_�� :� . • . _ ' ' c ' � �`i,� , . .. , y '.�� 't{ ° w°- t- `"o<
<br /> .i�_��.y ' F _ . . . � z . � . - . - a .. ' .Q� .
<br /> ... ._ .. ' _ ` ' , . .. . . J ` • `, . , . ' . . : ' . � �� y��.-a • .
<br /> - — — , • . •• . • . c� ii.
<br /> � � � < < < . � . . . . . .
<br /> . .� '-- , � _.a�.o-. „a -', �
<br /> -- - _ - �- 'Mn�__33LI'�11 atiaAwSmfurutu�Yqa-wJ►�.s t4 ' �-���a..��� -•-� iia��+�vb�—v
<br /> —�----t-= -.r.d ■�o,.i.�.�.:�p�$r,7�'-s -
<br /> ana.f�c�es�+o�harrafloer a pxrt oY tAa propercy►. Aai rPplQCem�ttts`�anna a�dIlcoas ehau ejs¢ee wve�ea t�s sscurtty
<br /> ` tnat�ism�'n� All of ttie�otegoiag ts nfesnd to iadaes Securlty tr�trnment�fs the°Fi�etty." . - ,, -
<br /> ' � ` B�RROW�R COV�tAN'1'S tlLat Bon�wa is ta.wflilty seis�ai the estcta�rehy�comreyed ead�as the right to grant ._ ��,
<br /> � aad coavay she P,t+�aty aIId taat tho Pmpersy ls ua��cua�e�eaccpt for encnmbraaces of s+�oor�. Borirower wsaants�nd.
<br /> �u��aa8aae�y�eauacocne�,penya�e���a�aaemanas.��je�c m�y en�mn�of�orQ.° . . .
<br /> — � '!lil�.SECgIRITY INSTRUII+�I�'i"oamb�tes utdfott�coveaants for astianal usc and noa-�nifonn covaianta adtb, � �
<br /> - — � I�ID�LtOd V8fI8$OIIS Ify►jUf1S�i'd0l1 IO t)O�STIj�itC A�OiIIi 6lCU71ty►�IISWIIICiIt OOVt�1D$tC3I(1i4pl2tS/. -
<br />-=s . ` ���118�IA1�$._H41iiQt��(�ttll�[CQV�AIt18i}�BQn'�G1i5f�uGLltB:--- - ----- --- ----'---------- _
<br /> _ �----- --°- --
<br />�,: - ---- ----1. Pl�qment atPtindga#a�d IaLe�st'Prepa3mnee�t�ad Late.Cha�es. Bwmwet shall�romP�Y PaY when due the
<br /> �. -- pritte�al oland interestoa t�deDt evidenced by ti�e No;e and any prepaymentanalar�c�rges dne under the Not�
<br />_-- F'anda f�'t�xes attd Lr3tteano�Subject to appIlcable iaw or to a w�ittea waiverby l.ecdsr.Henuw�r sbaU Qay W
<br /> -- iRmder on tIIe day�antbly payments are dtre.ua44e�the Note.uati�the Note is patd in flill,a sum(°IB�nds'�for:{A).Y�r1Y
<br />� taaes end assessmen�whici�may atmut prioriqnaves.Wis Set�aity Insaumeat as a liea on the Pmperty:(b)Yearty teaseho2d
<br />�;: QaYauenta or g�ouad'ceats.on the Frogerty. zi anY:.(t)Y8ar1Y hazand or psapetty insuranee premiw�: (tA Ye�iy Qood
<br /> msurance�ums,i�:eaY.(e?Y�l+�ortg�ge,insuranse prPmiums,if any;anc�tfl anY�FaY�e bY 8o�mower.to
<br />�� Leadeq in aooaidaace with the gmvisions of paragraph 8�in lieu of the paymeat of martgage�pm�nams. 'l�ese
<br />-�� items are called"�scmw It�s." Lead�r maK at any time.mIIect aad hnld�lutds in an�atuount uot to exec:�d the maximam. . ..
<br /> _ amount a tender for'a federatly related amrtgage Ioaa may mqnite for Bomnwer�escmw acoount�mder the.fecielat Real �
<br /> : F�mLe SettIement Ftooedtmes Asx of lYl4 as auc�ded ham time to time,l2 U.S.0§2601 et seq.("itESPA'�.unIe�s another
<br /> �- law t�at applies W the Plrnds sets a tesser amoimt If so,Leader may,ai say dme.collect aad hoid t�ads in an amadni not to
<br />= exceed the lesser amoum. i.ender may estimate the a�aiount of Punds due on the basis of c�rrent dam and��sonable �
<br /> �,_,=�::�- estimates af expenditu�es of future fiscrow Items or ottierwise in a000tdance witd applicab2e law. .
<br />_ '� - � The�ads�11 be Iteld in an instimfloa whose depositc are_insured 6y a federa!agencY,ins�nir�entalily._or:�tttity--._ ..
<br /> _ (includ'ing I:eader,'d�Leader is suc�an instit�on)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank. Lender shall appTy the�nr3�i�►PgY
<br /> the EscYOw Items. Lender may aot chazge��anwer for aoldiag and applying the Ftucds,aannally�ana�yring the�uw �
<br /> - aa�uunt,or vetifying the Escmw Ite�s.uaIess Lender pays Bomnwer intaest on the l�nds sad�iicab2e Iaw permits �
<br /> �:.�.. - �� �� Lender to ma�e such a ctiarge. However.Lender may e+eqwte Bblmwer to pay a one-time chatge for�a indepeadeui real
<br /> . -, '�,��,s�N. .: estate tax reportiag seivice used by Lender iu connec�on with this loan.uniess s►pplicab2e iaw prov�es otherwise. Unt�.ss an
<br /> � ���.•--�;��x„ti_.... agreemeat is made or applicab2e taw requires interest to 6e paid.,Leuder shall not be�equired W paY Bomuwer any interest or
<br /> ..5; ,-':;: :'':�.`.:::= eamings oa the Aiads. Borruwer aud I�ender may a�ree iu writing.however.that interest shaD be paid an the Pl�nds. I.ender
<br /> '� �`�t"�` > �s2�aU ve to Bom�wer without c aa annual aocountin of the showin
<br /> y..�r ,,�;��._° : gi , haz8e. g Fhnds. g cmdit�and debits to the Faads and thc
<br /> �� k=:�r�.:='.. - purpose far wtuch each debit to the l�nds�vas made. 'Ihe Pi�nds are pledged as addtdonal security for all s�s secia�ed by � -
<br /> =�>. :;:'�•:. ; - WisSecttritylasnument . �i:�
<br /> � r.:_�:, � �. . .: �
<br /> ;�� T -Kxa If the P�nds held by I�eader exceed the amounts peimitted to be held 6y applirable law.Lender shail
<br /> asa�s�}t m •
<br /> . , ��1� Boaower for the excess E�nds in aocondaace wIth the iequuements of applir,able law if.the amount of tlie�lti��l Dy � :
<br /> •��� r �� Leader at any time is not sut�icieat m pay the Escmw Items when due.Le�der u3ay sa notify Ha�jA writr�g;�aifd,it! c,i;:,
<br /> ` " � Y::': suc�h case Bomower shaU pay w ixader the a+mount nQOessary to make up the deficiency. Bo1ron+�'.�ai1 make up the ' �'.,
<br /> '��i1 � ' '�'� deficiency in Ao more than cwe[ve�oatlily pa,ymenu at Lender�s soIe discrerioa.
<br />_ r_.:t � ',
<br /> �`` Upon payrtneat in full of alA siuns secured by tbis Serurity Iastrument,Lender shall promptty refi�id w Bosrower any : 5'2!;,f,``
<br /> -. ._,V.;,;:.;.:�,,'t.:.:..,.; �nds heid by Lender. If.under par�agraph 21.l.ender shall acquire or seU the Aroperty.Lender.W�os to th�acquisition or ' . ;
<br /> , �,:�, ;- ' sale of ihe Ptoperty�shall appigr ar,y Rinds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against tHe sums ' '
<br /> . .. -. ' secured by this SecurIty Instnuneot�. ,
<br /> • ,� 3. Applteat�a of P�ymeaLs. UNess applicabte law pmvides othem�is�all payments �ecelveti by I.ender under .
<br /> _-. = — --.- P�&�P�1 and 2 sliall be appfied:first,to any prepayn�ent charges due uactrr the Note;second,W ammmts payable uuder •
<br /> , � ' •.T�� .;�l.� paiagrapb 2;tJ�ird.to interest�:�fiourth.to principal due;and last.to any late ctearges d�under the Note. � �•
<br /> -, , �•` ; •�: ., ::. .. ..._ 4. Chargest Lteas. $�o�a-�rer shaU pay all taxes.assessments.charges,fine:s �d impositioas attribufab2e to the
<br /> �; , i ,•. Ptoperty which may attain pri�est}-over this Security Instrumen�and leasehold payme�as o�r ground rents,if any. Bonowet
<br /> ` �' ,_.,.'� shall pay these obligatious in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that eaaauer.Bomouer shall pay Wem oa ` ;
<br />- -•s; ` . • , • time d'uectly to the p�erson owed payment. Barrower s6ai1 promptly fumish to I,ender all uotices oi a�u��is to 6e paid uader .
<br /> ��.;;; ti�.•,``� : this parag�aph. If B�om�wer makes these paytr,neras direcdy.Borrower shall pmmpdy fiaanisb w l.cad`r aqceipts evIdencing .
<br /> ,� �•: •,� ' .` thepayments. � .
<br /> .
<br /> ; -,:^`.:`�. .:';.:.:� .� 'Bormwer shall mm d disch � �
<br /> . � p p y arge any lien wtuch has prioriry over this Security Iastrument nnless Borrower.(a)ag�es
<br /> '�`;� t'::.:`: ';<°�'°:;,':f: .` in writ9n to the a S Y P (b)contests in good faith the
<br /> _ ;,.4`�,��..��,y;,�.,,. _, g p yment of the obli ation secured b the tien in a manner acce iable to L.ender,
<br /> , ;,,,+1,,p�_;;;'�.;•:,•. ': lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in.legal procecdings which in the Leitder�opinion operate to prevent the
<br />'���,?,. ���� :�''��:���''�' ;' enfor�cement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agceement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lten
<br /> �'�"" ti� � '' �� � �' �Y y p Q rty is subject to a tien which may attain priority
<br /> to tlris Securi Instrument If Lender deteimines that an art of the Pto e
<br /> ����� �i`' � ` ' . � over this Security lnstn�ment.Y,er;der may give Borrower a noflce tdentifying the lien. Soaower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> , �r ,.:'�`..,;';,.
<br /> • T.�. : ' �one os�nore of the acuons set forth above witliln 10 days of the giving of nouce.
<br /> ;���_. S. Hazard or Pro
<br /> ��:v. `'�•'Y � ' RoPertY insured against to�ss By�e,h Aazards ir�c uded with�n the ertnmexteaQed co erage"�and any other ehazardv.inc ding
<br /> � .?": . • t�aods or floodis4g for which Lender requir.s insurance. This insurance shal!be maintained in the�vvunts and for ihe
<br /> �:�� ' .
<br /> �.•� .. ��
<br /> - �_ ��. Farm30Z8 9l90 Ipa8e2a�bJ�et�1
<br /> �,. ,
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