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<br /> - coademnaSon ar at�er taking�ataty►ga:tof thc,Ptnqreity.ar fior qmv�yuu�tn tteu otc�ademaa���eio�eredy assig�i sad :°� ,
<br /> , eha1I bbp8ld tol.e�sQe�r. : �� ' , ; � . � � r � -
<br /> z—; __ _ _ ._.:---=t�tue-,aveut•vl��taiaf- h1� _-°"= -=.�-° �
<br /> �o� �ivpz�"i3r:'i�`e �all Ea�a't�e�t3 �- ..,�.,�---_ _-
<br /> - ; - tasuument,whethee ar uot thee due.wItb ang excess� to Bm�ower. in the etrent�cg a paztiat takfag of tRso in. ,
<br /> - _ � whte8 ttee:i�sr mar�t v�i�do of 8�.�mpenY immedic�edyr befnra the tnking ts eqw�t`to or gc+eater ths�tIIc amount o�svias� , ,
<br /> � ' secu�Q by this Security Inswnteot�nnediateIy before t�e taking,unless Barronter artd Lender otheYc�►Lso agtee in wrtt�ng.:
<br /> - � t1�a sums�tted byr this Sociuity tnsnument steall D�red�cced by dte amount of iAt pmc�eds muYti�tied by the foltowing
<br /> - -- f�action: (a)t�a mtal amo�at ef dte snms serurad hnmediutely Defore she tataing,divl�d by(D)tIle fair market valuo af ttio
<br />-- — Property immeidiateigbefa�e tEe ta�ag. An�t aatanca s�ll be paid to Bonnwer. Ia the event of a pardal mktng of ehe , .
<br /> = ---- Ftoperty in whi�D the fair ma�et valne of the Ptgpeny imme�liateiy befare the ta�3ng ta less tRan the aaaouae of the sa�s �
<br />�T, ' �
<br /> �� ' s�a,occd immedisteS�_b�for��e_taking,�c�less BomQwe:�nd.[aader athe�rise ag�ee_in wpidng or ualess eyphea�Ie law --
<br /> - = - = '
<br /> __ --- -
<br /> �dae.�videa,t�e pmceeds sIIall be epplied to the s�mo�secuted�y this Senttiry tmstn�ment ahetRer ar aat die sums e� � --l -
<br /> _ _ --� If We Pmperty is abandaaed by Baaower.or if.aft�r aatiae Dy Leuder to Ro�mw�r that tha wndemnor offets to maise�
<br /> — = aa awa:d or seule s claim for damages.Bmtnwes fa�s to respond to Leader within-30 days after the da�a the aotice is given.
<br /> Lender is authorized to coUect aad apgly the pioceed.R at its optian,either to resto�tiun or�epair of dt�PtopeAy or:to the
<br />-�;' sums sewied by this Secuiiry tnsmnnent,whether or nnt then due.
<br /> ��� Un2ess Lender and Bomnwer othezwise agcee in writutg,anY aPDUcazion of Fmceeds to piincip2l s9a1�aot e�ettd ar
<br /> _. postpone the fite date of tIIe mont�Sy payments refe�ed w in paeagtaphs 1 end 2 or chaage the amaunt of sush paymeats. , .
<br />-�, iL Borrower Not Reieased; C�ar6earamce By Lender Not a Watver. Exteusiaa of dte time for paycnent.ar��
<br />- modi�carion of amoitirdtioa of the aums sec�med 6y this Security insdumeat grented by I.euder ta any saccessor in int�st
<br /> of Bomnwer sLall not op�ate to�lease the liabiiity of the originsil Baimwer or Bomower�s suooessois in inte�es��.�ender ,
<br />--- shaU not be iequired o�commence pina�edings against arly successm in int�est or zefuse to cactend wne for payti�d m
<br />-' otheiarise madify amorti7ation of the awns secuced�Y this Security Instzumeat by reaton of any demand made by the.atiginal
<br /> , 's•.� : Bonower or Bormwer's successors iri inte�est. Any forbearance by Lender in.'exemsing aay right or n�cnedy shall not be a
<br />' "��..r��'��� - waiver of or precLide ttie exe�ise of any right or t�emedy.
<br />-- !2. Sucassors a�d A�tgQS Hawd:8aint and Several Ltabfllty;Ca�st�ness '�e oovenants and a�af stris - -
<br />-�- �:�{„ ._L ,• Security Iustnrment shall bind aad beaefit the sucxesso�s and as�i$as of Lender aad Baao�rer.suAject to the provf�ivas af _
<br /> ',, . �.r..... �. pazagraph 1?.Bmmwer�covenants and agreements shall be joint end s�weral.Any Boauz+rer who casigns this;�eci�by
<br /> :�' ��;�."° ;.. Insqtua�at bw does�at execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry insdument only tio mortgage.gcaat aad�mvey t�at
<br /> - ,�.?k vY,�--°-�.�^
<br /> •'�'.� •�-�.�:..;.;::� ` : . : Barmwer+s inoe�est in the Pmperty under the terass of tLis Security Instrumen� (b3 is not personaUy oblig.u�ta pay dse sums
<br /> �. _�;��.�...:,,. _•.
<br />- ,�".-�- �>�`a, ..:: seeuted by tHis Se�city Insdvmen�aad(c)aS�ees that I.ender and any other Bomoaer may agcee to e�.modify.fa�6ear
<br /> . �•_;� ; ' •: .r�. or marse.any awoIIimodations with tegatd to the temis of ttis SeMUiry b�swmeot or the Note without that Hwmweris
<br />_. �'�;~�.-, `��,fr ; cans�a5.
<br /> �YS :''`;:••"` ���`` � �� 1�aau C�acg� if the loaa secur�d by this Securiry instrument is subject ta a I�w wJuch sets maximum tuan
<br />_' " 'R` ^ �"s,t• , �'__ .. _.
<br /> .-• 1.ji'.::!ti^.'?':��t'• "
<br />_ , •+ � • clmrges:aud that taxc u finally inte�eted so that the interest or other Ioan drarges colteaed or to be oollected in comtecticm
<br /> ,�r�`°:`�'�•'� � •`t�;�,-> � witb th�Ioaft exae�tit�permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan churge shaII 6e Aeduced by the amount neeessary W ceduoe
<br /> ,s � . the charge ta tke p�roted 6mi�and(b)any sums alneady collected from Bucs��r wt�ich exceeded pemutted limits w�1.6e
<br /> ��?:`';�' c����;��,�•o iefunde�co Borr�ia�L�nder may chaose w make this refund by reducing the gs�c�ow�dunder the Note or by mat�irg�
<br /> _ , t� `�,'�y'���x - ------
<br /> _ _;... :�. . ::•�r;°t;, , diiect gayuient ta�o�wer. If a Tefuad reduces prirtcipal.the reduction will be�ea�as a��tial ptepayment with��' - --_ --
<br /> ,�;:;;,",:. :•;.. .,�� _ P�Y�charge underthe Note. :�- :
<br /> _ ,;,;��•:, .,.•_,_. � .,.;- ZQ„ Noli�es. Aac�aotice to Borrowet rovided for in tfius Securi Ins�urnent shaU be ven b sfeIs'�rerin it or b
<br /> �.s....,;�:..,•�:�> ;:�,rr.r,, P �Y B� 9 � Y —
<br />- 's c;s_,•�.°- .,,i`.�_-•. . mailing it by fust ctw.s�srnail unless applicable law ceqaires use of artother methad The nodce shall be direc�e�co We Ptupeny ---
<br /> :.� ?��._�•.'.<`•�• i •1. .. . M___
<br /> .. . . .-, ,, ..: Addtess or any ot�er addnss Botrower designates by notice to I.ender. Any notia to Lender shall be�iven by fiFSt ciass �._�,�,,�r .-
<br /> -"� .' :`;;:,;..•.- .' mail to L�Mer's address stated herein or any other address lxnder designates by notice to Bomower. My nouce prnvided for ,
<br />-� �`• in t0is Security Insuument shall be deemed to have been given to Bortower or Lender when given as pmvided in this ''��`'' ' __ __-
<br />- � °�4�;��`°-�'.' �''� ��` f` p�15p Governi�g i,�w;Severa611ity. "Il�is Security lnsaument shall be�nvemed by federal law aad the faw of the . ,^��R
<br /> i}�'�:�:';`,: L. '.,; :. : : �.°.��: -
<br /> _ {�* , , jurisdiction in whic&t6,�Property is tocated. In the event that any provision o�c[a.use of this Securiry Insuument or the 1�Tote , a,�-
<br /> t ,�r,�' �� • conflicts with appliesC.�law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions aF�is�ecuriry Inswment or the Note which can ��': -
<br /> r t,. 1rP t.'. .
<br /> � � �?;;�,1; ..,;`,k��n,•3�;}• :' be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Secwiry Instrument and tha Note a� .s:"`�t.=°
<br /> ;ati�i`�'`�;���„"���;�:�t�.:, declared to be severable. -
<br /> ��' w
<br /> , " ,'%,;;;s��, ,; ' li''�"`.�': 16. Borrower'sCopy. Borru�er shall be given one confmmed copy of the Noto and of this Security Instrument �'� '�'
<br /> 17. 1�aasPer af t�e 1'co st or a Benefir"ra1!lnterest in Borrower. If aU os an art of the Pro rty dr an intere�c i� . �.i �''�� � °
<br /> `,r. . ... . , . Pe Y Y P Pe Y � ,
<br /> � • it is sold or uansferred (or if a beneficial interest iiz 8orrower is sold or transfemed and Borrower is aoe a natural person) ;';,�q'.
<br /> ti,_ �.'�:r•'.r � �. ": without Lender's ptior written consent.Lender�st.�.y.at its option,require immediato payment in fup of aI(sums secur�ad by � ' : ';'`'�° �
<br />-. , this Secwity Insuument. However.this option sha�l not be exercised by l.ender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of • �•'�`
<br /> �� "' � the date of this Securiry Instrumen� � '�' '`��
<br /> 1� ,�.:•N"' '. _ ..._ .
<br /> - :�p,`��� � If Lendes eaereises this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of�cceleration. The nouce shall provide a period of . . ,,;.�"
<br /> � . -s �` � � not less tha�30 days From the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bortower must pay all sums secured by this :� - � .
<br /> i°;.'.��. . . Securiry Utsttument. Ci,�Borrower isils to pay these sums prior to the exgir.�tiun of this period. L.ender may invokc any .
<br /> � t.;� '•� . • cemedies permitted irytl,ia Security Instiument without funher notice or demart�on Borrower. � • ' "
<br /> `•'� . �.� .� ` . ' 18. Borrower's Rig6t to Reinstate. Ii Borrower meets certain conditions.Borrower shall have the right�to have : . - „
<br /> ;,. � ,. �;'-;r^ ��� enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlierof: (a>S days(or such other periwl as � . �
<br /> ,.� � � . • ,
<br /> \ ''t ,�; � . SingleFamily--FaanieblueJ4}eddieAiacUV1FORStIM1�TRQ:HE�iT•-UnifotmCovenanq 9/9E1 ioa8eaofeyaRe.,i . . .
<br /> ` t �_
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