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<br /> -- �£ _ s n c ` :�` . . .. _ . , . � .,( `� ' : . �� ' ., � u� .
<br /> . --- ��` o . ' ` . . ` .. ��f-. , �' . .- � '
<br /> _ ''`' ,�• ApQUCit�10�5W t1t8�16�=/f8I[�4�'��d1Y L�IC�O�j1�11'S1tSiSt M 8f1}t�j70�1rt!Og�COSi18�IIl�.��3. `'` ...
<br /> -- $ECUtt�t�UAlCIIh�Of(b)�f3}I at 8�11�$�Cilt�► ���►�i�E- 7��SQt��tlil$8C�t�t.$OPi'�Wil:`(_i��`
<br /> - —. ..---'=��8'f�-1�R�-���i�v`-iL'�i��li8-SS' `Gd��*�'-'i�w"t�sw'�`c.� �`:IIf�-2'�`'�.Qi3:��i��c n '-��---
<br /> �# 2
<br /> - — o�(D?c�ues auy Qefanit o4suy attraooa��cr�nts�a,�e� ,�nts'(c�pays aU�xpe�$tacat�ed,in�8��tY� :.
<br /> ' fnstn�►�i�ctudiag.Out not timited to>c+easoaasbla ott���s:artd(sn mYc�saeh'�ton as Lender niay�aDly , .
<br /> - . raluirate ass�tte thatttue llm of this Sa�nicy Ins�t�Lt�er�►rig�ts in'the PNOperty.and�Qrroeverb obli�4eaa 4��y tna ` .
<br /> sums sc�ure�Dy t�fs Sec�iry Instc�neut sd�il ao����h�ged. Upoh�t�y Battow�r► tEts 3e�ly ` .
<br />- _ ,. �u and.the oD]I�atFons seaued d�eAy�sDall re�in�, effective as�no�ooetesa�oa Aa9 aa� �Iowev�r.Ws; _
<br /> rtg�t m ntnatanQ shau nat appiy�n me case af aeoel�mtiowtm�r�apn 17. ° `
<br /> _,'� i � , 19.8sk of NOte;Clsu�o t t O�D&�y l�r i 1 1 f r�Nc�ltjbi a p�rt t s l�t i n t he P lote(tog M h a r.w d t h t L i s S a c u r I t g
<br /> :'� - - --� ---. --=lns9umsatl w�Y be sold oao or�a�s`.a7tteout prioa�taat�GA.m Bmrower. A saie ma}��esuIt in a cLange!a ttee enmy
<br /> ----
<br /> - - _ __ -------
<br /> ' � {imaa�as the°I.oan Se�v�cer")t�at ooIIeess�g�a,}�ts��s�tte.u�d�tl�e Note ead�is��y Tns�nunm� _ _..____ _
<br />_ .. may be oae m mare cbanges af tDo Lo��xitic�x-�sa��ate of the Nate. tf theie ia a cdatt�e of tIIa L�aa Setv�oer,
<br />?,� Ha:cower wiU be gbven w�i�a�oe of d�e chauge in�at�w�b paragrspQ t4 a6ove aadagpIicaDie law'i�e noYio�
<br />=- �►SII statc the name and addres4 of tl�e n�cv.Loan Se3vF�raad�alddzess to wLicA gaymenta shoutd be� '[�ennSa aill
<br />��° a1so oaatain�ny otAer imfam�i��eq�i�ed 6y e�l�►�t���:• �'.
<br />-. : Zl) Haaa�dooe Snbstaao� Bomnxr�shalll mns�a�,F�mit the.�ce,use.disposal,sta�e,or retease of aay
<br />_"�= Kazardous Suhs�aoes oa ar ia t�Prnperty. �onaM1ir�s�lttrot do.nor aitow anyoae eLs�e m.da.anytWug:affec�tn8 tht —
<br />-,�; Aropaty thaz is ice vIolarion of a�r,Bnvi�ammtntnl I:arrr. 'Rt��p�ing two s�c�a shaU not apply ta the pres�tce.us�or
<br /> storage oa the Pruperty of s�allqtrantIties of Haaard�St�a�oes t�at ate gea�ariy�ognized to de apgmptiate Lo nmmai
<br />_`• cesidential uses aad w ma�ttr�Rro�ty. '
<br />�.� Boaower s6ali Pmmp31Y give Lt�davvriue�u u�oe a�,dAy iavestigation.claim.demand.Iawsuit or other acaon by any
<br />- - gove�enml or iegulatary ag�y:aip�vaea party,imbSs�th�Property and any Hazardo�s Snbstaaoe or Earimnme�tat
<br /> - Law of wnic6 8omowea Iras�al.�edg�. 1f 8atrntver leams. or is aotifted by any govemmentai or negulatary
<br /> � -.._ � autharity.Wai eay removal us�i�adun.of ac�ynifi�dous Substanoe.affecdag the Ptopesty is necessa�y,8omnwer --
<br />_ •-?r� .., -: shall PmmPUy taae aU neoes�y+t�edi�t astioas in acrootFdaase arith Eavimnmenml Law. ---
<br />_: -- As nsed ia t�is parag�aph?D."N�mas S�aes"are those subsmaves d�'med as toatc arhazazrlaus substances 69 -- --
<br />_- � Faivimnu�ental Law aud the fdltflwn�g� g,;SOfine.kemseue,mher flmnmanle or tosiC pet[oleum pmdutxs,Loxic
<br />=� �,�, Pes�cIdes and herbL:ides.volatit�soSy�ts,m�ieai�dt�oomaining as6estos ur fo�uraldet�yd�aad radioactive mate�aL$ As
<br />= .�_ ;�, used Ia this paia�ap6 Z0."Fnrixa�st�l I,aw"m�ns fedeial laws and Iaws af the�isdica4n whae the Property is tocased
<br /> ,,< � . ' Wat rclate tu heaIth,safety a��vuonm�utal�►rn'te�ian � • � �
<br /> J.�� y,�,�' NON-iJN�RM�OVffi�TANTS. 8a�r�aad I.ender finther covenant a¢d a�ee as foIIows:
<br />=,�� „� � ZL AcoekrafIon:R�n�di�s I►ea�shaU give uottae to Horrower prFas to aaoeteration foftowing BorroweNs
<br /> �.-`:`�''�:�'> breao6 ot ang eovenznt or ag�n4af:iu�lthis Se�vdty Instrum�t(��aot priur to sooeteratton nnder paragrapb iT
<br /> �� '�° > _ _
<br />-�:�� '��Y;'.:.:.���_,; nutess a pllcaDle fae �aQbe�e?The nollae sdatl reqnined to�e�Jce
<br /> �, '�-�-; ddaat�(c)a dat��o �t�•30�iiays fitom the date the ao��$gi en to�8$ote�nw,Dy wdtcb tha detuntt annst Ite — -
<br /> :m �.,�'�-�'s.�::.�:�,.'
<br />- �"#s;'•.�:.�,�;�;,;.': ca9�u�ed;and(fi that indtur�ta taae the d�aWt on or before the date speci£icd ia.iitc nrotiae maq resWt in a�tlaa a�
<br />- '�'<,�,;.;2:..,y the sams secared by tlr��tq Instr�ent and sale of the Progerty. 77te no�ee sball PortDer inturm Borrower aY.
<br /> : . •'�L'sSi�(rJ�.'rY Ci. . . �'_
<br /> `;1, ` �',�°�:� �,� the rig6t to ret�tate aft�aa�eratforr a�the rfgLt to brfng a oodrt�ctton to asert tae aon�sistence of a defaWt ae
<br /> � �'�;�'� :
<br /> J;�� *§':- .���,:r s.:::•,:•:'t, any other det'�.ot Ba��to aoa�uu��n and sate. If the d�tfi�s not cured on ac 6et�ac�the date spedited tn _ ..
<br /> ,o��; ?� ._.. : the aotto�I�ec�at its a�Qsay reqp��tmmedlate payment in�_�tati sezmssecured Dg f�Sea�rity Instrument ���--- s;
<br /> ,3 ;,� "•'`, � witRout fnrWer dcrnu�d=aerd.mag in�o7ce We qower ot saie and any ot6er � Perwitted Dy appltcaDte taw c�;t,'�:
<br /> ^ .z4 t,;.�_: � �,;,v � Leader shall 6e�titled��wIIect afl eapeases incumed tn pursuing!he reme�2s provided in tNs DaragraPD Z2, �,.�
<br /> �:'"; z...�x.x,f',. . ';.::',':,: s �"�:��:_�_
<br /> � �,n_ r;.. iadad&�,6trt ac�g litc�ictQ:ta�reasonable attorneys fees and costs oi Ntle evidence.
<br /> � ��• �,. � t, It tne pati�er o!suDt�Ls invutced,7lrustee s5a11 reoord a not�oe of defaull in eacb oouaty in wdtcb any part of the . � �..,.i;_� -
<br />-'"'7�� ; • '• '`.�;�� Prapeetq ts[acated e�d�sall mail coptes of suc6 notice in the manne�presc�Dy applicaDie Iaw to Boreower and to :::;;�:•���_
<br /> �;: � , :. :�t.,� the other persoms �Ibed by applica6[e iaw AiYer the time utred b a licable law, ,.�'�,•�
<br />_" ''�''.,>.`:'.'-::'.:�.�':; V �1 Y PP 'il�nstee shaQ gtve pnblic -- �.-�� :.:�_
<br /> -` ` ' ` ' v.m6ice of sale to th2 p�esons aad in the mauner prescrlhed by applicab[e Iaw 'iYuste�without demaad on Borrower, - -
<br /> :::,';s,.�:.�....::.: _:' '
<br /> - . straU seU the Pro�at publIc auction to the dighest bidder at the time and ptace aad uade�the terms designated ta _
<br /> � ,'�� � Llt�aoHce of sate ir�ocur:ar mose parceis ace�in aay order 7�rustee deteemfaes. 7lrust�ee awY Postpone sale otall or auy . ,.
<br /> �� ac . .
<br /> ��`;� • ` '• parcel of Ute Pro�,by pnblic anaarmrawuent at the time and place of any pseviously schsdaG�sale. Lender or Its � q .
<br /> aG
<br /> .�: , t,� ';�, destgnee may p�ch�e the Property at�sy saf� ';�
<br /> Upoa recetp�o��paymea!ot the p�ce bId,7lrustee s5�[I d.rdiyc�s Cv tde purcAaser 71rus7ee`s deed eonveying tlte ` • `��'�`;`
<br /> . ,.. .. �
<br /> ";'�`�,. '�;` Property. The recEt�7s ia ifse'C'amstee's deed shall be prima fac�e eanr�.�xe of the tra�h of tde statemeats made Werein. ;��c;�l��''''• `-`- �',:
<br /> ,.. . }. '. ..�:Y4�iAwYf'��.:t,.r, �.;
<br /> -:' �� � 7Fustee shaU app�Dy the praoa:�s of the sate b the following order:{�r rta a9t m��A expeases of exercising the power •��-��,��:� � :.,
<br /> .. ;:������,?��. �:
<br />� ,:����r•s . ..�' �.i . �.• ' '�.'. ;.
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