���;t'���=Y,�_ ,. �;"',. z..- ti-����, �. _ ,� ��x
<br /> . .�.T. �.1.�t�.;r`,1-. ::_c.`'�'r�' . e.i. 5 � . _ c t � __---
<br /> �
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<br /> —M-�
<br /> � _ ' •< . r . _'_ . '—" _ _' ._ _J . '_ __ _ ,— . . . -- — — � -
<br /> .-- '�= 4 •�. �. . • • . � . � ;C .. . . .� ` c . ' --
<br /> . . . . . . . _ . 9��► �Q���� h
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<br />- — — _ R ����a��. ������g�i���a�.������,������ � � .: _
<br /> - - -� ` '; apptove!which shall aoi ife�anteasoas6ly wIthheId, bf Bdrtower�faiis ta caaintain caov�e desct�4e@ st�nvt.�tnay4 ut � :
<br /> s►.n -
<br /> -- ' . �I�Q�iQjlLA�Q1e�0Yl�C�-�totCC��i1,si��iiii�v' , �ii�'.:'I.`� ---- ---_. .- • -`
<br /> -_� -� -�ITnsu�au�apd reaewaia s4�a1!6e s�eptaale divLen er au4 sAa11 include 8 � d�ac+d�e ctause��L,ender �,' ; .�
<br /> ---- - � shaU dave tt�e t�tght ta ttold dtp poti�cles sad�newalff. �f i.tndetrequires.Botrower sAa]I pivmgtty giv�to Lea�r al}�reaeSpcs � ,.,_
<br /> of patd piesinivans and rraxcval n�ias. in the event o�toss.Bo:mwcr shaU give pmmpt�aotla to the inswaaca csa�er aad .
<br />- -- � L4nde� Lender may make pma�f oitass if aot madc prnmpt�l►by Boabwer., • ' . .
<br /> - — - Untess Lender edd B�rnwer otheivrise ag�ee Ia writing.Lisuiance p�voeeds si�slt 6e agplied to c+estoqarion�r r�air of . �
<br /> � the Prnpert3►dama�8ed.if the resto�tton'o:�epairis eaoanmIcalIy feas�ble aad l.�der�seanity ls nat tessened. �tf t�s • � .
<br /> E- � ressoration or repair is not eoonoa�fcally feasible or Leader9�eamity woutd De lessenod,tae insurance pmeeads s�all be
<br /> �.� - -_-�- spplie�,to_th�sua�soc�rre�Dy_tbis Seauity Instiument,whethPr.or not tt�ea due,wifh auy exoess paid to Boaower. 1f _ _ ._. . _- ---__. .
<br /> - - Bormwer abandons the Ptaperty.oi daes aot apswer wittt�a 3�days a notica from I eader t�at'tlte insuianoe caiicer b�as ` - -
<br /> -4 �: offe�+ed to seuIe a cts�m.theu�nder may ooliect the insuiance pmceeds. Leader may as�the pmoeecis to�pair or��e
<br />- - the Property or to pay sums sec�ued by tU'ss S�c�ulty Inson�mem,whetheror not thea due Tbe 30-day periait will begin when
<br /> - the IIotice is givea
<br /> . UW�s Lender and Bonower othenvise agcee iu a�ritsng.az►y appllratioa of pmveeds ta principat sball not extead or
<br />- postpone the due date di the taont6ty paymenta:efened to in pazagrapbs 1 end 2 orchange,the amount of the payments. If
<br /> ander para�aph 21 ihe Pmgeicty is a�quired by Lender.�oaawet�right to any insuianoe poHcies aad piooeeds tesalting
<br /> - � fmm damage to the Property p�ior w tt�e ac�quisiaon shall pass oo Leader to the exteet of d�e sums secured 6y thi.s Se�vriry
<br /> Itts�ument iram_ed;atP�y p�os to the aCQuisitiCn.
<br /> 6. Uocapancy� Preservation, Maintenanee and Protectton oY t6e Property; Borrawer's Lvan ApptFcatfoa;
<br />_� . I.easeholda Boirower shall accwpy�estabtisb,aaa nse the Prope�ty as BomnwecSs priacip3t�tesidence wiWin sixty days aRer
<br />�=i�;:�±�A;�;;'*`:`-.: : dte execution of this Seciuiry insuvme�t mtd shall continue to oavpy the Property as Boxxawerts priacipal msldeaee for at _
<br /> °an='�=:�s�-,-, ;
<br /> least aae year after the daie of occnpaucy, nnle.ss l..ender otheiwise ag�es in vvrih�ng, wlus� consent shall not be
<br />�F"b:,–...v.r.:
<br /> , >�., . ,�. :.�,.. �. unreasanably withheld,ar untess exunuazing ci�tmostaztoes exist wluch ate beyond Boimwer�c�unuL Bomower ahali aot
<br /> �:-: °.: - '-wr`:•: . desuoy.damage or impair the Pmpeny,allow the Ptopeny to de.terioiate,ar commit waste oa the Ft�acy. Boirawer shall -
<br /> _ ,'��..`�'`•�s��.`�'* 6e in default if any forfeituze acBon os pnoceeding,whether civil or criminal.is begun that in i.ender�s�aod fai�,�me�t --- -- --
<br /> .�,-s�,��"r' : eouId msult in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materialiy impair the lien cceated by this Secmri'ty Iastesu�nt or . . ,
<br /> ��` �Leu+�'�r�i security interest. Bomawermay cure such a defauIt aad reinstate.as provtded in paiag�aph 18,by causing the acaon
<br />�-,�K�,.���`�-:�=�.,�� �
<br /> ` ` • orpmoeeding t�6e dismissed with a:uling Wat.in l.ender�gaod faith dete�mination,p�ecludes fmfeinme of the Botrowerb
<br /> r¢, T .� -- me
<br /> _.. ..�:;:.�;��-:� , —
<br /> - =�a,r ir.�.� `�;:4i' ; interest in tAe Ptopeny or other rnaterial imgaumeat of the lien cneated by this Security Insdnsmeat ar I.ender�s sea�rity =__
<br /> , ' intetest. Bomnwer shall also be in default if Bormwer, during tf�e Ga�applIcation pmoess, gave materiaily false or =_
<br /> � ' inaccurate infom�auon os state�nenu to l.eader(or faited to pmvide Leader with any matesial infoimanon�in wnnection with -
<br /> 4���, �`,��,"��.` the Ioan evidenced by the Note, iacluding,but aot limited to,represeatadons con�ig Borrowerls occapaacy of the _�`.�'
<br /> _ • '
<br /> . `n„��
<br /> �:t°, �r Pmperty es a princi�ai residence. If this Security i„�,,.�en�ison a Zease�old Borrower�t camply vyiib all the g�isions
<br /> � � �`--'T`"�``.; of the lease. Tf Borroiver acquires fee tide to dte Ptaperty.the leasehold and the fee dde s',s�f uot ns.,�naIess I.ender agtees �'��---
<br /> ,. . , `� .: "',": to the merger in writing. . _ --_
<br />_ .•'.`::��:. ': , �. . 7. Ptsot¢c�on of I.ender's Rig�ts in thz PropestP If Bormwer fails to perfotm the oot-��aad ag�eemeuts - -__—_ --
<br /> _ � .o. ...: �. . - _
<br /> - w''b,, � contained in this Security Listrumeat, or theae.is a tegat Fmceedin8 that may signtficantiy affe�t�r3erts nigBts in the ! � °
<br /> , • ; Ptope�ty(such as a proce�iag in 6anlwptcy,probate,for��p*++�ation or forfeiture or to enfor�e Iaws bi r�an,s�ti�en ����i�•:-�
<br /> :X...
<br /> � �'�'` - Lender ma do and for whatever is ap���.�y�to m2ece dre vaIue of the Pro�or1�v and Lender�ri,,pts ia tt�,]�� �����'`
<br /> �a- . ` Y PaY �_'^"_•J P Y-•J G" ""'Y"It}I' '%�j
<br /> - ;�� �=��;r;.� Lenderk actions ma uiciude a an svms sesL�red b a lien which 1►z� ori over dus Securi ans3mmet� �`�'���'��`
<br /> � � Y� P Y�� Y Y �-�� lY tY. �FF��B ,
<br /> i: 'r��.`"r's:.�=;
<br /> � in coun.paying reasoaabte aaomeys'fees aad e�eeriag on tTte Property ta make iepaiis.Although I�:��ay mke action a y��-�,�.:.
<br /> � �., under this paragrdph T.I.ender dces not have s�o do so. t��. , �'--
<br /> �, .'.} �< <;,� Any amounts disbursed by Leader uades this paragraph 7 shall become additionaidebt of Bori�wer secured by Wis ,: ti � * t,�<
<br /> �� .,,.•....:?:,�<<,�`.;�. , Security Instmmen� Untess Boarr��er and lxnder agree to other tetms of payment,these a�nounts shall bear inte�est fmm the � � .�y,�'���t�.�.-
<br /> � j �• `.�;-.,i��s�;�'� ��. date of disbtusement at the Note rate and shall be payabte.with intelest,upon notice fiam i,ender ta$orrower reguesGng '�'°;xr►��.���,�;,::
<br /> �.. ,` t' ;..,. paymen� �� _ .��,�,t��_:._,.:._
<br /> ;�. ;��'•�r�
<br /> ;�. & Mort�tge Ias�uance. If Lender�.cired mortgage insurance as a condi6on of making�e[o�serured by this ��,�y,� :'
<br /> - �; 'r. Securiry Insuum.esr.c,Borrawer sAaU pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance irr�.�'fect. If.for any . �• '�4�''::"==
<br /> ,:'.:S_';-`."'
<br /> �;: ' `.� �� �eason. the moer�.�..ge insurance corerage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bear�ccer sha21 pay the •. • ..� ���_:;;r_;�;-
<br /> „ .- :;�s„t . ''������ . premic�ms reQar.red to obtain coverage substantially equivafent to t2ie mortgage insuiance previoosly � effect. zt a cost �. �` " '''
<br /> . . o�: .� ....�•t..
<br /> ��'.`�. i�. �. : .�. ,= . ::� .
<br /> �;::� , subsezndait}r�ru.vatent to the cost to Borrower of the moctgage insurance previously in effect,from�aItemate��sctgage . ,, ;:
<br /> 7�`�' „ ` ' insurer approved my Lender. If substantially equivaient mortgage insura�crr�wverage is nat availabte.�..�wer shall pay to • �4�",°
<br /> `' • :.•.f• i .. - ...�: -YqYtw=
<br /> � '� Lender each mc�rYs a sum equal to one•twelftlo of the yeariy mortgage irsup^��ce premium being paid 63-Qorrower when the � �• ��-�. 4,:��.'�;�15��;�,.
<br /> : ....;`� ' .:c.;. r.;r,;�,
<br /> =-c . . ;.;, �. ,' ':�' insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in ef€ac�. Lender will accept,use and retain these paytrtents as�loss reserve uf lieu � •'��•�.;.ti.•..;.�:_.,;�,,•.,..
<br /> - ` - � of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required.at the optian of Lender,if mortgage inswance �.;`.'�_;;t��;�,-'� ',•�"�`'
<br /> ..,�::.:;�
<br /> • ,. T 4..;. .
<br /> � �,+'�� . coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by i.ender egain becomes ;��y.�;���ti..,; . .�.
<br /> ..;w,p,. . '
<br /> �';..;r+;:, � . availabte and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain mo»gage insurance in effect.or to provide a .
<br /> � loss neserve.unal tEie requimment for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between HoTrower � � " �"'
<br /> - i`:= ' ,. � and Lender or ag�E:sabte Iaw. , . .. �' �•.�:�a�.
<br /> � •� � 9 I n s p e c t n a�. L en der or iu agent may m a ke reasona b le entries upon an d inspections o f t he P rope rt y. l.en der s h a l l � ;�;�
<br /> � i•:`��'•� • . give Borrower rtorice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonabie cause for the ins�ection. �•
<br /> '��• ' � 10. Candem�atioe. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection with any ` � � •
<br /> ID d �
<br /> �"�' " ' � SingleFamily..FaaniedtaelFuQdle�lacUNIFORMINSTRUHEVT--UniformCovenants 9190 IPaFe3aj6pageal ;�,�•1•�'.' '..;��,s�'
<br /> Y .
<br /> ��: s`� . . , ' faeas L�r.s�'r3 Patma,Iac� , ' . ' ,";1
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