_•, �4 c .:�+ _ _+�s;'.i,' �ti �� —
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<br /> `�-`—=-= � �'�' - '�:` — - ,�_ � " i : ;,=
<br /> � :��j"�'F; _ :_ _ c;;-� _ t = . �-� — — --
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<br /> � ;'`: --- . , . , . ' =,--- ------- :t..
<br /> - — .....____._.,:.�:� � ` ; , � .�. t , ��.������ `
<br /> — -- . _ . , ' • . . . . '�: . � —.
<br /> — — ` ,- th�t Leuder Tke incnran�e�Ier mv�etIqg the lasiu�ttc�sttaall,be��s�n b
<br /> penods ._ rrqutre� _ _, _ _ . .P _- --1. __ F�oa�ti�ner`�t�J�nf�_ — --., _
<br /> �_.. _. .—
<br /> - - � —=F-�'p'�,�vafce�c�sli�tf t�ibc uti�s�nably wI�eTd if Boimwer�aiis�o m�nmm coverege descri�e��ove.L-`�d�may,;�u3 .. .
<br /> "� , Lettdst�o�tioa,n6t&in coveiaga topreieci Len6er�rF�his iu the 13opetty in acoordatice wttl�pata,g�apb 7. . < , � . .
<br /> -- � All itt�utauce potictas aud renewals shaU he accep�2ato�der and shalt iaciude a stan49rd mortgege clans�Lehdai ` �
<br /> _ __� �� ' s6all have�ha'r7ghttd holdthepolicies end renewals. 3f l�ndert+eqtmes.Borm�versaalt PmmP=h►Biv$toLen,de.rall cex1� . .
<br /> - -- — of�a�d premiel�ns�and rbnewal notices. In tae event ot 2oss:Bormcerer shall give p�ompt aottce to tbe insttrasoe carrkr and .
<br />—_ — .- Leabe�:�:endermaymakepmofofta�sifnut�P�PUYby Bortower. � - _
<br /> . llaless Lender end Boaower othernIse agR+ee ia writing,�uanee s5all 6e appliW to restoratian�iepaIr of . , `
<br /> _ _ - ' the Ptoperty damage�if the:+estosation or cepa'v is eoeaomit�lly b�Lenderg�ity is not lessened if the�
<br /> ,.��_o__.�_..
<br />_,_� - - -.-- -�aration�r.m,pairls_notecanomis�rfeasibl�_otie�er�secuatyWrould.belesseaed.th�_insw�nca$meee�.�_stt�lt�:6�-- ----�--.- . .
<br /> ---- -- --
<br /> - applIed to the sums secured by ttis 5ewriry�nsuument.wt�ether or aot dien due.with aay excess Paid to BAmrnue.r. If
<br />_ �� Baaower_ab�dons tke Property,or does not aaswer aritbm 3Q days a aotice fsora L.ender that 8ie iasiaauce caniec has
<br /> ':Y , offered w seale a cIaSn,thea i.eader iaaY ooIlect the insutance pmoeeds. I.eader aiay use the pmc�eds to nepair m restoze
<br /> ---- the Fmpesty or m pay sums secured by ttns Secmiiy I�uuumeat,wDethec or aot then dne. T6e 3Wfay peiiod will begin wken
<br />� the notice is given.
<br /> '�` - Unless Lender and Batmwer othernise
<br />��r a the due date of the monthl �����y�p��oa of prnoeeds to principal shall not extead or
<br /> = d�aza h 2I the Aro �sy pa�b I.�Boaow�nhs ito��ta�oethe am�oun�t of th��.If.
<br /> " ��r from damag�the Ao�arpn to the�u�s�y tion shaU pass to Lende�ir to the extent of We�bvms sec�repd by this Secur�ty
<br />��?, Ins�ument immediately prior to the esquisition.
<br /> - ` 6. OocuPanc9. Preservattoa, Maintenance sad Pro3�ttan of We Property; �arnowes's Losn AppIIcaiF�sS
<br /> l,cstse8olds. Bolrower�haII occupy,establish,and use the Prope'st��s Boirower's principa!resideace wIthiu sixty daya e�ei
<br /> .� fhe execution of this S�d�t Insuument and shall wntinue to ua�vpy the Pmpetty as Horrower�s piincipal i+esideaoe for at. �
<br /> -" '" least.ane y,ear afEer t�e date of occupancy untess I.ender a�vise agtees In writing, whicd conse,�t s�D aat:�
<br /> �• �:r.�`..��:� • ' — - -
<br /> ,• ';,"r«. . ' �p�g��'ly:WitStheT�.;ot unle&R e�2uat1llg circnmat2IIce3 87cisE wL.�#� ---
<br /> • . . .. ,- E+eyond Bonower�s control. goav�er�i�.
<br /> .�: - �
<br /> °� ct�ag impau the Pro
<br /> .
<br /> -
<br /> esu�g: e os pe►ty. ow the Property io de�i�e;or cQmmit waste ou tke Propeny. Soaowess'�aH. �---� •-----..._.-,-------
<br /> - be in default if any forfeitunc asaon or proceeding,whet�er clvil or c.4iminal,is begun that ir►Lenderls goad f�ith�udg,qae�'t =---
<br /> ,.,_,;Y. .%�� ,.� wutd�esuIt in forfeiwre of the Property or otherwise materially impair s�e�iien created by this Security 8nsdvinaif a� —
<br /> _ .,�.x�-� Lender�security iniemst. Bomnwer may cure sach e default and=einstate.as pn�tided'm�atagrapb 18,by caasiag the action
<br />_ '�:N�y��':;;s`':` or psacxeding to he dismissed with a rWing diat,ia Lender�good faiW determiz�adon,precludes forfeiture of the Bomower?s �.
<br /> ' ,,�Y^�`=;�....,.2:=�' intErest in the Pcupeny or other marerial impairment of the lien created by tfus Sec�uity Instrument or L.euder's s�jr
<br /> ., �';�`�f•; .:: ?�`'-4, inteiest. Bomnwer shall also be in default if Bonower.during the Ioan application process, gave materially faL.�e z�r• ,
<br /> _ :.�.: ;y:;�`��� . - .
<br /> �� inaccurate infurmation or stateraents to Lender(or failed to provide Lender wlth aay material infomiatIon)in co�ac[ioa�_
<br />- . ;��?'='�c,"�,;' `•F'�s. .
<br /> ����_, �'�i� :, . the Ioan evideuced by the Note. inclnding, but aot lunited to, represeata�a�coaceming Boirower�occaipatccy of m?r • :: ••.�`.��
<br /> - :�-�.a,..t:.;,.: �,, .�z R�operty as a piincipal�esidence. If this Sacuriry Insm�ment is on a leasehoidr�arower shall com pIy wit8�lt�ce prdvisioiis �
<br /> ���t5,:,,_i�r..�e�'q+,r"tf . ..
<br />- ";; ;��ri t��'�'�:,���;:?s,�� - of the tease. If Bormw�acquues fee ti@e to the Property,the leaseho2d and ti�e fee d8e shaU not merge antess�ender a�ees -
<br />_.;,. --t�:.�.:�; .,t��,.�k.., todte merger in writiQ& • �
<br /> `.`-`„ 9. PmtecNon��.ender's Ri ts in the Pro pe greemems .
<br /> - �:;`='.�:: gh perty. If BmTOwer fails to rform the coveaants and a
<br /> ��:''�' �`��` n wntained in this S Instrument,or there is a i al roceod� that ma si ficatitl affert Lendetk ri
<br /> . .: �i17► e8 P 8 Y 8� Y P� in the --
<br /> _ --:��=_•.?.' � _ '�°:: Ptoperty(such as a Qmweding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeitnre or m enfance Iaws or regulatlons),then
<br /> : � `�;= � Lender may do aad pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Ptoperty end Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> " ,��"•'� I.eader�actlona may inclade paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Inswmen�appearing -
<br /> ' . ���„�:.Y•;���;<` in court,{�ying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action -:_ _ _
<br /> - �-��' �.:, under this pacagraph 7,Lender does aot have to do so. '�;_t�„�,N«
<br /> �_ �`'��''� An y aruounts disbursed b y I.ender urtder this para g r a ph 7 sh a ll bec o me a d di t io n a i d e b t o f S o m o w e r s e c u r e d b y t h i s ;`:±x:��
<br />_ , , ...���
<br /> - ��'`t� � ° ' Sec�uity Instncmena.Untess Borrower and Lender agrec to other teans of payme:�t,these amounu ahall bear interest from the '�':�:-r_
<br /> -• .. �;,���� ` '� date of disbu�se�cit at.c�e Note rate and shaU be payable.witb intecest,upan notice from Lender to Barrower tequesting �t,,4_�r; ��_;
<br /> -. _ � ,���;.� paymeiu. ''��t • • -
<br /> ,�sr`;;;, 8. i�o�ag�r InsuraQCe. If Lender required mocseage in�nce as a co�tdiuon of making the toa�.�secured by this s --
<br /> , ':•�,: ,.' Secwity[nstrumer�a.�orrower shall pay the piemiwns cequ�d ro maintain the mortgage instu�cce in e�ect. ff.for any _'_'=-
<br /> • ' • • • reason.the mortgage insurance coverege requimd by Lercder�ses or oeases to be in effec� Hornou�s shall pay the •. -`,;��•
<br />- `• - : - - PremIums rPquired to o'�tain coverage subsiats�d�f a�u:salcnt to�e� �a;t�ag� insurancc pmvious{y in e.P;ec� at a cast � _ ._.
<br /> ��' ' substantially equivalent to the cost to Bomower of tir�mortgage insaua�ce pteti�aflusly in effec�from azt aEeemate mortgage � ,: ' -
<br /> ,.:�„ • � insurer appmved by l.ender. If substantially equivafent mortgage insurarsce covezage is not available.Borrower shall pay to '', � �, ,.:,-
<br /> : � " Lender each month a sum equal to oae-twelfth of the yearly mortgage inswance premium being paid by Borrower when the •l"��;{�_�;;'��',.
<br /> � � ,' �� insurance cove e 1 ed or ceased to be in effect. l.ender will acce t use and retain these a ents as a loss reserve in lieu ,•:°�;.{���`•�����" "'•
<br /> � : �...- �8 � P• P Ym � ., ,,, �,t .�
<br /> , of mortgage insurance_ Loss reserve paymenu may no Ionger be required at cPee option of l.ender.if mortgage insurance , z'��''�l'��;� `� ''
<br /> ,, wvera�e(in the amouas and for the period that Lender requims)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes �
<br /> ; . :'n- ,. �';';,,� •, available and is obtained.Borrower shatl pay the premiums required to maint�in raortgage insnrssnce in effect,os to provide a .. . �- ���'•���••��>
<br /> �. ;; ;- `�� '` �'`•'t4�i::>�• loss reserve.until the requuement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any writtert zgeement between Borrower .
<br /> . . �`{: �: . . -
<br /> i�, ,:, ..: �.;�i��r.' and Lcnder or applicab2e law. .•, �, . . .
<br />- `„_�: 4 Invpectton. Lender or its agent may make re�sonable entries upon and inspections of the Pcaperty. Lertder shall • � '
<br /> < ;���� ., give Borrower notice at tRe dme of or prior to an inspecdort specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. '. • . �
<br /> � `�;. . 10 Condemnatiact. The proceeds of any award or claim foi damages.direct or consequential.in cortnection with any : , � �
<br /> . ��;':.. ., ,', �,• Si le Fami� Eamie 1Nae/Freddle Mac UNIFORH lNSTRUblENf-Unitorm Corenants 9,'4D 1 gt3 0 6 .
<br /> .i �i,t�� . ' � �8 Y- Po 1 OcBe» ...
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