�'... � .::� �..`�Y. ;F.,_-._..._ .. _ -_L_ `` _ � --
<br /> ��-_��'��`�.'.� ��:- - - - -' --� � - -
<br /> ���� A-�`',.�,-rr 4,�- y*.';F;- -- _ ;s � r-, r = -= _- -
<br /> `�:.r',r.k ��, – - � _ �..�..,. � _ r _ _ _ –
<br />'�� "y�. �' �_ s .. � . . . � . � - , : • .. .
<br />. ------ _ <<< . _ •_a � .. � !r - . . � • - � . , ' h;' .
<br /> ' . ` _ , ' ` � ` _ � ` .. . . ���`�'���y,� - .. '.
<br /> -= Y: . . '�38�WlT�!etl tIto;€ai�roventena�g a��v as�iier esectod on tAc ra�og�ity.uted tttl e�isements.ap,�ioesr. .�
<br /> - �— — . ,. -a��t��.s�+�v n�.M�+��a Pau'-oi�_�?►-=.Al2�I&�.,nn9_�ans'_s�]l.also�s cO�tS.�±e��L►t�ls��._.- ..__ _ - _
<br /> � I�s�tnen� All af tGe[o�goittgia�+efetr�Q ro in this�e�nty Instnuneni as thc"Ptog�qr:. , - � �� ;� ; ...
<br /> �. . aoR�xoW�R Cov81vAN'��i HmY+ower.ts tawthUy.selseai oriD�e�ate e�reby oqnveyed a�l�.a chs�I$bx�to�tt�� :. .
<br /> aa�c�vey ttta an�t,�a4 t�b i�tapecty!s uneacnmbcred eaoept foi ensumaDraa�ea of ta+ord. Boraower wa�ts and,.
<br />�— - -- wUldefen�geiae�titIe io ttte PropinY sgatast all CINms and dcmau4s.r�►bjECt to a�kY encumbranse.�oit�oco�d.� • , . —
<br /> Tt�SBGgTRP!'1C aNS7�dUMEDF�aomblaes unifo�n c�e►eaaats fo� nativaai ust aad ao�uNfurnt covenaats��th�
<br />- _ Limlted vatiat�ans by Ja�fctloA to oortstttute a unifam�secwltY instni�ene cover#ng real Propert!►• � .
<br /> �
<br />-- ---- LTNIPORM tbV�NA2yTS. Bam��reraad l,eader cavenanf aad�ee as foStowa:
<br />--_--- - - --
<br /> -- - -- - -- . .
<br /> - - ,_<>-i.- �tapi�Hmtd�3tead�ni���i.gte�etrg�:B�a�er�tl�rnm�t�►?sY�+iten; -� - - -___
<br />- princ�ps!of en�interest on tde debt ev�d�ced by the I�Iote un0 aay piepay�ataa�l tare ctra�e�s due uades�te Noi� - -
<br /> - � 2. �nd�tar.l�xesatadi� SuD�ectw agpl�uble taw or toQ wntten waiverby Leuder.Barto�ver s�lallpAy ta �
<br /> __ l.eadet oa�e day moaifily paymeats are cNe under t�e Nu'te�un;il the Note ts pa�d tn fiill,a sum("�cds")for.{a)Y�Y -
<br />- taxes ead ass�.ssmenss which may attain priomy over this 5ectnity tmsOEnaien!ss a ltea ou the Property Eb)Y�1Y t�
<br />- payments or grnund rent�on the Propesty.if aqY; (c)Year1Y.Aarar�`or luopecty insivan�e pmmiums;.td?Y�Y�
<br /> uo
<br />= imsuiaBCe PRmIams.if any: (e)YeaziY mflrtgage_iasuiaaoe p�iwns.if an�r ead t��Y�FaY�biO,by Baa+ower to
<br />= I,ender.in accordance with the piovisIans of garag�h 8,in Heu of t��ymeat of mortgage�ns�pr�miwas. 'it�e .
<br /> ite�s ete calted"Escrow Ite�ns." Leuder may,at any mne.coliec�aad hoi3�nds in an amovnt aoi to eaoe�the maumvm
<br /> -- - am�nt a le�der for a fedejaUy relaned mortgage loan may.roquire fos Bom►aer3 escrow�accouat und+er ette fedetal Keal
<br /> - ----_—-- �o�SeWemeai P�acedures�Act of 1974 ag amended fmm ti�e to�I2 U.S.0§26t3t et seq.("RBSPA'?.emless anothc.r
<br />� - _ _ -- 1aw that app�cs to the fi�rcds sets a[esser amount If so,L�ender may.at auy time.oallect and hold F�nds in an am�nt not to
<br /> :� . exoeed t�e tesser amaua� Lxnder may estunate Ehe amoamt of t�nds�te on the basis of cua�at.data aad�rasonabte
<br /> ,-a-�-,�.,`� estimsies of expenditures of futute Escmw It�s orotae�►ise In ac�aritD appIIcable Iaw. _
<br /> --'-_�.`..sf:.: .::::i;r���::� 'I�te Rands shall be detd iu au insstiwtion whose deposits aze ins�uod by a federal agency.ias�meatality,or entity E,�.,--
<br />_-�:?::;�,�'�-•�'�'�r��,�; —
<br /> �-T -_ (iu�Usding Lender,if l.ender#.s sw�m►institution)or in any.Federa!�iome L uan Bang. Leader shall aPA�Y tRe F�nOs to pay
<br /> - ,���..����__ _ _
<br /> ��.,�._::T
<br /> - ,,,� k{'�,,^. the Fsctaw IteQts. Lendet may nat charge Bomnwer for hoIdiag aad appIying ttee E�ads,anauariy aealyzing the escrow
<br /> -- "�u-;�'� —
<br /> °�,���`��,�-4x�•'<.: aabuat,or verifying the Esc[ow Items,un2e�Lender paya Bozrower interest ou tne Aueds aad applicab2e Iaw permits
<br /> —:�:�Y:�,�.3:;:. ,. y,..
<br />��;;��.,��t v���:�;•,:� .. Lender to ma[ce suc6 a charge. However.Le�tder may require Boirowet ta pay a one-time cQarge for aa intIepeadeat real
<br /> °:,. .�,��• estate tax repn�tiag service used by l,eader in oonnection wItL this loau►unless applicabte Iaw provides othenvise. Untess an
<br />-�= �;���-�.>�-L•'�.
<br /> ��ia;'��t:,�� ag�eement is made or appticab2e law requu�es interest to be paid.Le�tder shall aoi 6e required to pay Boirower any inLeRSt or
<br /> e } '�t��
<br />= `�.',�.,:t .�:•�Y;.�:��., eamittgs on ttie I�utds. Boaower and Lender may agree in writing.however.d�at interest sdall be paiA on tAe Flmds. Lender -
<br />_ °,;��.R�. "..h,�'`� '`:�.;. � atiaall give co Bmrower,without d�arge,an aanuat axounting of tha�Cnds.showing ciedits and debits to the�mds and Me
<br />= •'� �.•.:' .- '"' Pwposz for arhich each deblt to the F1mds was made. Thc�nds a�e p2edged as addidonal securiry for all awns sec�ed by
<br />� �``. ` '�'``- - this Sec�rity Insum�i.
<br />— 5�.:•:1.,� . " . . � -
<br />_- � , If the Fi�ds.Ere� by Lender excced the auwunts penniued ta tire lieId by applirable law,I.�tife�shaU aaaunt to
<br /> '`f�j��.,:=�,:,,� - `.:.�, Borrower for dee euess.H�nds in aa�rdaace wIth the res��ents of le law. If the amo�uCOf Bie F�ads beW Dy
<br /> uu
<br /> .` ��3;f .•`• : ` Lender at an time is ne�s�eui to a the Escrow Itears w8en dne�ma so no Bmmwer in writin .
<br /> �' •:�-��•�. .:� Y F Y Y �Y 8 �+�
<br /> '�::-�;:„�....�,,.. � • . _.
<br /> ;?';:��i``�"�'��a{?-'�i��'' � • defici�in o mo�s�an tweie montbIY PaYments.at Le�nd�sole disae��'othe deficieacy. Bomower sGaA maice ttp the
<br /> �% 's'e l�;'4�tf;;; aA .
<br /> ':,:�:�`{,.:;'`.��`�: -:Y�=• UP�PaYmart in fiill of ell sums secured by this Security Inswmeat,Lender shall pmmpdy�eCcatd to Bomower aay
<br /> ,:`�. "=;,<,::;'.�,.,:�.� Funds held b P 8�P �4 � P�Y•Lender.Ar�6r to the acguisi6on or
<br /> _ •�,;,�, f„ ;••�. y i.enrder. If,under ara h 2l,Lender shall wre or sell the Pto
<br />- :�������:�`�ua't��i;��! ''' sate of the Ptoperty.shall apply any Fi�nds held by Lender at the ame of acquisition or saIe as a cmdit against the sums _
<br /> . ��:tn;.,..... .r�
<br />- �.��` ..::,�,,���•:• < . secured by this Security Insuument m,,
<br /> �:.i:. .0•�i"3'ii��;��� � pp��gon of Peyment�. Unless applicabte !aw pmvides otherwise,all payments ceceived�y Lender uader - .
<br /> ' . . . ;:`i4'f,L'!"� ._
<br /> r::;, ;"r,.�_�.;.�.;, P S�P PP� Y P�Y �S P Y �',=.-------
<br /> > g�.?:;::,.y';,;;��+,,:;:i.;� ara hs t and 2 shall�e a 1ied:first,to an ment c es dae under the Note;second,to�awts a able under -�,__.
<br />_bs;t,•'};,�:.;s%;:�F��f!�;'�.;,_ patagraph 2:chir�.co interest due:fourth,to principat due;aad las�to any Iate charges due under tt►se Nate.
<br /> a.�, t,,�(�3,,,sYx� � ; 4. C6a�;Lner�s. Bormwer shaq pay aU taaes.assessraents,cfs�ges,fines and imposi�fa�as anributa62e to the ,��- LL
<br /> : t y{s,�.� Progerty which r:1a-y attain priority over this Security Instrumea&and te3sc�old payments or ground rer:ts.if any. Botrower , ,,,_
<br /> � �_.��' � �• shaU Ray these obligations in the manner provided in paragra�sh Z,ur if uvt paid in that maaner.Boirower shap pay them on �.�'���::�"'--
<br /> 3 F'•;�,°....,'. %;-
<br /> {.. :--_;.��,r�,. ,' , Gax�ditecdy to the person oweA payment. 8orrower shall prompsly f�uaisEt to l.ender aII notices of ar.iounts to be paid under �_ •-�=:��;"
<br /> - _ i.`��.."•.. �'���';�.•:.��; this patagraph. If Borrower makes these paymenu directly.Horrower shatt n�ompdy furnish to l.eada�+ecelpts evidencing :.;`,,--
<br /> -�.:__..._..•.• the paymente. _'.,�-
<br /> ' , �-� Borrower shalm p�omptly dischazge any lien which has priority over�his 5ecurity Ir4trument un2ess Bormwer:(a)ag�ees ;�:-�_'
<br /> ' � _;:;��,h�,A,� �;.. in writing to the paycnent of the ab�igation sece�ed by the lieo in a manner aeceptabte ca Lender.(b)eantests in goud faith the ���� :�?�.;-�---
<br /> ��N � lien by,or defends against enfarcee7aent of the Iie�in.legaf procsedings which in the Ler�Er s opinion operate to prevent the •a
<br /> ';�'`� enfonement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the�ien an agree:tsent satisf2ccrnry to Lender subordinating the lien �
<br /> , : � `�:•.�� :. to this Securi trsuument If I.ertder determim�s that an ^. '� _•��-'
<br /> `.� '� , � .:, ry y�art of the Ffrapecty is subject to a lien aftich may attain pdority i ..
<br /> , over Ws Security f,�s�rument,Lender may give Bo�rower a rtouce idemifyicrg�he lien. Boaower<_hatl s�sisfy the lIen or take 4,::.
<br /> ; r.:�.;.�.�. ;.:� �::Y �e or moie of the actions set forth above wittun 10 days of tfce giving of natice. � �..`•tty�,
<br />- !� .:,{,:�y„;:;,;;r:�`:.•��':; 5. Haxard or Property Iasurance. Bomnv�er shal}t�eep tAe improvements no�exiscing or hereatter erected on the •_�,•�y'.� ���.•?'r•:'
<br /> = �:ti::�';:�1:�;��:�;.`-.�:" � Prepeny insuied against loss by fue.hazards included witbin ctr.serm"extended coverage"a^.d ary ather hazards,including ����4y� '' - .�
<br /> ����� •._.;'ti,��}',;�� ' fioads or flooding.for which Lender requires insurarcce. 'fi�is ensurance shall be mai.,�uisred in Ehe amounts end for the •�:��;:.'`•:; .;;::,:
<br /> .�::_ ..- � ,
<br /> � �:}7� • �'��'� ' . � � ��?'
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