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<br /> �- -- - -� -- -- - � .. .� . __.._..._ -__;-'-„- - - -- -- - -- -��c_="� . .
<br /> :._.r. . . .. .�_.^ � ' - - ---
<br /> -. ^T'< Y '' .:="`.��^. �t_�_ T.".--. _�,_ _ _�___—_
<br /> �
<br /> � 2 . .�. � :� ' . . �.n : • . . . . . ___ _.
<br /> � `�: � tn,1�w��'a,tosat't kaltistg of tl�:ptc+�cnY,ttia,� � shaU be app1ied�u'ttho st�tus.ss�ned b�r tbis 5ceu�itq ,: ; .
<br /> •Ius�at=wIIethbr.ar not tt�a�,vrjth t�ag ex�ess, tv Hosrower. In�he cv�nt oY� Wking,ot stie � �. <.
<br /> ; `ar1�I�tflo feit mat�ei vettia of�he�tope�t7►faunediatel�r'�efoYe the tataag.is�u�W�gaeaur tha amour�A���� , '�:-
<br /> � s t�u r e d b Y t h t a�S e a�tt t y I a s u u m i�t�#n n�s�'b e f a r e t h e�l a i d n g�a m l e s s B v a o c�e r c u�E.e n d e r o t fi!eev���s e a g r x I u g� .
<br /> - b`ta sutas so¢urat by tDis Saam'4y,Insuament sSea116e r�ce8�y.the�tmmouat of the pmceeds mu`itt�i k d by ttte:�b1lowLxg . ,
<br /> �xlon: {a}th�total amount of�c suat4's�cw+ed immediateiy betbrt., tekirig,divtded by N)the fais,criark�t�aIue adtita' '.
<br /> ` ., � � Fmperty i�mmsdiatety befor�s the midng.�Any AaIaace slial�be F�id�Bosrowes [n ttu eveqt oF e pmdal ta'kiag of 4hc ; -
<br /> --.._Pta�y in whic�l the fa�r markei value o�tAe P�operiy Immc,tiatety befoie ahe tatsing is Icss tliaQ the amount�f ttie swns..
<br /> -- _ _ •_ � ..
<br /> - - -
<br /> . secured u�ediate2yi 6efo�e t�e-�- �n-�,-unTess�ornoever and Lea3et-ot�herv7se-agreein wn'ting o7-�e3��ppii�,abt�:i�v-- --- - ` _ -- ----
<br /> _ -- et�eic`vlse prov€Aes;the ptdce�s shall i�e apg2ied to the s�s sec9uea by►thls Secudty Insc�uateat whether or aot t�e sums are .
<br /> — — thEn dus. = - °
<br /> _ — tf the P'mpetty is abandoaed by Bomnwea,or if.a8er rtotica by LeBder to Bmrnwer that the condemnor offera to mak�
<br /> an awac�ot seute'a ciaim for da�nagc.s.Baimwer fails to iespond w Lea�witWn 30 days aRet ttie date the aotice 3s given,
<br /> Leuder ts suthorizea to caIled aud epply W@ pmeee�s:at its opflonr eitt�er w restor.uion or regair of the Prope�ty ar tQ ttte
<br />- sums se�uted Dy this Security Iastn�ment.lYhether ar ttot t&en due. �
<br /> - � Uutegs Lendes and Barinw�r otke�avise agcee in auntiug,.anY ePPlicatzon.of�s to principal shali aat e,x�d ar --
<br /> Y— — . . .:gi,�stpone the due date of the mont�iy.payaientsrefeaed to m paiagisg6s:i�ad�or�;�e amoumt of snct�paym� .
<br />�_ . 11. 8or�rarcer Not Retease�;�Forll�aranoe�By Le�eder Nat a:�v�..��n.c�.tt�,ci�no for pa�tniem ar �
<br /> y : � 'cnodificadam of amorti�atioa of the suu�s'secuned by ttis Secwity Ins�t g�ted�E�Ti��rqs�sucoessor ia mterest = �
<br />� �'`=' .:cf$arrower small aot ope�ate to c�lease the liability of the ori$iaat Sasi+riarer or��r��fn int�e�eys.:�nder
<br /> ��.�'
<br /> � � �.s�a1D not be cequired to commeuce pruceedin8s agaiast a4�r saoce.ssor in interest or.�iYSe�ea4�a;r�;ti�ne for.��ar ,
<br /> _� : 'iitherwise madif�r amorSzesion of the swns secured by tius Security Instrume�t by��l.vfany�a��'�nade by t�s� ---
<br />.�;�:'- � Bmrower o�Ba�cower�s successois in moe�est. Any forbeazance by Lender in exercising any dgtct ax�emedy s1�II�a�i ti�.a.';..�.;i��:: —
<br />���=,� -� :: waiverofa��udetheexerctseafanyrightorremedy. :-,.� -; �:;::: .'. __ — ____
<br />_u —���_.
<br />� ._ �Z Sttapp�;ors snd A�tgns Hou$��olst sad Seve�al L�a6titty;Co-sigaeaa �e cdvenants aad agteements of�_`.;...;�
<br /> �;, --�;; Setivrity Instr�riisni s1�all bind aad benefit the sucwe�sors and assigns of I.cnder and Bormwer,subject to the pmvisions o��� '
<br />-_; - paregtaph 17.Baqrower�s covenants and a�nents shaU be joint and several.Any Bormwec who co-signs thLs.Seeauity
<br /> � � Instrament hnt does�not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing tt+is Security Instrumeat onty to mortgage.gc+ant and com�y that
<br />-f��. Bamnweib inter+est in the P►nperty undec ti�tetms of this Sec�ity Insuwnea� (D)is not personally obllgated to pay the su�ns � _
<br /> -���; se�ui+ed by Wis Security Insnumen�and(c}ag�ees tbat Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.m�d'ify,foibear
<br />__=-_ — - or make any accommadadon9 with regazd to the terms of this Secwity Ingwment.or the PTote wlthout that Bomuwer�s
<br />�f' ��� Loan Cbargea.�ch.Ioan secured by this Security Instrument is subjec[to a law which sets ma�cimum loan
<br /> ",'�' �,and q�st Iaar is 6aafl�j�cpterpc�eted so t�at the int�est or other toan charges ooltected or to be coUected in conneaion
<br />-��e�� .
<br />_,�.��: �3tII the toan exceed t�e p�lunits.then: (a)any such loan charge sba�l be r�duced by the amount necessary to reduoe
<br />-`=��_+�'� the cAazge to tIie pemritte�lmii�and(b)any sums atready coliected fivm�orrower whichexceeded peanitted llmtts wIll be
<br />-�tr; refunded to Bormwer. Lender may choose tu make dus refund by reducing the principal owed ander the Note or by makiag a
<br />- direct payment w Borrower. if a refuad nedaoes prirtcipal,the ieducaon wiU be treaced as a parttal pnepayment without any
<br />- prepayment ctrarge nnder the Note.
<br /> .,._�, � 10. Nottcea Any notice to Bomuwer provided for in this Security 1nsm�mertt shall De given by deiivering it or by
<br /> i° • mailin it D first class mail unless Lcable taw uires use of another method.'[9ie notice shaU be directe0 to the pro
<br />-,.,,_ _,�K;�^:. 8 Y aAP� �l P�Y
<br /> � ;��.'. Add�ess or any other address Bomnwer designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fitst class
<br /> ''.'� .'�: :Y��: .
<br /> �� 'c; : � mail to Lender�s address stated he�ein or any other address Lender designazes by noace to Borrower. My notice pmvfded for __
<br /> ��`�'� ?����=`':"`-"�"` in this Seturity Instrument sha116e decmed to have heen given to Borrower or I.ender when given as pmvided in this =
<br /> ,,;) � p.v7.h°!t�.' :. _ r _.-_ - -
<br /> ��.:,: ..;-�'�:.,,. .. ; ,,o... p^,�aag�aph. _:::,=
<br /> :;: ; _• e'�`^�:=• = .- IS. Goveratng Law; �verabUity. 'R�is Security Inswment shall be govemed by federal law and the taw of the �`_
<br /> "�;1t�� �,.� -"�� +���� jurisdictton in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision os clause of this Sec�rity Insuument or the Note �'�=�_-
<br />�,!�z; ' i: . -. ��. ����_—
<br /> �� �.���:: +�F;� conflicts with applicabte law.such con�lica shall not affect other provisio�of this Security Instrument or the Note which can -_
<br /> ��,j �„rt;�.• '"!�ti� �CCg�ven effect without the conflicting pcoti-ision. 1b this end the pravis�ons of this Security Inswment and the Note are � __
<br />=, °., "'�`i� c3�clared to 6e severable. `'`, � -
<br /> • "..,>��`���`':tit`ti 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one confortned copy ot the Note and of this Security instrumen[. "'`'-`�"�`—
<br /> . _ 't.,F� #";;r:'.. ,;°� ' .�,."-----
<br /> ._: .t�y t1,,�.j,; 17. 7�aagfe�of tAe Property or a Beneiictal l�terest in Borrower. If all or any pan of'the Property or any interest in .;';�� _.�-
<br /> ` .� :;� ;�,, •:�•'���i� it Is sold or transfemed(or if a beneficial interest in Horrower is sold ar uansferred ctnd Borrower is not a natural person) }�,-_�'_-
<br /> •..• �1_ly:1'I�... .
<br />_�,; `�-���'�.��{'';`�� without Lender'a prior written consent.Lender may.at its option.require immediate payment in fiifl of all sums secured by '. },,:r=
<br /> � this Securiry Instrument. Howcver.this option shall noi be exenised by Lcnder if exercise ls piotribited by federal law tu af • "���'
<br /> 4 � y��y���t , { the date of this Security Instrument. ,�"��"'`l
<br /> -��� ,�. ,- If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give 8omuwer notice of acceleratian. The notice shall provIde a period of +�;
<br /> � .•:�:.._. . � .
<br /> ,�.�_�E,•,..;:, : '�,��, w e�.ot less tt�an 3Q days fmm the date the notice ts dellvered or mailed within which Barrower must pay aU sums sec�¢ed by this . , :,s����
<br /> . �. � ;�'�'` 9ecuri ln..�:nt. If Borrower fails to a these sums rIor to the ex iration of this eriod.6xnder ma anvoke an
<br /> _ J,, . _ �r:, tY P Y P P P Y Y
<br /> �• ���r� nmedies perntiet�d by this Security Instrument without fu�her notice or demand on Bortower. ��•s •
<br /> .. :...i:.,.y,ia � . . : ; •
<br />-- :. .t:.:., ':'�:���' 18. Brsro�rJSper's Right to Refnstate. If Borrower meeu certa�n conditions. Borrower sha(1 have the rigf.t to Aave �•.� �- .
<br /> . ' .� �:�;��3�
<br /> ,: ';;'?.' ,.•��;,,..4 k; • eraz`orcement of this Securiry Insttument diswntinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such othea�r�iod us ��
<br />_ �L`. Siagte Family�Fannte MaeJFlreddte 4far LNIfOHM INSTRUHE�T–Uniform Covcnancs 9f90 fpaRea aJb pa�;esi . � ,`:•
<br />_ . .�,.�: . - �; �.;�,��
<br /> . �;, .. �:ti,'; � '. - . .:?"�;,�..
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