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<br /> ' ti�a!1,�eqdet` .r�iit+es�; ;3Yi+D Insnta�curier. pm'Srld�tt8 thB fas�,�`b�chuss�i by Stltto�veri�,i�io�'e�v�1. `i
<br /> �vb3d4 sball not 6w unreasonabty:with�d. If�tmwe�r fiils tD�n covcYage descaibea.�huv�;��mny���t
<br /> . _ , ��, .. .,
<br /> ' y . _ O�E�OAt�lt�8 CAYCPrgO.tO.ptOtECt LEIi�'9 t3g�R3 61�fliC Ft'O�CI'�Y�R�IOOt�i�&A9@ W�t2lQE18giQ�!`�.� °r _�: � . . � . � ``'
<br /> , � �il lt�uaa�.poltcda:�ad re�arsIs sb�li_de�acxeptaD2e te�t.enAer�nd s�taU incluQa a�sa�+�.�ot!y�a��sse. jLeqdcr:�,.-, ,� �-.
<br />- � � �all 6a�te tLo rlghe�to�id thep�fi�2es aa4�s.If Cender�equtra.'��roRer.�ll pro�th►8�re ao l�der�dl nC�i,pt�04 � -� �
<br /> -- ---� p�,Et!piecninms ail8 ieaawal aott�s.Ia t�e c+rart of lass�Bor�vv�r sAall give pro�pt i�otta�.ta the i�sxtnle�aad i.enscr: .
<br /> - --- - - ' -.---Lst�� t�if�pm�tyt_b�►.�orro�sr.- .�=`- - -- �'.. --- --- : � _ �
<br />�� �_:> : 3Jnttss�La�Et sisd IBosmw�tr ott�rwiae Rgtee W�eiting.taa�aa�e pmrocds c,dall De ep�fitd to tt�storat#o$pi t+ep�ir of tts� .
<br />- �eit�►c�aa�aB4d,lf Ne restontton or r�p�ir ta eonnomtcally fe�bta e�Leader'�sec�ityi is aat 2etseae�.�tAe cestorssian or .
<br /> � r�gatt ia i�ot eoanemic�liy feast6le ar Le�der's so�Ity wau2d De tesse�d,tlla ins�e pmbeeds sLali�a applud ta the su� � �
<br /> � 60�Uf�.b�F t�3 SGC11i�t�'�IiS�iUAl�.SY�i!!QT�Ot��.IYTt�8�t CIIOCSS Q8�(�t0 BOTR0IYM:.��Oi[iOWC�Y�l1Q�11!'i�10
<br />_= Pt�Gft�l�Of QOk4 tlOfi 6ItSWET WIfA{1130�►8 8 IIOt�CQ frQm t.ClldGY tbSt WO�CSRFCi�l83 Off6ik�'l�t0 SEttIQ 8 C�1R:thEa
<br />�� 1.�adet may ooIiect tbo��suinnoe pmoeeds. Igader a�ay use the pmceods w repair or n�tore tIIe ProperCy or t��atuns
<br />�� � secgued 6ytNs Sawrity Insttumeat.whtglur or aut then dus.The 3�day perfod will b�gin when tha notioe Is given.
<br />-- !� Uatc�s I.ender w�Borrower otherwise a�ee jn wrIting.anY aPPlicat�on of pm�eds to prIaclpal sBs1! eot exteaA or
<br />'`-,_ Pustpone ti�e due d�a of the montTily gaymeata refeme�!to in par�apAs 1 and 2 or c�a�ge the smow�of the pnyu�uts. 1f
<br />_ under parageaph 2t the Property is aoqaired by i�ader,$urrower's right to eay ir�sutanoe policIes and prar�eds hsntdng from _
<br />_" damage to the Praperty prlor w the soqriisition sbaU pass to l�ader to the e�te�t of the sums secuced by tt�is Secruity Insttnment
<br /> immediately prior W the acqnisitian:
<br /> 6.Oa�paacy,P1t+e�ervatio�,Matntenance and Ptotezt[oa�'4�e htu�ety;Borrotiv�'s Ias�a Apgltcatton;L�dds.
<br />- � Sormwer shell ooespy.estab1i.96,au3 uset�ne Fropariy as Borra�rtr's pr�a�a€cesideare withiu sixtY da3+a eR�r t�e��uilon�€--. _ _ _
<br /> t6is Security in.suum�nt and s1�alI aontim:e ta aavpy the Property es Hon»��s gans�al�deaae for at teast ane year a8er .
<br /> �;: the date of oaupx�.y,�mle�s L�r otheiwise ag�ees in writing, wtuch ooas�t�aII ant be�mtrasonabiy aritl��,or naless - .
<br /> - extennattng eindas�noes�sist w$itch are beyou8 Bon�wer's oomrol. Harnsa�er.�tl not dest�oy. damage,or.imgair stu
<br /> -�;. Propeity,allow ds��cuperty to'deteriorate,or oommit waste on the Ptoperty:�paav��r shall be in defautt if aoy forfeitnre .: �
<br />-. �" action or pnuo�eding,whether civil qr crFminal.is begnn that in Lender's�uud faith judgment aould resnit in foTfeiwce of tAe ; .
<br /> �� Pmperiy or ot�erv�i�matertally impair the lien created by this Secuiity Iu.�t or Leadet's sacurity intecest.Bormarer�y
<br /> �N °�„�...�;;A, sure s�ch a defaala aad reinstate,as pmvided ia gazagraph 18.by c�using the action or pmceeding to be dismissed arith a tWing�• � =
<br /> snc
<br /> - �"'�`��.°�. thaz, in Ie�der's good faith deoerminatiou. piecludes forfeltttna of the Sotmwer's inte�st In the Pmperty or at�ec material
<br /> �� r i�pai�m�r Y �Y tY +�t if:
<br /> .'- ..-�-';,�,'�� of the��ien created b d�is Securi Tnsuta�t or Leader's secwi interest. Borrower sball elso be ia' � . -
<br /> —•S �f, t�:.Y v�•.
<br /> �, ' : ;.� ,� ; Borrower.dnria�t�te ioan appllcation pmoess,�+e muerialiy faLse or in�oauate infom�aoion or stat�acats to Lendes(or faital: � -
<br /> ��.,��...
<br /> �: j i�,...:.. �...,.-. to provide Leader u�th anq aaaterial iafotmati�s}in oo�ection with the taan evidatoed by the Nut�induding,but not limite�..�:: .
<br /> : Y.1
<br /> _.:k' i�.,Y,�..:e�c�;,�r..,:�� to.repsesentations conoeming Bomnwer's aocaganry of the Pcoperty as a priacipal residenoe.If this Seauity Inctrument is on$
<br /> - '� »�"°``°'�� � leasehotd, Bormwer sLall oompty with all the�provisions of the tease. If Borroweraoqviies fee title to the pm�pe�ty. the _
<br /> ' ';�;'•;<=':;f��M• ��' ��'
<br />- . t-:�t�.>�.�:t� `''�:':,�;i leasehold and th�fee title shall aot merge unless l.ender agrees w the merger in writing.
<br /> - ' � '�;i'`:;�..�:, . � ���::�� 9.Pt+otes�?�a�l.ender's Rights in tl�e�o�1y.If Bomower fails to per[orm tha oovenants and agr�ments oontained in �
<br /> '��•( �.'e�y3•::4�� ,.�.�•�.' -.�4. • . . _
<br /> � �:,. :• ttils Security In.�ent, or the�e is a lega! p�ding that may signifr�ztly affe¢t Lender s righu in the Pro�ty (such as a
<br /> '�}' '�{��:������� �• `� -'�:�;.c;t �
<br /> • :,,.� . - proceeding in ba�ntptcy,pmbate, for condemaarion or forfeiture or ta er,force laws or reg�ilations).t�en Lender may do su� _-
<br /> .' � :: ,.�. . pay for whatever is neoessary to protect the value of the Praggrcy aad�.ender's rigdts in the Propecty. Leader's ac6das�maq °��^� _
<br /> � P Y g Y 9 F��. �Y aPP�'i�8 1� �' ' �
<br /> ,i�S, . ' . , include a in an sums secured b a lien which has �i�r ati�ec this Secvri Instrument. in cossrt. yitt� c..,�w,�_.
<br />;,�,`�:�t ;�.,',•,:;.:'.::; ', .'„ rcasonabte attomeys' fees and entering on the Progeriy to make repairs.Al�hongh l.ender may take action tutder this paragtagn :E+.�' "
<br /> " 7.l.ender does not t�:ve to do so. `''��'— -
<br /> �, �i , ,. ... ' ��_v�
<br /> ��` " :s,,. �' My amouats disbursed by Lender under fhis paragraph 7 shalt 6eoome additional debt of Borrawer secured by this '�•• •,
<br /> �:�:..,.,,;;?'�'.�:��:° �-!:f ti�s.:
<br /> . �� ,..:::;::���•Y =,,:,"���.--� Sewriry In�ment. Unless�wer and Lender eoree to other tem�s of a ent,thes;amaunt��haft l.�r int�s from ttie —
<br /> _ �.,�.� :.,•,_aT:;s,�� ; ..,_�-;, v P Ym _t,.:�_—_-
<br /> V•t , • ��_,-��+; ; i date of disbu�semeni ai the Note rate and shall be payable. with interes� upon noti�e from l.ender to Borrower requesting ' ���+A�z�;=- �
<br /> . ,, : ' � I payment. � -
<br /> `�. � � `'"` �' S.Morrgage I�uranoe.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a ca�dltion of making the loan secured by this Security � -"`'
<br />}`-�.�`�; .;,;;;'.� . <.• . ��
<br /> ' :� � , . InsWm�nt. &+m�u•�°r�shall pay the premiums requirod to maintain the mortgagc insurance in effect. lf.for any reason.t�e � , � ,�._.;:
<br /> � . • • mortgage insuraa�e coverage requireA by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiurag requirod ra • +,:•� ::' :.
<br /> _; ,:'`t: k l.' .;: • :�`.. ;; obtain coverage substantialty equivalent to the mortgage insuraace pmviously in effect.at a cost substantially equivalent to the ''•:' : • :
<br /> .,,�, �.' °a� cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lertder. If ,. �
<br /> �:� ��}'.,:_. ; � substandally equiva�e�t mongage insurance coverage is not available.Harrower shall pay to l.ender each month a sumequa!to +�: � ' . ' .
<br /> .'�.•; i:-'� '• . , . . . one-twelfth of the earl mort
<br /> .� y y gage insurance premium being paid[ry Barroxzr when the insursince coverage lapsed or oeased to ._
<br /> "` be in effect.Leader will accept,use and retain these paymersts as a tass reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve �`
<br /> ., � . ;::
<br /> . .,: � Farm 3028 8/90 ' •
<br />� , � � Pege 3 018
<br /> � i S` � . � � . . .
<br /> . �� ' �.. � �� • • ..
<br /> ��- �,C � : ..
<br /> . :i° . - - ' - . .
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