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<br /> - — � �;. `�1BR�VTI`H a4l,dea�bvem�ua aow oi�secraR�r e�ed ua t�D�Y�. • � _ . ,-
<br /> -----. . �nort a��►es�aRer o.psrt of dia pmpe�.j+. Ail �pluoeu�eats aasl�addtii�4:�bd31 at&o be oover�by,thiu,S�ttity
<br /> =T.._ _- —.-- :�``�e.a.im�u�t,_A��nle;oingls�tnlntLis,Se�tttiyt�n�ttt�t.es�S1l�_'i�-���'.�. � _ �
<br /> - - -- -- :--. - � -
<br /> _ - - -_- .
<br /> . .. .Bc�t�ow�r cov�v�,rs���naw�:�c�R►�us►�; .c�:c��e�r.��`.�t�s��m�e a�-
<br /> - - 'cailvey�tha<Projiertyr aad t�at�ts Pt+ag����nenmbetGd.exoe��enatmbrances of r�4ant�t�t�awer cvartanm�tta.cvti�;
<br /> defena!genasctlly the tit�e to dte Froperty a�t�alI eiaims aad de�im�;'subject to pay easi�mbsqav�s��•t�aotd. ' .
<br /> ----_- - THIS SECUR�TY INSSRUMBI�YlC tom6ine§�aidf4Rt�inCOVenants.foz aatitlual ttse and noii-tuili�i cuv�w4th Wnit� ..,
<br /> - - w�ttaos DKlWifdtr,tion o0 oansHtnte a anit`om�s�tr[tya iasunmeut oovering�rea!proFerry• ��`. r
<br /> -- - �T3+1IF��IIV��CO�BNANR�.Bomutver saul Leudet oovepam&t�d�te�as fatiowa: :A� . �
<br />�� i.Payrst�at ai�Ft�ti�!a��Y�tt�sQ:.PMeF�ym�t eu8��8t�C�ai+j�s. Bar�+o�vee-ats�41:�a�q�ptfy pay when due tt� _
<br /> `A � - - _ ��' -�rla�t�sa1 af�Iatee�t m�rth�d�t-e�rid�tcedr8y��th�f�ota aaA any'�pr�t'em#l�+�tE��-tt�l►�e� ; :_ ..-__ __
<br /> - - - Z.Ftmds,far Ta�s.sad�Ln�na2.5��a�to epialicabt�taw.or ca�a wrttt�n�a�aiv�b�t;t:�3der.BoR+a�ret s�a�l pay to --��_
<br /> - - Laufer on the day mantuiy.pa,ymenteane dne under ttte Aiote.untii the Note is pa#d faft�ll�Q�um{aFnnds')for.(o)yeariY tsttes < -
<br /> — � edd essessmeats�whicD m�y attain pdnrity av�r this�urDty Iaswment as n lien on the Prog��ty:(b)yeatiy leasehatd paymema -
<br />-- - or grow�cems on tha Pmperty.if any;(c)Yenr�Y��or P�rtY�nsumnoe pmmtumst(d)ye�Wy flood insuradce p:emlu�� ._ .
<br /> if eny:te1 Y�Y ma:tgage insurance pm,miwas. iF ang:and(f�any evtr�s QaynDla by 9ar[awer to Lender.in�ecordnnco witQ
<br />�_'� tha prnvtsiong of par�g�aph 6.in t�eu o!Wa payment o!rnurtB4g�it�uratts�p�emtum9.'f'hese Items ant taUad•Fs�row[tcm�.' -
<br /> -- L�onder msry.at any tlme. c�oltect and hoid Funda fn an amount not to cxo�d Ne msuimum amount o tender t'or o fodsra�ly _� _
<br /> rclated moit�ge taam m�y require far�ommvet'e escrow accouM andcr tAe fodcml Real Bstata.3c�tlement Prooedures Act ot
<br /> - 1974 as amended fcom time to tlme,D2 U.S.C.Sectfoa 2601 et acq.('RBSPA')�unt��otfies!#�w that applics to dte Fuads -
<br /> '� sc�a[esser amount. it so.Leader�nay.at any time.wltect s�nd hatd Funds in an aatount oo��ta�exoeed the lesser asnount. --___
<br /> l.�der m3y estimate the amount of Fands due an the basls of cument dam aad�easonsbla e�imat�of expertdItures of Poturo �--�
<br /> .r�` .,-. Fscro�v Items or otherarise in s000rdanoe with appflca6le taw. �-� �`
<br /> .-,,�� �
<br /> �_. '14ie Fwtds shaU be betd in an institurion wbose deposIts are insucd by a fedeml a�m�.y: �nsttvmetaality. or entity •.=.�.,r,-
<br />_ (indud�ng Lender.if Lender is sash an��tion)or ia sny Federaf Homs Loan Bank.Lender sleaSl`appty,the Funds w pay the --`�.� -_
<br />= �w Items.Leader may not charge Harmwer for dolding and applying the Funds,annuaily anstyzin8 ttia'cscrow aeoonnt.or ��,._
<br /> :.'P .�: 'S_l,ym[,.
<br /> ' veliijring the Fscrow Ite�.uniess Lender pays Botrower intc�est on the Fwids aad applicabte If►w pemtits l:esr�er to make suc6 ��,_..�_=_
<br />- ��:�: � a chatge.However,Lender may oequi�aorrower to pay a one�time charge for an independent�r�it�est�tw t�nr,:rd�wrting sen►Ice ���!
<br /> � �,.�'��-��; ��= nsed by Leadcc ia oonnecdoa wtth Wis.ioan. unless applicable law �cavides otherwiss. [Tdl�s�:aa,agteennent ts made or :.�=s_;_-
<br /> . .�;'- .:.�=- .. ,.�; .-,„__
<br /> . 's ti� spplicabie law reqai�s intecest ta be paid,I.e�der shall aot be requinad w pay Borrower an��intetese or eamings on the Fnnds. �:=_:���;.�.
<br /> - =:�:.���;�` --
<br /> ,i',;t...�;'•'�E�f"<<�'��� Bocmwer end Leader ma ia wdring,6owever.that inte�+est s!►all be a�d on tba Fun�utider sLall ve to$orrowtr. ' :`�:'�`� _
<br /> :��h�,�:�,-���'�<, Y� P � . :•. :-,�=
<br /> � • `�.E.��,y� w i t h o n t c h a r g e.a n a n n u a t a x a s�n i i n o f t h e F u n d s.s h a►v i n g c re d i t s a n d d e b i t s ta t h e F�:s u�t 6 e p u t po s e for which e a c h �.:`.;�:.. :,_-
<br /> , ''=���4 :�����:�i�;� debit to the FwMs was tnz�e.T4ie Fuads a�e ptodged es addirional securiry for all snms sev.ued by t6is Security Instmment. ,r.��.:. , - -
<br /> _ � ��,Y.���� � . � u ' t�.f9��F��..�..:�.�..
<br /> - s^�y�,�� ��rs If the Funds held by L.eaderexc�ifse amounts peanitted to be held by appUtabl�l�..i:,ende�shaU aocount m Bormwer c`;.;_-��
<br /> ' ;3*�t�'��`s��•'�~� for the exoess Funds in asaoo�danoe with'dre nequirerttents of appllcable law. If the aznauat.afithe Fands held by I.ender az any `��''�:• .
<br /> �'•: � ,.-<<�:- :
<br /> , ,��,',:<;;;,,�:�,� ;: ' , s-..
<br /> �,:: ,,;� � • time is not sufficient to pay th�Escrow fteai�when due.Lender may so notify Boiro�ver In�wiitin�.aad.in such case Bono�vec ,.���.:t,��•.r. ;� ..;.��'' ',-
<br /> �L
<br />-��� �'�_�` S"� sl�all to Lender the amount necessary to maks tha deficiea Boirower sdaU mslc�up the deficien in ao more tiu�a � ^ '�'
<br /> �,Y ,4�5r,�,. � � �' � �i t�$, c
<br />� ;��_-�;},.,::;sr,��.��;,•� hvelve monthty payments,at i.ender's sol�discretion. � � - �
<br /> �..' �. � ,,-�•
<br /> °_ : .;�,,�,; `;.�'z;,��t�`';� Upon payfnent in full of all swna s�ted by this Secuiiity.Instwnenk Lender sNal! Qra¢�IY refund ta Barrower aay _'�' -.t •'��; ,
<br /> a ne ecu ,��;�
<br /> '��.� 'y�r`;. }f'��� Funds held b L��r.If,under p F���,Lender shall acquire orsell tha AropertSr:Lendec.�rior to the asquisitian or�s A ', � ;�'�,,����
<br /> .� :;` :•�.,��� S Y �P � �,.. ,,��;r:.ts����--
<br /> ,,+��,�y>.�. ��,��': of the Property.st�.�Il apply any.�und��h�d by Lender at the time of�aaryisitian or�sate as a cr�Ei�against the sums secured , .�. .;.;� �,,;
<br /> � t���� '• this Security Inswmen� � LE • �� ,x��Y` �•.�
<br /> < •k ���!+=d e t� � -
<br /> .;;a'�k+�y�,�4.��� -,5;:.•' �w '�
<br /> ��, „-:; ..: .+..
<br /> - t ,';'�<�o'.;,�`�'�?�;�;�.�:``' 3.ApplIcatton of Pa�za�L"�4.�apylicabl�law pruvides otherwise.all�payrnents recei�ed by l.ender under paragraphs �'��,:,:=•;-�:•�•a._,-•;:,--
<br /> 'r,' s,
<br /> i�\p��i',�'til�.':�+ .`�.�'_
<br /> ; '• •�'1'�i,�`Y�a�'§'�!'{i;: -
<br /> � '•r:�Y�:a,;��T,,����' 1 and 2 shall be appfied:frst.to azry pr�,�yment charges due under the Note:second.to amoc�cg payable under paragraph Z: .. F,�ti;��±:�;;:�:•-�
<br /> �"��'� �'�•���. thlyd.to interest due;fouRb,w �1�°.;and last,to an Tate char es due under the Note. ��� �"`''�''�"' `
<br /> , � � �`:;'{ �.;•.��,',�=-
<br /> ' ' �{'-.��,�;;�'�� o P�P" Y g t,. 4 .:
<br /> �:��� .t��}t���''���=1�� � 4.C es;t.#e�s. 8armwer<t'i�l p�•all taxes.assessments.char es, Gnes and im siuons attributable to We Pro <<,� ,�����`� t •
<br /> �ir�,�r���.'`�,•i�,.:�:. . � Fa' � �� ....�.'t�`,::�}litl���=::
<br /> �{,��,;����; : � which may attain priaritp orer this Secariry Insttumen� and leasEhold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pAy � .; � �7 �r _
<br /> '�"` `� "��"' ' these obligatIons in the ma�er provided in paragraph'l,or if nat paid in tnat manner. l3orrower shaii pay them on time direGtty . • �
<br /> .L��i��.�:i:;,r._� �„` �
<br /> _�. ,•.,z7:�:,,, ��,�,.•. � P P Y P P Y P P 8�P �`':`�'r,'�`�;:'�. .•'�
<br /> �. .•;;<,�y.,,�,���,�� ,•,,�;.. I to the erson oaed a ment.Horrower shall rom tl furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be aid under this ara h.
<br /> „. `L�"�yr��tii�,x`���;•�;; -...�.e� � .:
<br />_:,{;�; t�;��l��;.,;4,.i�.��,�.`�. If Borrower m�5�:s�chese payments direcdy,Barrower shall promptly faanish to Lender receipcs evidencing the payments. .. �• +�'�;;:�.,,y�::.. _
<br /> � `� i f;�f
<br /> ?}•H ��, �,�•, �;����,� ; Borrower sTtafi pmm�tly dlsct�arg�e�ny lien which has prioriry over this Security Instn:ment a�nless Borrower.(a)agrees in ;� ��
<br /> �z r�.:� 4jsd tl 4i
<br /> • �5� {°+���• � wriNng to tha paym.�zt of ch:obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender:46>rnntests in good fatth the lien ,r �:.
<br /> �, �_: ,•�..�,.��V ,�.•_,-. .
<br /> ';:_4 ,:. `�`.�i;.�,:,;, by, or defc�da egainst enfnrc�ment af the lien in. legal proceadings which in the Lender s opinion opemte to prevent the •' :� ° :��:•
<br /> ' �. � r�.����� `. �:,.::: ,�,�.,�; .
<br /> :�; x . <«,'�}.�;� ; enforcement•of�tt�a ljcn:ar k)ss�res from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory ta dxnder subardinati�g the lien to t,: � ��t,,s, "
<br /> � - �r4��r;�• ttiia Security It�ttumem.Tf Lender decermines that any pan of the Property is snbject tv a liea wt�ich may uttain prioriry over ., ���, �Y .;�, .�
<br /> �,�:�..: .K.�...�a,;,E��: �_:. ..,.
<br /> • �i+,. tWs Senuit Instrument,Lender ma ive Borrower a notice identif m the lien.Borrower yhalt sati� thc lien�r take one or --:: ••:. •���'�'���' �
<br /> ,,,;�..,,� ��:� Y Y� Y� S fY ,, , ,�.;:ti.,�;,-.� �� .
<br /> ,:; ,c, .,,-t�,v.�
<br /> f �;'s,�. .�;�,• moro of�ttte actions set fortl9 a6ove within 10 duys of the giving of notice. ' ��!;;�;(;;:�;'�'��_.1t�::;:' '_,
<br /> ,� ..s��: . ' �;�j,,. i�:�:....
<br /> sa,:.. ,',ti:;�., •,`'
<br /> ,5 Form 30Z8 8190
<br /> - '•._ �:�. ;�t.:
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