_ �' - , � � : � : _ _ -
<br /> � . '� :
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<br /> ..?��, � .. i ...'-'�3 —.. . _.... _ .._ ...��.�._ _ _ tF_._.= -- __"____ —
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<br /> - �"^ �<:• k'`"� . � . .._ . . . c � ';, a . �'� . � - - ' ,_;. .�� .0 - -� - 0-•--_ ' ,.
<br /> .` ` ,�` ` . �o lan er bs . � at tha on of&at�d�rr.if � ``� v� ��" `� �,��f�` . .. ' -
<br /> _ �. ���Y 8 ��►. a�i �to�g�,g �as�iraaoa cra8.e f m t�e a�uat�f t��:p��a!
<br /> � 't8i�� zequin�s?�rQVtdtd�y aa�eppzoved by�ender$gatc+bpooa��vaifa8le�ust 3a n8tain�.t�or�owea sB�Y!�y:. - � . _
<br /> — — - -- =�--__, '�-:.�'=�SSG'�., t-"wi�A,�°.�Il3�E� ` ` .. "���l�.+L+lRm�p�f����,u.Pr,r,�{t�t��.-�---�.� .•—
<br /> ,. �itEYCanab f�s 1�BC�QRt�i1�Wi�t YDY t�vtlttCII qg�CalEltt hsil{�CCA�QZIbWL`��lid`1:Rt9�F Ot A�Q1iC�A�tiW._�. • . , .. ,
<br /> .� :`. 9.�.Lca�r or�ta�gar�m�p a�Wca�bto smdai npa�s�ct inspect�ons of t��mpe�ty.Lcader�tu�it�ivp � '_
<br /> - , ' gori�swer aod�+[t tlf�4�ms of ar ptior to,an fasy�ian sP�Y�B�susub2e�aus,e fat We I`nspcctioa. ° � � �
<br />- — . t0.Qmn�t�n.�7'he ps�oceeds of atry eward or oln�m for d�mage�`.�diraR or conse�us�tl�. in oon�tt4n vVltii�qi . •
<br /> oaadeaiflat�on or Qt,hei tiid�of Any pprt of t�e Prope�iy,br far conveqauee In Uw a!co�n,�her�by agstg�d aad , :
<br /> : ;�a11�e pald to�rtder. . . . � , . . - , - .
<br /> y=- --- ----- - In tha:eveat of a tot��8 of the t'mpe�y,tfu prdoeads ahal!be agpli�to the snms seaac�d by tbls�ry Ias.�m, _ _._� ____._.. .---__._.
<br />�:. _.___ ��e�ter or aot.shea d¢a.wIth aay eas�ss paid w�movier.Ia the eveat of�paitial taking of the Propaty in whic�i tke fair —
<br />_:� , marktt vataa og tha I'mpeny im�fy befote the taidug is equai m o:gieater tt�n t6e auuannt of the sums se�ed by sh�s =
<br /> __- --- — 5e�triry I�astcoment�Immediately befare the taldng.untess Bomower end Lender athenvise a�in wrlting.the sums sec�cd by
<br /> — --- tltia Seairity inswsaenc shall ba reduaed by the amnunt of the pra�oeds mWtipliad Dy tha followIo��fr�ion: (a?the total
<br /> --- azaaunt flf dto snme sea�red immediatety before dee tatdng.divided by(b)the fair market veluo of the Pmpetty imu[ed�atety
<br />_� � 6efore th@ takIng. Aoy dataace shatl Qe pa�d tu Bomower. In the event of a par6al eatang of the Pr�pertS►ia wMcb tke fair
<br />�.� m�et value of the.AnpertY im�y+6efure the tatcing is les.s thaa We amaunt of the sums s�ed imm�distdy befare the
<br /> - . tagiag.unless Bnrmwes aud L�der ott�envise agrea ta wctting or untess applicable taw othera+ise pmvides.the pmaeeds�Ll
<br /> he epplied to the sunas secuned Dy tbis Sac�uity Instrumebt wBcther or not the sums ar�dten duc. -
<br />- .. �f the Froperty is abandoned by Bormwer.or if,after nutioe by Iaader to Bonower that the oonde�nor offers tn make sn
<br /> awand or seule a claim for damages,Borrbarer faits.to respoad to Leader withia 30 days after the date tfle aotiae is�ivee�. �
<br /> - .. _ Lender is mutharbed to oollect and appIy t�a pmcPeds,at its opt+oa,eithes to tesw�on or repa�r of the.Pmperty or to the auas
<br /> ' '� � sec�ued by this Secutity Iitstmment,whet6er or aot thea due.
<br /> �:�.>
<br />� � `� Unles.w Lender a�Horiower othenvise a�ee ia iwriting, anl+ aFFUcation of pmoeeds to prindpal sball uot exoead or _ --
<br />_
<br />- pestpoae the due date of die mm�tfily payments referrad to m paragiap6s i aad Z or c�aage We amouat of such paym�ts.
<br /> - • ;�`s•`• . • ;�=;�,._. il.Y$ortnw�Not d�eteased;ForDearauce Bq a.�td�Not e YVc�ver.Fxt�sioa of the time for payment or modifi�n
<br /> of amm�aa of the sums se�nred by this Security Insbra��►t g�anoed 6y Lender to eiry s¢coessor Ia intc�st of Borrower s&all
<br /> '_�� ��=_ ant opecat�m release the liability of the or�gtaal Borrower or Bomowre,r's suocessois in intemst. I.eader shall not be c�qnized iv
<br /> `% �y ��°`�'��f commenoe suc�sm fn iatesrst or refiue to extend tirne for eat or otheiwise amortiTation
<br /> . t:"-,.,:•r z Praoeedin8s against anY F�► �Y -
<br /> ° tr"�:�-'�� '4` of the siuns senmed by tLis SecuIry Insuumenc by mason of any demand a�zde by the orI$ina! Borrower or Borrower's � -
<br /> � ;:.',*�ti;Y�;''<�.�, `±
<br />- f •�:,.-r. ._ :,�.,y. � sucoessots in inmec+est. Aoy fotbearance by Lender in e�cercistng any right or remedy s�all not he a waiver of or preclwde the =---
<br /> ::, 2as!� �Y•
<br /> _ ':'~��°=��°�t��`-�e �u&ar���a A�.s anm.►d;aoSat ana sev�al ldanllity; Co�st�. 'IT�e ooveuanu ana agteements of iF�i �
<br /> �.;fi.S.'...�'•'.",,. �, y' . '
<br /> :. Sec�rlty Ia�a�:'r d�tL bind aad henefit tLe successors and assigas of Leader and Homower.subject to tite pmvisions of � �
<br /> � ,�;,;;�. , ' F�B�Ph•i7. �urraw�'s aovenants and agreements shall be joint aad several. Any Bonnwer who oo-signs this Security ,� __--
<br /> " ' :.t�:.�'_:. .•. . . ' r Ya�ent b�c�oes not e�ec�te the Note:(a)is co-sigaing this Security Tnsnvment only w mongage.g�ant aad oomey tLat —
<br /> .� { ;;:.;:.:
<br /> �`.' ;:"e`��.;�•: '�`,"" Bonawer's artecest ia the Property w�der the tem�s of thIs Securi lnsmiment;(b)is not °^-
<br /> .. :; h,,,V ,..>, . , : ty personaUy obligated to pay tfle sams ,�,A—.
<br /> , seeuc�ed by t�is Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower mag agree to extend.madify.fo�az or
<br /> ° '., � ma�e any accommodations with regard to We tems of dus Seauity Instn�ment or the Note arithout thax Boriower's coaseat. �'�;--
<br /> + a �J-,=° -
<br /> °:..�..° ' 13.Loan C6arges.If the toan secured by this S�cs�rity Insa�cr�gnt is subjecc to a law wluch sets maximum loaa cttarges, `�.;,<ti=II= -
<br /> vi. �.
<br /> : �,r<.. ..; • . ; znd that la�ar is fmally intetpreted so tl�aat the iateresc or ather Ioa�d�arges coltec�ad or to be copected in oonaection wIth the ,t='�� ��- ---_
<br /> • , -,: toan exce�f�e permitted limiu.then: (a)any snch loaa charge s�alf iee reduced Es�cAe amount necessary to reduce the �
<br /> ' ' � r fi�� to the �limit;aad(b)any sums alread coltecced fmm Botrower which ex�o0eded � 4=4:-
<br /> s . ;`. ;5;�i^ P� Y permitted limits will be refuffi��tu , t� -
<br /> . � �..;<<° . :,; �. . :,<;• $otrower. Lender may chvase to make this refund by raducing the principaE ou� urcder tt�e Note or by makiag a� ` ;; : `:Y���--
<br />_ ' s ,�tY,�� ;�; . . paqment to Borrower. If a refund rodaces ptincipa. the reduction will 6: e�e:d as a partial prepaycaer.c ccithant anyr i��.•:. �^-�.:__
<br /> °�S``,-�,�':;= � • �paYment charge under tfieI�iote. a� � �. ;�rr.,_�..,.
<br /> ���.�.�� ' '�. 1 .:-�.;._.�e�=--
<br /> __ �• •� _ 14.NoBoes.My notice to Borrower provided for in this Secarcy[nstrument shall be given by deliveriag it or by m�7ing .. �_,-�x
<br /> ` `�`'� ��^^�f�� it by first class mai!unless applicabfe Iaw requires use of aaother^+eaF:od.The notice shall be directed to the Progerty Address *-1•.'.
<br /> :'•�-. •� or eny other addmss Borrower designates by notice to Lender. A�y �otice to I.ender ehall be given by first class mail to .� �,,:.�,�'l��-'-' :
<br /> �� �. :A�"� ,c. • E,ender's address stated herein or any other address IIx�drr desi�nates by notice to Boaower. Any norice p�ti7ded for in this � .; �:�• '�_��'
<br /> ~;;�. '�:��� �°' "�> ' Sawrity Insm�ment sha116e deemed to have 6een given to Borrower or Lender�•hen given as provided in this paragraph. � � . ,.,
<br /> �.a:;;. .an �. , ��:��. ,..
<br /> � 1S.�v¢rNng Law; Severabfllty. Thls S�urity Insmimeat shall be govemed by federal law and the iaw af tha
<br /> ; .� ,,,• . ., ;.
<br /> . ��� ' .�`: . '�',��� FertS' � Y P�isian ar clause of this Securit Instrument ov the ATcrP �� �:-:���' .
<br /> -''' ; r �� . ' '� jurisdiction in which the Pro �s locaaed. In the event that an
<br /> •`� • � ��"�� �•����`''°' oontlicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect oiher provisions of this Securlry Instrument or the Note wnicis sxf� • � �
<br /> � (1 '. .. '' '. t;.. � i ., .
<br /> • . _ given effect without the canflicting provision.To this ertd the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are dec�ared
<br /> s�-. � . .
<br /> to be severable. , .
<br /> �� '` • • 16.8orrower's Copy.Bortower shall be given one canfortned«�py of the Note and of this Security lnstrument. ' ' �
<br /> : :.
<br /> .,
<br /> ` Farm 8028 9190 . .
<br /> ;:,.
<br /> i�,- ' Pepv 4 018 • .
<br /> ``'t � �
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