� ��—r�., .�' t .�. �. s `aaFcs�ra�a`�,.�..��
<br /> �� �`...'_i4``�a``�•b � k�i�i` � � _..9__•_ ,cc �c `r� -- — . _
<br />-�� � �c ' _-ry��. ti ,�v ---- . , ... _ t�r�- -� _`^�' - -�.��_-y'� �.,r _._.
<br />�,��1 'ea.,, �a "a . .. � . ' . . . . . .. �:z-• ' _ c, . � � , oc -
<br /> a�a2 `�...��C.��a �.�. . . . _ . , �� 1 <.. Y
<br /> :—t•�b -- ` • ' . . i � � � ` C . , i\- - `C .` . . . .,V . - �� .. C ���.
<br /> --- � - ^ � � ' ' . � :\��, ���,� a r � .4` — L.
<br /> — . {
<br /> . . � : .. . : . _'
<br /> __ —. . ` .t• . . . " . `
<br /> - <� � "f�ahd�ti�vor ather tekin$af sny pn�oY the Rrrpescy.or€az caave�an�i�iF:uQf s�emnst�on.�e l��eby a�s�tid sad �� '
<br /> �__ � 8111�ti@�tO�RftQl'f_ ._ - . .
<br /> � • ��.avaat o�;c� - `_ ----� --- - --- -- ---�= --t��� ' `s�.��-;���;--�==_=--°__ -- - _
<br /> . 7ns�ncoQesit�;wi�ether.or sot t�.dca,with any cx�ess.pai m Bamuwer. �n tUe event af a�t3icing af_tt�@�nY i��
<br />— ' � whichi the fair issar�et.vatue af taa�topc�ty i�mediat�yr Oefoze the taking is�eqi�at to ot gcratar tb�n�the amo�ths oY tha surns � .
<br /> - , sxund Dy Nis Sxurity Instntment t�sdiatcty 6efaa+c tI�a�taktng.untess�ot'ta�rer and t�eadei�stwIse a�gree iu wridn�, ,
<br /> _ , , tt�e swris secureA�y this�cuttry lastrameat shaii be reduced ts�c;tho umour,t of thts�mut�pliHl by tDe follawdag. . .
<br /> ' fracttac�: (8)tIIC t6jB2 8II10QIIL af t�lB BriI�4 6CCili+��tI1�iC�18it'Iy ECfaiB t�iC E3�i�tt$�divided.{�r(A)the i�ats amrkct v�ot tRs .
<br /> — pnnpe�ty Immediatcty Defere dae taking. Any Dalnaoe shall bc pald W B�mH�er. In tt�e event of a panial Isid�of�he °.
<br />-� . Qcapeny w w�ich Me f�ir rs�icet vatue of ths Froperq�i�nr�sdiateiy 6efor�tt�t�&ing is�ess t8an tRe amoimt ot i�c sim�.a
<br />� - - -- �- -�immedi�tel)!before tt�e�attlag�_unless Bon�o�r•ec aud_l.eader otltet�visR��,�vririt�ur unl�ss spplicu�2e taw _ ,
<br /> . - --
<br /> = ---- adcec�vL,e pravides,the p�oceeds shai�ae upptied to des euu�s secu�by tln��ecurity tnstsutnens�v-het�ec or aoTiIie sums are . _ - - -- _. _. .
<br />_ -- ahendue. � . ° �
<br />_- If t�e�Iropeny is abandaned by Smrower,os if.sifter uatiae by Leud�r w Bo:m��rer-7t�t ttee condeianor o4�ers vn make .
<br /> - __ . an awand or settt�a ctaim for damuges.Bormwer faiLs to r�spuad ta Lend�t�vithin 30 daye.after tIIe date the nutice ts givca, .. � _
<br /> . 1.ender is authar�zed to coliect aad appiy the pmceeds,ae�ts optaon.ett?►er to mstoraxtinon,ar regair of tM Pt�ope�ty or ro tI►e ' — -
<br /> sums seCUtad by dt"ts Sec�uity an rm t,wlletliet o[noi tfi�dtte. � ��`
<br /> ` 1t�I.�nda aad Bano�othenvise agee in wririag,anX app�ioa of domce��ls to�Cipal sh311 ant eatteq�ar
<br />- pbstpone thedw:date of the montLIy PaYmei►ts refemed roin paragraphs�!aad2 orchsnget the amount of such PaY��
<br /> �l.Bortower Nm Rties�s¢e!;Fbraearanoe By l.end:r No!a.WaRv�r. Exterision of the.time for paym�t.or .
<br /> malification ofamortizaq�an of tAe sums secured by this Seauity Tn.sd�i granned by Lender to any suocessor in interest .
<br /> n
<br />- of Bmrower shall not uperaLe to ieleuse tLe liab�7iry.of dne origiml Baimwer or Bor�ower�s successais ia lnnern�st.Leader
<br />- � � • 's1�aU not be cequiied w oammence pr�ngs against any successar in intetest or cefi�se m extead ti�ne for payme�at or
<br /> - othets�rise modify araortlzatiwt of the sums securod Dy this Secunry Insuu�at by c�easotcof any demand made by the original
<br />� --�.-�-t_:� So�rower or Bmmwer�surcesso�s in inte�est. My fos�ance byn i�der in exerciciitg eny right or remedy shall not.be u
<br /> � �-' , waiver of ar preclude the exetrise af any righc orremedy. '
<br />-�� ` ' 12.Snccessors an0 A�gns Dawnd:dosnt an�Several LieS�9ity;Cas�Buess'[he covenants and agreeme�us of this
<br /> `ti, Secu�ity(nstrnment shall bind and Denefit the successors end assigtis of Lender and�omower.snbject m t�e provisions of
<br />-��..z �2�,,., „; pa�ag�aph 17. Boaower3 covenants and agreemeau sha116e joinc and several.My 8omuwer wAo co-signs thls Sectuiry
<br /> ��`� Ins�ument Aut dces not execute the Note:B(a)is co-signing this Seruriry List�umeat only to mortgage.grant and wnvey tt�at
<br />=:�• a�Y�T.
<br /> �a� �
<br /> -, ':''�;�::.��'`;:,;:; Bomnwer�s interest.in the Property under the te�sns of tl�is Securiry k�uu� (bl is nnt personalTy obligated to pay the s�uns
<br />_ �,�-:��--s�r.'.��.. cecured b}r this Security Insonunea�and(c)agrees that 4ender artd any otlr�er Bonnwer may agree to eatend.modify,folbear
<br />_ '���';;�`�,r�=•.-' ;-
<br /> ,....,. . or make any accommodatiuns witD ngazd to the terms of this.5ecurity� �e or the Nute without that Bmmwer�s
<br /> .-x•�`=". � ',•�:. COIISenL --
<br /> �`-� � ` '"�'���'"� ' Y3 Loan Charges. If the la�n seaaed by this Secw�ity.l�nt is subject to a!aw wluch sets maximum loan
<br /> .,.�.. �, ecwi
<br /> , ° "�,�.4': cbarges.ertd that!aw is fuially interpreted so tbat the interest oi othec toa�charges cdlieeted or to be ool2ected in ca�mertion
<br /> -`•: `� . �.."� . with the loan ezveed tha permitted limics.then: (a)any such tamt chatge sh�ll be seduced Dy the amount necessary to reduae
<br />-� �..'� . .;�°: �
<br /> ,,:�.:.,�r,b '•:� ihe charge to the pemtitted timi�and(6)any sums already colIecred fram Bolra�ver.whlcA exceeded permiued limits will be
<br /> � � � � iefimded to Borrower. Lertdermay choose to matcc this iefiu�by trcluciag the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> _ ,.�`;�;,�,`'� `.``,��.�ti� diiect payment to Bomnwer. i�a refund reduces principal,the reduction w�ll be toea�ed as a partial prepayment widrout any __
<br /> `,.:,.;-'�L�„��1`s� . , pre��r,neat charge underthe l�i�e. __
<br /> = -�'•� •� ` �, ��. Nottces My notice to Borrower provided for iR thi4 Security Inctrument shaU be gven by delivering i�r�by —__
<br /> ,' �,a,', ':•`:_: : ''�=ic` _— =--
<br />�.• :- . _ m�?:.-�it by first class mail untess applicnble law requires use of another m�ethod.The notice shall be dimcted to thet�ierty _�_ ,
<br />_., �,'�� .� ,� Address or any oiher address Bomower designates by noticc ta Lender. Any notice to Lender sha116e given by f�sfass v;°-���
<br />_�,� , .r°. �ar7 to Lectder�s address stated he�ein or any other address E.tnder designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provida3 for
<br /> �- . ' ': iie r�is Security Insaument shall be decmed to have bee�r given ta Borr�wer or Lender when given as providexE �n ihis . .�t�=�
<br /> .� >. • ' ' ,. ;., P�BraPh• .
<br /> ,• .�,,,,A-
<br />;� ; ., . I5. Govera�g Law; Severabiliiy. Thix Security Jn�trument shall 6e �ovemed 6y federal law and the law of the •.� ".�;�`r=_
<br /> _ . jurisdiction in whcch che Property is located. !n the event that any pravisias or ctause of this Securiry�uument or the Note � � ' ' °r' _
<br /> =" ; ; • . conflicts with ap�ts"cabte law.such conflict sh�ll not affect other provisiorts of�his Securiry lnstrument orthe Note which caa • •-
<br /> . � be given effect without the eoctlicting provitiion. To this end the provisions oi this Seeority Insm.a�er,t and the Kote are _. • , ��
<br /> � � declared to be severabte. � � ,,-
<br /> `� . ' � 16. Borrnwee'c Cop�: l4ccrnwer shal!be given one conformed copy af the PJote ar.�of ihis 5ecurity Insttumee.e. � _ ,; _
<br /> � � • � � 17. 7YansPer of the PoopceE3�or a Be�eflcia!Iatet�t in Bosruwer. If all or any pa»af the Property ar any ir.:erest in ,-• .' —�
<br /> "�:; • • , �;.: it is sold ar transferred(or if a beneftciat irt*.�nes�in Bo►rowcr iti sald or transferred and Borrower is not a natura! penon) ' ' :
<br /> ::� -. �. s s', without Lender's prior writtcn consent.Lender may, at itg option,reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums secr�ted by • '
<br /> �" �"���`� '��e�� tEaig Secutiry lnstrument. However,this aption shall not be exercised by l.ender if rxercise is prohibited by federaT[a�r ac of � ' �
<br /> ,.::�.�;'c:+.,,::�;';`.`'t�r,�;�,1. � : , ,.,:, _ '..
<br /> , �.., ...:;fl�r: . ,i•y: c'�,date of this Security Ins�rument. . .
<br /> . � �� � ��.;��•.� If Lender exercises thi:�op[ion,Lender shali give 8arrower notice of acceler.�tian. 'B'�e notice.hAll provide a period of ; .• f �;,.�
<br /> � �` , • � ' � ' not less ihan�D dayc from the date the notice is delivrred or mailed within which B«sr�wer must pay all sums secured by this � . .:_ ;f<`
<br /> 3' � , � - ' Security Instnnr.m. If 8orrower failti to Q�y theAe +ums priar ta ihe er.airntian of t'his petiod.[.er�der may invoke any � , � - •• •.;;t<�:-:
<br /> � remedies pertnitted by thiy Security Instrurr.erua without further notice ar dernand on Burrower. ' .�;.� '`.:�.�;��:�
<br /> ;,' �, . ,. �_,
<br /> . . 18. Borrower's Right to Relnstate. If Borrawrr mects rcrt�in cunditiun,. Barre�wer shafl hace the right to have �;;:=,,;r;��`�:5.'"'•_
<br /> ,:.: .
<br /> � �.. ' �• enfarcement of this Security Qnytrument discuntinued at any time prior to the carlirr of: �a►5 ds}+tor.uch other period�c �• �i;;;:;:,, �°. '
<br /> , ;'.� . .,�;,� � :;�,;•;,' .:• �
<br /> !' ' ... 5ingte F.uniy--Fannfe b1ae/Freddle�1ac CVIfORlt IKtiTRI•�1F:�T••Umtnmt Cuvertar.c. 4�90 i �t4e 1�i A `:,''�
<br /> r 1 r�+eps► :;i;e��`.
<br /> . 7y.c::t�4,• ,t;:;;.`�.�', ,' . ��.:,
<br /> }e��;��" ' -` „'`zt�`.'`•� . . •
<br /> M«�i,�t. `';t•.
<br /> ' `. ';���f•; , �,:;;'�' ' .
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