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<br />— �ap�,��.h�L�ader rqt�ic�, 'E�e in�un�aa c�tnirr pm�ing tlt�inss�ac�ehali be ahosea9 b�r B'mrow�i�uu��c�to��n6rs� < z
<br /> - eS�o�'���Nh£�►sI�ll not be u�t�coisaDdy wl�held. 1f fforcowei faits.to.mai�t�tht saver�e�desnf�a�tove;L�'a�s�t at ..'_ -
<br /> — 1�tx+ a�tt�u� cav ata prutcc�teaderh e�g�in the in accar�ance whA�ara�fl.7: � ,t
<br /> a
<br /> : AU'.u�inQe sfid n�ew�i�sHaU tte¢ccep�2t to t�s�r�r und shul!tactudo a standar�mortgag�ctaii�. Y.endea
<br /> e��li���tlta��Skt�ttt�pofklrs anQ�awat� 3f l�nder aquie�es,lionower%ha�pmm1�Y Sive to I:et�d�r alI receipt�
<br /> _ a��.�Fa�€(;,ms a��es�cwal�tia�s. �a the eve�t�n!Ioss:8anower sha1�giva p�+ampe twt�ae W��susanca`r��and
<br />- __ 1.¢�'�t. ��s mayc tnEke pmof df Uass if nat teu�e�mpitY bY Bazroever '° � '�� �
<br /> '[1�t�s 1�der qn6 Bamowcr otherwise agtee in mitntg�tasnr�t�ce P�oce�s shati be�a�lEed ta trs�or�xp�of
<br />- tt�e.A�ope�ty t�mt�.if the aesiolntton vr�patr is e�bscamicalty fe�bte tutd Lenckt�secwit�►�is aot le.�sentd. If tae
<br /> -_ - r�a.��or;repair�s•not�omicalty feasibls or t�ender�sec�aity wauid�be�essrned.the insivanc�pinoeeds�shaU be
<br />-»_ � - -- - �3a�1 to�su�sec�srPdlgr-t�is S�wsiEy Insan�t.-+v�IIer-ot aQithendue.witt��ny�ex�s..�aid.ta_�otmvir�-_I�—---'. .
<br /> _ _
<br />_-- — B�xv����er at�ldans�Pcppe�cy.ar d�s a�R an�wer withiA 30 days m nQtioe from Lender that the inswar�e cani$r.Qas
<br /> o5�ra�to sett�e a clatat.theA l.ender m�y coltect tIla iasuraaoe procoeds. Lende�tuay use the`piaoeedv m iepafr ar re�+a �
<br /> tl��rty o�r ro pay sums secured by ttis Security Instrument.whethe�r o:not thea d�ce. The 3Qday peziod wjll begin when
<br /> ct:a�eisg�irep. . , � � � � ` .
<br />_ -- ihn2esg I�der auci Ba�ower oihetwase agree in writin8.anY ePPficaiian of�uaeds w p�ancipal�shutl aat extea�vr.
<br /> -- — pn�yioae the due d�e of the moaWY P�Y�ts tefemd to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 ar change the amdimt'of the p�ymeat� .If
<br />- ur�c4.�►para�A 21 tite Ptoperty is acquired Eiy Lender,Bomnwer�nght w�ny insur+.ace poiicies aad prw�eds cesulting.
<br /> fm�tt dsma�e fn the PtopenS►Pnor m the aequisi�oa sLall pass w Leader tu the extent of the sums securzd by this Seaa�ity
<br /> - tassna�t uamediate[y Qrior m the acqutsition. . . . . .
<br />- 4� O�panr9. Pr�rvativa. Meintena�e and PtoteaWn of tde Peagept9; Bonawe�s Lma API���: .
<br /> —_-�= I.t�!►a3tl� �omower shalt aocnpy,establish.and use the Pmpeny as 8olrower's priucipal cesidence within sixty days after
<br /> ___�""'�''° t�eaoa�tian t�f Mis Se�wity insinmtent aad sl�atl mntinue ro occupy tIIe Prope�ty a�Bomnwer�s pri�cipa!tesidence foi at
<br /> - Ms�l�ae� yeat afber the c�e of accupartcy. uniess Lender utherwise agcr�es ia wririag. afiich consent shalD not 6e
<br /> - "'"�" �bty tivit�hetd,ar uales.9 extenuating circumstuaces exist whicd aze beyond Bortawerts oontml. Borrower shall ecot
<br /> �.-..� . .�
<br /> —��='=='=-'� desi�y.damage�or impair dee Propcnty.atlow the Fraperty to deteriarate,or oommit wastc on the ptoperty. Bormwer slfall .
<br /> ---�--=�"��� be ix►default if any forfeiture action as pmceeding.whetleer civ�l or criminal,is Begrm that in l.ender�s good faith�'u_dgment _: �---
<br /> =s--_— oou�,#resnit in forfeinue of the Property or otherwise materiaUy impair the lien c�eated by tdis Security Instrument ar
<br /> ��° � �v f. 1�r3 sYCUriry inte�+est �otmwer ma�►cuir such a defaWt end c�insfafe,as provid@d in paragraph 18,6y caasi»g the action
<br /> ��: � ot a-ao¢�ing to be dismissed with a ruting that.in l.ender�s good faiih detem�ination,pnectudes forfeihire of tM Bolrower§
<br /> n
<br /> ��"• �'` in.�rts�t in do�Pt+openy or other tnaterial imp�irtnent of the liea c�eated by this Security Instmment ar L�eader�s security
<br />�°� ia�reu. Bormwer shall also be fi default if Bomawer, durin the loan lication m�iall false or
<br /> — �'�`: = 8 SPP P�. � y
<br />��a�:'z•._,:.:�'�..`�' inaoc�.vat�e irtf'a�mation or statements to Lender(or faited to provide Lender witb any material infom�atian�in connection with
<br /> '�`�`=� ;{ �' the Wan evidenced by tt►e Note. inctuding. 6ut not limited to.repnesentatlons rnnceming Bor�ower�s occupancy of the
<br />-��'-���,`y. .- Y'� . a4 residence. If this Securi inswment is on a leasehold.Borrower shal! 1 with ap the cans
<br />_ ;.,,.,=r . ., Prok+ert�r a I�rincipa! tY �P Y P��
<br />" •:a^ �• •` �° oF tT��Se. If Bmrnwer ucquires fe�tide w the Prnperty.Ute te:+sehold and the fee ritle sh:ill not Qcerge unless Lender agrees
<br /> - ��s. �;`�-."- -�s`���. totT�mesgerinwriting.
<br />_` '��-�`''� '' ' ProtecHoa of l�eader's Rights in the�+nper3� If Boirower fails to pe�4'onn the covenanu end ag�eements
<br />» �...,-�ti..r .. �
<br /> _ � c�.�i�,�ad in this Secvriry Insdumen� or there is a lega! proceeding that may signiticantly affect l.ender�s rights in ti�e — —
<br /> �,�:V._.; �'.�; :�
<br />�-, _ Pro�e�ty(sucti as a proceeding in bankn�ptcy.pmbate.for condemnadon or forfeiwre or to enforee laws or regulauons).then
<br />-= ''r'�"=:;� I.�d.t may du and pay for wfiatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property artd Lender�rights in the Pruperty.
<br />� +�'�� - � - l.er�r�actians may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has pnority over this Security Inswmen�appearing «=_----�- -
<br /> .r- — -
<br />' -;�.: -; ' ia c�t.�yinS reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Ptoperty to make repairs.AlthougB Lender may take action --=___�__ _----
<br />_�. wvdet thi�paragraPh 7.Lender does not have to do so. .�. ''":
<br /> � ' , " Any am�unis disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall bctiome additional debt of Borrower secured by this �-��'_
<br />_;� Secu¢irt}inurument. Unless Bormwer and l.ender agree to other terms of payment.these amounts shail bear interest from the : ' ' . � a�_�_�="`�
<br /> ;� ° :�:,;, date of disbwsement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with interest.upon norice from Lender to Borrower reguesting .; „�� -����._
<br /> � Qaymer�. � { : � = .
<br /> '� '= & Atost$ege Iasurauce. lf Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the ta�n secuned by this '� .� ;�'-
<br /> � Sec lnstrument.Borrower shall a the remium. uired to maintain the man a e insurance in effect. If.for stn � �
<br /> ., . ,� �! P Y P re9 g 8 Y • •��.::R
<br /> �. � '�" reason,the rttortgage insurance caverage required by Lender lapses or cea.,es ta be in effect. Borrower shall pay the ,�. . ` ,_. ';�, :;}��
<br /> � - �` ' � premc�ns rc�uired to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at p cos� ' ��' :� -�
<br /> � . -- __ subs�sislty equi�afrnt to thr cast ta Borro�ver of the moAgage insuranre previously�in effect,from an altemate mrntgage -- -�� .�
<br /> ~ `� � • insurer ved b Lender. If substantiall e uivalent mori a e insurance cavera e is not available.Borrower shall a to •
<br /> a� Y Y 4 S S S P Y � '�? -.
<br /> . t.ender cach month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the ye�rly mongage insurance premium being paid by Horruwer when the - � ,�:. :
<br /> ' insUrar�oa-rera e la sed or cea�ed co[n in effect. l.ender will acce t.use and retain thexe a•ments as a toss reserve in lieu �'.+,' �-�
<br /> S P P P} y�t .3�..
<br /> �:+. " of mortga,�e insurance. Loss reserve payments may no langer be reyuired,at the option of Lender,if mongagr insursnce �; ,-.
<br /> � ' '" '� coverag��t�n the amourtt amt fur the periocl that Lender reyuire.)provided by an inaumr approved by Lender again becomes ` `�;.
<br /> ` �.: � . �,.
<br /> ,,, ... availaDb:and is obtairied.�iorrower sha11 pay ihe prcmiums rcquired to maintaim m�rc_s�c�n.araace in effect,or to provide a . .�+:.,.,`
<br /> � " ' [oss resenrr,until the requiremenl for mongage insurance endr in accordance with any aritr.��rt apz.ment between Horrower • t- �
<br /> ±� •. andl.cF.d�rasappticable law. . . �:
<br /> ;;; � 9 Inspectton. Lender or iGs agent m�y make rcaecmable entrie+upon and impectiuns of the Prapeny. Lender shall � .
<br /> : �,�... ° �ive Bormher notice at the time of or prior to an inspertiun speciiying rea�onable cause for the in.pection. �'
<br /> i � ,� , 10. Condemnatiu�. �'he pmreeds of any awanf or claim fur d�unage..din�:t or conseyuential.in�onnection with uny
<br /> �i Single�amily--Fannte StadEreddle�tac CVIFIIR�I I\STRC�IF.\T--L'nifurtn Covensnt+ 9,'90 i�wer.t„JA�rgrsl
<br /> .":,' _. -Giear t,e1Ra Buunes+Farm+.fac.■ '
<br /> �: . �`x�;�°-�' .�qt�¢�Gi�--�EOD:.3�9a930PA1{81&7914t3t ' ��-�.:` .
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