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� �., . c :T� ' . lv• . , . _ . <br /> -� 2.,�;� 'gc�S'r:.t.- � � f"-�r ii"�t� <br /> Cl�+�`�a.1r\.'Gic _ a� ��.� <br /> �-. �= --�. y�- �' �`F'i''--tr, _ '— ' - _ - .-._---.. ._»_ . ---r_ _ . <br /> � 4 7 r � _ ' <br /> — -. . - —.� .--_ _ _ — <br /> �� .r � - �� -�- <br /> � - =� r< - - --.— ,� _ t� , t -- - - -- - , ti -, . - , -. .. _ --_ ,. , --- - <br /> . S � ' <br />� ;!' �� ' `. . � �. . . . . � 1 _—, j. <br /> � � _, •� �-� � £ , ` `� . � � . . � .'���" �����I�1 ` <br /> -- -- — - A��"dbk!1SW 41�1 B��Y fOI iE3DSt8ts'1�Cnt)� '8�8(s�$I@�i�OpC�►(A�iS�&II1.2��Y��f1�"88���Zt!E�5. ' � <br /> ��1 TAS�It11II�h1'►Q!�)�ti of a,�udgm�nt tnfuctag th��S�arlty InsuameaL '�wse,oaadidons�tDat 16ani�were (a) . : <br /> ___-__ - -- - ._ ii� o ana+�t arul�Au. e'�i�i�a_aCd1?_��_�_-�_.,- <br /> — :��_�, .� • - �tsroci'��-�5 w.d[.hT�£il... -�— �— <br /> — - uocua�d;(�)cuces amy d+afauit nf aay�tDsr doveaauts or agc�a�a�_(c}�ays a11 expea:es in�aa!e�in Enfanc�ngthis Sc�ltg� . - <br /> — Inscimueat,i�cli�ing.bui aot�cw R�As�Dte attc�taYs'�:anct td�ta6�st�actinn as��►reasaaabur"� <br />- _— ' teqait+e to assu�e t�at t�e lten oYthis S�siry Ius��T.endca's.�his ia tne Rope�tp and Bonowar's oQti�ttgn tu I4�F� <br />_ _ -- , sams sscuc�ed by tt�is Se�tuity H�i�ent:shall oa�ttiaqo unchangod Upoa �t by Bt�wer,��Saurin► ..i �'-� . <br /> 'L�.ttntment a�d tIle qDligattons seaued he�8y s�sif s�maia fully e�eqive aq if na aocetttaito�a Lad co�. �aves;t�is , . <br />_ — -- iight to reinsmoe sLatl not�r ia tl�case w`aoaetesatioa tmderpaisg�ap�17. �. � � � . <br /> _• 19t�iie ti�Ai'�e;�tnSe of Lean S�er.,'I�r Nate ar a pacdal inLerest in dte Ntose(togeahe�whh.t�is Seauiry . . <br /> ` �_ _.__. - -Ic►�ment��►�s�Id on�Qt mone ttms4 e�itauut p�iur natica to Beaower. A sate may�sult ia a c�.ntge in tns e�tiy <br /> __ <br /> (Bnown as tt�',"�:a�a Sesvsoca")tIIat collects t�snthly paymcats due�mdec t1�el�ote aad��dus Secun'iy insttu�eat 't�te� '- -- ----- - <br /> - — may be oma er�ecL3ages of tns Loaa Ser+ioer�mie�ed:to a sa�e of t�Atot�. LFdeece Is a chaage of the Loan SeivIoer. - <br />_�°—"j� Bmrower w�I be glvea wiitoen notioe of the c�ta�g$in�a����P�Ph 14 above sad applicab2e law. 7ne uotioe <br /> wiU state the aawe em�a�re.cs of tLe near Loan Sesvjaer aad the add�ess to whicb paymeuts ahould ee mmd�T4e noffce will <br /> atso onatain any other iafom�atiaa req�red bY. p2�t�bte taw. <br /> Z0.H�ardaus S�. Boaotver sha�ll aai cause or pe�ait the p�eseuoe.ose.disposal,stora8�ar release of an�y <br /> Hazardons Suhstances oa w in the Properiy:.. �nn+�wefi sh�l1 not do,nor ellow aqyone else to do.anything affe�ing the - <br /> �� Ptoperty taat is in violation of eny Envhontaental Law. 'il�e preceding taro sentestces shall nut agply to the presea to no�at <br />� smrage oa dce Prapecty of snmll quaarities of Haza�dous SuDstsaces that are generaliY�8�����P� <br /> - ��_._� resideatial uses and to nnaintenanseof the Ftvperty. <br /> -- Honor+er shall prompdy give l.ender w�iuen notiae ofany u►vestigatioa.claim.demand,tawsuit m other aciion by any <br /> --=:�;:;�� or wate invalvin the and an Ha�do�Substaace or Bnvua�ntal <br /> _-,,�__�. . : govecnmenisl or iegulatoty ag,ea�.y Pn P�Y g �Y , Y <br /> - - ;�:= Law af w�icL Boaowet�as acdial imr�wladge. If Bomnwer Ieatag,or�s noti�ed by eay gov�amsatal or�ata�► <br /> --=`� --� :_ -. autIloriry.dmt any r�uwval or otner remediatioa of any Ha�dous Substance affecting the Property is necesaiY,Bom�wer __ --- <br /> -_=. � � s�l PI'om�Y take �remedial actions in ao�ordance wiW Envimnme�i . . _�---- <br /> E As used in this 20."Ha7ardous Substaaoes"aze those snbstaaa�s�as toxic or h dY. . -�` --- ----- <br /> ��.,�i_-==-'-��- . . ..:.. <br /> '.:���;.�:..� F�vim�enral law and the followmg suD�tanoe� gasoliae.kecoseQe:ot�ec�able os touc peuoIeum pmdacts.w�nt:`?,,..�=. �;;;:_ — <br />_ ' �' pesticides and herbicides,volatile soIvents.maierials coateiuiug as6estac or:foiroaldehyde.and tadioactive mateiials..%Aa�-::; � <��:� <br />�.:';.;', • ` - .. �sed ia this pata�aph ZQ"8nvuonmental Law"means f�Iaal laws and Iaws of tt�e jurisdiction where the Ptapetty is laca�e�'��� _ <br /> � tbat nelate m 6eaIt�.safery or eavimnmeatal pmtection. �:� � - - <br /> � NON UNII�ORM CDVEN'ANI'S. Bouower and Lender further coveoaat�agcee as folIaws - <br /> � n ' � ?.1.Ame2erntImn,RemedIes. Lender sLal1 give aottce to Borrowee prlor to acoetere�f+nn foIIowing Bomowes's - --_ <br /> ,n � <br /> � • breac6 of any ao�epam or age��t tn this S�arIt9�asonim�t(Dut not Prlos to acoeieratton onder parsgrapL&7. ��.� - <br /> ��BPF�caD2e!ew_pmvtdes othe�wtce). The nottce sha11 spedtp: (e)the default;(b)theadioa�eqWred tocnre f�re . . ����— <br /> iw <br /> � ' • • detnnla(c?a daL�mot less than 30 daya flrom the date the nottce ts given to wIIicb tDe d�att�f�e. --_ <br /> - cared;and<d)Wi!�aIIure to care the defanit on or 6efore the date spedII�d in 4he notice�ay�esalt tta�eter�a�l -- <br /> �`� ! <br /> ' .��,:`:,. : Me soms secared Dy tNs Secority Iastrament aAd sate of the Propert3t 19te natioe s6aD fhrtIler it8oa�s 1�e��Y --_ <br /> - _���;;,Y, t�e rlgAt to retnstateaRer aoceteration and We r�to bsinga�tartaction to ossert the�a�Y�d�.� �=-�-- <br /> :"�f"',�`.':� su�y ather detense ag Bormwer to�aHaa sa�sal� I�t�e�Wt is aot cared on ar t�are We date sp�.fd ��.`,�,��i <br /> ' � '1, ';� , .. t�e ewtiae,Lender sRtts o tton � `y� ,�. <br /> P maq t�i�ediate paym�E 6s'�U oYslf su�se�ed Dy 4�is Secnrity L�stroma�t �.� - <br /> :�: � wtthnnt fluther det�antl aad map�t��oCSer oi sa[e attd any other remedies permitted by apgltca6te law. ? X =- <br /> �..•J z.,�,., <br /> . I.eader s6all be entltted W oolle�eII expeas�s i�curred in pnrsuing ttie�rmedtes psovided in t��paregrapb 21, �;.�;z�,c;_,s.�f+�;�— <br /> _ � � eJrk�,:.� r <br /> , � inctading,b�not limited to.reasona6Ie attomeps*�ces aad oosts oYBBe evtdence. — <br /> �: ' ;' S�. . I!t�e powee of sate Is invoked.'ll�ustee smaII reeord�nodoe o!defautl in each coanty in whttb aqy part of t�e �•` �� - <br /> : - .•;:;11,i, 1 `�'4`�,��_ <br /> ��,.� Pmpe�4y is tamted aad stiall matl rnpies of sucb natice in the manner prescefDed by applicab4e Itiw to Borrower and to ''.��.:�.��� � - <br /> i.. � ' :.. 1�:.y� . : <br /> ,.. , ..:,�:;� ttte other persons pa+ese�ibed by appftcable law After the tim0 r�quired by epplicable[aw,'lt�nst¢e s�all giYe pablte .�;,�YYF3�'_�_ <br /> :.`;�'�;F1`'*;"c_ <br />� ' aotloe oisaIe to tde.Qersoas and in We wanaer presaibed by appllcable law 'ilruste�wltAout dem��oa Bormwer, . r,. <br /> �`��t: � sLeII sell tfle P�+ogerty at public auctton to the Wghest biddee at the time ancl place and ander the tec�ra�esignatea in , '� '��t`'�y= <br /> the noiice of sale ta oae or more parcels and in aqy order'�ustee determines. 'lYustee may postpo�ce scUe ot afl or enY - . <br /> paroe�of the Propes�yy by pahlic announcement at t�e tiiae aszd piace of any previously schedWed sa1e. Lender or tts ,� • , ' <br /> � s •„ ..; <br /> � . ' designce may pard�ase the Praperty at any saie. ` ���.' . ,"' <br /> . � ._..; . _ -- Upon eeoeipt of payment o!tIIe price bl@.7lrustee shaQ deliver to the pwchaser 7lrastee's deed wareyiag t6e �;.• _� . � :,�_�;��, _ <br /> Propeety. 'i4�e oedtals in the 7lrustee's deed sha0 be prims fade evidence of the trath of t�e statemenb made thereia. - - --�--. <br /> ltustee sball appty t6e�rooceds of We sale[n the followtag arder. [a)W all costs and espeaces of exen�tstng the power �' - �� <br /> �. .. . .. <br /> ,� . <br /> ��� � . � .. . �.4`� � .. <br /> Q.-� � . '- . . . 1 <br /> �e ' .. ' <br /> <br /> �^�, ` �_ <br /> � . <br /> {..' <br /> :�^y,� ��I . . � � <br /> ti;�Z��.�'. :..' ..i:r�t�yr � ' <br /> `1��, � �° <br /> �i� �. �1:•��'�ij"� � , <br /> ��:A '`•;�5�j?"��S _-.-.,,r�.,.__ � __.,,._ _ . <br /> r + , .i. �";'_-.�..y•'^e----i-f-'1--r..�^^�-'--':Ra- �� . • - �- • •j� • <br /> '' .i' " - - 1 ft�gS^��-,' . ` � . _ `.1 � � . . . . � . Uj '��. ` � � - C. ,- � .,,. <br /> �` � ri <br />��1 �.�.�',`� . ,�5c �� . � � �\ "�'� . - ��t ,t�� � . . <br /> . $'� .'' '' .. .- --- � .''• ti . <br /> .y' �. ' `11 . . . , . . . . y <br /> '� '��.: . . _ � . • .. . � . � - - ' _ <br /> � � _ " _ . . . , • • ,', . . • ! . . _ <br /> �� ., . ' r_ . _. .. . .. . . � -. .. ,�. . . . <br /> .'•1 � . � ' � " ' � . <br /> .t _ _ � . . . . .. . L� � � <br /> . . c , ., . _ ... ' . 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