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<br /> .�,`5 i- �� _ -'�`s.r'`,3.� _c y �^ �( 2 t T�� _�- _�_- .._.
<br /> �� �;.�{`,���- - _ �� - - __ .- c-� � .` �. -,_ —
<br /> �; .�' -��y�- t`��-`'` . n'�' . -- ''-� -.-- . •r . . ._ —,k TT^�_-. : u II� �' ;E
<br />_�'_ - ` . . - . � _ . - � . . • . , �� .�, � , 2 ,� `q�
<br /> r:L.4. _ . - . �. . . , . _ `r R . �,'� 4`.
<br />_— __ '— ` , :) - ' . .. ���� . . � . . .0 . 1 . �'`..\. . `�C • �..
<br /> . . • __.} �17Q�78i'1�MW����LEY�I�i�tiPrNM^Wl}W� 3M�Y�M�M�AIYV�.'Y�UL{���p��}y�V{����������` �`� YV`. .
<br /> . -__=W�L���}v���.y���f�6�a��{'�y A �--'��!���}' M�*��.�,��y���CpiB� 1it 1 �f���� •• •.
<br /> _ � _ � �.iiWff[�:K11��`V�r Y�-,�����lyAiW��WSMM1Yt.Ff��l�p��� . •� • ` : .� !,a.
<br /> — $OYtRO�Q0ITENAY�f'�tD�t Bc�tmtv�r is Isu►fltUy�s}�ed of t&+cssatc he�y cot�veyed anr!�1T,o�rt�,6i cQ� . . �
<br /> — � �� � a�conti �pti ead�at dta Frapaty ia�mracwaberal.e�pt for�s of ce�s� Badm�vet a+�t�ats`s�fi! �.
<br /> -_ -- — wil�����tidetot�eFmpe�yr.�entl�claimsaasldema�sub,�xmc�yre�u�aacesof�`� . .
<br /> - `.'`�tSt S�C�1k�'if INS'P�tU14+IHNT�saUiaes un�n c�o4�nant� far natF�a1 ttss nnd aoaatotfoton..cav� wtt�� . ,
<br /> limtt�ea�c�aitans 6y jur�ctiam to aaa�tate.s uaifmm s�ity insanaa�toove�g ieal ptapaty. � ` .
<br /> � ` .�;i1NQaDRIv1CY1V�)pN1S. Bama�r.Andl.a►dercov�tanda�eousfaitocv� �` � :
<br /> � - �-�— � p.�. " � - ---
<br /> �y�� . �t,,,
<br /> w ..._ _�._-.._ .-._�_�..�-�`���WiNWM.����� �011iLL� r�l�ii6:._- ..� . = .
<br /> _��. �aud�itit�stout�edrbtevidenc�ttbpB�eNateandauy pmpaymen�audtset�c�asgesdue�� . .
<br />-_- ��t8rl�a�semt�aer.subjectto e,pplirable lnw orma�wBiverby Ls�sr.Ba�ma�ersAall�ay w - _
<br />�-� — - Leadec a�a tHe dny�+nntHilY PaY�at+e l�UB untler We Note.tmtii the Not�ia gatd in tiill.s stt�(°�utds°)fo�.(a)Y�Y ' ..
<br />_:1 `ta�ea sad�w�cD may aimin psiunty over t�is 3esarity lasuu�t as a l�a on tas Property;(b)Y�W� �
<br /> 5,.x` g� or giound�ts an tLe Pt�up�at�r�if�t►y.(�) Yc�riy Ha�d or propaty �e�uns;(d) yea�tY Qood � '
<br />- .. in�piemiums.if aaY:(e)Year1Y mt�st�agcc insuraaoe prem�ums.if eny:a�(t1 anY sums FaYabt*bY,$uaawer Co
<br /> -. �atd�e.iu acco�daase wit�t�e provlstans af�pmagiagh 9.ia li�of t�puymeat of�ge ins�ua�ce Premi9ims- 1�ase . .
<br /> _ ip�ms�+e c�lIed°Esaaa D�s.' I.eudgr may.at miy thae.coIl�t and hoW Ii�nds in aa a.mQUCt ao3 w excced tbe a�mnm . �
<br /> amonnt e Ie,ader far a fi�aaUy neelated ma�tgage Ioan may�qoite for Hoaowe�'�esaow aoou�t�imd�"the fed�al Rsai ,
<br /> � Esaue Settlemeai Ptooaduces Ast of 1974 as ametide�l Gam dme to time.l2 U.S.0�2601 et aeg("RF�PA°�t�Iess e�otba �
<br />- !aw Wat epp}fes m th�I�ads�a lesser amuunt If so.Lertder anay.at�y tim�ooltect and Rold l�nds ia an amaant aat to . .
<br /> - exceed dte Iessra amaunL Lender may estimate the amount af Cviads due on the 6asis of ctmeut dala ead reasanable . .
<br />- .`�.�y,':�;�`;�;:. : estimate�of e�mre.s of futiue Fscrat�►Ite�oGS or othernrise ia�roo�+�e aith ap Hc�SIe taw
<br /> �' 'I�e t�ads shall be heW in an ins6tudon wJwse depasits are insuteQ by a�agency. insttuntentaIiry,or ennty .
<br /> :•,.�.��� � --
<br /> -- �-�:;�;� : (inclading L.eader,if L�ender is such an insiitari�)or in any Fedaal tlome Loan Banic. Leader shall agpty the F�utds to pay�
<br /> - � � . - . the Fscamw Ite�s. L�endca may nat charga Bomnwes for holding�d aPPtying the Atnds,annually analy�3ng t�e esc�ow
<br />- ��;�:,. - arcro�mt,er vetifying tha Bscmw Items� unl�Ixnded pays Boimwer in0�st on the Fi�ads aad appW�b2e!aw peanits
<br /> �.�z�-��r: -•.`. '�;.� Leader to make such a c�arge. Hawevcr.I.eAd�may ie4uiie Bormw�to pay a oa�time chacge far aa independ�t teaf
<br /> -Y .�.. 'T;�?,
<br /> - ;��E:•<��;''"zr' e�tate ta�cepo�ing savice used by l�ende,r in cannection�vith tMs loan,unle�applicable iaar pmvides oth�ar�e. UNess an
<br /> _ .`��-`b'.`��.`�;:.'�., a t is made on c�able Iaw intaest w be L�atder sball aot be�equiced w pay Bomnar�uay inoe�or
<br /> ��''`' ��it
<br /> �: 5: .:�, � aPP� �� P�
<br /> .-��> �•.�...-. -��-.;
<br /> �..,;.- ;:.��,• ,�j.�:�, eumings on the�nds Honaarer and Lender may ag�e Ia wating.hoa+ever.that inte�est&haU be paid an We Rmd� L�t�eer --
<br /> : r
<br /> . ;;;��>'� shali ve w Boaa�r�without charge.an.mwual accaunting of We�dC.shor�ring credtts and debUs w the l�nds si�d the
<br />_.�� ��. ;,,..„S� gi .
<br /> � : :..�^a�';"� p�uFnse for ahich�debit w the Wwds�vas made. Tiie Rrads ace pledged as ad�tiona!security for ali snms sec�d by
<br /> .. '� ' Wis Ss�cunty Insu�
<br /> �L,r'� `',`:�_.4"'�,�"; �T�,�� T�tHe �nds held b Leadet exoe�l Ilte amuuats w 6e held b appltcable Iaw, I.ead�shall aocouat to �
<br /> ti� • •:.�y�t�`�;,' a Y P� Y
<br /> .. . : :..�z��,�,�?�:'' Bomo�rer for dte excess Fnnds in a�candence with the reyuiremeats uf app�icabTs taw If the smuunt of the F1�ads II�Id by
<br /> rer
<br /> �'� , ,:..��..�;,� � Lender at any time is not sui�cieat to pay the�row Items when due,l.eadec may so�otify Bmmwea in writiag.aad,in
<br /> such case Bnrrower shall pay to I.endea the�rwnt necessary to make u�p the de&ciency. Bo:rower�hall makc ap�e
<br /> � "�"��tr;�'`° ddciency in no mom thaa tweive monWy paRt�s.at Leader's sole discretioa.
<br /> ::.`��.�. ��...�r. ,..
<br /> - -".���:.,.-�,sp , Upon payment in full of all smns sccut�ed by this 5ecudty Instrumeat,Lender shall pmmp8y refiffi w Bonower any
<br /> � - ���'��� Fhnds held b Lender. V,uader parag�ph 2!.Lender shaU or sell the Ro Lender,prior to dte aequisition or
<br /> .::;.a'`,�?���,°;:_�.,� Y a��uite. pe[ty.
<br /> - sate of the Pmgerty.shall apply any E�nds held by L.ender at tha dme of acquisidon or saale as a credit against tUe swas _
<br /> ' �:,;;; :,;,•'.,,,..'•.'; , secunedbythisSecurirylnswmen� _-,. ._._
<br /> � .�� � ' °?l` �` 3. AppIIcatdoa of P�yments. Unless appllcable law provides otheswise,all paymeats�ecei�ed by Lender ander .="-:=_
<br /> • � `" ' � ' - -: pfltag�aphs 1 artd 2 shall be applied:fust,to aay prepayment charges due�der the Note;second.to amouats payable under �
<br /> , _, taga
<br /> :: r:";�,�..-_
<br /> ' _, > ? _'= paiagraph 2;thiM,to interest dne:fourth.ta principal due:and las�to any lace eharges due under the Nate. , -
<br /> � d. Chaiges• Ltena Sorrower sha11 pay all taxes. assQSSments. charges,fines aud imposidons attributable ur►he , . °�,ti �-,
<br /> . ' �`":;,�:`,`.•:.'•:,` which ma attain priori ovEi f�116 SECi111 Insuumer�.r�t�leasekotd a ar und cents,if an . Bmrawer � :.n r'�2±�3:,:.--
<br /> �D�3' Y �Y tY P Y�� &'� Y , � �
<br /> � shalt pay titese obligations in t��n�ter pFrovIded in paragiaph 2.or if uot paid in tAat manner.Horrower shall pay thent on . >54�, � '
<br /> pr
<br /> . '�'.`..�;�" time dir+ectly to the gepson owed�-m:n� Borrawer shall prompdy fumish ra E.ender all notices of amounu to be paid under ��.;:�t�>>'•* �°_:-
<br /> ' . • •.+�� If s�swe r m�s�I iese m�t s d i r�e c t l .B o r r o w e r s h al T m t l t i�m i s h t o L.e n d e r r e c e i t s e v i d e n c I ng _ `�'�'�;�`.,� ••�`
<br /> this pacagraph. B F9Y Y � P Y P , {;� •.F r „`-
<br /> � --�', the gag�nents. ��;� �'r>�� f F�
<br /> _ ''f� I3or.vwer shall promptly d�sc�'ge any Ilen which has prioriry over Ws Securiry Ins�unent unless Borcower.(a)agrees �;5,�����,_� •
<br /> ; ''�' •' � in ws�e�g cv the payment of the obJig�uon secu�d by the lien f n a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contesu in good fatth the • :l f:����"'�' .••• '°::
<br /> IIen by,e�r defeads against enforcement of tha licn in,legal proceedings which in the l.ender:s opinion operate to prevent We ; _ :•�'`� � '
<br /> ;�;� . . .
<br /> �;:,., �,•�•., enfoncement of ttce Een;or(c)secures fmm t}te holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating t�e Gen , ;' ��:i�� �'._�
<br /> �� t•' to tbis Sccuriry IastcumenL If Lender deteimines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which raay attain priority `� . �, `, ':,�`:
<br /> � �:� " ' " � over tius Security Ins�rument,Lertder may gi��e Borro�ver a norice idenpfylag the lien. Borrower shatl satisfy the lien or take ,.o '�": • _,�::`':;�.;::,
<br /> � t���':':i`"�����.;:�'' `�.� one or e�tot+e of the actions set forth above�vithin 10 da s of th� vtn of notice. � :�',�s'�'�, •� •�""�•�'�
<br /> . j` ''.�.; � ;,.''. S qozard or P�o rty I�mrano� Borrower sh�ll k�the im rovements naw Ex�stin or hereafter erected on the ;'!'.�;}1�`�,��:� �
<br /> . Pe P P � ', . :��. '��.�.
<br /> . Pmperty insured against loss by firc,hazards inrluded within the term"extended covetage°and any other hazards,inclading ,�•'•�.�:•. .. .
<br /> �• ' � � floads or flaoding.for which Ler;der reguires insw�ance. 'Ihis insurance s�all be maintained in the amounts and for the � � . .
<br /> �; � • ..
<br /> � ��,�.�.. • vax f r8 ':`�t;,s";�.. �.
<br /> Form SOZ9 9I90 1 e t a 6 . e.+l �•� �
<br /> .. ,�l;. .. ,.�ft���;
<br /> ii):?`.`` • ;\\}y.. '
<br /> t� ` .
<br /> f�' • ..' '
<br /> . � , . ,
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