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<br /> _ �- �.14 f r 'Y ' ? ^ ,�� c- ----� - �.', ' �.� ��. ' - �_4,,`,�`b s°_ . - ----
<br /> _ _ __ . c- ���c��.�.���t��tha Pro�ty:or.�ar coave�anc�ln lieu b$sa�cis�n�ti�%erA�iez+t�! ,sa�i$d"ec�ui�'�S: c --
<br /> sY3ai11t��&to�:etx&�stz'. : • , , .
<br /> .. Ia�tt�z:tx�,���,to�a1 takin,g=af.tf�;PtS�t�;tha:gt�s s6ali 6e eppl�ed�o�.atui��t�y thiS SQCStrit�►•. � �
<br /> -- ---L�stca�s�:��tT�t4a��,wYtHf�y�xoes�paid:��omower Ittii�aezeatQf�spittia3•�ekin,�.o��tAa.Pto�rtt,�.is��: r ,f
<br /> — - wfi3sb tt�:�faa r �,v. a � �t?��it�te�r:uefac�� ' '' '" ' `��=-----r_.:--
<br /> y' t4 .
<br /> ' 6��tlt�SaSC�X+'Rl�:• � -t�R1$151E���y b6fC[$QIO t@�ng:UnlE�BQ1T6W�f Sdd LClI�lT.Q1�C11YIS8 agRO�A�t�gr�: .-. . , _,
<br /> tt�su�as�sc�i,r*�lry;t�as•�et�iiy;�.��ent s�ult De�uoe�b,y 4he amomnt of.$�s pro�eed�mutttptkd b}�t�&�Stot� ` ,`�.. °.`
<br /> �f�
<br /> �d�:��F�Q2�+.tGt1�ffi�E9."y�0��8i�24 6iCtil���IB��bEfQIC 1�C�8�DS�>�Y�dC�bji(�)tb0�i�iACt!Y�1iC C��` �:.� •
<br /> F i+n p a rt y.unsra;dis�y�b�sffd.t�t d't�tak�ng. Any bal�oe.s h u ll:b a p a£d�so Boinsur�Y. I n�t h e av e n t o f a p a t d a t t a l d a 8 a f�a _ _—___
<br /> ptopetty�n�wnic�tY�.f�'s.r a�v a l ua o f t n e P t v p e rt y,i a u a o d i a t e ly b e fose t he t e d d n g i s I e s s t h a a t h e a a t o u n t a f t 6 t s e m's . .
<br /> - ------- - -- -- - --s�ed,;,;��:�-t�, -ualras-8mior,�sad.l.e�oiha�rlae.egr�i��r�tting.4t_�ess_a�.Iativ�,� _ . __ .
<br /> ___ —_�- __ - ------ _
<br /> othernise psav�rs.da�gra�s�SiLl....e�piie8 W.the sums sej.vred by,ihis Senu3ty�insuument wtitaher or not ttia sums a�,
<br /> �en duG. `: =
<br /> If the PYapetty��is�tmndo�red byt�R�fPV�er,or i�aRer aotice by�I.ender to Boanwar that the�eamaor offeas to�
<br /> ea a�wand ar settte aciaim fas���naoweT fuits m c+�ond ta I.eader witdtn 30 days aRes thedf►ce the aotfoe is gi+im,
<br />� L.euder is aathari�e.d ta salb:cl�&m1;aP?�Y the pmc�eds.at its opfion,either to�stoiation ar t�egairof the ptopeity br to,the , —
<br /> s�s secnm�by�Is Socmrii�•€�ste�¢N:wt�tRr q:a�,dt�due. �
<br />= iM2esq L�aad Horrovr�r�oS�vi��tm�irriting,m�Y ePPlic�on of pmoeeds to principat shaU aot e�stend_or
<br />_- pastpu�ttoe.dv�e date of th�a���c�ed w;in paragtaphs 1 aad 2 er chxnge tfle e�uat of such payments:
<br /> = 1L Bam�e�1�Iai�Rel�i:�r�rce,Ti�.Lender Kot�a BVVaives ExAensioa at-t1a time��f�or.paymeat oz
<br /> - mndific�rioa of aaxu�atio�+.og@�e.s�s secuted hy.i�.s Securiry Insu+anent gmnte�by Lends�soany sttcoe�sor in innetBSt.
<br />-- of Bomower shall aos o�Ua,�e3ease.the liability a�t�e oisgivai Boaower or H�nuwer's suecessois in�Lender
<br />�,� shaII not[g;noquirad ro c�rn��g.pnaseedin8$�'�ay s�aessor in utt�t�or iefusc to eatatd ttme fur p��rneat or
<br /> �vlse.mc�dify amo�Cibn a�t�svmss�cured by,t�s3_�ecuritK Ti�umeat by reason of any demaad made by Naoriginat
<br />-- �� Hanaqrcx aicHonowerk suooe'ssors in ini�st: AnY forbesiance iry L�der in exe�ising anp right or remedy shali aot be a
<br />_ wrais�et af��meclude the exeicise of mip�g�t or�a�dy.
<br /> wra'
<br />- ;#�i;���s end AsSigos Bunad;�otnt um��averaf Liability;Co-sigaers 1he covenants aud n�ts of this -
<br /> S�cx�iry:t�um�t:strall bind and benefit the su�is and essigas of Lender and Bormwer.subject to,the gsov�sIons of
<br />_ - - p�i�I?.Haaowai�covenants and agreements's4all be joiat aad seveiaL Any Bomower who co-sigas this Sec�aig(
<br /> Instrumert 6a�doea not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Inswmeat aniy ta mo�e,Scant and convey that.
<br /> Bmrower's inte�st in the Property under the temis of dus Security Instrumen� (b)is not Peisa�xnbligafed 4o pay the s�ms
<br /> � _ secured 63rd�is Secuiiq+Ins�uuen�and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bormwer mayag�Ca e�td.modify.fofie�r -
<br /> or make aay.aoco�ons with zegazd to the terms of this Security Instrument or die N'�withoat t�ai Borrowet'� . `
<br /> :�:�: ., � 13 Loan Cti�FS:�tf the loan secured by this Seanriry In.strument is subject w a�.��ich sets ma�cimum Ioan
<br /> - ��°'�� eharges�a�d s1�at law�s finall mte r�o tbat the inte�est or ot�er toan efearges cullectea oitcFts�'colteet�in conaectims
<br /> = -T:�-. with the to�r.e.xceed the permlited W��a: (a)ar►y such loaa�e shaU be redviced tiy t�e a._.maunt ae�ssary to reduee.
<br /> �'t�"�� the diatgetp?ciie pemiiued limi�and t�s�.tt�Y sums a(ready collect�3 finm Barmwer which exc�gemiimeQ limiu wiU b�:' .
<br /> - ' � ;;��'i. refiuu�cQ Bmmwer. Lender may ch��:w make tigs aafund Dy reducing the pziacipal owed�tirP Nos�orisy making a'� - -
<br /> .' ,�,;:� _. - direct pa}ime,nt to Bormwer. If a nefa�E i�ednces princ�paT.the redusdon wU be treated as a pattiat prepayir.�xi�sithout any _
<br />, _ �'�`-�-�'::"`�' PT�ePaYc�ni�arge under the Note. . , . :
<br /> - � . ^:�?:.�.: -^�:: . --
<br /> =�� ' ^�-� -�:= 14�.N�Bices. Any notice ta Ha�ver provided for in this Sa�rity L�saument sha116e gi��by delivering It ar by
<br /> i � ,;�i:�_��.
<br /> .�•� ,..,tF:�a�� m�itiag it by first ctass mail unless a�cable taw iequues nse of arr��er method.'Ihe aotice sh�t�fie directed to the Ptoperiy
<br /> �•= Address or any other address Borrawer�designates by notice to I.ender. My notice to Lender�ail be given by first ciass ��.._�_ -
<br /> . •�;.•±~.•. • � mail to I.enders address siated herein or any other addtess Lender designates by notiae to B�riuwet.Any not�oe provided for �+���,-
<br /> ,<< .::,,�.., ', ' �in.t�h,�is.S�}e.curity Inswmacc�tl be deemed to have been given to Bomower or Lender when given av provided in this ;;.�:,�___ -
<br /> ' �..�,.,+.�'tn �, Y"�"�"t'•" . ti��.t:^7___-.__
<br /> '.•.2�.:•, . 15��Go��eaning Law;Sevea��lii� This Securiry Instrumenr shal!be govemed by fede�al law and the law of tia� ��=i�__�_
<br /> .:, ..,:�,` � �;;>-:_': �
<br /> , jarlsdi�tion in which the Property is laatad. In the event that any pmvision or clause of ihis Security ingbwnent or the NoY� ._;•:,�;r:;��
<br /> '`.;� •. ;.�;.,� c�anf]icts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Seeurity Instniment or the Note wluch caa •:;�_.����.�_ �
<br /> �':�,�:;;� , . 6e given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security lnsmument and the Note are • �,
<br /> . ;:�..:` .. deciared to b:,severabt�. _ ,;==�,;��.___= .
<br /> red
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be give»_one confomted copy of the Note and of this Securiry inswmeat : . , �`A�'��
<br /> ;,�:: .�-��
<br /> l7. 7�ansfer otthe Property oe�Benettdal Iaterest in Borro�ver. If all or any pa»of the Property or any interest ia �'�°°
<br /> _— � it i�antd�r trnnafetr«i(or if�hP�o��� �teresi in gorrower ia auld or a�ar►sfemed and Bmrower is not a natural personi . . _�,���1?4� _`
<br />_ � ' '. . without l.ender's prior written consem.Lender may.at its option.requite immediate payment in fuq of all sums secured by �• ,; ' �,�;��,i:����
<br />- .. �. , • ' this Securiry lnsuumeat. However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohiDited by federal!aw ac of ' � .,.�•�:''`'::�`
<br /> � �-.
<br /> •',,,�`� the date of this Securiry Insuvmem. i�r��: . ' �,.,.�' •:••.,"�:
<br /> " fis��•• � � If l.ender exercises th:a option.Lender shail give Bortower no�tce of acceteca6on. The notice shall provide a period of • . � �;�%;.:;, .,
<br /> .��.....,. . , . ,
<br /> �: ,:<� �' ' not less than 3 0 d ays from t h e d ate t he notice is de liv e r e d or mai l e���i�hin w hic h Bo r m we r m u s t p a y a l l s u m s s e c u m d b y t b i s � �..,,,:,s��;':`
<br /> •�==• � °� `�='• � 5ecuriry Instrument. If Borrower faiis to pay these sums prio�r cv the expiration of this period Lender may invoke a�r , � •.c;;r:• � •
<br /> � �i � �� � ��'" remedies pemutted by this Sesudty lmtrument withone further no�ise or demand on Botrower. �� �. �
<br /> ' ``1�` ' � � • 18. Borrowe�'s Rigbt to Reimtata If BmravYr meets cenain conditions, Borrower shali have the right to have •���; ' ' � -
<br /> ,, ;;�,•.• : ._ �.:,'�;:� enforcement of this Security instrumeat d'�scontin::�d at any time prior to the earlier of (a)S days(or such other period as . , ' ,
<br /> ,•`j tip� _ •
<br /> �• �f: : ;'�`s.f`,�.�7 Single Famity—6a.�cie AfaelFteddle 1►iac L1[FGYItH INSfRUME�T�Unifortn Covenanu 9140 Ip�rFt4 ojApagrs) ��,., -
<br />--s � . ;�� . . '.'�,'' � .
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