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<br /> -- _ — ,: .,Security�ns�ment;ar��ala�ad8meat,�_tDiaSer•urtiylns�a"fiYos�+�tzditions�eset�atBosr�we�:'+(a) � ��` .
<br /> �� _t�ya I�cadar:�i,a�ms wt�Ch th�n wa�td bc daa���s tt�s � tust��t aad-tt�a�t�as i�a�a'�oeicra��,�d �-• :�� . :�.
<br /> ms �t ra�
<br /> - - —__.—�:�snt�.am�.�aulto��a1►��uv�v�a��� .e�1 �-��d�4�enfo��p�te�tlty�,_� _ —
<br /> - ° (q�uameut�i�no�i�dtng, t nnt�t� a attam�Ys�'�es::at�d���s���as�ms��c�sriab�r -
<br /> ce�nire to a�sur�thst:tt�e�f ttis Seaui��c�i�ir�ghts in m4 Ptnppty�;ai��of�narcr�s�ig�on to pa��tt+c .�
<br /> __ - : • � su�.�ey ct�is S�mty In�ns st�ll��aua uuchang�d. v� relastaten�eio3 ey so�rowss,mIs seaauity:
<br /> _— - = .tast�lt�ad tae�oltl�gatioas sa�d haeby.sA�ti m.m�in flilty.eff�cttve as if an acoe2�aaddi�haA acc�,Huwev�r.tb2g . . :
<br /> _ : � ' eigttt w iriastate s�ett nqs apPiy ln't�e s�se of acae2eiat3an ua�r pac�grsph 17. ,_ :
<br /> ' 19. $�e o!N�.C��ot t.oan Ser�le�ea �Note o�a p�rtis)iaictest in.ttieNote(toget�t W��ds Securitl► _: ,
<br /> �.� -- ; Insau,a�ent)mayr bo said aas vr.moto t[mrs without.priorao8oe oo$o�+cw�r. A sa�e tnay resutt i�e cbange iri t'!t�eWity � 4 _
<br /> -_ _
<br /> -- - - - - - =- -- -
<br /> �, , -�o�vti a�i�°Foate Se�v�oer"�t�co7fecfs Qiou�Rsy�i�due.un�cr�Le�Nofe ei��iis�Se`�y"t�u��ti -
<br />- _ may ba one or maie chm�ges of Hte LoQn S�vio��to a�sale of the Not� If thena is a�haage.af tAe Lonn Seivicer. .
<br />=- — — �onnwer w�ll be given wtitten uatioe a�f tha changa iA sa�o:daace wtth parag,�apA 14 ebove and applicable taw.�ZLe aat��e
<br /> - wi]l sfate du erme aa�add�ss af tIla new i.oan Sesvieet uaa th�address to wluchpaymeats sfloulct Be msida. 'f1�e nottoe w�11 ` .. _ .
<br /> - � also wnta�s►any a6ia infuanaiton�oquin�D}'aPPlicabia lam►: . � '
<br /> _ �- ?A: Bstardau�Sohttauo� 8ammver sbaII nor ea�e cr peeudt the pmseae�.use,disposa}.stosage.or ietease of aay
<br /> = Hazardous Snbst�oes on or in the Pmpe�ty. �tower slzall not da.nar alia�anyoms else to do��aayttiing affecting the
<br />-° � ' .A�apet+tyEtt�3 is in violation of aay FavIIO�meatal.I�w. The p�g nva s�tences sLall not apply to tke preseace:us�or
<br />=_ � stw$gc an the.pmpertsr of smatt quantities ofHazacdous 5uBstaa�oes that are generally�to be appmPriate W n+om�al
<br /> �esidedtial uses eud oa maint�aace of the Propeny. ' � '
<br /> - Hoaower sball pmmptly give Leader a�riur,n aottoe af any iavestigatian,daim.demmid,lawsuit�other acifon by aap ,
<br /> - guvemmental c+r reB��Y aB�Y�F�te pa�ty involvir�the P�pe�ty and any Hazardaus Substauae or Emrimnmental
<br /> r Law of which Boirower has actual krtowledge If Bormwer teams. or Ls notified by aay goveaamental ar regalatesy
<br /> - ' awlwrity.dtat auy cemoval or other eemedi�tion qf any Hazar�dous Substaaoe affecting the Property is necessant,Boanwer
<br /> � shall pmmptiy tate a!1 neoe�y remedial actions in acoaidaace avitL Buvimnmental Law. �
<br />- As tued in this parag�apb Z0."Ha�ardous Sabstaaces"are those suDstances defined as touc or hazardous siabs�aces by
<br /> Envuonmental Law end the following substances: gesutiae.kerosene,other ttammaTole or wxis.perm�eum praducts.toaic .
<br /> - ` g�sticides aad herbicides,vofatile solveWs.mate�ials containing asbestos or famiatdehyde.and iadiaactive m�terials. �As
<br />__ � �� Iji',M; nsed in tids parag�aph 20."Bnviraamental Law"means fedetal laws and Iaws of tIze j�aisd'sction where the PkvpaTy is Ioc�ted
<br /> that zetate to heatth,safety or envuomnental pmtection. � -
<br />-_ _ NON UN�ORM COV�TAN'I�. Boimwer aad Leader funher ooveffint end agiee as follows:
<br /> - 2L Aooelerattan;Remedi�. Lender shaA�tve n�ttae to Bormwer pripr ta acxeteratton foIIowing Borrowes's ,.
<br /> _-: ,�,,, Dre�ot eny�v�ant or ege+eement in thL�Seauitq I�ostrumeat N�not p�or to eaoeeee�tIon under parag�ph 17 '
<br />��r. �. ±:�-� � �mte�appl3s�ble taw pmvtd�s otherwtse). 7�e noSae sI�afl specl�y: (a)the de�W�(6)the acUon reqWred to wr�e We
<br /> �'�' ' ` ;���`= detanl�(c)a date,not[ess Wan 30 s 11nm the date the nottce ts given to Bon+oeve�Dy whicm the detaatt mast De
<br /> L���� : . t:�'�� °, �3'
<br /> = cared;and tdl tImt i�Unre to�te We de�nI�on or De�ore the date sged8ed In the natiae may regWt in�oceteration of
<br />=�;�. .��::':� "�� � � the si�s secae�d by t6ts Sec�udty t�h�and sale of the Peopeety. The aotice shaU fluther inform Borrowa.ot
<br /> -�; .,� ,�:�.,'.'J'�;��., . the rfgttt to rcfasba0e aft�ecmeieratton aai3 fhe right to bring a oourt adIon to a�sc�the non-esistence ut a defadt or
<br /> ` ` �? ��,���'�''" ` 84Y othes ddense of Borm�w aaceieration and sat� �P the d�aWt ts aot��or before ihe dstte s�edQed in _
<br /> :;. . � �� �`�i�`,�;' We nMtoe,Lende�at its optivn msy e+equine tmmediate paymeat bo Poll of all s��asured by t�Seairlty rnstranacnt
<br /> �<�,,_ ��€.�:�,�
<br /> - �� � `��:�=� tqlthout lhtt�es�d�nan�l end mey invoke the power of eate and eny other remedtes permitted Dy appltcaDle law
<br /> ��;� �..�,���:
<br /> _�:�� ..� . �... ::��.< ..
<br /> n,i �. .���:;�,.�. : l.ender ehaU be c�4lfled!o ooited all eupeases incurned tn pursutag the remedies provtded ia tbis paragrapD tl, --
<br /> -°s° ` ���,':•'`•:��,,.. •., indudiag,bat not tfmited to;reaso�6te attomeys'Pees and oasts of tit[e evtdenc�
<br />}�:� J�.. . .-.t;:'.
<br />�;' '�' :�. y�.�t:. ..-. If We potiver of sete is mavoked,ltustee s�aU reoord a aotice oYdefaWt tn each cannty in wdicb any part ot the .�;.:.. .�----
<br /> •�r,��;,;. ;,.;� :.v.,��a?!��
<br /> �j��.�,... ;: Piu�Priy fs iacated and s6�r�ail copies of sac6 aottce tn We manne�Pr�uNb�6Y SPFltra6ie law to Bore+ower and to ....�;:_
<br />�� ; .., the othe�pessoas presscri�e�GY'ePPlicaDle taw Attes tDe time reqnired by applicable taw,7�ustee saaU give pnbflc
<br /> . ���:::,;. :. ,; r U - "',-Y.
<br /> �r:. ..�,�<i-,,' notice oY sat�to ffie persons audi fn t6e manner prescribed by appIIcaDte law '1lruste�withont demand on Bornawer, x�.�-�_
<br />_;?'! . = .f�;s s�aU sell the Ihvpeiiy at pabllc aucSlon to�e 6lghest bidder at We time aad place and ander the terms desi�uated in - : y--_
<br /> <t'�• . �"� ' We nottce of sale tn one or more a�l in an order 71�ostee detenWnes. 7t�agtee � � ;^
<br /> .'� �' .•; • . ��=' P� Y ma3'P�Pone sa�e of aD or any ,. �;.,�-.�
<br /> .t.• � .�.>� "�+`;"` panoel of the Progerty Dg puDllc anaouncemeat at the tlme and place of any prev�aesly sc6edWed saie. I.ender or its ... ���-:
<br /> .,•��;:.,���.,;r . . � _
<br /> _ :.}l�'\���,.: ` : : �S19Qee caay purchase We Rroperiy at eny sate. �;, ,,,..��
<br /> ���4�• • ;.� U p oA recef pt of p a y mcvst of the pdee btd. P Y�g • �,:,:,` ` '`-
<br /> :j,, 1Y t�stee shall deliver to the und.m�xr 7Yustee's deed conve the ��'���
<br /> • �} Property. The redtals in the'l�ustee'e deed s1iaU be prtma facle evidrm�e af tBie�tb of the stotements mude therein. ,�t,: ,.`` . ��' �
<br /> ��-�- =�,— -- 7froslee sha11 apply!!sP praseeds ot tdc sale in We tollowiug onter. (at��all c�and expeases of eaenctdn$the power ;lY. .
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