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<br /> — --- � ``�crea�s the��.eudae tt�a�:�1R�o�tsurarteo c�r�rav�itr�g tRa�ttsvi'ii�ttttia ahal�be��ostn by 8umaw��b'ce�Le�dcrt�,`
<br /> -— � - app:uva}�wi�icb�aCt:�dc�nc��a�ty,wiY�&eid: ti�er�'ni[sto m�ini�ta�cov�gp�acelh�Ab�v�� c�Ay,�t:�� �,
<br /> . I.e�u�r�o,ptton�abtnina�irrrage#O P�?utrct L�e4vt�:f��rtght�th���ty i�,�as��a�sa�p�c��r.T.,� � . , . _
<br /> -- — _ _.. _ _._. ! n+_�++ivp�.9��1 t�1IIL� " P.Dt��,�Cfid�..���1tG�Ilit�_ine�1AP_e._.
<br /> -�----- ----����-�`-�'��- .
<br /> � et�lt Davs ttt�r�8i ta�a��tha�oltdte a�r�o�v8t�` �.e�r c�nines.IItm�w�e sh�ti�pi�n-��tp ,yr�ve ti�.L��d!ceceipis - --- -
<br /> _ -- oFpa3Q�pre.nilwms aa�!c(�i�cvat n4�o�. Yn�i�O ev�at ofisrss.B�rowei s�1�g#vd.Fc+amP�nat�ta�aO ias�rs�ar c�ttf�r� ''
<br /> = Levd�r. Leader�n�y!.mslsep�nafaFtua�Ifn�tm�de�romplIYBYBcm+wer. `
<br /> --- — ` G[t��Lendes aud 8atmrti�aroth�rise�+ev in anitin�inssuraace�mcerds ahal!be agDited ta�ce�t�r�fi�of .
<br /> t�e da�,if the r�c�►�ts��or��is eauaomEailJy fca� Ie�td•l+cn�cr�se�rity is�AOt.tesse�ed. I4 tIte
<br /> --- �e��ot repair�is not esvnflmic�f�i6ba os l+cnd."r�seauriry wo�td be lesss�ed.tLa i�scvr,cv� � . sh�lt 6a �
<br />=� - - ----T� - --- —e��tQ ta th�sua��d dy���ty�;ln�tn�as.-wA�tter-or-aot t�en�e.--wnthaag exe�s.�.�. E�ar.er-�f•-,---_- -_. .. _. ..
<br />_ _ ...
<br />_= Bc�mwer a6andans tt�P�ro,�ar dne�nas�ns�vcr arithin�3Q.days a aacie�from�e�r t�ut t�inso�aaoG canner has_
<br /> _ — afftr�m setde a clui�a.tnen L�ndec m�y.oollect the iaswaaa�psocxeds. Lender may�uce.the pmoegds w t+epair er�sw�
<br /> = ttt�Ftupaty ar to p�}►.sums secured by_this Seauiry IastncmeN:whether or aot tRen du�. 'ti�te 30day�eaiod ai(i he'g'u�w�ea
<br /> _ -- t�eaot#�eisgiv�: � �
<br /> Uniess Leader and Bamuwer othetwise agiee in wriW�g.any qppiiea�icm of proceeds to principai saall,uot cxtgnd ur
<br /> 1ti� postpone�tba doa�te af�tha mmatWY paYments refe�ted to in ps�gt�p.'��l�a3►d•2 os change t�e amouut of the Qaymsnts. If
<br />_; vu'"fler p�rqgmgtf 2I dts�op�.tty,ts aoqui�d by l,endes,Hmnm»r�dgt�t�ta say�swnmCe Polic�es aad pmoeeds t�ltitwg
<br /> finrn dmmnge w tLe Ptopesty,�sIur tn the aequisittoa s1►all p�s.s ta I:aidet to ths eMeat of the sums.sec�ued by this S�euityr
<br />-� Insuuan..pttt�atelypriorta thaac+�quisitian. . .
<br />- 6: U�panc� PreservatIan. Maiatc�unee end ProtedFon oi tD� Ptoperty;:Borrowesk�La�an Appttc�Lk�;
<br />_ �nlds. Boanwer s6all uax�py,enabtisLr.and use the Pbp�ty as Bo�rawer�priacipal tesldeaso�•ivittdn sixty day�aftes
<br /> - the cxewHan of ttius Securiry(nsuument and�shsU continue to oocupy the Pinperty as$aamwer�s princi�at reaIde�►oe far at
<br /> l�atst'une Ye�ar after the date of oocvpanry. untesv I.ender otT�adse agees in wnting, wDlch consent s�allh��be
<br /> u�ably witt�held.or un2es4 oxteanzting cucurnstacices exist which are beyand Bairower�ea�ntroL Bom��rres st�a11 uot —
<br /> • d�:danmge or impair the Pmp�ty.allorr the Propeny co det�iarate.or oommit araste on the Frapeaty. Bmmwe,r sLail
<br />_�, is�:ft!�d�taitttaf auy+faQfeinue action or pmoeecling.whether civil or criminsl;is begiw Wat in l.ender�s�d faith jadgtaent .
<br />:: coiild��esi}b�i��!'��of the Ptopeitg or�aise materially impatn tbs lien cceaLed by tt+is Sectuity tasuuu�sent or _ ._ T_
<br /> =� Leddtr��i�s�.st. Bum»�r tilay cuia such a defa�ilt an�ir.3nstats,as pravid�d jn paragtagh 18.by cau�iag the asdon
<br />= ar•p¢n�ta.6��dtsmissed v'�iN a iuliag that.in Lcade��s g�omd f�it6 dete�mination.Pr�dwdes faifeit�u�e of the Bcuna�er�
<br />-- fr�teresC in the l�roperty►or oit�r�disl impaiiment of th-lien c�ested by this Secwi�Inswmeat or Lender�s�rity
<br /> iase�st. Bom�wer sha11 aLso be'm defanll�if•Baaawer. dtuing the taan�appUcatian prooess. gave matetiaUy false or
<br /> _ inaoanate infuln�arion or statements to Lendes{t�rfaited to provide Lender witb any material infom�ation)in canneaian cvi�
<br /> the loau evideaoed•by tbe Note�incIuding,.6ti��aot Gmited�to.cep�cseatations conoeming Haimwer�oocupaney of the
<br /> - Property as n pmic'spiql iesidenoe. If this Securiry Ins�ument is on a teasehoId.Bmirower sI�lt comply with all the provisions
<br /> - . �r of dee tease. If Bmmwer aaqWtesiea dde to the Property;tt�Ic�hotd and the fee ada shall aot ate�ge wiless Leader agrees
<br /> _ ` � W tha tt�g�in writiang. �
<br /> :,.�:�. T�. P�on ot Lendpr's SigEUs in the Property. ff�omnwer fails to perfoim the caveaaants and a�emeats
<br /> l., :. h'�� , oou�it�d�in tttis Sec�uiry Instruai�ent.or there is a legal p:ooaeding that may sigatScandy affect I.eaderb righta in the
<br />_- r � �..� ., . .
<br /> ;�, :�; Fmpwty(snch 8s a�rooeeding in banlwpuy.probate.for condemnation ar forfeiwie or to enfo�ee laws or regWatians).then ,
<br /> ��-� i�s��.,. Lender may do aad pay for whate�rer is necessazy to pmteci the value of-the Property and Lender's rights in the P�ppeny. _--
<br /> �;3��`4i�. Len�s ections may mctude�g any sums secured by a�lIan which has prionty over tlris Security Iasonunent.a� �
<br />