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<br /> • �M
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<br /> • 7.��lon of Lsnd�'s Rlphb in th�Prap��ty. a 8arowK MM b �palam�h�covwwia�nd spr�na oaMsYNd N
<br /> ,� tl�M 8�o�rUy InrMu�nl� a thw�M� NpY prooMdiq Ih�t m�y slp�Ac�nW �Mot Lindn'� �pMs N th� Prop�ty(woh w�pwoMdip !n
<br /> pMs
<br /> b�nlauptay.Probslt,ta oot�tlon a to�NNun a to�nlaa Mw�or npuMtlom).Ih�n 4�ndr m�Y do�nd Wy la whtlww M Mo�wy
<br /> lo pral�el Ih�Y�Mw d th�ProPwtY and lmdr� dpht� in tla Prop�Ay. l�ndr't�tioe�m�y Indud�P+�1�0 �Y�s�ar�d by�Mn
<br /> whioh ha prlaAy owr Ws S�awMy Inanm�wq��prwin0 In couA,P�YYW r��aybM�11omyY i�a md �ntwNO on tM P�oprAY to m�k�
<br /> �•,�i •� : •�..°:; npaln. ANhouph l�nd�r m�y qka�ctbn un�ler tl�pu�pnph 7,L�ndM doa not INV�to do w.
<br /> _ •• � Any�n�o�t dNb�w+Wd b�r l.w�dw undw thb p�r�{pph 7�h�1 b�eom��d�tbnM d�bt ol Bonow�r s�auW by thls S�owNy In�irunNn4
<br /> . .�:a,y;.y lNNnt 9ortoww�nd L�nd��prw W Wh�r t�rmt W p�ynNnt,th��+nwnU sMl b�u btu«I Uam Ih�d�t�ol di�b�wwn�nt at Ih�Now
<br /> �.�-�.��'�-� at��nd oh�9 b�p�yabla.witb fnta�aat.upon nolioo kom La�dar to 8ortawar roquatm►0 PaYmenl
<br /> ��,�;4 ,;,':�;. 8.�AOrl�p�InWrane�. If L�nd�r r�quind matp� insir�na as• aondftloe of nMWnp Ih� tan s�ow�d by thl� Sraufry
<br /> ,. "'.:�, Insln�nt,Barowa�hM p�y Ih�pr�iwnt nqulnd to m�nuln th�matp���bwrano�b�f(�ct. II.la�ny rMSOn,Ih�moAp�hsumna
<br /> t., _ : • ��„�- eovwap� aqui�d bY LwiAw Mps�s or aMSt�to M in N(acl. BoROwa shal pay th� pnmium� �equk�d to obialn aov�ny� wbst�ntiaYp
<br /> "',�• , ,
<br /> .• �� ' �� �yNM�IM1t W ih�mdip�p�Inrunlnos pnviouely b Nfecl. N�cast wbstanUlMy pitlwUen!lo IM cost to 8ortowar ot ih�nwltp�ps hlwnnp
<br /> I II ,,,R_., . .. . Prwloutll►In Mf�ct.from �n alt�rnata motfp�ps Inwnr�PPror�d by L�nd�r. II wbtt�nWAy oqutvalant malp�p�hsu►snc� aor�np� M nol
<br /> . ��. •°"�X �r�Y�6i�. Bonower�hW pry to Lmd� Moh manth � sum putl to onrtw�lflh of th�yw1Y�9�9� In�wanes prMnium bMn9 P� bY
<br /> n'..�.�•� • . � Bonow�r wh�n th�Neunno� aov�ps Nips�d ar cNS�d to b� In Msd. Undor w4 �capt, uu and nWn th� p�ym�nis a a los�
<br /> e' nswv�tn Ywi ol maty�fnw�na�. I.oa n��w payments n�y no lonp�b�nquk�d. �t the option oi UnG►. H matq�po Inwr�na
<br /> 3„, ..�< ��� ,.;, ,� covwaps Qn th�amount�n d fa t h�p«i o d t h a t L�n d a requ k�s)prov�d a d by m I nsunr approv e d b y L e n d u�p�Y�b r c o m�s a n M a b i e m d b
<br /> i i ,�; .QE';�:::a
<br /> =.x .i. obWn�d. Bartowr shal p�y th� promiums nquk�d to m�k�Wn moAy�p� tnwnnc� b efle�� or to provide • ba raMrv�. wW th�
<br /> .k°` u„� , • . . �. nqukwn�nt for aw+ty�ys Ineur�na��nds In�ccordllnce wNh any wrNbn �pr�ement bNwe�n Bortowa�nd Landv a appGubb 4�w.
<br /> I����,.,,�. �- • �,xr .,'. , ,.'r
<br /> 8.Intp�RttOn. L�nd�r a Rs�pent rtary m�k�rason�bla�nirias upon and Insp�t,lfo��ot tha Prc+pMty. L�nd�r�ha1 qh�BarowK
<br /> • � notbs tl th�tinM ol a pia b�n InsPsctlon�peci(yin�nasonllbl�ausa lor the in�p�ctlon.
<br /> " }.. • - - - 10. Condamnation. Tho pracea04 of anyr award or dalm lor dansagts. dkeet or conaequential. In canneellon wNh c�y
<br /> conclanMtbn a oth�WaY�p af any qA ot iho P►operly,or Iw convayana in Ow ol condaim�tian. an honby uslpnad and shM W paW
<br /> . • !, lo IN�dK.
<br /> - . . - --- �,y, !a Ilfe r�ent of e tote!Mk�nQ M the Prn�My,ths�xnexrrAa ah�u be spplied�o the suma aacured by thia 3ecurity Inshument. whefhu a
<br /> �u .. � oot iMn dus.wMh�ny utca�p�ld to 8oirowar. In ihs w�nt ot a paUal t�kMp o11h�PropeAy In wh�h Ih�lak mukat v�iue o11h�Propuly
<br /> � ImmecY�tey arw►s the wcinp is eqw�to or graa�er m.n tne.moun�ot �he sumg s.auad by�n�s securay maaumem trmied�auy ner«.�h.
<br /> . . Wcing,unMas Borroww and Lander othe�wls�oyrN in w�t U n�,t he sums a�cu n d by t h is 3 e c u r i ry Ins t r umen t e A a l l b e rs d uud by lh��nouM
<br /> • of the proaade nw�ltipli�d by the IoNawbg Imodon: (o)the total amount ot Ihe aums secured Unnedwtely before the taWnp,divlded by ro)th�
<br /> � �� hir m�+kol valu�of the P�operty knmedl�tey beiore tha talJnp.My bol�nee sh�N be paid l0 8orrower. In iha wenl ol a paAW taklnp af th�
<br /> � P�op«ty b whkh th�fak markW value of!he Roperly immMiataly bolae IFw Ukinp le less ihan the amount ol iha aums��eurM imm�tey
<br /> � ` �� �� � • bsfan th�W�np, wdess Borrower�nd Lender otheiwiae aqree In w�lh►y a uMesa appQcable Irw othwwist provWa, th�procNds sh�l E�
<br /> epppsd to Ihe wms seeurod by Ihb Secu�ity InaUUment whether or not tha sums ee then due.
<br /> - - .� !!fhe P�ope�ly W altet�doned by 9mowa.a H.efler notke l�y lender to Bonownr 11uN iha condemno�oflera lo mak�an award w aattle
<br /> � a clakn la dampe�.Barawe fails to rsspond to Lender wfthin 30 days aller the date ihe natice is qiven, Lender Is authaized to coNecl and
<br /> � �pply th�proowda,�t qa optlan, eilhar to rosloraUon or ropak ot ihe Property or to tha aums aewrad by this 3ow�it�r Inslrumenl,whMhr
<br /> a not then dw.
<br /> ��� , Unlesa Lender md Borrowe►otheiwise ayree in w�itiny, ony applicaUon oi proeeeds to principal shaU not extend a poatpon�th�du�
<br /> d�ta ol the monthy p�ymenis referted to In paregrAphe 1 and 2 or chenye the amounl ol such paymenta.
<br /> 11. Bo►�owar Not Rdvs�sed: ForbQa�anco By L.ondo� Not a Walve�. Extension o� �he ume wr paymem « -
<br /> � , moddkatlon ol Mnordtation of the sums aecured by this 3ewrily Inslrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest o1 Bortower shaY
<br /> �i not operate ta role�ae lhe Ilability of Ihe o�ipinol Bortower or Bonower's successors in interest lender �hoM not be requked lo cam�enee
<br /> � ' proaa�dkiys ay�nst any woeessu h Interast w roluca!o extend tlma for payment or otherwisa modity amoAlzation ot the sums sacurQd by ;��
<br /> {^ � Ihis 3a�ufly Inetrument by reason o1 �ny demand made by the origlnal BoROwer or Bonower'a succesaors in Iniw�st. My fatbarance by ,,
<br /> ��,f• ' � Lender in exarching any�Ipht a remedy ahall nal be e waiver ol or preclude lhe exercise oi eny�ighl or remedy.
<br /> ;; . � 12. 8ucc�s�ors and Assigns Bound; Joint and 5everal L�ability; Castgnors. rhe covenents and ayreamems al
<br /> , • • � this Sew�ily IntUument aha0 bind and benallt the successora and assigns ol Lender ond Bortower. subjecl to Ihe provlsions of puayraph
<br /> • ., � 1y. Bartowar's coverwnls and aqreemente sheY be Jolnt end sever�l. My Bortower who co•slgns this 3ecurity Inetniment bui doea nol
<br /> exacute th�Note: (�)is co•alynk�q Ihis Sewriry Insimment only to moAgaqe, qra�t.and convey Ihal Bortower'a Intereat in the Proparty unda
<br /> � the tertns ol thb 9ewrity Inatrument: (b) fs not pe►sonNly obtiyated lo pay the sums secured by Ihis Security InsUument:and(c)ayraes thM p
<br /> . lender�nd �ny otha 8ortowar may agree to extend, modity, lorbex or make any accommodatfons wqh reyard lo t�ms of this SNaudy 4
<br /> Inswment or tha Note wqhout that Bortower's eonsent. �
<br /> 13. l.oAn Charga�. Ii the loon secured by this Sewrity Inatrument Is subJect to a law which sets maximum loan charyes.and that
<br /> , I�w ia fin�Yy iMerprtled no lhel Iha M�teresl or other loen charges copected or to ba coUected in connectlon wdh the loan exceed t1�e °�
<br /> r
<br /> pem�ittYd Wnih,ihen; (a)any such loan chergos shoY be reduced by the amou�t necessary to reduce Ihe charge to Ihe permi8ed Wnl:and !
<br /> (b) any sums Nre�dy coAected hOm Bartower which exceeded permitled Nmlis wdl be refu�ded to 8onower Lender may choose to make
<br /> � ' ,. , ihis ►elund by ndudng the p�incipel owed under the Note ar by makmg a direct payment to 8onower. Ii a relund reduces prinGp�l. th�
<br /> '" � reducUon witl 6e Ueated as a
<br /> partlel prepayment withoul any prepayment charge under the Nole
<br /> � 14. NOtICYB. My noUce lo Bonower provlded tor in thfs Secunly Instrument shail be g�ven by deUvenng it or by nwiling A by firsl
<br /> • � >� � j class maA unteas �pplicsble law requlrea uae OF anolhe►melhod. The nol�ce shall be directed Io the Property Address or any othe address
<br /> . , 'y ' ��' Borrower deslyn�tes by notke to Lcrder. Any notice to Lender shall be yfven by first class mail lo Lender's address slaled hereh a any
<br /> i f " ' ' � othe►address lender designates by noUce to Borcower. My nolfce provided for In Ih�s Secumy Instrurt►enl shall be deemed to have been
<br /> � � � � yhren to Borroww or Lender when given as provlded In thls paragraph.
<br /> .j 15. Oovarntn� �AW� Sove►abiltty. Thlt SeCUrity Mstrument sha4 be govemed by lederol law and the law ol ihe�urfsdicUon N
<br /> � _ whleh Ihe PrapeRy Is located. In the event Ihat a�y provision or clause of this Secunty Instrumenl or the Note conn�cts wnh applkable 1aw
<br /> auch conNct ehmll not attect other provfsions ot this Secumy I�slrument a tha Note whlch can be g�ren etted wAhout tht eonfGeUnp
<br /> p►ovlslW�. TO this end the prOviswne of this Securiry Instrument and Ihe Note arv decl�red lo be sererable.
<br /> � , 18. eorrowar's Copy. Bonower shaU be given one conlormed copy ol Ihe Note and ol Ihis Secunty Inslrumenl
<br /> • 17. Tnn�r of th�Proparty or a Bonaficial IntQrost in Borrowor. II aN or any part of the Praperty a any nterest M
<br /> '�_�,� _ .. .. Y L �wl� �v Mw�4w�A /r Y� A�naLwL1 MI�r�� in Ow�.w.r b �nW ��b�w�IM��na GM�..�r 1e nM � wM����)n�v MI u�ilhiu�l l MA�v'�
<br /> '._. ,..
<br /> .. � _ _ . . .. ... ��... �. ..�.�........ ��. ..� ��......�.... ............ ... ��..�..�. ... ..�.� �. .�.....�..���'� ��..�..�. .� ..�. �..�.�.� ��.��..� ......��'��'_'�.'
<br /> � prior written conse�l, lander may,at 11s option, requwe �mmediate payment in lull ot all sums secured by this Secumy Instrument Hawever.
<br /> t . Ihls optbn shY not be exerdsed by Lender i1 exerGse is prohibited by federal law as ot Ihe date ol th�s 5ecuriry Inshument
<br /> ii"' II Lenda aa�cbes Ihb optfon. lmder shap yive 8ortowe► nollce ot accHeralwn 7he not�ce shall provwe a penod ot nol less tfun 30
<br /> , L d�ys Aom tht dat�Ihe�oUoQ 15 detivered a ma4ed withh whlch the Bonower must pay aU sums secured by thic Security InsWrnenl II
<br /> !; Bafrowel qNilss to p�y lhese aums prior to Ihe expiralron ol Ihis penad. Lender msy u��oke any remedies permdled by Ih�s Secunty Instrument
<br /> �t wNhout furthr notla a dammd on Borrowa.
<br /> '. �.
<br /> va�� 3 .�e5 �,.�.� c�:tl 94�_
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