,� r,,:;a�`�"��1�_i;.,.. , �� '.t:!`" �! � r . �j.:�'�,n.t,t,l�c �r rr
<br /> � �� rL�P r.w�Y1! � '),I�s �'9�; 1""n!'�i=--1,Jr i•r:\:
<br /> - . .. ....;w� .. :}$rrv�... .y:e�l.
<br /> .i
<br /> .�.�1►yfF � -
<br /> ♦ ' " 1.. .
<br /> " _ . . 7. .. . .
<br /> � �. . . ... ....`. . �J� � . ...M'y .
<br /> `t rt I .,���:.°I::: �Mt ��. ..r.� c, 'a
<br /> __...���
<br /> . "'. � 'h •
<br /> - 93�' ioess9
<br /> . .. 18. Borfow�r'� Rlph! to R�IntW�. N 8aroww nw� uA�in candNlon�, BonnwM �haN h�v�Ih�rlyht lo Mv��nlao�en�nl
<br /> . �' " � dNoontinwd q�nY tlnM pdo►b th�wln of:(y 6 dajn (a woh o1Aw pwlod a��ppYo�bl�Uw m�y tp�oMy la�Nnwt«n�nQ b�fa� �N
<br /> � 7 -f o1 Ih• Raprty punuan� w �ny pow� a .d. oonc�l in �ha s.cuny InshunMn�; a (b) .nty o) . Judy�n.n! «dorotnp urs s�owry
<br /> � ..�= In�q.fios�oontNtlont w Ihtl Bortoww: (�)P�Y�L�ndn aN sum�whlah thm woutd b� du�und� thls 8�curiry IntYUmmt md Ih�
<br /> �' -v
<br /> � Nal� a� M eo �oabration luid ocaund� N) e�xa my dd�ult ol�ny otho covmant a�pr�mnt�, (o) Wri 41 pcpm�hewr�d N
<br /> oa
<br /> ' ?�K •.;,,'�,,n .• �nlorolnp Wa 8�owity Impw►wnb boiudlnp. but not Nnit�d to, rMSOn�bb tltomqn' 1�: �nd (d� Wcas wah anllon as Undu nry
<br /> •w fylOfl�bhl(�QIIn t0 �/tYf�1h11I 111/ Y�II O?Ihlt SK:Ilflly 1111U111M�11. lMld�f'{ �hle NI lh�PfOpMly �Id 90ROWN's Ob11Q�U011 l0 p�y IM
<br /> " „ _ ,. T wnN1 aand by inb S�ou�Ny ImGummt �h�M aanWiw unchanp�d, Upon ninq�t«n�nl by Bonow�r� thb S�wNfy In�lrum�nt md Uw
<br /> .. �. . � oblpRtfons ua�nd hu�by�haN nm�Y� fu1Y MI�e1M u q no�ca�ntbn had oacwnd. HowN�r� Ihls dpht to rMnsut�tIW aot ppy M
<br /> . �° u,.ea.•�.00Nu.uon u�du p.n�npn t7.
<br /> .. 18. B�I� O�f NOt�; Chill�� O?LOan S�rvlo�r. Th� Not� or • p�tW Int�ntt in IAe Nota (lopsthw wMh thi� B�cwNy
<br /> � , , ;�� In�YUment)m�y M sold onR a mon tlm�s wNboul prior notice lo Bortow�r. A tN� m�y nsull In� ohu�pe(n tb��ntlry (known�s Ih�
<br /> i ,, *,�..,; , , 'Lan S�rvio�')ttwt eoA�nt� monthy paymaNs dw undK lho Not��nd thls SacurNy Instrum�nt Thon also may ba on�or mon eh�npK
<br /> • �.�^:`•� �� � o11hs Loaa SwvioK unr�t�d to a sWs ol th�Nob. 8 thara lo a ehanqa of Ih�Lan S�rvic�r.Bortowar wW be piv�n wdllen noUu of Ih� -
<br />� ��`y��? � elun��h �aeord�nas wqh pWayaph 14�bov� and�ppYcabte law• Th� notle� vrY stoh the mme and�ddreas of the n�w Lan 8�rviur
<br /> , 3",' �•. . ^� and th��ddraa to whloh payments should W mndi. Tha no11cQ w(N alao conWn�ny olher Infomwtlon raquked by applicabN law.
<br /> ,�y,,,;� � �� Z0. H�Zardous 8ubshnCOi. Bortowar sh�N �ot cauaa or pumH th� pnsence, usQ, dieposal, sloray�, a relMS� of �ny
<br />��
<br /> - �'%: � Hu�dous Subst�nass on w b th�Proprty. Bortower shaM not do,na eNaw�nyon�Woe to do, anylhiny aBecllnp ihe P�opary tfyt b in �
<br /> �; viaWion o1�ny EnvlronmenW L�w. 1'h�pnc�dtny h+o�anqnces�hdl not �pply to th�p�eaence. use. a stonq�oo th�Propwty o1 sm�A ,,� A .
<br /> ' ""��• qwntWM ol H�ardous Subsanoa that w �d to b� H�b to oormwl resW�niW wn and W mrnt�nw of Ih�
<br /> ;;",'�;- ` :. �y O��Y�z �PP►oP �:�tir
<br /> � PraPe�lY• •���
<br /> � .:�'''��;`,�'.1:`;i�'� -,.,,;�:.:�.
<br /> .;:t;�;s,�.;<<;r:,.',.�r, ',} Barower thal prompW qlro Lender writlen noUee of any invealipalbn. elaim,denwnd.laweufl or othe� aelion by any qovanrtwitol or
<br /> . .,�.�,:�,.
<br /> .;�;'�:'t�,,�;:•:,�`�s.:� t � en a Wiwte parry InvoNinp the Property�nd my Huardous Subaunce or EnvkonmenWl Law ol which Bortow�ha�ac1uY
<br /> , 1., _ ►oP�la aY O �Y
<br /> ;J ��1.
<br /> �
<br /> , 2.
<br /> 'rt�. f
<br /> '. ���,';,�'��" ,' � :. � knowt�dpe. 11 8ortowx kune, o► la noUBed by my yovemmental or reyulatory�uthairy. ihat any removal or olhar r«nedlotbn of �ny ,r,q�r;,.,��,
<br /> ":, Hwrdous SubsWOe aNaafinp ths Propaty ta nac�wy. Borroww sful promptty take dl nacassary renw�W �qlons In�ccordana wqh
<br /> ..,•
<br /> ,f:'•t
<br /> �ti, • EIITh01NI1Bf11/I LAW.
<br /> , As ueed fn thle para�raph 20. 'Hrzardoun Subatances' are ihose subsuncea defined aa todc a hazardoua aub�lances by
<br /> Emiranmental Law and ihe 1oNowlnp subalaneQS; q�aoWie, karoeene, olher Ilammeble or loxic pelroteum produets, to�le pasllGda md
<br /> hablcides, vol�tiN aoNente, m�terlals cont�M�in� �abeatos a lortnaldehyde. and ndioactNe m�terials. As used N thla puayr+iph 20.
<br /> .. 'Emlronnental luw' meana bdsral (�w� and law� ol tha ju�iadidlon whK� the Property la loeatod Ihtl re�te lo halth. sNety ar ;;.;�
<br /> � ernYorxnaatal protaction. ��:`
<br /> - --. _ -_—_ lVON-UNIFORN! COVEt+lAf+lT3. 9aao�xer and Lensler furiha covsnent end e�r!e es foilc+w,.
<br /> . ;�` 21. AcoelorNion; Romadfea. Lendar shall yivo notica to Borrower prfor to �acol�retion followinp
<br /> ;,;,,,;��.;�' Barow�r'� brt�ach of any covon�nt or agraa�nant in this Sacurtty In�Zrument (but not pria to acc�lor�tion "'�r �
<br /> " ',� , .• und�r p�rapraph 17 unloss applicablo law p�ovfdea otherwise). The notioo shall spocify: (a) !ha dofwult; � '
<br /> ,�`� (6) th� �ctlon raquired to curo tho daiAUlt; (c) a date, not less ihan 30 d�ys irom tho dato tho notlaa la ;��;�`�•°
<br /> v,
<br /> , Qivo� to 8orrowor. by which the defwlt must bo curec0; and (d) that iailure to curo tlw dafault on or �'��'�
<br /> . ' ''� ���'; b�tora tho data �pectfiQd ie tho �otico may re�ult In accalor�tion of ttw suma cocurad by this Socu�ity
<br /> •;:; , . . �
<br /> .• ' � In�trumont t�nd �alo of tho Proparty. Thv nottca shall turthar t�form Borrower of tha �ight to �Nnst�to a�ftor Y ,;_
<br /> �`'� accolaration and tho riyht to bring a cou�t actfon to assort tho nornexfstenca of a dofault or my otlwr r,�•�'�"
<br /> 't:,i., :• . `�•
<br /> ,";;,,,;:' , i deion�o of Borrowe� to accoleration and sale. If tha default is not cured on or before tha dato spectfiod P�;;;;
<br /> in th� eolko� Lander at its option m�y require fmmadiata paymont i� full of all sums ��au►od by thlo �•�:•�
<br /> :+,�� , �;`,''.,, � Socurity Instrumont wlthout fuAher demand and may invoke ihe powe� of sale and any othar re�nodios ;.
<br /> � �,� : � r � pKndttod by applicabla law. Leedor shall be entitled to colloct all expenses inau�red fn purauiop tlw �
<br /> °� • ' ' r�medio� provtd�d in this parayraph 2t, includi�y, but not limited to. reaaonablo �tto�noys' foss and co�ls E
<br /> �"'� ' of titl� �vidanca. t
<br /> � !:�,.�' � If th� powar of �alo 1� i�voked, Trustaa shall record a �otioe of default in each aounty In which any }�
<br /> ' put of th�Praporty Is located and oF�ad mpll coples of such notice in the manner prescribed by appUcabla R�'
<br /> �'' ' law to Barow�r and to the othar po►sons prescribed by appUcable law. Att�►� tho timo roqui�ed by
<br /> a�pplicabla law, Trustoo �hall givo public notica of sala to the persons and in the mannor proQCribod by ,
<br /> applicabls law. Tru�taa, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at publio auction to tho �
<br /> • �•`''. ��� � hiqhost biddor at th� timo and placo and under the terms designated in the notice of sale in one or moro
<br /> ' � �`�"' '� puc�ls and in any ordor Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale oi all or any parcol oi the �
<br /> ' ' . � Proporty by publio a�nouncQment at tiw time and place of any previoualy schodulod �alo. Londor or Its
<br /> � d�tignaa may purchasa the Property at any �ale. '
<br /> i. • i
<br /> � . , Upon rocolpt of payment of the price bid. Trustee shall deNver to the purchasar T�urteo's deed t
<br /> , convayin� tha Property. Tho recita�s In tho Trustee'� deed ahall be prima facle evidonce of tho t�uth of ";�
<br /> ,•,�;; ' th� shtaments mado theretn. Trustee ehall apply tho proceeds of the sale in the following o�der: (w)ta all •
<br /> � } � costs aod exponsos of oxorcising the powar of sale, ancD the sa1e, includfng the payment of tho Trustee's ,
<br /> �• ' fa�c actually tncurred, not to exceed 3.04 `Yo of the principal amount of the note at tho time of 11w
<br /> ����" . . doclaratton of dofault� and raasonabtv attornvy'� teos as permiried by law; (b) to all cuma coourod by thia .
<br /> .: � ; Soeurity Instrumont; a�d (c) any excess to the person or persons legally ontitled to it. .
<br /> • + ��''�, j 22. Fioeonvayanea. Upon paymenl ol aq sums secured by t�is Socurity Instrument Lender shall request Trustee lo reconrey Ihe
<br /> � � � Property t+nd SheA surtmder ih�s Security Instrument and all notes er�denang deDt secured by Ih�s Secunty Instrument lo Trustee Truslee
<br /> � sIW reconvey the Property wfihoul wanin4y and wdhout charqe to ihe person or persons legally entdled to�t Such person or persons sh�ll
<br /> pa�any recordatbn coats.
<br /> .. .r , �J. aYVilllYl� �fY7LlYr. L6nOCr. ai ii� uyimn. mur u�ia iuna iv im�r �nuvr i�uaiec mw eppou�i u auwr�o�n i�wieet iv w�r
<br /> � TNStee appolnled hereunder by an instrument recorded in Ihe county �n whfch th�s Secu�ty Instrument is recorded- Without conveyanCe ol
<br /> tfN P�opafty, SuCGessO�tnlslee shell succeed to aU the tAle. power and dulies confened upon Trustee herem and by applicable I�w
<br /> 24� R�qu�st for NotiCes. Borrower requesls thal coples of Ihe�odces ol dolaufl and sale be sc�t lo Bortowar's address which
<br /> ;�S fs Ihe Property Address.
<br /> { 25. Rldarr to this Socu�lty Instrumant. II one or more riders are execuled by Borrower and recorded logether wAh IMs
<br /> ' ',
<br /> � Securily (nsWment, Ihe covenonte and ogreemeMS ol each such nder shall be u�corporaled x�lo and shau �mena ana supplemcnt the
<br /> ' �� ea�nants md apreemenla ol IMs SecuHry InsWment as d the nder�s)were a part ol th�s 5ewrdy Instrument
<br /> . �.�1•'d �S . � v,�stl Y`�
<br /> � i . FtU�-lM6 NA))
<br /> � 5.,� i
<br /> l
<br />