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<br /> - �a w .�o..a u�.n�.�r�n .�+a.,� .wr,a.r �or. wa.�.y �.a nw�,�.a.�a,.,,,.�r.a► e«.o�+..•. ..aow.000wa�a. u�
<br /> Ndrral R�Y Eqat�MIM�rN P►oadwriN Apl ol 1Y�1 u�nNniNd kam tl�to tM�, tII U.B.C.2Q01 �I trq, !'NEBPA').t���nothw I�w
<br /> Ih� �ppMr b tlN fund�s�� IwMr�t� N ro. I.�n4n uMry�M �N�• aoMal�nd hold Fund�b an �nwwN nol W �oMd tM
<br /> �,; iM.w.moaa. L«a.r nry «IMnN� th� +�nauM a wnd. aw aa,NM b1�M«a ounwM au.�nd n.io�e�. �Ym�a�.a a
<br /> ,. IudN�B�aow qMns or o1111rwM�fn�000►d�nA�wUh�pplo�bN Yw.
<br /> Th�Fund� �IW b�hMd b�n NaYlulion whaw d�P�M��n NWwr�ct bN �Mdirrl�p�nar. N�wmmt�My. a�ntMy(InaM�dnp Lw�dw.M
<br /> Lw�dw M wafi�n kistNullon�a In�np F�d�l Hom�Lam 8�nk. lmdw�W Ml�y,th�Fund�lo pay th�E�o►ow N�na. L�ndr m�y nol
<br /> - ctwry�8arar� for hak�+p and appyi�p Ih�Funda, annuaAp an�ty�inp thr ascrow. qoaawri, or vpi�p the Eacrow ftema, unkas Lmder
<br /> p�y� 8on�owr Mt�n�t on th�Fund�and appYoWN M�w P�nnM�L�ndn W m�Nr wAM��oh�rp�. Naw�v�r,L�ndK m�y►�4uk�Bomoww b
<br /> .,.:.�„„ -�i��'`�"�, . . p�Y a on�tln�oNr�for�n NiA�pmeNnt nM�1�t�n�portN�q�wlor uwd bp Unda tn.00n��otlim�with thN lo�n. unlM��pMo�UN Mw
<br /> "��..��•� ' P►wldN all�wis�. Lk�s �n �p►MnMnt M aa�d� a �ppNOabM Nw nquinf IniR�t.tp b� p�td� l�ndw sh�M not b� nquk�d W qy
<br /> Y+P,,_'!: ��.� �.�
<br /> '�.���, A ..• A..,: Ba►awr�rry M�a wminp�on tIM Rund�.Bortoww�nd l�nd�r m�y�pn�h wri{inp„haw�vw, that int�r�st shaA b�p�W on th�Fund�.
<br /> ti,.., , ,.
<br /> L�1dK sIW yk�to BortqwK without oh�rp�,�n�nnu�l�eoounUnp ol 1he FunM. �hpwMp a�dit�and dM�N�to th�Fw�ds md tlw pupow
<br /> :;�{: ��!. ''.'..��:.,i. tor whkf�aoh dabM W tM Funds was mwde. Th�funda ara plQdped aa adcGtion�l Ma+riy lor a1 wms s�arced by lhls S�awify Inetrwn�nl.
<br /> . .,�y. °.., It Ih�Fundi hnid by L�ndar n�aMd th� �unt� pem�ittad ta be hdd by �ppOo�bN I�w. L.nd�r .h�M .caoun� a Bartoww ta fh�
<br />� ,;i,,��,�,. �..: �`�'•�^'?.' . :.'�-,�•�. �ocn�ss Fundr N�oaordmo�wNN th�nqutr«n�ntr ol�ppNO�b{a 4iw. IOIha�maunl�of,th�Funds hMd by L�ndrr tl any tlm�b not w1Aoi«d
<br /> � ` ,% a pay th�Esaow Itam�when due,Undar m�y so oatUy Bortqwqr In writNp„�nd��ln�wah as�Bortow�r shal Wiy to LaidK th��unt
<br />$�';�;''.�: ' ' :��,;,. i �. �` o�pswy to m�k�up iM d�Ad�nny. 8ortowM sM�N m�lt�up!lu!dMkdenny in ao�mw� tiw�hvNv�monihlY WY�V� �t L�ndw'� aaM
<br /> '~^' � .j •- . . 't' �.
<br /> � Upon p�yrrMnt in WI of Y sums t�nunld by ihis Seaxtty Illabumemt�Unddr shY pmmpty. �aA�nd b BonowK�ny Fund� hNd by
<br />��.... . . . �.r
<br /> . �.}..\-' �
<br /> • r, y� ,;h��;. l.�nrN►. fl,und�r parapraPh 21, l�nder sh�1�oquir�or aeY�he Property. Lmder. pdar ta the�cquisi6on or s�le oi Ih�Propwty.�h�1 appy
<br /> . „°° `� �ny Funds bdd by lwider at the tlme of�aqylaq{an or salu�e�ubil�q�Yiet Iha sums eacured by thh 3aarity InswmmL
<br /> . , ,.: 3.Appllcatlon d Paytn�nts. UMsas appRwbl�Niw pmvkles otherwke.�I p�ymenl�raceivod by Laidar undar parapniphs 1 �nd
<br /> _.
<br /> , + .'. , . 2 sFW be�ppAeds ftrst, to �np Prep�yment ah�ryes dua under th� Niota: asaond. lo antounts p�y�bls undw pa�yraph 2: ihkd to int�l
<br /> �.�,;;" ' ., . ' dur,tourth�M prfndpai due: �nd I�et, ta�ny I�ta oh�ryea due unde.the Nals.
<br /> ,�;:.:•r:� ^ ,,I•..,�.J:�,_, 4.ChersyOS; I.iW�q. Borrowar �h�Y pay a1 tawas. �ssetament�. ehhNrqes. Ihes rnd impositions attribWabk to th� Prop�q whioh
<br /> ' '.. mty�tWn p�Nwly arqr thla Securily IneUumant� �nd Iaaeefiakl paym�te or ymund renta,q any. BoROww�hall pRy lhesa obYp�tlons in tM
<br /> . „ . �� . m�nnar provW�d in parapmph.2, ar H�not pAW in.thpt�mAnnar. 8ormwar sh�l pay them on tima dt�aUy to Ihe person owwl pa�l . ,;i
<br /> • '. Bonow�r �ha1 prompty lumish�to L�nder.�N natlas ol a�wunla to•be pWd under thla paraqraph. If Borroww m�ka thw� p�nq
<br /> , � � � . dk�cty.Barow�r sh�M promptly fumish�tu�tnde�r receipta evidencing lha paymenle.
<br /> � � Barowr sM+�Y promptly dMahprpe anK•Oon�whbh�h�a prio�ity ove thls Searity Instrument unteas 9orrowor: (a)ayrNS In w�ilinp to tM
<br /> --- — _-- p�yirwui ui li�a�cii4mavwir3 Ly 9iia ik��ir�,r��►yw�nar +icce�irLk iu Laida: (G1 cadasis tn qaod faRh iha 9�t by.ar datettda apaSt+q
<br /> enfarcNnent ot the Nen In,legwl proa�edinga whlCh in the Lenderb opin(on opente to prevent the enforcemeM of the Ne�;or(e)aewrea ham
<br /> . th� holder ot the Nm an�yreanant aati�tactonr to lend�subordlnaWip the Gen to this Secwily MstrumeM. 11 lende�determfnes tlut any
<br /> �;�� .. � � ,.. put oi the Pioperty is subJ�ct to a Nen whlah m�y�ttsN�priority ovar this Seewiry Instrument. Lender m�y plvQ Borrower a noUa�WonlNylnp
<br /> • • ih�pen. BortowK sheM eadsiy ihe uen a tafc�one or morQ ol the�stl�ons sel tarlh�bovQ wBhM 10 daya ol lhe yN(ny of noUce.
<br /> „ S. Hazard or Proporty Insuranco. Bort4wer shaU keep ihe impro�ertients now e,deang or n.reaner ercc�ea on �ae �apQny
<br /> . � ineurad�palntt bss by brt. hAtarda Gtcluded within the term 'eqended coveraye` �nd eny other hezards,hGudi�p floods or IlooWnp, fa
<br /> e' � whieh Lender nqukeo insurana. Thls Insurance shaY be mahtalned(n the amounte and for the periods lhat Lender requ4ea. The Ineuranw
<br /> r ania►providinp lhs Insuru�cs shaA be chosen by Bor►ower subject to lenders wpproval which shaA not be unreaaonebly wflhhetd. 11
<br /> . BorrowK faAa to maintafn coveraye desc�lbed abovQ. Lender may. at Lender'a option, obtah cove�ape to protecl Lendar'e riphts in tho
<br /> .'" RropeAy In�ccordanoe wBh puagraPh ?.
<br /> ��.;, AN Insunnce poMcies and renewals shol be acceptable to Lender and shall Include a slendard moAqaye cl�use. Lender shaY have the
<br /> ' rlyht to hotd lho poNelas and nnewats. 11 lender requires. 8ortowar ti�or promp�ry gne lo Letider AU roteip�s ot paid prarniums ond r�nwvd
<br /> � notices. In ihe evQnt of bss. Bonoww shall�ive prompt nollce lo the insurance cartier and Lendar. lender may matca prool of bas d nol
<br /> ' � , mrdo PromPty ey Bonower.
<br /> „" Unlsss Linda�nd Boaoww othenvlse apree In writing, insuranee proceeds slwll De applied to rQStaratlon or reEwk of the Prope�Ay a�4'
<br /> � � damayed, H the reatoraUan or ropak is economkaAy teasibte and Lender'e secu►ity is not lessened. 11 Ihe restarallon or repd► Is not ,'��, .
<br /> economlcally/easibla or Lender's secu�ily would be lesse�ed, ihe Insurontse proceods shall be appued lo the sums secured by Ihla Seeuriry �p �
<br /> � Inslrument, whether or not lhen due,with any excess pe�d to Borrower. I(Bortowai abanduns Ihe Property. ar does not answer wlthh 30 'S•
<br /> days a noUce kom Lendor thet the Insurance cerrier has oHered to setlle a claim. then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender
<br /> � may uae the proceeds to repair or restare ihe Property or to pay sums secured by Ihls Secunry Insuument.whether or not Ihon due. The '�
<br /> , 30•day period wlp bayin when the notice is given.
<br /> r,;i•
<br /> � ' Unlesa Lender�nd 8or►ower olhenviae agree In writing. any epplication of proceeds to pnnc�pal shall not e,Aend a postpone the due �
<br /> date ot lhe monlhly paymenis referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change Ihe amounl ol ihe payments- 11 under parograph 21 Ihe Property
<br /> ia acquktd by Lender. Bortower's right to any insuronce policles and proceeda resulling Iram damage lo the Property prior to Ihe acquisfUOn t
<br /> , �j . • • sheY pass to Lender to the extent ol lhe sums secured by thls 3ecurAy Inst�umenl immediately prior to ihe acquisnlon.
<br /> �
<br /> �' ' � 6. Occupancy. Preaorvation, Mainto�ance a�d Protaction of the Property; Borrawor's Loan ',
<br /> '�,; .
<br /> , � • Applicatlon; Loa86h01d8.Bortower shell occupy, estad4sh, end use Iho PropeAy os 8ortowe►'s prinGpal resldence within wcty days '
<br /> , • . aeer the �,ceation ol thls Sesurity Insirumenl and shaB coninue to occupy ihe Property as 8arrower's principal residence tar pt least one
<br /> � �__ year atler the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise aprees m writing. wAich consent shall not be unreasonably wlthheld. or unless '
<br /> , , exlenuathq ckcumstonces exist whlch are beyond Bortowei s control- BoROwer shap not destroy. damege or impair Ihe PropeAy, oAow the
<br /> Property to deteriorote, a commlt wasle on the Property Borcower shall bo m detault il eny lorle+lure eCt�on or p�oCeedfng. wh8lher Crvil or
<br /> � � q4�d,I�begun lhat in Lender's good leith (udgment could result fn forleiture d the Property or otherw�se matenally impaK the Gen created
<br /> � by thfs Securlty Instrume�rt or Lenders securily Interest. Bortower may cure such a delault a�d remstate. as pranded In paragraph 1B. by
<br /> � ` � , uuslnq Ihe �cUon or proceeding to be dismissed wdh a ruWng IhaL m Lender i qood ladh detertnmatron. precludes fodeAure af Ihe
<br /> (. � 8or►ower's Interesf in the Property or other materlal impairtnent ol the hen crenled by Ih�s Securdy Instrument or Lender's secunty interest
<br /> 4 Borrower shW also be In detaup if Bonower.du►iny Ihe loan epplication process.gave matenally lolse or x�accurale mlormation or statements
<br /> • to Landar (or Wlad to pravide Lende► wilh �ny material inlormation) in conneclan wilh Ihe Ioan e�idc�ced by Ihe Note. includw�y, but not
<br /> • t �' � WiWad to, repnsenhrons conceminq Borrower's occupancy ol Ihe Praperty as a pnnc�pal res�dence II Ih�s Secunty tnsWment �s on a
<br /> . ' !+ le�sehotd. Bortawe�ahaU compy wdh aN the provlsbns of the lease. II Bonowe► �cqu.es lee Inle to the Property the Ieasehol0 and lhe
<br /> ' t. . � f�lltle sIW not mKpe unMss 1hQ Lendar aqreea to the merye�fn wnt�ny.
<br /> ,
<br /> �.�,• . • . . ., .h -,
<br /> � F10�.LM0 IV➢31
<br /> � ..
<br /> �
<br /> � 52xH �
<br />