..� .,�N,i�,
<br /> .'.ti?t�:
<br /> . "k.. , � � . .
<br /> n-. �, . `�('(.� �a�: ` - .. ' ',..i
<br /> o y
<br /> I . . . ...
<br /> 93a los5�s �� ,���
<br /> � :�'�;.��t r.� �USTABLE RAT� itlDElt •
<br /> (1 YM►TrMwry ladn�-Wt Gp�)
<br /> 24TH 5EPTEP'IBEl4 ,�y 93 ,.
<br /> THIS ADJU5MBL8 RAT81lt08R u m�d�tN� �y oI
<br /> •and It i�apaN�d iato�nd�h�l)b doNnrd lo umnd wd wppMn�nt tlw Monf�N�Dr0 of Trua�or S�curkY DMd(tM•�9rcutkr�nNtvn�tt'q ot '
<br /> �M wa�d�t��iwo by Iht uad�n�d(IM"Bortowe")to�.vn Borro�er'� AdJua�bM Rue No1e(tM"Not�")to
<br /> l�I,AlIQ(IM��I.�d�r��)of�Iw taM dw aad oowd�t�M p�op�nY draib�d i�Uit B�.wAy IawwRlat ao0loaad Ms
<br /> 5
<br /> �.; ?18 S. CHEHRY� GRAND ISLAflD. NEBRASKA 68901
<br /> (Ptaperty Add�ea)
<br /> rw.ou co.W.r r�Wor�Ile�ly ta cM�I� .u� �.ta..t na�M.r .o�111f
<br /> I � W7�nb.TrM..ie.lw IIw1u tM�■1 wr I■�aN a.eM�p��W�•.�tN.s rM
<br /> +. ,,y,,;,,,, . sM IM�ir��iu/W��N 1�wt Ml�.
<br /> 1-:a��1.-}`.'. ADDITIONAL COVBNAN7'S.in�ddltion to tla covaiu►u�nd�y{ramena m�de in the SecudlY Imtru�nau,9o�towR aad��Mer
<br /> �:��� �1�r.����'.�;:{� �ooVe��.�a.�uraa�.:
<br /> .�.Q�.`;S:;�k:.�:,�
<br /> . .•t`:r,`:-:... ;�4-; A. IN7'EREBTT RAT�AND MONTHI.Y rA 4EI��HANGE9
<br /> � ;,L....:.'. �� fiY 7Le Nae provida for�n inilid interat rate ot •n ra �Y.Srctioa 1 of Ibe Nme provlda tor chu�a la tba iatetat nUe�nd IIK
<br /> �� . �;•�, _,� :r:;�`; naoWYP�lmkau,�ffollowr.
<br /> I� , ��. ..� --r:� j:..:.
<br /> . J }
<br /> �... ' �� 1. /M81?EST RAT£AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANO£S
<br /> � �",r�i�s"�•• (A) Ch�eDda
<br /> � . � y.;:; y
<br /> ' � �` d;���' fi".".�;' The interpt nto 1 will pay rtwy chan�e on the fint d�y of �CTOBER ,19�_.,ud on Uuit dtY�'pY
<br /> �>;�. ����',�s ,._ , �,
<br /> � • ' :�`^t ' ].Z montb�thereaiter.P.ach d�te on which my intercst rstecoWd chanje is calkd�"Ch�nae Da�e."
<br /> • .. . .. �Y1 TM I�Oai
<br /> ' •� � Beyinnfn�with the finl ChanQe Date,my interat r�te wiil be based on an Inde�c.The"Index"is the weckly araa�e yidd on United Stata
<br /> ", � 7Ym�sury secudtia ad)u:ted to a rnnstant matud�y of 1 year,w made ovdlable by the Fedetd Raerve Board.The most raxnt��de�c ti{uro
<br /> • .. •• , �v�ilabk�a of the d�te 43 dayi before cach Ch�n�e Date is calkd the"Cunent Index."
<br /> � � ' „, Ii the index is no lon4tt availAbk,the Note Holder will choose a new index which is b�sed apon compar�ble iafarmRtion.The Note
<br /> ' , Hdder w18 aive me notice af thia choice.
<br /> .,�_.
<br /> � '� ' �� ��0"O«"Rp TWO AND ONE-MAI.F
<br /> •- �- Beiorc each Chan�e Date,the Note Holdcr will wlculote my new imerest rate by addinQ pn�u��
<br /> . • ,� points( 2•5 9�)to the Currmt index and roundinQ to tht nearest I/8th oP 14i,�ubject lo tht Umits slAted in Secliaa IN)below.
<br /> i � 7'hi9 rounded amount wili be my new lnterat rate until the next Chanee Date.
<br /> . � � . Thc Note Holdu will then dctermine the amount of�he monthly paymcn�ihat would be sufflcicnt to repay in full the prineipal 1 am
<br /> � expected to owc on ihat ChanQe Da�e{n substamiolly equal paymenta by the m�urlty dau at my new Intereu r�te.The rauM of this alcul�tfon
<br /> ' ' will be the ncw amount of my monthly payment.
<br /> �•� • �� ID) LII�IbOMlAttfl�IR�ItCM�11Qp
<br /> !�° : � The interat ratc 1 am required to pay at the first Changc Date will nol be grcater thun 6.975 y� ur las thu�
<br /> i '
<br /> �, .. 2.675 �ry,Thereafler,my imcrest ra�e wfll ncver be incrca�ed or decreased an any single Changc Date by morc than �
<br /> ' 'F'�' 2•0 from Ihe ra�e of interes�1 have becn paying for thc preceJinR t wcl�c monthc.The minimum intercs�rote on thb loan wIA naver be r,,
<br /> �� len t6an 2•875 �h and�ne maximum interest rott will never be Qreaier thon 9.975 y�, �
<br /> : (E) Eftecllve Dale of Cb��gee �.�
<br /> !' ; � ' . My aew interesl rate will become efictiii�•e on cach Change Dale.1 wfll�ay the amount of my new monthly payment be{innin�on lhe finl �' �
<br /> �'; monthly payment date after ihe ChanRe Ua�c until�he amount of rny manthly peymem chanses ayain.
<br /> . , � (PI NMice of Chrnaes
<br /> The Note Holder will mefl or deliver to me a no�ice beiore each('hange Da�e.Thr ncNire will advlse me of:
<br /> , � (i) the new•intcrest ra�e on my loun os of the Chenge Datc;
<br /> • ° � (iq the amount of my monthly payment following Ihe C'hange l7ate;
<br /> • - � '' (iii) anyadditional ma�ters which the No�e Hotder is required to dicelase;und ��'�
<br /> ..:•
<br /> � (iv) �he addras of the assceiation you couW contaci regarding anyqucstions about the adju�Iment nolke. ;��;
<br /> 1 , ' ��i 1�
<br /> � ,
<br /> . ' � B. CHARGFS:I.IENS �'....•,
<br /> . Uniform Covenont 4 of the Security Ins�rument is amended tu read as 1'ollows:
<br /> '.
<br /> '. ` � A �� 1. CMu�a;l.kpc.Bor�ower sh�ll pay all taxes,assessments,and other charRes,fineti,und impoyitfons attributabk to the Property which may r
<br /> ti � �.j �ltain a priorfty over lhis 5ecurlty Inslrument,and leasehold paymenls of ground rents,if any,in the manner providcd underparagraph 2 hercof '
<br /> • �� or,if not paid in su�h manner,by Borrower making paymcnl,whcn due,direcdy to�he payce thcreot.Borrower slull promptly furnlsh Lender
<br /> '' � ' � all notires of amount�due undcr this paragraph,and in the event Borrowc� +hall make payment dlrectly,Borrower shall promptly furnish lo
<br /> . � . I Lender receipls evidencing such p�ymems. Borrower yhall promptly diticharge any lien whi�h has prfori�y over this Security lnstrument;
<br /> � however, Borrower shatl not he required to diccharge any+uch hen s��long a� Bortower. la)chali ngrce in W��ing to thc payment uf thc
<br /> ' oblieation secured by such lien ie the munner acap�a6le w LenJer;lh►shall i n pnad faith conte��w�h lien by,or defend against enfurcement of
<br /> ' t such lien in,legal praeectings which in�hc opinion oP[cnder���xrate a�prc�rm ihr rnlorcement of Ihe licn ur(orfeflurc of ihe Property or any
<br /> � — � pat Ihercof;ar(c)shall secure from the holder of such lien an agrttmen� fn a form �a�isfac�ory��o Lender subordinati�such lien to this ,
<br /> Secur{ty Instrument.
<br /> � �^ � If Lendcr de�ermines Ihat all or any pur�of�hc Propern•i.+ub�ce to a lien Nhich ma�attain a priuriiy o�tr thh Security Instrument.
<br /> Lender shall give Bortower a notice identil'ying curh lien. Fforrower�hell,nti�ty+uch lien or take one or more of the actions ut forlh above
<br /> � � � , witMin�cn days of the Rivina ot the notice.
<br /> ; . � ' ; C. NOTICF.
<br /> �
<br /> Uniform Covenant 14 of the Security Ins�rumrm iti amended u.read u�full��w.:
<br /> � �:� '• , 11. Nollee.Except(or any notice requircYl under applicable law tu be gi�en in anuther m•rnnrr,la1 ae>�notice��� d�rruwer provided fnr in this
<br /> Securily Instrumem shall be gfven by deli��ering It ur b�mailing i�by tirc�clas�mail tu Burrower ol the F'ro{xrty Addrcs+or ai+uch i��hH addreti+
<br /> ' � as Borrower moy designate by no�he�o l.ender a.pro�ided hcrein,anJ Ib► an�no�i�e tn Lender tiholl be gi�m hy tin�cla�+mail to t_endrr'�
<br /> � address stated herefn or w wch.��her uddres.�.1 ender ma>Je+iµn•rtr b>nut i.ero 8urruwer a.pro�ided herem.Anq nm�c�pro�ided(ur m thi.
<br /> ; •r -� �— – 5ecurNy Inslrumenl chall beJamed lo ha�el�en gi�en to Bormxer or l ender when gi�en in the manner de�ign�led herein.
<br /> ; � ,
<br /> �
<br /> . :
<br />