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<br /> THIS A881GNM@NTOF.RSIV�Q RIpBR la m�d��nd�x�aut�d thi� 24Tii �y a� BEPTEI+'�ER ��O 93 ��nd��
<br /> Inaarpor�tM Into�nd�h�ll�dNAm�d to art�nd and�uppl�rtwnt th�IKortpap�or Osed ot Tiust,h�rNnaft�r r�f�n�d to u th�
<br /> "8�ourlty IntlrurrNnt", ot IIIA si�m�d�ts 91wn by th�undsrolp�d, h�r�ImRe�r�brr�d to as th� '�Barow�r"�to aaw�
<br /> 8orrow�r's Ind�bNdrn�s,haralrl�fter nhnM to a�eh�"Not�",to HOMH FEDERAL SAVIN08 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> GRAND ISLAND,h�relnaft�r�pfprnd to�s th�"L�nd�r",of tha uim�dat��nd aovKlnp th�propeAy d�soribrd in th�8�aurlty
<br /> In�trum�nt�nd looahd�t;.
<br /> ::�.�:►3 ' ?16 S. CH�RRY. GRAIID ISLANO. NEBRASKA 66801
<br /> , �'j*� (P/op�Ny Add�q�)
<br /> ;';'�r,:;,. WITNE88ETM:
<br /> .: ` , Y
<br /> ,�;� ��.Y���� WHEREAB,8onow�r a�d Lender have apreed thet any rents and protite attrlbut�ble to ths propeAy ehoutd aarutltut�
<br /> `''` " ;��:,r" "' •-.;,.;;;�;,� additlon�l s�aurity ta th�a tAnd�►for th�paymeM of the NoN;
<br /> y.�
<br /> - ��� NOW,THEREFORE,It:la�Oraed that tbe Saourity Inst�ument shall ba amondod Mraby and desmsd to Inoluda tha followlnp
<br /> ?c�".:',�h"'�,.
<br /> �,,�
<br /> provl�lonc
<br /> ,�••�°��°• 1. Asalanment Qf A nte and Lender pental ColleotloR R�phte.Borrowe�hereby abaolutely and u�conditlonaliy�ealpna All
<br /> `�:��� '' � ' � . �ente, leeues and p�oflta of the property to Beneflciary. Lender shall have tho rlpht. power and authorlty durinp the
<br /> .. .„°';� ��:' �, � ' aantinuance of tha Sanurlty Inetrument to collACt the rants,Iseues and profita dt the property and of any personal propehy
<br /> •• r� ._�� loaated thsraon wfth or wlthout takln�poaeeeslon of the propeny affeoted hereby.Lender� hOweve�,hereby aoneente to
<br />� �, ` r • __. ' eor�ower's aolleotlu���d retention of such renta,Issues and profits as they acarue and become payeble,so lon��e Bonower
<br /> � , ie not,at euoh tlme, In defoult wlth reepeat to payment of any Indebtedness seaured henby,or in the perfo�manae of anr
<br /> � Aprwment Iwreunder.
<br /> - S 2. Aunol�tma t ot Recelver. If any event of default in reapect to the Socurity Inetrument ahatl havo oaourred and be
<br /> continulny, Lender,ae a matter ot ripht and Wlthout notice to Borcower or enyone claiminp under BoROwer,and wNhout
<br /> " �epard to thp value of the trust estate or the Intereat af the Borrower thereln,shall have the ri�ht to apply to any oourt havinp
<br /> �urlsdictlon to pppolnt o recelver of the propeAy.
<br /> � 3. Rlaht to Qpaseaslon.In caee of default In the payment of the sald prinalpal Note or IntereaL or any part thereof,as It
<br /> ahall msture,pr fn the case of tai lure to keep or per(orm eny of the covenents or aqreemeMa contalned In the Securlty Instro•
<br /> ment, then th�Lender, Its euacesao�e or assipna, shall be and Is he�eby authaized and empowered to take immedlate '
<br /> • posaeeelon qf the said premisea tharein desc�ibed and to collect the rents therefrom,and toapply the proaeede th6reof to tha
<br /> peyrtwnt of th�Note.
<br /> -- �. 4. @pclleat�on of Hents.Isauee and Profits.Aii renta coliected by Lende�w the receiver shaii be appiied first to peymoni
<br /> oi the costs of mana�ement of the propeny and collectlon of rents,includlnp,but not Ilmited to,receiver's fees,p►emfume on
<br /> , , recelver's bonds and reasonable atforney's fees,and then to the aums aecured by the Seeurity Instrument.Lender and the
<br /> � reo9iver sh�ll�be Ilable to accou�t only for those renta actually recelved.
<br /> ' ., • 5. Construotlon of P�ovlslons.Each of the provlefons contalned In thls Assignment of Rents Rlder and the 3ecurity Instru-
<br /> ment ehall, unless otherwise speolNcally requi�ed, bo construed fn accordance with Nebreska law, and In the event any
<br /> � � provlsion heratn or thereln contained shal l be determined by a couR of competent�uriadfctlon to be unenfaoeable,the same
<br /> � • ahall be canstrued as thouph such unenforceable provlslon were not a pan hereof or the�eof.
<br /> �y �; 8. Eflect of Fllder.Except as speciflcally modflled by or Inconsistent with this Asslgnment of Rents Rider or by any other
<br /> .�'I
<br /> applicablm rlder,all ot the te�rns and provislons contained In the Security Instrument ahall contfnue fn full forae and effeot.
<br /> ��., IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower hes executed this Assf ent of Rents Rider on e date st noted above. �
<br /> L7 '��
<br /> 1 _ t�°_"�lL�-_L1� tl.�-� 'i�;:
<br /> !� R. ARD 'ower '�
<br /> /{'L �_ �k�t«� _..r �1�'.
<br /> Borrower ����
<br /> BETH L. GARONER yy�;;
<br /> ;+t�`c�:
<br /> STATE QF NBBRA3KA) � �
<br /> (88: p!;i,�.
<br /> P
<br /> � • On ihia....2�I11—dey of,�Zer�sER ,�g�_,�fore me,the underalpned,a Notary Public duly commlesioned and �: ,;,
<br /> � qualllled far eafd county,pereonally ceme IH❑mp� R �ARDNER AND BETH L GARDNER. HUSBAND ANQ WIFE _
<br /> � ,to be the Identical personls)whose name(s)Is/are subscribed ���'.
<br /> � • � . ; to the loreyolr►D Instrument,end helshelthey acknowledye the execution thereof to be hislher/their voluntary aot and deed. , �'''
<br /> i �
<br /> �; '',., Witness mr•hand and Nota►lal Seal at__�RANQ ISLAND, NEBRASKA � ,__
<br /> �-
<br /> in said coyMy,the ate a�orea
<br /> � . �'''.;� �l�iMl',Shh M N�Or�sb '' �
<br /> �• d. . KIRK 6000VIGHT '
<br /> ' � M�Comm.E�p.Qcl.l6.I.^,95 Notary ublic
<br /> �i
<br /> ; ' My CommlRnlnn expires: _ _
<br /> _ �_._� .
<br /> - - - �:�;�;r.., -
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