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<br /> n. uru�wM s�u;u�tnt�n�ntut�rrs cwvtawava i.nws�ev�uum �3•���s
<br /> umram cown.at�e or u»secwity�oWrumat a.m�na�a to a.a..rouorn:
<br /> 1s. Udt�woMiqM�+i�r�ti���►i B�wn�W4�Thia farnt ot 8ecu�ity taarun�►t oomMaa waifarm ooven�au(or aWaatl wa
<br /> �ad non-unitarm�oNZawau with Ifmited v�tiadau bY 1url�dicdoa to 000adtute�urdParm�acucity iiutrumtat covedq�ral�operty,Thln
<br /> Seeudty In�erument�bal1 be Ravm�ed by Faierd U�w�nd the I�w of the jurlscUcUon In whiah the Propaty�loaued.in tbe event t6u �
<br /> pravWtw or cJRwe of Uti�Secudty Uutrwnan or the Note contlict�with appllcabk I�w��uch oonNct�hW aot attect otber provWons af thb
<br /> Socw�ty Inccrumeut or Uk Not�which caa be�ivm eftati wNhout the�onflietin=provtdon.un!a thh end the provisiom ot thb 8av�kj�
<br /> tasaum�at sad tbe Tbte aro daclared to be�averabk.
<br /> Uniform Covenaut 17 of tha Savdty Instnuaaat i��meaded to read n followa:
<br /> 1�.TMr�(K W t10 p�opeq1 or�Ye�etkW late�at U Borrower.lf all or�ny pan oP the Property or an latenat Uurein i�cold or uuuterrod
<br /> (or If a bmeiicid interest in Borrower i:soW or traruf�md and Borrower is not a natural penon)without Lender's prfor�rritten coiuent,
<br /> L.ender m�y.�t l.ender's aption,decl�e all the tum�securod by this Secu�ity I�utrumrnt 10 be immodi�tely duc and pay�ble.Howeva� tAis
<br /> optlon shtll not he exerci sed by 4ender if exercise is not authoriud by Federal law.Lendec may waive the exercice of this upion if:(a)Borrowa
<br /> ' cwusa to be aubmitted to l,e�dw informpt�on�equircd by Lender�o evaluate the intendM tranefera ps if A new loan were bdna m�de to IAe
<br /> .'S` ' ..�',"+: aaruferea;and(b) Lendar raasanably dete�miaa that Lendar's RecuHty will�ot be impaired by tha laan assumptioa.�nd th�t the rLic of tke
<br /> �, `?�. .: ,r r ���; brach of�ny oovenwl or�rament in thls Secutity ln�trument ia aaxptabte to Lender.
<br /> � '��I ~ t��` To the acmt perrt�itted by applic�ble law,L.ender may chuge a rcasonrblo fec aa A conditlon ta l.ende.r'a coroent W tho lan�t
<br /> f ,` .., ,- .: - . _.•- �.. Pem �ian.
<br /> ,�;��:•,��:..,:.,���C;S
<br />- • ����,,;,,,:,�.f�}'�f,' Lender may also requke the tranafera to keep all the promises and apramcnta mede in tho Natr and in this Secudty lnstcument.
<br /> „ �,�;a�,;:Y,�ar,,:1`. ��.'1 If L.ender exerdses�uch option to accelerate,Lender shall mail Borrawer notice oP acceleradon In accordance wlth pa►ra�pb 14 bereof.
<br /> • �,. � • Such notict sAall provide a periad oi not less thpn 30 duya from the date the notice!s mailed within which Bovower may pay the sums decisnd
<br /> •�� ��' '��'�`�� dua.If Borrower faib to pay auch sums prior to the oxpiration of iuch period,Lender mpy,wlthout furlher notia or demAnd on Bortowa,
<br /> �. , ,:.��;�t.:. ..�
<br /> x '�' ;��.��+:r�..f .invoke any remedie.s permilted by thia Security Instrument.•'
<br /> ° .' ::','�; ,b{.��.'-f:��.�;�;.. "Notwithstandina a s�le or tranrfer,Borrower witl contlnue to be obliyated under the Note and thie Security Inetrument unlas I.ender iu�
<br /> , '� ' ��i rcleued Borrowa in wrltina.••
<br /> _fw.' . ;-,Jp
<br /> n" . � . ''S
<br /> Y: , ' �'
<br /> „ . n;,••', F. LOAN CHANGES
<br /> � •'' " � ��- � lf Ihe la�n secured by the Security Instrumen�is wbject to a law which sets maximum loan chorQes,and thet law ls flnaUy intapreted w
<br /> �' ��i"�`` `'"'��"��''��•` that the interat or oiher loan charQes collecud or to be collected in connecNon wNh thc loon ezceed permUted limits,then: p)any such lan
<br /> :,. ` � "''" chsuge shall be reduced by tde amount necessary to reduct ihe charge to the permuted Umfl;and(2)any sums al�eady collocted from bonower
<br /> "`�°� ��•� which ezceeded permlttecf Hmits will be reiunded to Borrower.Lender may chaose to make this rePund by rcducin4 the principal owed under ihe
<br /> f,�; :.'' . .
<br /> �i;:;: �_ , ,;,j� ,_ Note or by molclnQ a direct payment to Borrower.If a refand reduces princip�l,the rcduaUon wlll be treated as a perdpl prepayment under the
<br /> , �:J�Yt�� ' •�'•,•i.�• '. NolO.
<br /> � '' . .
<br /> ::r. .
<br /> r:;j,.. .
<br /> .. , , . " IN WiTNFSS WHEREOF.Borrower h�r cxcc�ted Ibfc AdJwtpble R�le Rtder.
<br /> �: ... •. . .. _ • '
<br /> �,�'� , �.�•• _ . —Bl�/� � ?.cl,�
<br /> „:-� �sed�
<br /> ��,; � � THOmA R. GARDNER
<br /> :!�` , ' ,t:.
<br /> , 1 • �, � . �'1'1-� l - �`U�'�+.-��• (�)
<br /> 3, �� 'j;� , r_ , ��. RORROWER
<br /> �, 4,"`�'� BETH L. GARONER
<br /> i . . ..,.
<br /> , , ' ,� NQRROWER --ISNII �.r.
<br /> , , (SI(1N ORICi1NAL ONLY)
<br /> ,
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