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<br /> t1�prtadpd�mo�wt at tbe�aote at the dme o�fbe d�claraUon d dehdt,�nd�+aioo�bM��o�ty��ee�a r��
<br /> 6y I��v;(b)b d!awr recund by thb Sec�ity iMruweati�od(¢)�W'e�to IM pedas or pa�o�n wtitMd
<br /> W M.
<br /> ' ?Z. ltecopveysaa. Upon payment of ell suma xeccured by this Security Instrumant,Lcndcr ahall t+equest'nuatoo W
<br /> '� rxonvey the p�opaty�nd�I�all currcnder this 3ecudty In�wment and all note�cvidencing debt sccursd by this Securlty
<br /> Inauument ro 7lvetco. 7tusta shall reconvey tho Property whhout wwrpnty and without chsu�e ta tha p�srson or penonr
<br /> - IeQaUy ent�ded w i� Such person or pert�ons shall pay any recordat�on rosts.
<br /> : ,' 23, gub�qq�te 7tu�tea Lxmder.at ite option.may from dme to timc�emove 7ivstee and appc►int e succeswr wstea ta
<br /> eny 7tustee appointed hereunder by an instrument rccarded in Ihe caunty in which thia Security Ientrumant is recorded.
<br /> Without conveyaace of the Property. the successor w�tee siwll cucceed to all Ihe UUa, power and dutl�s confurcd upon
<br /> 'austce herein and by applicable law.
<br /> 24. Reqaa�t for Noden. Bortower rcquesls Uwt copiea of the naicea of default and sAle ba sent to Barower's addre�s
<br /> �,;,. ahich is tlte Property Address•
<br /> 25� Rlders to Ws Security la�tremea� If one ar more r�dcrs are execu�ed by Borrower and r�cord+rd together wilh
<br /> a^�•'� this Security Instrumen� the covenants and agreemenGq of each such rider shell be incorparrted inW and ahtll amend and
<br /> _ ��"+��T,��-� supplemrnt the covenants and agreements of�his Security Instrument as if the ridais)were a parl of t61n Secutity Insuumen�
<br /> '.� .; -` ,.. [Check applicable box(es)1
<br /> - ,��!,�;,..
<br /> 'f •' * � '�"�`. ❑X Adjuslable Rete It�der �Condominium Rider �1�4 Fhmliy�lfder
<br /> P� '_..k�,%�� �'".,t.G� �
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<br /> . � , -�,a a"���•.� , �(iradueted Payment Itider �Planned Unit Drvelupu�ent Rider �liiwaekly P4tymcnt Ridcr
<br /> . �� `.� . ,:� " " Balloon Rider n Rate Improvement Rider �5econd Harne Rider
<br /> i . 4 �i� . � (,�.
<br /> y ' ' • .9.T�.� �p�Ks)Ispec�fYl ASSIGNpIENT QF RENTS - y' �
<br /> ':'.;' BY SIONINCi B�LOW,Borrower accepts and Agrees to thc terms and covenant�cantuinad in thf�Securiry lnstrument
<br /> �;;;' � . end in any�lder(s)executed by Borrowera�d recorded with it.
<br /> ti �
<br /> i ,;�3:.��r:.,, �. � wia►�S: w�u���: �
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<br /> 44ii'_-: ` ; ., �,L�to�.�rc� ,��✓��''��a-- (Se�1)
<br /> ,�.. ,..�. (Scul) �
<br /> }: , : . .Bortawer , R. GARD •�O1Li� �+�
<br /> ::. . . i•
<br /> �.�:��;,r� .. �.�r�.. (Sca4 r��'11 � �l�t�r-...-• (Senl)
<br /> �;;' � -����� BETH L. GARDNER 'eoioi"`�
<br /> ;,,�r;r`.' { STATE OF NEBRASKA. HALL Counly s.:
<br /> � ,�,.
<br /> ,�� • • On this 24TH duy of SEPTEmBER 1993 .Ix fa�ma,lho und�ni�tned,a Notary Public
<br /> �, duly commis,ioned und quulificd for said county,�wrsonully camc THOmAB R. GARDN�R AND BE.ThI L. GARDNER. ,.•
<br /> HUSBAND AND WIFE .tn me known to be the aY +
<br /> % � � identicul persons(s)whose numcyx►ure xubticriticd to the iixeguing imtrument und acknowladged thu execution thcrcof to .
<br /> ',;�;, .. °r be THEIR volunturyuctunciciccd. '�°`
<br /> �a,..
<br /> �' Witness my hund and notari•rl�cul u� GRANO ISLAND, WEBRA5K� , in wid county,the
<br /> ' ;;,�«'`
<br /> , dnte aforesnid. ���1�.5���
<br /> . My Commission expires: KIRK 0001)N�G �' — �� .
<br /> I+r.. '•`•�. �My Cqllnl.E11P.OGI.1 Ndury 1'ublic ..
<br /> �1``',�j,i+". �_
<br /> !h' ..
<br /> �. , TO TRUSTE�:
<br /> ' The undersigned is thc holder of'Ihe n�uc or notr�urured by�his Ucrd i►I'7i�u�1. S:iiJ nu�c or nulas. tu�ethcr w•ith all
<br /> y,f �' �1�' other indebtedness.ecurcd by this Deed of Trus�,hirvc hecn puid in full. Y�►u arc hrrrby di�etaJ tu runccl .aiJ n��te or note,
<br /> ,. . und Ihis Decd of 7ivst,which ure deli�•crcd hrrehy.vnd a>rrrnm•e�•.without�.arranty.all ihc en��itu ni}w heW by you under
<br /> � . . �his Deed of"1}ust to the person or per,un.Icgally entiUcd Ihcrew. ,"
<br /> �,�r � ...� Date: — -- �r
<br /> ,,.•,
<br /> .�;�� � �••:� PonniNl¢N w90 qM,.v�'nnl�twxv�
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