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<br /> �ppUc�ble law may Rpecify for Kinslatemeat)befae rWe of 1he PropeRy purcuant w any powa of e�lo conudned in•thic
<br /> Security lncwment:or(b) try of a judgmeat enforcfnQ tWs Socurity inswmen� Those conditiaic ime th�t H�wmwer. (a)
<br /> paYo Lender all sums whic�h thcn would be due ander lhis Sccurity Insmunent and the Nou rs iP no rcceler�don bd
<br /> occurned;(b)cures any defoult of any ather coven�nw or agrcements:(c)pays aU expensea incwnd in aiforcin�this Secudty
<br /> Incwmont,ineluding.but not limited to,reaconoble attomeys'fas; end(d) takea sueh aedon as l.ender may r�easonab�Y
<br /> � � roqu�n to assure thut the lien of�hls Security Inswmenb Lender's dghis ie the Property and 8orrowert�obNgatfon to p�y iha
<br /> sums securcd by this Security Inswment rhall cantinue unchengal. Upon reinstatement by Barower. lhl� 3ecurity
<br /> Insqument eed the abligations secured herrby shell remain fully effective as if no acceler�tioa had occurred. Howavar.thia
<br /> ' � ri�ht to neinstato sball not a�piy in the case of accelersuion under paragraph t7.
<br /> ;.,yy,",.�,,.,.. 19. 3wk of Note{Cbpuge ot I.aan 3ervker. The Note ar a pattlal inte�st in the Note (toget6er with�hic Socudty
<br /> u
<br /> � "'_„•'j;:f(�'`� �'� Ineqvmenq may be sold one or morc simes wfthout prior notice w Borrower. A sele may resuN in a change in the enUty
<br /> � ;��y�S (known as the"I.oan Servicer")that collects monlhlY paYments due under tht Note and thia Security Instrument. There alco
<br /> ^• ����,��r� "��.:?�',,h may be one or mme changes of the l.aan Servicer unrelated to a sele of the Note. lf there is a chenge of the Loan Sarvicer.
<br /> :.�,Yki���r�c���.•',�.,� •
<br /> ,�.,.;:;�..,,,�;;,�,�;.� Bormwer will be given written�otice of�he clwage ia accor+dance with paragraph 14 above w�d applicAble law. The notice
<br /> �'°'��'�•�"'• ' will s�ate the name and sddms of the new Loan Servicer end the address to w hic h payments s h o u ld be nwde. The not�ce wUl
<br /> trx�uc.r:�r .
<br /> , ,;�i..;,.r;;�•;,K;{ alw caatain any other informatlon required by applicable law.
<br /> � , =:.:. ,,:
<br /> �...,�• ;;::;;�.�:;;�� ?A. Ilw�rdous Snbst�. Borrower shall not cause w pemut the presence.use,disposal,storage.or rekase of any
<br /> 't>�•• , { Hauirdous Substances on or in 1he Rvperty. Borrawer shal)not do,nor allow anyone else to do.enything affecdng ihe
<br /> `'. ,��e,, ,,,,,,,,;,;;•;r�j i;� Property that is in vloladon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences sha11 not apply to the prerence,uec.or
<br /> ,. ' ' �*`•" •-`:.'�;:;,:•:!;.,:.!,,.,' stara e on the Pro n of smull uandties of Hazardous Substances that are generall reco ized w be m riate to narmal
<br />�t�.•� • , . S P� Y 9 Y B� �P P
<br />� ,- � .�:.,. ' :':'�"� '��.��;� residential uses end ta maintenance of the Pcoperty.
<br />• ' • '��� '�'� ' Borrower shall rom U ive I.ender written nalce of an invesa ation.olaim,demand,lawsuit ar ather action by any
<br /> ' i ' . �. �,,.:.'� "_."�� P P Y 8 Y 8
<br /> .{..: � 8 rY� Y P� P Y � p� Y Y
<br /> �� ��� ��, ,, � overnmentel ar re ulaw enc or vate an involvin �h�Prup n and an Hazardous Substance ar 8nvironmenu►I
<br /> ' � ,�.� Law af which Borrower hes actual knowledge. If Ba�rower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory
<br /> ' t . ' . uuthority.�hat eny mmoval or aher remediadon of any Hazardous Substance affecdng the Property is necessary.Borrower 4�
<br /> ' ' �� ' shall promptly ake all necessary remediul actions in uccordance with Environmental l.uw.
<br /> � ; . .. �, As used in Ihis p�ragraph 20,"Hazerdous Substnnces"su�e those subatances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> • • - Environmenwl Lnw and the following substances; gasoline,kcrosene,other flarnmable or toxic pewleum praducis,toxio
<br /> pesticides and herbicides, volatile wlvents. muterials containing acbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As
<br /> a ' used in this purngraph 20,"Environrnental Luw" means fedcral laws nnd laws of thP juri�diction wh�r+e�he Pioperty i�located
<br /> . , that rclute to healtb,safety orenvironmenlal protection.
<br /> , NON-UNIFORM COV6NANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenunt and ogree os follows: .
<br /> j �::'1 21. Acceleratlon; lteo►edies. I.eader shall give notice to Borrower prior to AcceleraUon toUowing Borrower's • ,,y
<br /> ' brench ot nny coveneot or agreement in this Security lastrument(but not prior to accelernUon under pemgraph 17
<br /> ___ unMss applkable Iaw provides otherwise{. The nodce siuill specUy: (A)the detault:lb)the action required to cure the
<br /> defpulN,Ic1 A date�nut less thon 30 days from the dute the notice is given to Bomower,by which the detauit must be
<br /> – -� • carrsl:and(d!that fsslture to cure Ihe default on or before ihe dale apecliied in Ihe notice may result ie nccelera!!oa o!
<br /> � the aums secured by thts Securlty Insirument And s�le oP the Property. The noUce shaU further inform Borrower ot
<br /> • • � the right to reinstwte niler acceleration and the right to brinK a courf actiop to assert the non�existencc o!p defeult or «
<br /> . ' - any ather detense oi Borrower lo accelerAtbn and sele. If the detault is not cured on or betore the date specified in
<br /> . ' � ' . the natice�I.ender at ils option may require Immediate p�yment in full of all sums sccured by thts Security I�trument
<br /> r " wilhout iurther demand and may Inw�ke the power oi sale and any other remedies permitted by qpplics�ble IAw
<br /> + � ' Lender shall be entiUed to collecl all expenses incurred in pursuinR the remedies provided in thl�pa�g�ph 21.
<br /> 0
<br /> : ' including.but�ot limited lo.reasonpUle altor�eys'fees And costs of title evidence.
<br /> ,�� lf tfce p►w•er of�ale is involced.7lvstee siwll record�nodce of dePAUlt in each county in which any pAr1 of the •
<br /> +' � ' • Property ts located And shall mpil rnples of such notice In the manner prcsc�ibed by app{kable It�w to BorroNer and to :•
<br /> j' • . ' , the other persons prescrlbed by applkable i�N•. Anrr lhe time required by �pplicable Iww.7tiruslee shaU give public ,.
<br /> •,�• • eotice of sale to the person�and in the manner prescribed by uppilcable laN•. 7�ustee.without demand on Barrower.
<br /> � � shWl se11 the Property pt public auction to the Ai�;he�►t bidder at the/ime and place and under the terms designated in ,
<br /> !' '. ' the nolice of sale in one or more pyrcels and in any order 7Yu.r•tce determines. 7lrustec moy postpone snle of all or any �
<br /> � '� � • � parcel of the Property�by public announrement at the time and place oi pns•previously echeduled ssik. I.ender or Ns
<br /> ' . � , .;,�,,�,. ,, desi�nee may purrhase the Property al an�•sale. •
<br /> Upon rrceipt o�paymenl oP the price bid, "11�ustee shall deli�•cr to the purchutier 71�uclee's deed conveying Ihe �
<br /> " '' Property. The recitals in the 7�ustee's decd s6a11 be prima faeie e�•idence oP the truth oP the vtatements mwde thereln.
<br /> , � ".��� ' 7lrustee shWl apply the proceeds aithe sale In Ihe idlowin�order: �al to�11 cosls and expen.�ex otexercising thr power
<br /> , , �'::�
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