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<br /> 93= 1oesss
<br /> ccx�dem►uuioa or dher t�lcing of nny put of the PropeKy.a�for canvey�ncx in Ileu of condemnation,�m hereby wi�d�nd
<br /> thdl ba p�W to Lender.
<br /> In Ihe event of a tau! tAkin�of the Property. 1� �II be appliod to the xums 6ecured by thip 9xudty
<br /> Inwrument,whetlur ar not thcn due,wl�h any excexs so Barrower. in tha evcnt of a putial tdcin�ai dre Property in
<br /> which the Pair meiicet vAluo of the Propeny immodiwtely befare�hc taking ia oqunl to or grcuter thw�1i�e pmount af Iho sums
<br /> secured by thia Saudty laetrumcnt Immediately befom tho lakina.unk»a Bw►ower ond Lender Mherwico oarce in wdtin�.
<br /> tho sumr secured by this Socudry Inatmment shall be rcdu��ed by the umount of the praceedR niulNpNed by the tollowine
<br /> Prac�ion: (a)the total u�wunt of tho�u+n�µxuRd lmm�fiutcly bcfore the w{:ing.divided by(b)the fair murke►value af thr
<br /> •,�. Property immedietely before the tnking. Any 6alw�ce �hall be puid to 8orrower. In the evont of o partial tAking of�he
<br /> PropcRy in which the foir murket value of the R+nperty immediately beforo the taking is Icss Ihan�hc amown af the sumti
<br /> '� suuned immediately betore thc takfng,unle.s� Barrower aid Lendcr aherwi�e agrce in wrf�ing or unler�s applicublc low
<br /> otherwlse provides,the proceede Rhall be appNed to the sums r�ecurcd by thic Security Inwrument wheiher w nat�he sumY w�e
<br /> then due.
<br /> If the Pmperty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,ofter notice by L.end¢r to Borrower thnl the condcmnor oifeng lo make
<br /> c►n award or senle a claim far dwmwgeb.Bum►wer fuiln to respand ta l.ender within a0 duys after the date the natice is given.
<br /> Lender is authariud to callect und apply the procecde.at its option.eUher to ms�aation w repai�of the Propeny or to tl�e
<br /> sums r�ecured by thiz Security Instrumen4 whalher or not Ihen due.
<br /> Unless Lender And Barrower othenvise agree in w�iling,nny applicution of proceeda to principul sholl not extend or
<br /> ', ..•. postpone the due date af the monthly payments refemed to in purugmphs 1 and 2 or chenge the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not ReleASed= Forbearance By I.ender Not n WAivea Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> H ' °� modification uf amohization of the surns secured by this Security Insarument granted by L.ender to any succeswr in interese
<br /> _ ,:'.' �, •�n ' � of Bornower shnll nat opernte to rel�a5e thc liubility of Ihe origina�l Borrower or Borrowerk succe�sors in interest.l.ender
<br /> '• �:'��•:1�?,<���•'�",�:•r, shall not be required to commence praceedingh og�ins�uny succeswr in intere+t or refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> ���°� „�• ;�:,..... ,_...
<br /> �,;,,,�•�:�.•,.. � atherwise modify umortizutian of the sums sei:ured by this Security Ins�rument by reason of uny demand made by the orlginal
<br /> �" :�'.�#` Borrower or Borrowert succesxors In inter�esi. Any Porbenronce by Lender in exereising any right or remedy shall nat be w
<br /> {-�,���p.y. .�":=:ti w�ra,; waiver of or pteclude the exercir�e of uny ri�ht or remedy.
<br /> `" � 12. Suc�.�ess�r's and Assigns Bound;Jolnt and SeverAl l.ipbility:Co-slgners. The cuvenants,�nd agreements of thi�
<br /> � /itY'f�f�.:. •' 'n:.��.:.
<br /> l
<br /> �� • Security IostrumeM shull bind and benefi��he�uccess�n and ussigm of Lender und Borrower,subject to Ihe provi�sions of
<br /> �.� ' a�s.�;�,.'*>��::�e�` •` parugraph 17. Bortower ti cavenanla nnd ugreemenl+ shull 6e jnint und several. Any Borrower whu co-signs this Securiry
<br /> �,;,;;., ;,.�. '" Instrument but das not ezecute lhe N�te: (n)is co-signing thiti Secu�ty Instrumem only to mortgnge,grant und convey thut , +
<br /> • � '� Bomower�interest in the Prc�peny under�hc�crms of thix Secu�i�y In,trument: Ib>is oot perwnully obligated to pay the sumy
<br /> :. ',, � . secur+ed by this Security Inurumenl;nnd Icl ugrecs thut L.cnder und uny othe�Borcower may ugree to extend,modify,for6ear
<br /> • ���;:'�: ; • or mcdce uny uccommaiulianh wilh regard to the tertnx uf�his Security Insln�ment or the Nute without �hat Borrowcr'ti
<br /> •.�:�•�
<br /> �i:` L���'r��,w,...'�r.. consent.
<br /> _ !3. l.oan Chsrges. !f Ihe Innn uc��r��d hy thi� SM•urily In�tmmcn� �..�nJe�� a, L Inw which tietti muximum lonn
<br /> � • ' •� �� charges,und IhAt luw is finally imemrc�ed so ihut ihe intere,t or other laun charges callected or ro he cullected in ronnection :
<br /> : ; � , with thc loan cxceed�hc permitted limiln,thcn: (iU uny+uch loun churgc shull be reduced hy thc�miront necessury In rcJuce ','�`�'
<br /> �� i � the churge lo the permilteJ limil;uml(bl uny tiumx ulr+eudy callerted from Bormwe�which exccrded pern�itted Nmitx will 6e
<br /> : `,,:;�+� � � refunded to Barrowcr. Lender muy ch�xixe to mukc�hir rel'unJ by rrducing thr principnl c�wed uader the Nrnc or by making u
<br /> �'� � , direct payment to Born�wer. If u rcfund reducr�principul,the reduc�ion will t+e treuted us a pnniu!prepuyment without uny
<br /> �� ; prepaymem chargeunder the Nae.
<br /> 14. Nodces, Any nMicc to sorrowrr pruvideJ tiir in thiti Security Inrirunxn� .hull be givcn by delivering i�or by
<br /> �, • ' . ° . mailing it by first cl�ss muil unlr.+applicublc luw reyuire.u�e uf unrnhcr meth�d.The n�uicr shull be dir��:�ed ro Ihe Pmperly
<br /> � � . Addrexs or uny othcr uddre�ti Burrmvcr Jetiignulc�My niiticc to Lrndcr. Any nc�lirc �u L.cnd�r xhull Ix given by fin�rlus+
<br /> � � muil to Lcnder's uddre+�.lutcd hrrrin ur nny nth�r uJdro„I_rndcr dc.ignsnc�by na�icr k�Hom�wrr. Any nolice pmvided for
<br /> µ � . in this Securiry lu�[rumem .hall tx dremcJ la havc hc.n piven tii Bi�rn�wcr or Lcndrr whrn �ivrn u. provided in �his
<br /> ,�.,�; � . .ua ru h '`
<br /> P F13 <;overnln� I.aw; tie�•e�abilitv. Thi. ticcuri�y Imlrunum �I�nll tk gu��rmrd by tcderul luw und thr la�w oi' �he '��
<br /> ' � juri.dic�ion in whkh thr Pru�xny i.luculeJ. In Ih��rcnt Ih:u un�•provi�iun i�rclau+e uf thi+Securily Inslrument or thc Not�
<br /> �� � .. •- ti r�mflic�x with apMirublr luw,xunc�nnllirt�hall niN a1Tcc�u�hrr pro�•i+iom�►1'lhi�Seruri�y In,trumcm or�he Nute which cun -
<br /> ' ' be given rffecl �vithout tlx c�mtliclin�t pnn�i+iun. Ti► Ihi. end thr p�oeision,�►1'�hiti Srrurily In,trumenl uncl Ihe Nn1r ure
<br /> � ' �". derlarcd lo tte sevcrvhlc.
<br /> • 4 '
<br /> 16. Burrow�cr's Copy. Hixru�vcr tihall lx gi�•rn�►ne cunli�nned rupy ut'�hc Nalr und ol thi.Srcuriry Imtrumenl, `,'?�;
<br /> � ' :,`.• '� IZ 71�s�n�fer oPlhc Property or u Bencficiul Intcrest In Isorrowrr. If nU nr�my p:rci uf�hr Pru�xny or any intcre.t in �•i�'
<br /> M,' .t�'':`:��,� it i+xold cx trun+ferrcJ lor il'u Ikn�lici:d imcr�.i in Barm��rr i,,uld��r tran,frrrcd and Burruw•rr iti not u nalural�xr�onl 'r;"�
<br /> ' ;_�:' �,�••,�;�i• ,. w•iihciut Lender i.prior�vritlen ron.ent. Lrndrr ma�•.at il�uplian.rri�uiri•imm�•Ji�ur r.��-�».��� �„rou�,r:�u,o�,,..«����ny 'i,;ri�
<br /> i,,,;!, � . �hix Seruriry In.trumem. Howrvr�.Ihi,uption.hull nut Ix�xerci,cd h��l.cndcr il'crrni.i i�pruhibilrJ My 1'ederul luw:+�ot
<br /> • , .. the dute of Ihi�Securily lo�trunhnt. �
<br /> `-- �1�`� -.; _ . If l.cixier excrritics thi+upti�m.l_rndrr+lu�ll givr Nurrnµ•cr nnticc ul'acr�lrration. The nn�irr.hull proviik u�xriixl af' -
<br /> � �.� �;''r"+:�`. - • . no�le���han;0 du .fri�m ihr dmr Ihr nulirr i.drli�•errd ar muiled wiihin��hich liurr�n�cr mu.�pay ull.um,securrd by thiti :� >`;
<br /> .s �,.,, y
<br /> :, .,;,�;`�,;. . Security Imlrument. If Ho�ro«cr luil�tn p:iy Uirrr ,um. pri��r tu Ihe rtpiraliun „f Ihi, �xriud. Lrndrr m:n•invokr uny ;;i k
<br /> n�mcdic��xrmittcJ hy thi.Srcurit��In�lrumcni��iUwul funhrr noticr��r demand un Harruwcr. I:.:
<br /> •il:_" , t '..titt� ,.�' . .
<br /> ;";', :, 's;:,,,. �};.. 18. d��rrower.r• ltiuht lo Rcintitute. II Rarru��rr mr�h rrrlain cunditiun., fiurro��cr ,hall hnvr thc riEht �o hav� .
<br /> • ,:�:` � ,�, enforccment of�hi� Sccuril�• InNrumrnl Ji.rnminurd:u am•timr priar 1���hr c;irlier oL• hU S d:�w wr.uch o�lkr�xriixl nti
<br /> i ;. � ,,,;'•," �' �. _
<br /> . � ,�,`:1y' tiin�lr lian�h -�Funnir\taNFnddie�luc 1\IFIIR�)I�til'Rl�IF.\'1'..l nd��nn('u�.n:mt. 9/411 �p,�gr J nrniti��r��
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