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. r <br /> _ , ,.^;r <br /> '` �',q�tl+� .4y..r.F_ • • . .i. ti <br /> . .r <br /> k `� , i <br /> 93-� 1o&sss . <br /> perluda thwt I.,ender rcquircx. '1'tic in�unnce c�ier providin�tho inwnuice r�iwll be choren by Bortower subject to Lender� <br /> �ppr�urW which chell not be unncasa�ably withheld. If 8cxmwer fafle to maintwin covc�c desc�fbe�i abovo,[.er�Cr nwy,�t <br /> • Len�kr's opion,abl�in covemge lo pratect Lxnderk ri�iNs in the Property M acc�ce with puragraph 7. <br /> All ineur�ncc policiea w�d renewalx ahall be occopu�bk to I.ondcr and shall(ncludc o xlandaM morlgago clauRe. l,ender <br /> sha11 huve the dght to hold thc policfex and rcnewalx, it L.ender requite:,Sorrawer shull promptly glve ta L.ender all roccipts <br /> , of p�id premium�and renew�l notices. In�he event oi(oR.r,Barower ahull Qive prompl notice to�he inaurance curtier rnd <br /> l.ender. Lender may makc proof of Io4x if na made promptly by Bortower. <br /> Unlcss Lendcr und Horrawer Mhrnvi�e n�ee in writing, intiuronrc prcxecdq shnll hr epplicd to reRtoration or ►epair of <br /> Ihe �ny dnmuged. if 9he reRtorwion ar repnir is ecananically feasible ur�d LcndcrK Fecu�ity is not leasened. If the <br /> �,�,� restont on ar rcpAir is not economically fea.sible or Lender'R seru�ity wcwld ba lessened.the Insurance pnaceedv shall be <br /> _ upplied to�he sumg�ecured by thix Security In�trwnant, whe�her or nol �hen due, wUh Any ezcesx paid to Borrower. If <br /> Barrower ub�ndonx tha Property. ar daex oot cmnwer within 30 day�; a nwice from Lender tha�the insuru�ce ecurier has <br /> �, I offered to rettle n claim,tlwn I.ender muy collect the incurance proceedv. Lender may use the praceeds to rep�ir or reKtore <br /> the Property or to puy sums securrd by thix Secu�l�y Inguument.whctther or not lhen due. The 30-day periad will begin when <br /> the notice ix gfven. <br /> Un1uFe l.ender and Borrower atf�envise ugree in writing.any upplicution of proceedx to principal nhull nw extend or <br /> e monthl mcnts refemed to in ra hx 1 und 2 or chun e thc+unount of Ihe a nta. If <br /> postpone the duc dute af th Y pay Pa S�P B P Y� <br /> under paragcaph 21 �he Pruperty is ucquired by Lender, Bormweric right ta nny inxurance policiex and proceedg resulting <br /> from dnmage lo the Propeny prior�o tha ucquiaition shall pa+x�o L.ender to the ezlent of�he sums secured by this Securfty <br /> '�'" Inxtrument immcdiately priur to�he acquixition. <br /> �`"' 6. Qccup�ncy. Preservation� MAioten�ace �nd Prntection or the Properly; Borrowe�'s Loan ApplicAtton; <br /> ��,:,_'�',� _ ' :�T.• �+ I.taseholda Borrower shull occupy,establizh,n��d use Ihe Piraperty ati Borrowerg principnl residencc wilhin sixty days ufter <br /> � 5i �„�p�, , � the e�ecution of this Securi�y Inxlrument und sholt c�minue to accupy�he Propeny us Bormwerk principnl residcnce for ut <br /> �c�:� y° � leatit one yetu ufter th� date of acupartcy, unler:x Lender athenvise Agrces in writing, which consent shull not be <br /> � .?;',..�,e:,±.� ; °��''� unrcusonubly wi�hhald,ar unle�.c extenuuting circumxancex exis�which are beyand Borrower's cantml. Hexrower shall not <br /> ' • i;'. ' " ��r destroy.damuge or impuir�he Property.ullow the Proprrty lu deterioratc, or mmmit wastc an thc Pmpeny. Bormwer shall <br /> "•�• ��.''';`.t., '�.•`:r�T° be indefault if any farfeiture nction ur proceeding,whether rivil or c�iminal,is begun Ihot in Lender's good failh�udgment <br /> >.y�,' •• - could resuU in forfeiwre of tha Pmpeny or otherwik mn�crially impair the lien created by thiw Security Instrument or <br /> .. ., . ' Lendcr's xecurity intereti�. Bo�mwer muy curc,uch u defuult and reinytsuc,us provided in purugruph 18,by rnutiing�1�action <br /> ° :'ti or proceeding ta bc dismi+sed with u ruling ihut,in Lender:gcwd faith deterniinution,preclude�forfciture of Ihe Borrower's <br /> �� � ' ` �� intereu in the Pro�xny ��r rnher ma��sriul impuimicnl af �he lien creu�ed hy thix Securiry Imtrument or l.ender ti securiry <br /> y�;` " '+�� interest. Borrower shnll ul�o hc in defauh if Burruwcr,during Ihe I�un upplicuticm prace�s, Ruve mnterially fplse or <br /> �..• � ",�'" inuccurule informmion or s�utememx�o I.endrr(ar fuiled w�mwide Lender wi�h uny muteriul ini'ormation>in canncclion wi�h <br /> ;� �Z;;:1�. ' the loan evidenced by Ihe Note. including, but not limited lo, representutiom wnceming BoROwer's occupancy oP the <br /> Pro�ny u.u princia�l residence. If thi�Security Instrumem i�on u kusehald.Hnmaw�r.hull romply with all�he provisionti <br /> �5"- � �;'..� of the leuxe. Ii Borrowcr acyuircs frc litk tu Ihc:Propeny.the IrayeM►Id ond�I►e fee tidc shull not merge unksx Lender ugreeti <br /> . t r:. .. <br /> ; ,,.... __ � ;• ����4 to�he mer�er m wrnmg. <br /> ��t� � � ' • ,�.,�it;�`�'��;+,;;� 7. Protection of I.ender's Ri�hts in the Propert,r. If Borruwcr fuih w periorni the cavenum� und u�reemcntx <br /> ��;:°�'� •�°'a.�• canlained in this Sccurit Iny�rumem, or �hcrc i+ u Ic ul nx�edin �hu� mu �i nii'wantl uffect Lender's ri htx in Ihe <br /> .. � ,,�.,,....; y e r � y � s �� � <br /> "�.;l Hupeny(sueh u.u pr�xeeding in bankruptry,pr�+bu�e,for condemnu�ic�n o�f�xteiiurc��r to eofarce luw.or regulatiaosl,then <br /> '•t '. Lender may iki unJ puy i'or whidrver i�necrti+ary tu prutecl the valuc ut'the Pra{mny und l.rnder:right� in the Praperty. <br /> Lendcr:+n:tii�n+muy inclu�k puying:�ny�um� ticrurcd My u lien which hus pri��riiy over this Securiry Inswmen�,np�uring E <br /> �(;:� ' - in ciwn,payinF reu.annhlr auomcys'lec,und rmrring.m th�I'ru�xrty�u mukc mpain. Althou�th Lcndcr muy tuke uction �'' <br /> , underlhis parugraph 7.LrnJcr dae�nol huvr to J��w. -��. <br /> ��,'` °�.:Q Any u�nount+disNunrJ by Lcndcr under Ihi+ r�n���,��i� 7 tihidl hecumr additionul drht of Born►wcr u�ured by �hiti <br /> .�""�'� Securiry Imtrumrm. Unla+,.Rorr�,wcr aixf l.cndcr agrce to uihrrtcrni.��f paymrm.lhcx umounls.rhull lxur intcrc+t from thc <br /> �`+, '.� . .^ , Jute nf di+h�ncment al thc N�NC ratr uiki �hull Iw puyahlr.w•ilh intcrc,t, u{x�n notirr I'rum Lrn�kr to Bortower rc�yur+ling <br /> , . • p;�ymcnt. <br /> l , , ': . • 8. MuMRa�c Insuruncc. If Lrndcr rcyuircd m��ngagc in�urrncc u.u��Hxlilian at'm;�kin�the loun �crurcd by Ihis <br /> � . . Scrurily Instrumunt. Borrowrr 4ha11 �ay thc prcmium.reyuir�d t��m:�int:�in Ihr mungu�� m.unmcr m etfrrt. If',f�r uny • <br /> �..'• rcution, the nmrt�;a�c in,urancr ri�vrraEr reyuind hy Lrndrr lup�c� or cca,i. to Ix in efl'ccl. Rom►wrr tih:dl p:�y Ihe ?�, <br /> fti,; �miurns r�yuircd tu �►btuin cuveragc .uh.�anli;dly cquivnl�ni w thc nu►ngu�c in.uranre prc�• in ci'fccl. ut u covt <br /> .�,i„'�. `� .. �uhsWnlially �yuivalent ti�Ihe r�►�t lo H��rro��rr ut Ihe m�►ngapr in.u�aucr pic�iuu,l� iu �1T��t. fr.��tit at'�ali��'n.�t� urnlEa�c <br /> ' „ in+unr t�ppro�•cd hy LrnJrr. Il�,uh,laniinll�•«�ui�•alrnt nwn�a�c in,uranrr r�►r�r:�g� i,nul:n•:nlablc. Ri�ru,wrr+hull pay tci <br /> 'w,. . .. Len�kr CuCh II1u111h:�.um rqual tu onr-tHrlf�h ��I thr�eurl}mun�agr in.ur.��,�,rr.�,�����, �+.��,�puid h} Bnrrourr when Ih� , <br /> �• in+urance coveruge lup�rd ur cra,cd 1a ix in rfliri. I.�mlrr a•i II arcrpl.u.�:md relain Uir.e pa�mrn1,t�,u lu„�•e in lieu <br /> .- • ��f nmrtgagc in.urancc. l.o.�r��en•r pn��mu� nu I�mgrn c� rc�� ihc upuun ��t l.rndrr. d mortgagc in.uranre <br /> cnvcra�!c lin Ut�:uuuunl anJ Il►r thr�xriod�h:n Lrndrr rcyuirr.i pru�•iik�l h� .m in.urrr��ppru��rd h�� LrnJcr again Ikr�mx. <br /> t , 1;R�c».:K� . uvuilable an�i i,�ih�ained.Hurraaer.h:►II ru��h�pr�mium.reyuirrJ�i,mnintain moil�:iEr in,uranrr in effect.or la �xovide:� <br /> ��;;�;ti,;• , „ lo.�m`rrv�. until the requir�mriu lor muilEa�r in.uranr�enJ.m u�r�.rdance��ith an� ��nnen agnrment Ixlwcrn Hunnwrr <br /> � 8:_ and LcnJcr��r�ipplirc�Mc I:i�v. �-� <br /> '{ 9. InspeCUon. LrnJrr ur il,u�cnl m;i� mn��rca�.unaMc rnlri�,n�un and in��xrliou,�il'Ihr Pra�xm•. L�nder�hull ,�.,, <br /> r � • , givc B��rruwrr nuiirc:u thc limr uf ur�,rinr�a an ut�prrii��n��xrif�in�; nnwn:ihlc rau�c I��r Ihc in.�krtiun. '' :�: <br /> 3 : � � 10. Condcmnallon. ll�e pr�xrrd.��f am a��ard ur claini li,r Jarnagc�,.dir.r�ur�• runnecli�in with an�. <br /> 1.r • <br /> �� � timFk I�anul� -Funnir�1aNFYeddli•�1uc l'\IF'lIR�11\�'!'RI��1l:�'1' 1 nitum�t'����• 4 4U y�.iy;t,q o�vt,•.� <br /> ' ��r.d I.ik��Hu+mn.,larm-la ■ <br /> � i Tn IkdY 1:�1Y IwI1f5.pV,1:1!1:1-�1�\upi?9t�11 i 1 �, ' � <br /> � <br /> . � . <br /> ; 4 <br /> _ � <br /> � � �;i.1 . . -. - . ._ . ... . . . .. ` - . :+yir�{g,�r►�'IFMtipJt�:�i,tr.c. .. . . r�� r.. . . . .• .. <br /> �. � '. . . <br /> - ' --•---'-•--"'-' ' .. .. _.. ... , . _.. .. - <br /> ' • 4 ��,; � � , <br /> ��� e " • ,. • <br /> F • • <br /> f ' - , <br /> , r: � <br /> ;-, . , � <br /> �, „ � <br /> � ` '��� � <br /> '. _*�__` _ _T�_� ' ' ' . . � -� • . <br /> ���`. <br /> * , � <br />