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<br /> candemnatic+n or athcr ukin�of any pait of�he Prc�etty.ar iar canvcyanix In lieu of condemrouion,�ne he�e6y�wiQned�nd
<br /> �il bc p�id to Lender.
<br /> In �he avent �f� �dnl tolcin�c►f the Propeny, �heproc eoda Khall bo Applied ro the aums sccurcd by�hfs Socurity
<br /> '' lnetrumcnt.whcther or not thrn due,with ony cxces.r paid to Botrower. In the event of p pwtiul takin�of thc PropeAy in
<br /> t whirh thc fuir markc�valuc oi�hc Propeny immaiia�cly befarc the taking i�equal to or grcseter�han Ihc Amounl of�ho aums
<br /> r�cured by Ihis Seru�ity Instrumcnl immediutcly betare the taking,unless Bomawer and l.cnde�ahenvisc a�rcc in wrf�in�,
<br /> the sumr xecurcd by this Secu�ity Instrt�ment shull be rcduced by the wnaunt of the praceedw multiplied by the following
<br /> - frac�i�m: (u)ihe wtul�n�ount uf tlx��uma McumJ Immulfutcly befurc tlu:tuking,divlded by(b)the fuir market vnluc of thc
<br /> Propeny immediutely before�he �uking. Any bulance �hull be pu�d�o Borrower. In the event af u pur�ial mking of the
<br /> , .s ,., Propeny in which the fair market vulue of ihe Pn�peny immedio�ely bcfare thc taking ix Ic,x�han�he umount af the aun�s
<br /> ��'�����~�>-� • � r;ecurcd immediatel before �he �akin unlesx B�rmwer and L.ender dherwi�e o ree in writin or unlesti u licuble Inw
<br /> ,� v�r.o�,,.�;..; Y 8. 8 8 PP
<br /> �• �,h;•�',.,r �:�; othenvire provides,�he proceeds xhall be uppli��d to�he wums rccured by this Security Inxtrument whelhe�ar not the rumx�+e
<br /> , . ._ ` � then due.
<br /> r�Y.,.;= • �?, If Ihe Pmpeny i�nbandaned by Borrower,or iL af�ar notice by I.ender to 8orrower tlwt tbe condemnor affen to make
<br /> ;:t��_r�+�., oti uwnM or senlc a cls�im for dumages,Brnmwer Puil.tu rr�pund lo l.ender wi�hfn 3(1 duy�after the dntc the notice i�given,
<br /> .�`• •""•=ti• Lender is au�horized to collec�and apply the procecdx.at its option,either lo restotation or repairof the Propeny or to the
<br /> °' "' d ' "�' � sums,ecuned by this Secu�ity Inxtrument,whether or not then duc.
<br /> r • Unless Lender und Bartower atherwise Agree in writing,su►y upplicatiun af praceedx ta principul xhull nat extend or
<br /> t�-•b=��"`a"�� ' '" t ne thr due dnte of thc monthl a mentx referted to in aru ru h�1 nnd 2 ar chan e�he amount of such u mcntx.
<br />�1��' �, � . � `���~��i4��•� �Pl l. Borrower Not Rekased;A�brbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver. Ea�B �i��n of the �ime far pnyment or
<br /> ca
<br /> ` ' ' ;�� �`• •' �`��� madificotion of umonixation of the�ums secured by this Security In�ln�ment g�nted by Lender ta uny successor in inlerest
<br />' � ' � _. . __ .-'�� of Borrower shull nat apcmte ta relea�e the liabiliry of Ihc original BoROwe�or Bonowcr:s successorr:in interext. L.ender
<br /> � '�'� f . , '•°� rhall not l+e required to commence proceedingx Against uny xucces�ur in interest or refuse to ex�end time for puyment or
<br /> � ,V ��.�.. othenvise madiPy umonizution of the sums rerumd by thi+Security Instrument by reu�on of any demand made by the original
<br /> ' `�`-�' Burrower ar Barrower's succestion in intere4t. Any forbcarunce by�Lendcr in exercising any right ar remody shull not be A
<br /> • � .e�:;�,i�' waiver of or preclude the cxercitic of uny right nr remcdy.
<br /> • 12. Successors and A�.gigns Boundt Joint and Several Liubility:Co-sig�ers. The covens�n��und agreemenls of this
<br /> ; . ' . Securiry In�:lniment,hull bind und l+etxfil the xucce�ron�nJ uyyignx�f Lender And Borrower,wbjec� to�he provisionti oi
<br /> '�,�;;� , ' � purugmph 17. Bortnwer'x covenuntr nnd agrcemern.+hall be joint and �everal. Any Borrowcr who co-xignx this Securiry
<br /> ; � Inslrument but dcus not execulc the Note: lu)i.ro•si�ning Ihis Securiry Instrument only lo mortgage,gra�N And canvey that
<br /> , Borrowerz intere�t in the ProExny under�hc tcrnr•af Ihf+Sccuri�y In�uumeni: Ib)is not penonally obliguled to pay Ihe�ums
<br /> "� � xecurcd hy thi+Sccurily Inxtrument:and(c►u�sn�es�hat Lender und uny oU�e�Bormwer may agme �o extend,modify,f'ofiear
<br /> , . '�;��•., � �� or muke uny acc�►mmodWicm.wilh regu�d to thr irrtn.of�hi. Security Im�rument or�he Note without that Bomower's
<br /> ' . coment.
<br /> _ ' �' ,'�_-�---- !3. l.aan Chat�ts. !f the Inun xcu�td hy ihi� S��c•uriry In•�n�m��n� i. aibjec� to u law which sels mvximum loaa
<br /> ' a�T���' churgc�,unJ thut law i.tutully inlemrrled u�thul tlx intercu or other loun rhurge.rnUrr�ed or to ik collected in connectian
<br /> ':r:-
<br /> � ., • '�;�•�",;. . ��� `'�` wilh the loun cxcred�he�xnni�ird limii.,thcn: tu�any .urh lu:ui cha�gc.hull be rrJuced by ihr�mount nccexwry to reduce
<br /> ' �1 ,r�ri�.. .'O . - _,.
<br /> t�,.,; ,: '��-:�' �he churge to the�xmtitted limi�: unJ lh1 an���um.atre•rJv roller�eul t'rom Born�wer which rxreedrd permiucd limitti will be
<br /> . �� refundcd 1��Borrower. Lrndcr muy rha»r lu mal���hi.rcl'und by reducing thc prinripul oacJ undcr thc Note�x by making a
<br /> ��,,,;;����� dircct puymem to Borrow�er. If a refunJ redure.prinri}ul,�he rcJuction will ix�reaieJ ar u panial prepaymen�without Any
<br /> ,;,.,;' prepuymcnt churgc undcr ih�No��. �:;
<br /> 14. Notirev. Any noti�c�u Rc►nower pro�•i.kJ fi�r in thi. Se�urity In.�rumcnt ,hull Ix Fivcn by dclivcrinR it or by
<br /> � muiling il hy tir.l clu,.m��il unlcti.applirahlc laa•rcyuirc,u��nl'unall��r mrlhixl.Thc n�Kicc.hall 1►c d�r��ted to tlx:Propcny
<br /> �r . Addrc�.ar uny other uddrc�.Re�rruwcr dr,igmde.h�• iH�tice io Lrndrr. Any nulic�a►Lender.hull t� Eiven My fir.t rinsti
<br /> mail to Lender�udJrc,.,lated hrrein.�r uny udkr uddrr,.l.rnd�r dc.itin:ue.f+y notice�o F3�itrawcr. Any nntice provideJ for
<br /> •�" in thi. Sccuriry In,�rumem .hull Ix dremed �o ha��� Iken givcn �a 13�mnvcr or l.rnJrr when giv�n a.prc,viJed in thi�
<br /> �� � puru�ruph.
<br /> ' . . I5. Gnverninp I.aw; tie�•erubilltv. 7'hi, ti�curiq� In,lrumrnl �hnll Ix gu�•rnkd hy 1'eikr:d luw� anJ Ihe law i�f the
<br /> �,, � ' juri.dirlian in�+hirh thc Pn��xny i�I�x:ucd. In�h�c�•rm Ih.0 wt��pruvi.iun ar clsw.c��t'�hi,5rcurily In,t�umem�ir thc Notc
<br /> ., = : cunflict�wi�h upplic��hlc luw..urh r�mllirt,hall nui all.•rt�,thrr�,ru�•i,iun,�d'�hi,Srrurit� hi.vument ur Ihe Natc which can
<br /> j�.���,' � "� � hc�iven clTcrt wi�hnu� �hc c�mllic�ing pru��i,ion. lu Ihi. rnd thc pr�►vi.ion, ol'thi,ticcuri��• Intiirum�nl und Ihc Notc urc
<br /> ��'. . declurrd u�Ix+rvrrublc. "L
<br /> . . „ 16. Norro«�er's C'op�•. Nurr����rr,hull Ix�:i.cn<�n�runtnrni.d rup���f the Na�c and ot �hi,S�rurit� In.trumcn�.
<br /> , 17. 7'ransPcr uf the Praperh or a Bencfki:�l Intere�l in lior�o��rr. If ull��r a�i� p,ir�af ih� Pro�x r����r uny intrnht in
<br /> • � it i. .uIJ ur Irun.timd�ur il'a Fxnct7ri;d intrrc.i in Run��a�r n wld ur tran,terrrd:iud li��n�a���r i, nui a n.dural �xr�unl
<br /> � � K•iihou�Lendrr:priar��riucn run,cnt.l.rnder m:e�.ut i�•�i�,tiun.rr.�uirc innnrdiat�p:��mcnt in t'ull�H�ull.um. ,�rund hY :�,
<br /> ' �hi,Sccurity In.trumrnt. Hua•c�•cr.�hi��►p�i�m�hall n��t h►r��rri,�d h�L�nd�r it rvcrci.e i.pruhihilcd M�f�dcr:d law u�o( �
<br /> Ihr dute of thi�Sr�urily In.trwncnt. '
<br /> �. 11'LenJr�•exrrri.�.tl�i.up�iun.Lcnder.hdll gite {iun'�►�+tr nnti«uf a«<leratiun. l�hc nali�c�h:�ll ptovid����xritxl ul'
<br /> nut k„Ihan 3U duy,from thr J:�t�Ih�n�iti�'c i�di•liter�d ur nt:+il�d�vilhin�vhi�•h Nnrr�����r mu�l��.i�:ill�um�.crurcd h� thi.
<br /> ' Scruri�y In•trum�m. If B��rroarr Giil. ���pay ih�,c ,wm ��n��r In thc e�prr:iu„n ul Ihi. �knuii. l.cn�hr ma� inv„I.r uny
<br /> � �� rcmrdir��xrniiurd hy Ihi.ticcuri�� In.trumcnt��i�h�w� liinher n�,hc.ur drm:md un Huir�,��rr. �.
<br /> IR. Borrm�er: Riuht lu Rein�late. If li��rrm«r m�.•�� cei1am cnndqiun.. liurrrn�rr.ludl liu�e Ihr right t„ h:ne
<br /> i � enforcenunt��I'thi�tieruril� Intitrumrnt Ji.r�mm�urd a� an� lim�priur h�Ihr.•arli.�r�d �e► �d:��.i�n .urh uiher�xri�xl �i+ '
<br /> ,• ti�oFk•1•.uwy - Fnonti•\Iw•Frrd�H.\Iucl VIF/1N\I I\\'fN1�IF�'f l mbmn(b�rnan�. 44N ��w't,•!,�/hl4/4�'V �
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