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s <br /> .�. <br /> w.n • � • � .y <br /> r• .: c..r'�� • ..•ay <br /> , . '! <br /> �� *• I -.�� ,. ' <br /> � �� <br /> 93- 14e�ss <br /> , perlodc thal l.endcr reyuirca. Thc inaursince caRier providMg the insw�ence ehell be cho.sen by 8orrowcr wb�at to Lenderb <br /> approval which�hall na be unrearonably wlthheld. If Batrower foila to mAintafn covetage desctibed above. I.ender <br /> , Lender's option,obtain coveroge to proteet l.ende�k�ights in Ihe Hroperty in accordance with par�graph 7. <br /> � All insuroncc�liciex nnd renewnla ehall be ucceptable lo Lender a�d shall includa a siendurd mongage dnuxe. I.ender <br /> '�E•,., . shall huve the right to hold the palicies and renewuls. If Lender requirec,Born►we�shall promptly give to Lender all receipta <br /> � �� ��+�}��;�,: Le►Pider.PLendemma mpke Wal noticea. In the evcnt of Irn�c,Borrower ghall give prompt noiice to�he inwrsince carrier w�d <br /> �,x � y proaf of losc if not made promptly by Barrower. <br /> .:•.�:...u:�.��L;.:,�s. Unicsx l.ender and Borrower othcrwihe ogrec in writing, intiumrtce prcxeeds shnll be applied to�rstaut ion or repair of <br /> ""�" �"- �'`-F� the Propeny damaged,lf the re.rtornlion or repuir iq economically feasible and l.ender�securny is na les�ened. If the <br /> �' "�''�'�`''"�'�h rcxtorati�n or rep�ir is not cconomicully feagible or Lenderk secu�ity would bc lessened,�he inxurance prciceeds shnll be <br /> ��:41X��`.� . upplied ta the sums r+ecured by thiK Secudty Instrument.whether ar nW lhen duc, wi�h any excess puid to Bor►c�wer. If <br /> •�;;,:;;. ,• . _, � Bartower abandons the Praperly,or dceK not unswer wi�hln 30 duyx a noticc from Lendcr that the inaurAnce carrier ha� <br /> �„_.�.;�,,;. ,,,.�,. offered to scltle n claim,then I..ender muy cnllect the inr:urunce pmceeds. Lender muy use ihe proceeds lo r,epnir or restore <br /> � the Propeay or to pay xums secured by this Security In�trumenl.whether or nnllhen due. The 30�dny perfad will begin when <br /> I �r'�� '' the natice i�given. <br /> • • �#� _�" Unlesx Lcnder und BoROwer otherwixe ngree in wri�ing, nny applicAlion af praceeds w principul hhnil not extend ar <br /> i� � , pastpune the due dute of thc monthly puyments rrfcrred to in purog�uph� 1 und 2 or chunge the umcwnt of the payments. If <br /> ':�,r� / �� , '•� • •' under purngruph 21 the Propeny ix ucquired by Lender, Barrower's right t�any insumnce policiex and pmceed�:resulting <br />';_��., ft' � ?• . ` f�om dumoge to thr Propeny prior to the ucquisition shul)puss to Lender to Ihe axtent of the�uma �ecund by this Securiry <br />�_ • Inxtniment immediulely prior to the acyuisition. <br /> , . 6. (kcupancy. Prt�er�•ation. Mafntenance and Protecliun oP the PropeMy: Burrower's l.00n AppliaHion; <br /> ' • I.eASehplds. Bnrtower shull arcupy.c�tu6lixh,und uxe Ihe Propeny u�Borrower's principol residence within sixty days after <br /> • � � - - tlxt execution of this Security Inxtniment;u�d xhall continue to occupy the Propeny as Borrower�e principnl reYidence for�+t <br /> Ieuxt anr yeur uf�er the dutr af cxcupuncy, unlexs Lendrr otherw•ise ugrees in writing, whinc �oncent xhall not be <br /> unrenworu�bly withheld,n�unless extenuminF circumxtunceti exist which are heyond Bomower's cant�ol. BoROwer shAll not <br /> j � dchtray,dumuge c►r impair the F'in�er�y, ullow the Pro�xrty to dcleriorute,nr rommit wu,tc nn the Propeny. Borrower,hall �, <br /> a • be in defpull if any forfei�ure nctian ar pr�xeeding,whr�her rivil or criminul,is begun ihut in l.enderk gaad fuith judgment •.�; <br /> could rasult in fbrfciture of the Prc�►erty or alherwise muteriully impuir Ihe lien cmuted by thix Securily Intitrument ar <br /> • • Lencler'.u�ruih�y in�e�c,�. Borrower mu�•curr such u defuult und reimtate,nti provided in parugruph 1 N,hy causing the action �.�; <br /> � � � or pnxrcding to be Jismis,cd wi�h u tuling th� Lcndcr's gixxl fai�h ckterminutian,pn:clude+fi�rt'eilure af Ihc Barrawer's <br /> '9• � intemrt in �hr Pro�xrty ur uther muleriul im�irnmnt of thc licn rrcutnd hy this Security In,wmcat or Leixlerl xecudty ' <br /> �� , imrresi. Borrowcr zhull ulsi� tx in defuuU il' BoROwcr, during Ihc IoAn upplicoti��n prcketi�, guvn mutrriully fnlsc or ,�'� <br /> inacwrnte infiim�u�ion or rtutemrnts ta Lender lor I'uiled m providc l.cnQer wi�h uny mutcriul intom�u�ian)in cannectian wi�h ',}: <br /> � , . thr loan cvidenred hy thr Note, includinF, hut not IimitrJ to, mpr�,emution� concerning &inower's occupancy of�he "�r <br /> Piro�ny a.u prinripul.RSiJ�nce. If this Securily Instnament i�on u Ico.ehulJ,Borrower,hall complywithull the provisians <br /> � — • . �►t ttk icasr. If Bormwcr ucquims fcr�i[ic�o�he Pm�x:ny,tho icutiehold urnl�he i'er ii�le,huil no�mcrge unlcsti Lender agrcev <br /> �o tlx mer�!cr in writinE. <br /> 7. Protecliun oP I.ender'ti RiRhts in tho Prupertv. If Borrower fail+ ��� pc�form the covenum�und uFreaments � <br /> rontaimeJ in this Securily In.trumrnt, iir �hen i. u Ir�:�d prixecding �hut mny .ignificandy affect Lender:righis in the <br /> ', Pmpeny I�uch u,a pr�x:rcding in hunkruptry,prunuic,I�►r rondrmnution or tiiriciwn�x to cnliirec lawti ar regulutionr�),then <br /> l.cnJer may do und p�y fi�r whutrvcr i. n�cc�.nry to protcrl Ihc valuc of Ihr Pr�►prny und L�ndcr's rignts in�hc Propeny. <br /> I.cixl�r:urtiun.may inrludr puying un� ,um�xccurcd ny��lirn ahirh hs��priariry ovcr this Security Inslrunxnt.uppeuring <br /> � in cnun,paying rrutinnuhk at�omry�'frr��md cnlrrin�[un thc Pro�xrty lo mukc rep�in. ANhiwEh Lcnder rnuy takc uction <br /> ; unJer Ihi.parngraph 7.Lcndrr d�k.nul ha�c ti�du.o. <br /> J� � An�• unmm�l.di,hunrJ by I.rn�kr under Ihi.�,��,��:«��i, 7 ,hall Ixrunm•rdJiiionul debt ol'Bam�wer ,ecured by this <br /> ,1•�' ' Srcurily In.trumrnt. l Inlr,.Burcuu cr und l.�nder.igrcr to olbcr Icmi+uf puymrm.thr,c unmun�..hull lx:ur in�crest fram the <br /> y' datc of di,hurununl al tlx N�NC ratr und.hall Ix p�iyuMr.�vilh intcrc.l,u�m n���icr frorn l.ender io B�rrower requesting <br /> � ,�` r:�y��,,:�,�. <br /> .. • . S. Norluuue Inwranee. If Len�lrr rcquircJ m�rri�:u�r in,uruncr a, a candition of muking Ihe Inan tiecured by this <br /> � � ' Securilp InNrumcnl. HuRO��cr Judl pay thc prcmiun�. rcyuirrd w mointuin Uk nwngagr inwruncc in effect. If. for any <br /> rr:�tirnt. Ih� nt�►rl�!uEr m.arunrc rnvrrug� rryuir�d hy Lcndcr L•ip.e, ur cea,r, to Ix in cticcl. Burruwer�hull puy the <br /> '. prrmiuni� reyuireJ ��► ��I�IUio ravrr.��:c .uh.l:mliully ri�ui�•idrnl 1�� Ihc munpa�.r inwranre prc�•i�iu,l� in et'Icrt. al a rust <br /> ' , ,uh•tanliall� ryuiv:dcnl w�hr co.l ta Iturr���r�•r�,I�hr nu�n�:ug� in.ur:mrr pm�•i��u�l� in�rm an ahrm�Ar mnhgngc <br /> in�urrr�ippro�•ed h� Lrn�ler. If.ub,lanlialh ryui��:d.•nt munt:i�r imuranrr r�r�eragr i.nut arailiiblr,F3nm�wer.hull pay ai <br /> . Lrn�kr rarh mon�h a .wn cyuul lo„n.-I��rllih��1 thr�rarl� nwrlg:�gr in.urnn�r��remium Ixin�paid hy Burro�err when thc <br /> .�cra�c la��.cd or rra.ud�u Ix•in rlie.•�. Lrnd.•r��ill arrrpi.u.r:ind ret:mi die.c pa�menh�i.a In.�reti�rvc in lieu �, <br /> , . . uf mor1�!agr in,ur:mr�. l.u.. re.en•�p.i�m�nt,m,n n.� I�m���r hr�r.�ui���d. .d Ih�• u�tiliun uf�nwiygr�.� in,uranrc <br /> r�►�cragr 1 in�hc anxnml and tiu ihr �xri�xl Ih:il Lrndrr rrquirr•�pm�ideJ hy an in,urer a�,pn►v�,l hy L�nJcr aguin Fxromcti <br /> a�.�ilahle amd i�uhtainrd. H��rruarr�hall pa� Ihe��remium.rryuirrd tu m:iinlain m�nt�agr in�ur:mre m�t'tirl. ur tu pruvidr:� ,y <br />��r.�mlil tlk rc��uir�mcnl turnu,rlgup.m,�.•r„rJanr�ai�h :m� ��riltcn a�rreuknt ht��ccn Borruwcr � <br /> rnd l.cnder�ir:�rri��:�hl�la��. q,a� <br /> °. 9. Inspcctlnn. I.�ndrr ur it�.i�:riil m:�� ma{,r re:�.un.ihlr rnlnr.up��n:md m.�x�.•h��n,ul lhr Pi.,�kn�. I.cndrr.h;d) +:;� <br /> �:ivr Born,wrr nulirr:n tl►r limr ul���r priui i��:m in,prrii��n.prrif�in�:rr:i.00.ihl.r.ui,.I�a•dir in.�kc�i�.n. ' <br /> • 10. ('ondemnuti�Nt. 'fhc pn�red.�H:�m :i��:n�l��r rLum I��i.I;im:��.r�.Jnrcl��� iun..•yu�nli:�l.m �nnnerli�m�vilh am <br /> � tin�gl.•I.�nuh� Funnle\I;w•Frvddlc 11uc l\IFIIR�I I\�I'NI\IF:\1 l nd�mn t'���• 4 M .�,�er i.•l n p,��,., <br /> �ar.n 1.��,H�n,r.� bun. Im � � <br /> ; I��un4t�qll IA��:4w141 F1\1.10�7'll�l"11 i <br /> 1 ' • � <br /> . .� �i . , • : <br /> --- . � <br /> F. <br /> . � <br /> , � �.. <br /> i� <br /> � �. <br /> . � <br /> 1 <br />