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<br /> I eppticable I�w nu►y�pecify for oeinsuitamaat)boforo eale of the Property purauwtt to any powor of cAlo contained fa Wi�
<br /> ' Secu�isy Imwment;or(b)enpy of�►jqdgmant�oaFarGin$thia 3ecurlry instrumen�. 71wco conditl�ons we�hwt Bornower: (�)
<br /> ppys Lxnder WI sums which thca would bo dua undar �Itis Seturiry Instrumont and �he Note as if no accelaradon had
<br /> �•_• aocumed;(b)curca ony default of Any atlter cavqnantF at•pgracrnEntc;(c)pay�all eapenscs incumed in enfacing tMis Secudty
<br /> a° • lncttument,includinQ. but not limited�o. reasonabla attprnc+ys'fas;and (d)talces such action�s Lendar may rcaconebly
<br /> . reyui�to susuna ttwt the lien of thiR Sacurity�nutumemt,Lcndar'4 rightR in thc Pmpeny and Borrowerls abligadon W p�ty the
<br /> „w_�,.,..: . sumc soautad by �hfa Security Instrumesnt,shall�canlinua unahi►nped.. Upon rcinswtcmont by Barower� �his Security
<br /> �� Insuumant and Iha obliga�iona cecured i�reby ehsll�em�in.tull�effiactiye as if rw eccelerwiou twd owurn�f. Howovu.fhis•
<br /> dght a reinctnta Rholl na opply in tho c�.ce of accelea►tian unde�ppmgraph�17.
<br /> `'. >>� ' , � 19. $p�@ Ot NOIli CII/DQQ 0�LOAD S@rVIC@R 'Iba Nata or�a ppitint�interest in ihe Note (togather with�his Secu�iry
<br /> ��"^�q�'��' `•"-��'�'`'� Insqumenq may be sold one ar mare Umes withaut pd�r natiae tn�srnrower. A sale mny reault in a change io the entity
<br /> ''/SM��;y�..�`i �� �� M
<br /> � y+�,�.,4 � (knpwn as�ha Loan Servicer )lhet collacu+manthly pHymantA dua under the Note and thia Secudty InstrumanG Them also
<br /> : . ' ,, � ' may be ono or mare changes oi the Loun Sarviaer unrolatad lo a sale of�fte Nota If there ia a chpnga of tba l.opn Servicer,
<br /> ..y��`'�`�.�" " � ; Borrower will be gfven written notico of tha change in.sacartlance with paragraph 14 ulwve and eppllcabla law. The notice
<br /> ^�tr:.:':=_':' ".. :� I
<br /> , �� • � will�tate tho name and address of the naw Loan Servia�r and Iho eddresa to which paymsnta�auld bo mada. Ttie mxice will
<br /> ,� - " ' alw contain eny othcr informatlan required by applfaable law,
<br /> .,,,� . ,*:•: ?A� H�rdou�Sub�tances. Borrower shall;nataauce or permit the�msence,use.diHpusul,stcKage,or rcleuse of any
<br /> "-' • Hazerdous Subswnces on or in IfKS Piroperty. Bortuwar shall not do, nor allow anyana else to do.anythiag affecliog�he
<br /> �" �� Piropen.y thaUis in violation of any Envltnnmaatal I.ow, '!'ho preceding twa sentences sha11 not apply to tM presence,use.or
<br />�..°-'. a.:,:M •± �, �.°�'' � starage an Iha Property of small yuantitfaA uf H:u�+ndaus Subctances that aro generally recognl�ed to be appropriatc to nom�al
<br /> I� '. � nscidamial uses and w muintenence of.tha Prope�y.
<br /> `� . �r•�� __�.� , Bamowe�shall prompdy gfvB L.endBr written notice of any invesdgallon,claim,demand,lawaui!or Wher aciion by any
<br /> ' • ;�;,::�:, � .;;, guvBmm.ntnl ar regulutary ugenay or privatB party involving the Pmperty and any Haza►dous Substartca or Environmentel
<br /> ��.�; Law of whiah Botrowcr has actual knowladgo. If Borrawor learns, or is�notifled by any governmental or regulutory
<br /> .} �' '�';� aulhority.that any removal or othar�mediaaon of any Hazardous Subswnae affecdng the Proparty is necessary.Borrower
<br /> �`�ll�, ahall prornptly wke all necessary rem�dinl acaona in accardance with Environmenwl I.aw.
<br /> � Ac used in thiR paragraph 20,"Haxurdous Subuances"are those subtitances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Environmenlal I.aw and the following subslnnces; gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or Ioxic petroleum products.toxic
<br /> �' pestiaidas and berbicides, volntflo salvanta maleriuls cantaining asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive matarials. As
<br /> � � ue.ed in tl�is pwrngruph 20,"Environmon�nl�I.aw"means federal luws und laws of the jurisdiction where�he Propetty is located
<br /> � � thal rclato to haalth,safet or envlronmentul rotection.
<br /> Y P
<br /> NQN•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcowcr and Lender further covenant und agree as follows:
<br /> � %��; 21. Acceleratbn= Rem�dies. l.ender shall give notice to Horrower prlor to s�ccelerwqon followfa�Borrower's .
<br /> brewch ot any eoveaant oe agreement in this Security Ingtrument(but not prlor to occeMratba under para�raph 17 ';r�°:�
<br /> � anlc.ss appNcatslc!�w grorldcs olber�rk:e?. '!'he ssal3ee shss!!specit�: !s1!�e defau!!;(b!!!se sctlon cryafrss!to cvre tlse
<br /> . defeult;(cl o date,not less tban 30 davs fFaa the date tde notice ia p�lven to Borrower.by which the default must be
<br /> � . `�' , cureds pnd(d1 lhat tailure to cure the default op or bePore the date specified in the notice may resolt in occeleratlon ot
<br /> "`'+ tbe sume secured by thls Sec�rity Inetrument and 4nle of the Property. The notice shall Purlher Inlorm Borrower of
<br /> the rigbt to relnstat�atter acceleration and the right�to bring a court actbn to assert the non�exlvteace ot a defAUlt or
<br /> any uther defense o!'Bnrrower to acceleratbn s�nd sale. If the default tv not cured an or betore the date specitied in
<br /> the notloe,l.ender at ita oplion may require Immedlate payment In iull otall sums secured by lhls Security I�trument «�'
<br /> � ' without t�r�her demand and may lavoke the power of sale and any other remedtes permltted by s�pplicable low ..��,
<br /> ` `�'�I I.ender shall be entitled to rnllect all ex nses Incurred In ur�ul thr remedfes rovided ln thls
<br /> � P� P � P I��grApb 21.
<br /> ` ' ��fi including.but not Ilmited to.reasonable attorneys'Pces and rnsta of title evidence. �•
<br /> e
<br /> �' '�'� ','';�''�;;:: If'lhe power of sale is invoked.l'rustee shell record e noUce ot default in each rounty in which any parl of the •
<br /> ;'. '•'.+,: . i.
<br /> ,�`%� � . ,, ,.; Prnperly is locnted wnd shall mail copias oF such notice in the munner prescr�bed by applicabk law to Borrower And to �p,��'
<br /> �' •��'.;•;1:: the other pe�snns prescrfbed by applleable law Ailer the tlme required by appllcable Iew.7Yustee shali give public :�3�.
<br /> � '` �'�" notioe of�ale to the persons and in the mpnner prescribed by Applicable law 7Yustee.wlthout demand on Borrower,
<br /> i shall sell tho Property at publk auction to thc hlghest biddcr al the limc pnd place and under the t�rms designated ia
<br /> the notice of'sale in one or more parccls and in any order Trustee delermMes. 7lrustec mey postpone s�le of all or any
<br /> • parcel of the Property by public announcement pt the lime and place of pny previously scheduled sale. I.ender or its
<br /> • dasfgnce mey purchasc thc Properly wt anv sak. �`�
<br /> Upon recelp!oF paymeM oP the prtce bid�7lruvlee shall deliver to the purchuser'Irustee's dced conveying the
<br /> . Pro p e r t y. T he recllnls in thr.7lrustee's deed shall f�e p r lm a Paci c ev l d e n c e o P t h e t r u l h o f I h e s t a t e m e n t s m e d e l h e re i n. �'!��
<br /> _ 7lrustee sbaN apply the proceeds of the svale in the following orde�: �al to all cost.r and expenses of exercising tl�e power ,;
<br /> ^-;.
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