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<br /> ',� pAyments may no lon�er be roquirod,at thc optian of l,ender,iP m�nga�a insurpnca covaraige(iq thR Amputq,sud for the pedad
<br /> !�� thu Lender roqufrer)Provided by an in�urcr�pprovod by Lender ay�in bocom�Avplablq anr!is,obt�Ipp�i•.Bqr;pwcr rtwll p�Y
<br /> the pamiunu roquirod to mointofn moK�a�o incurnnce in effect.or to pmvide d lvss reaerve.uot�t ihe reyu�pt�'�,mort�o
<br /> inwrancxx enda in ac;corclanca with any written�roement betwoen Borrower and I.emkr or appiiCabk Ipw.
<br /> 9. laspectloo.l.ender or iiR a�cnt mpy malce rcasonable e�uries upon and inRpocdans af tl�.Prop�rty. �.�endarrhall��i�o
<br /> . Borrower notice at the time af or prior to an inspection cpocffyin�re�usonuble cause Por the in9psctian.
<br /> �s� 10. CaKlemnatbn. The proceoda of any awud or claim foe danwges, direcc or conssequenti�l.�in cAnnqctjoin.,lvith any
<br /> � candemnntion ar other lakin�oi any part of the Propeny, or for conveypnce in lieu of condcmnatia�n.are becaby.acsl�nod and
<br /> �' � r dwll he paid to Lender.
<br /> ��,�`.,.',;". .,. In the event of a total tnking of�he Propeny.the proceed.g siwll be applied to the sum.v secured by thig Security I�'itrpment.
<br /> .,�;t•'r��� whether or not iben due. with nny axcess paid to Borrawer. In the eve�nt of a partial laking of the Property in whiSb IM�fair
<br /> . „ msuket value of the Propetty immediutcly beforc the taking is equal to ar greuter thnn the amount of the.wmg sxucpi by thia
<br /> � �'"'1"'-���� '�'. ' � Security lnstrument immediately before the taking.unless Borrower and Lender whenvise agroe in w�iti�g,tM=swm�s seaurpl by
<br /> ��^.��"'=� `�`Y�•y thia Security lnstrument shall he re�luc�d by tha amaunt of tha proceeds muldplitd by thc followiog f�petion� (a)th��tc+t�l
<br />_ �}�:,,:, .•�_;�'-- ' amount of the sums secured immedlatcly befora the taking,divided by(b)the fair market value af'the Propetty inrun�xli���ly
<br /> ' t° , ,,� beforc the taking. Any balance shall be paid to BuROwer. In the event of e partial takiag of the Praperty in whi�h tlrt�falr
<br /> ��. � s less than the amount of the sums secured ima�ediateJ .befat+��he
<br /> °.. ' markct value of the Property immadiately before tho taking i Y
<br /> , ��',, • �. '"• toking,unless Borrowcr and l.endcr otherwise agree in writing or unless applicabte law othenvis�provldes,•the prcxe�d9�shell
<br /> x � , �.-..�„ �7. >a~ be applie�to�he sumc cecured by thic Seeurity InstNment whether or not the sums are then due. �
<br />'�; � ; ., _ • . . If thc Propeny is ubandoned by Borrower,or if, aRer natice by Lender to 8armwer that 1he candemnvr offCrs ta rnaka an
<br /> }"'� '-�.° � award ar settle a cisum for damag�s, Aurruwe� fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftcr the date tlst notics ia giYen.
<br /> ' . I.ender is authorized to collect und npply the praceeds.at its optwn,either to re�tomtion or repair af ihe Pr�rty ar.ta tJis.Kumg
<br /> ° r o n n due.
<br /> secured by this Serurity iostrument,whethe r ot�he
<br /> ° •' Unless l.ender und Burrower otherwisc ogree in writing, uny applicution oP praceeds to principai shs�ll not e�tend or
<br /> �' ' ' ' . pastpone the due dnte of the manthly payments r6ferrcd to in pArugruphs 1 and 2 or chonRe the amount of such paymants.
<br /> .�. . 11.Borrower Not Rele�sed;Forbearance By l.ender Not o Waiver.Eatension of tln time for paymcnt or modification
<br /> s „ °�T' ' • of amortiwtion of the sums secured by this Securlty Instmment grunted by L.enJer to any successor in interest of 9arrower shall
<br /> ; not opernte to release the liabili�y of the original BoRawer ur BoRawer's successors in interest. L.ender ah�ll not be rer�uired to
<br /> . commence procr,odings against any successor in intersat or refur•c to extend time for p�yment or othenvisa modify a�ao�tization t�•
<br /> •• ° � � of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reuson of ony demund made by tfie original Born►wer or Pormwer's °.,;�;�
<br /> successors in interest. Any fiirrearunce by L.ender in exercising uny right ar remedy slwll not be a waiver of.ar,pXpclude the
<br /> —_ -- ;,.��--- — exercise oi any right or remedy.
<br /> , � �: 12. Successors and Assignss Bound; Jolnt and tieveral Liohilily; CastRner:g. The coverwntx und agmemems of this
<br /> . ,. Securi�y la�trumcn[ �hall bind And benefit the succcyvon and •rssign+ ��f I.enJer and Borrowor, subject to th�> provisions of
<br /> � . pvrngraph 17. Eorrawer's covenants ond agreementti shnll ba juint und uuvcral. Any Borrower w•ho.�o-si�s this Securiry
<br /> , • Inxtrument but does n�x ex�ute tt�Note: (ul iv co•Kigning thir�Security Instrument unly to mastgage. �rant und convey �hat r;�b
<br /> .�.�.. Borrower's interest in thc Pruperty under the tcrms of►hl�Scrurity Instrument:Ib1 is not penarwlly obligated to pay the�ums '
<br /> � secured hy this Security Ins�runx nt:nnd lcl ugrer,thut LenJer und uny���her�rri�wer muy agree to exterxi,rnudify,forbeur or
<br /> ,� make uny accornm�xlatiuns wi�h regarJ�o Uie temu.��P thf�Sccuriry In.trument��r�Ix Nixr without thut Bosm���er'+consent.
<br /> . � 13. I.awn Char�es. If the loan secured by this Scrurity In.trument ir,ubjcct t�,�law which tiet�nwximum loan churges. "."
<br /> ��.; . anJ that law is finally interpret�d u�thut Ihe intcr�,t ��r uther luun rhar��,c�dlecleJ ur to i+e cidlcct��J in ronnection with the ,.�
<br /> ���,. " loan exreed�he perniittcYl limit.. thcn: (ul any,uch I��un rhargr.liull hc r�vlu�cd hy Ih��umuunt neres+ur�• ta r�durc thc charge
<br /> `" lo the perniilled IimiC and(bl:+ny.ru�lt�ulreudy cu1lu.�cJ I'rum R��rrow�rr ahich et�c��IcJ �xnnittcJ limit.r will bc rcfunded to
<br /> R�+rretie-er. Lender nwy etnx�k tu muke thi. ref'umi hy rcducinp thr prinripal av.�d u�xlcr the Not� or by nuking a dimct ��
<br /> J . . . p•ryment t�� &irruwer. li u rcfund redu�ti, prinripal, du rcJuc�iun ��•ill tw: trcuted a. a panial prrnayttwne without any �'�'
<br /> prepuyment charge under the Nntr. ' ��
<br /> 14.NoUces.Any niNicr�o Burruti�r piu�id«I li�r in thi.Sr.•urii� lntitru�t��:nt �h�ll h��i���n h� deli��rii�g it or b�• mailing
<br /> ," il by fir�t elass muil unl�,+applicahle law•reyuirc,u.r uf annthrr meth�xt. The n�ni�e .h•rll h�directeJ In tha Propeny AJJress
<br /> • or uny athcr udJrc„ Burrmver de�ignrtr� by nulic� w I.cndrr. Am nuti.c tu LrnJer �hall h�� gi+en h� lir.� clu�, mail lo
<br /> l.cndcr's uddre�+�tal��l hcrcin or anp ulhrr:iddre., 1 .�ndrr d�•.i�ma�r, h} m��e:,• �n R„rruw�r. Am nnticc prucid�d 1'ur in this 4
<br /> � 5erurity In,irunknt+hall t+c J�tm��J t��hav�hcen given Iu liurruw�cr��r I.rnJcr�•hen�i�cn;�,pr�»id¢d in thi�p•rragrvph.
<br /> 15.Co�•crnln� I.uw�: tic�•cr�hilily. Thi. ti«urity Inarumrnt .hull tw; g�,�crn�d M f�dcral luw rnd the I��c iii'thc �:., .
<br /> + jurixlictiim in a�hirh thc Pro�xn� i.kn�t�d. In thc r�cnt thw an� pru�i.i��n or�•lau+r„I thi. :kcurit) Invtrunknt ar thc Nole f
<br /> � ,
<br /> , contlict�with upplirahle la��. ,urh r�n►tiirt�hall nnt id'Icrt ��Ihrr rro�i,i�mti��f�lh�.S�ruril� Intitrunwnt or tiw Nulc w•hirh ran t+�
<br /> Eivcn ct'fr�t���ithau�thc c�mtlirtin�pru�i.iun. T�,dii� cn.1 �hr ��r���i�i��n,ul thi.��urit� lntilrumJnl aixl thc N�Kr arc J��lured ,
<br /> , ' 1 ta be�c�•crablr.
<br /> ' � � _� . 16.R��rmx•er'�('opy. Harr�►��cr.rhull Ik given�►n�r.,nt�•rn�rJ�•up}ul ihc Nui�auJ��1'ihiv�Sccurit� In.trument. �
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