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k... �; . .r,, <br /> �i ,. ,...0 <br /> ` .. ;a-' �.t_,; , � . . . . . <br /> �_A� , � �~ W� <br /> .. , ... . ..�t <br /> ' 93- zoesso <br /> �. �� a• propqty WFUrance. Borrower dwll l•ecp tfio impravemeMs row exiuin� or t�erc�fta cractad on �he <br /> prnpertY incurcd n�ai�t las9 by fire. hw�+d.r included wilhin the terni'eztended cnver�e'�nd any othcr h�xarda. iacludins <br /> ne <br /> flaoda or flaadin�, for which Lender roquircb insu�nce• ThiR insu�ncc shall be maitMained in the amounlr+uid fur the porfods <br /> ttwt Lender roquire;s. Thc incumt►a carricr providing�he inwurwue shall be choMn by 8�►rmwcr cubjoct lo Lender's Appraval <br /> `�` " which �hall not be unmasatwbly withheld. If Borrowcr Fails ro maintain coverage descrit�ed�bovo, L.rnder mry,at l.�tida's <br /> � op�ion,abtain ooverage to protect I.ender's rightx in�he Propeny in accordar�ce with puagmph 7. <br /> '•.?,.�,„;",�;;:;�_ All insurance policies and renewAlF stw�l be �cxeptuble to Lender and shall include a s��nl mongr+ge clwuse. l.ender <br /> .(��':;:::i' i shall have the right to hold tho p�licieati�i rencwulr.IP Lender rcquires.Bonower shall promptly give to l.en�ler ell ncripts of <br /> ' � •��'-''�"X�'`'' paid prcmiums and renewal nadoes.!n the evem of los�. 8arcawer shall�ive prompt notia tothe inturancc cartierw�d L�cnder. <br /> ,,.•. .:� .rs,t:� Lender may make proof af loss if n�t made promptly by Bon+ower. <br /> ;�,-_:'�; � Unless Lender and Bor*+nwer dherwise agree in pmcceds shall be applied to rcxtorati�or nepeir of Ihe <br /> �` °-•�„'.�.• property damaged,if the restareti�n or rcpai�is economically feasible and L.ender's`ecu�i�y is nat lessenod.If Ihe res[omti�n a� <br /> �'� ""'�i� • "'��'� re ir is not econamially feasibla or Lencter's security wauld be lessened.the inau�ance procceds siwll be appli�d to the sums <br /> ",i.'•;::"�c'c . , PA <br /> �;,_i.��- s�cured by lhis Security lnsuum�nl, whether or nat then due, with any cxcess paid to Barrower. If Bomawe�abandons the <br /> . Pmperty,ar dces not enswer within 30 days A natice from L.ender thut the insurance curtier has ofl'ered to settle a alaim.then <br /> Y;'�^,t. ;;�,,,,,,_ „ : • -� Lender may rnlloct the insuronce proceeds• I.ender may use the pmceeds to repuir or restore the Pmperty or to pay sums <br /> ,,,F � �, secured by this Security Instrument,whether or nat then due.The 30-day periad will begia when the nc�tice is given. <br /> �;, �,.. .. <br />���.",. . . . j Unless L.e�der ond Borrower atherwise 3gree in writing, any applicetian af pracoedc tu principal shall not extend or <br /> ;,.. postpo�e the due date of the manihly payment� refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chunge the amount of the payments. If <br /> r:. �.• ._ +•.'•; uxrder p�ragraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by l.ender, Borrower's right to any insurancx policies and prooeeds resultfng from <br /> �� :�";.::;''�', ' �,��t damage to the Propeny prior to the acquisi[ion shall pass to l.ender to the extent of thc sums socured by thic Sa�urity Initrument <br /> V •�4i;:�.i�;'��,• .� <br /> � ,.'�;.,y,.,V,..,.; inunediately priorto Ihe acquisi�ian. <br /> . ;''T�`�`�� ' :.( 6.Occupancy, Pre.cewatian.Mainlenaoce And Protection ot the PropeAy;Bomower's I.oan Applicationi I.rasebalds. <br /> f;'•;�' � Horrawer shall acc esteblisl�, wid use the Property as 8orn►wer's principal residence within sixty days after the executian of � <br /> ,r,.�; ►�P)'• '�'� <br /> •:'��'• ' � this Security lnsuument and shall continue to accupy the Praperty as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year afler <br /> •.�...;'�,' - the dxte of occupancy,unless Lender otherwise agrees in wriling, which coment sh�ll not be unreasonably wiihheld. or unless <br /> ' , " extcnuating circumslances exiu which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, dartuige or impair the <br /> ;'�: � � � propany, allow the Propeny to deteriorate.or commit wastc on the Property. &►rrower slwll be in default if any forfeiture <br /> S�:.. :�: <br /> ; �,,. .•?,.>>•'��• , action,n�praceeding,whelhor civil or criminsd, is beaun�hs►1 in L.ender's gcxd faith judgment could msult in fodeitura af the <br /> 7,'•;t�'r'��"• prop�rty ar otherwitie mAterially impuir the lien created by thix Security Instrument or i.ender's security interest. Bnrrower may <br /> ' � ,i•�.�-•, <br /> ..�,� cura such a defeult and reinstata,a+p�ovided in parngraph 18,by ruusing the action or praceeding to be dismissed with p ruling <br /> , '�'' ��� th�t, in�L.ender's good�Faith determinau�n, preeiudes forfeiture oi Ihe 8��rruwrr'� iute�c�t iu the Property or cxh:.:m�t:tial <br /> • impairment of the licn crcated by this Security Instrumem or Lender's secnriry interesi. E3�►ROa�er shall alw be in default if <br /> Borrnv►er,during the loun upplicAtinn pmcess,gave mu:eriully fulce or inaccurnte infbrm�lion or ztatements ta Lender lo�failed <br /> to prm-icte Lender wi�h uny m�teri�►I inti�rmationl in connecticm with the loun e��idenced b}• the Note,including, but nrn limited <br /> , . ;•�•-�.'�re.xntatiom canc�rning&�rroa�er's ixcupuncy of the Pmperty us u principal residence.If this Security In�trumem is an a <br /> � � ' �`�� Icusetmld. &�rrower shUll comply with ull the proei.i�ms of the lea�r. If &mowcr ncquirer+ fee title to the Property, Ihe <br /> � •' � � ��`'� �'' ' <br /> ",,:,� ,; lea�eh��ld pnd the fec�iUe�hull nut mcrgr unle�+L.;ndrr agnr,tn the merger in writing. <br /> �'., .,:;�;;"�,ci <br /> 7.Protertion of Lendcr'x RightR in tNe Pn�peM�. 11 Borr��w�cr perti�rm the a�venant�und ngrccments mntained in "� <br /> �:.�,,. ; l• this Security lns�rurnent, or tlier� i�u Ic�al pnxreJing that ma� �iEnifiwndy uffcrt I.ender'�rights in the Propeny I,uch ns a , <br /> .��' • �rrxeeding in�ibutc. ti�r rundemnution��r fort'citure or tu enf��rcc laus ur regula�ion,1. Ihen I.encier mu}•do und ?�:.� <br /> +(`, '��`� �`t� .� pay fnr whatever i. n��e,�ary to prutect thc vulur��I'dir Pra�ny and (.cndcr'ti 1he Priiperty. I.trxler's Actions muy 4�."'; <br /> �a� �> , <br /> include pu��ing uny �unu .rrureJ by u lien which ha. priurity over thiti Securin� Imtrument, uppeurin�, in coun, paying ��r� <br /> .� �ea�onuhlc auorncy�'fcc.•rnd cntcrin�s on ilic Pr���xny to mukc rep�ir,. Ahh��ugh Lcnacr mu�• �ake uction uruler thi�.paragmph <br /> ;; <br /> ' 7.LenJer dcx.not ha�•e tn di�.u. r'.: <br /> Any aro��unt+ Jirhur,��l hy LrnJcr undcr thi. paraEraM► 7 .hall hr�unu additi.mal Jcht �if B��rn���•cr ti�cured My this <br /> Srcuri�y ImtrunKnt. Unlc„ R��nuarr anJ l.cndcr agrcc tu��thcr i.rnu ul'pacnknt.�h�+.amaunt�.hull heur intere+t fmm the <br /> date nf Ji�burkmenl at thc Nnt� ra�c and .rhall hc pa)�ahlc. u•ilh intcm�l. u�m n��i�r 1'ram l.ender to Bomi��•¢r rcyur.tin@ <br /> payn�nt. + <br /> - 8.Rlort�uRc lnsurance.If l.cndrr rryuimd mnn��agc inwr:uir.:�+a r�mditinn i,l neiking th�I„un.rrur«l h��thi.Sccuriry l <br /> . � lnstrument. Borrnw•cr,hull pu�� the premium. rcyuir�d to mainluin thc munEage in,ur:mcc in rftcrt. II'. ti,r ana• rw�on. the <br /> mortgage in.uranrc rw•crugc Ryuircd h�• LenJrr lap,c. „r rra+c.�u hc in elfc��. Burci�ucr ,hall pay� d�c premium. reyuircJ to . <br /> a ohtain�viverug�suh+tontiull��cyui��alent t�� the m��nga�c in.uranrr prc�•iau,h in�1'fnt. ai u ru,t�UII]l'JOU�IIy�eyuivulcnt to�he � <br /> , � ca.t k� &►rrow•cr i�t'Ihr monEoLr in,uran�c prc�•iuu.l) in�I�tcrt. (rnm an idicrn•rtr m�m�agr in,uree appra�•��! b�• Lender. If <br /> , .ub.lantiall�•cyui��alent nwrt�!vgc in+ur•rorr.a�rrage i, nnt a�ailahlr. H��rr���crr.hall ra)t��I.rnJcr curh munth a wm ryu�l to C <br /> • ' ono-twclflh��I'Qx ycarly nx�ngagc inwran�e prcmium hrin� p•rid hy Hurruaer Hh�n the in.uranrc ru�rra�c Irp�ed ur rea,eJ tu <br /> � � '' t+�in cff�tit. Lend�r uill ucc�pt. u�c und retain d�c>c pa�mcnt�u. a lu•+ rc.rr��in lieu ��I" mun�euge inwrun�ti. L��,+��e • <br /> Form 3028 8/90 <br /> ; • P.�yr 7��111 <br /> 1 j • <br /> J <br /> • Y <br /> � 1 � • • • � 1 <br /> �E�_ ,1 • • ' , ' <br /> .� ^.. �.�' _._._' ...�.. . . , <br /> � <br /> � � r <br /> � �..�f � . <br /> t <br /> � j <br /> � `. <br /> i <br /> .. _ _t -[� <br /> t + <br /> � <br /> � ` <br />