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<br /> �,•y, �
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<br /> 17.Tnnster ot the Properly or o seneflciql Interat in Bomower. If afl or eny'wrt of thc Prapcny or rny incercat in it
<br /> `�' ig eold ar t�ansferrcd(or iF a bcneticial intcrcst in Borrower is cold or transferrcd and Borrower ia nc►t A nalurnl penon)wilhaut
<br /> L,endee'r prfur wrilten �bn�ent. I,ender may, at its aption. nq uire (mnudiatc payment l�n full af all sums scrurod by this
<br /> .
<br /> � Socu�ity inslrument. Howeve�,thin optian�Fwll not bo exercisod by Lemler ii ezercise ix prohibited by federal law�of ihe data
<br /> '�' of�hia Security Instrnment.
<br /> �•��".`�. � !f Lender eaercises thia��ptian,l.ender slwll give Barrowor natice of t�eleraUon.The notice sholl provide a period�f not
<br /> ','"'� " '� lexs than �0 daya fram tha date the notice is dcliverod or maUed within which Barrower mus�pay all cums►�xured by �hia
<br /> .. �"�'��k�'�;�`. Sccurity Instrumeat. if&►tmwer fails to pay these aums prfor to thc eapirution of this period. l.ender rrwy invo�e any romediea
<br /> ',;'- °' ':^�•;;;,.���. �+ermiued by this Secu�ity Instn�mem without furlher n�►tice ar dcmaixl��n 8orcowcr.
<br /> •,� . ', , �� � 18. Bornower's Rlaht to Reina�te. If Borrower meeta cettnin conditions, Borrowcr shull have the �ight to hwve
<br /> :���F.`` enforeement of thia Security Instrument disco�tinued at any �ime prMr to �he carNer af: (al S days (or such other periad as
<br /> ; � �� " `�.;�.� � �pplicable law may specify Por reinstatement) befare�le nf the Property pur�uont �a any power of s�ule cuntaineA ln thls
<br /> ,,.: ��.,, .. :..� ;,. Sa;urity I�stroment:or(bl entry of u judgmcnt enforcing this Sei:urity Inctrumem.Those conditions ure that Barrower:(a)pays
<br /> Lender ull sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument und the Note as if no ucceleration had cecurred:(b)
<br /> i:.r�, � cures any dePault of nny ather covensintg ar egrePments; (c) pays all expenses incuned in enforcing this Securlty Instn�ment.
<br /> •;�, including, but nat limited to.rcsi.sonoble attameys' fees; and Id►tnkes sucb acti���w L.ender muy reasnnably require to assure
<br />�,�.R:.;� � � �� . thAt the lien af Ihis Security Instrument,l.en�ler's rights in the Property nnd Borrower's ubligation ta puy the sums tiecured by
<br /> •.,�;•" • thi.r• Security Instniment ah�ll cantinue unchanged. Upon reinstwtement by Borrower. this Secudty Instrument anJ 1he
<br />!-�:' f�f�• • �bligations secured hereby xhull remain fully effective as if no accelemtion hod accurred. Hawever, this right to reinstate shall
<br /> �,�'`,. F:: nut apply in the casc of ucccleration undcr paragruph I7.
<br />��ts�;, - �'� . 19. S�le of Note: Chan�e oP Lwm Servicer. The Note or u p•rrtial interest in the Note (together with this Secu�ity
<br /> '� . instrumentl mAy t+e sold one or more time� without priar noticc to Rorrower.A sale may result in a chungc in�he entity Iknown
<br /> I'S�;,;,� , : ' ar the "Loan Servicer")thut coUec�s monthly payments due under the Nwe and this Securiry Instrument. There ulso may be ons
<br /> ,:.., . �.. � - or m�re chunges of the L.oun Servicer unrel3ted ta a tiule of the Note. If'there is a chunge uf the Laan Servicer, Borrower wili be �,.,�
<br /> � ���' given written notice of the change in accordanec with paragmph 14�bove and upplicuble luw.The notice will state the nume and '�_'
<br /> �„�„r�.. ' . adclre»uf the new I.oan Servicer und the address tu which yments should be mode. The notice will al�rnntuin any wher '�
<br /> , �
<br /> ,
<br /> p�
<br /> /: p,41�
<br /> � 1 .
<br /> ,� ;,:r;+t� � � ..�. informalion requireJ by upplicuble law. ,t;
<br /> ":'•� � ' 20. Hazxrdous Substance.s. Borrower shall not cuu,e ar permit �he presence, use, disposal, xtorage, or release of any
<br /> t' .: �,.�;�: ��,:,t
<br /> + • •� • Hu�uird�wti Subslanceti �m or in the Propeny. Bc�rrower shull not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything uffecting the
<br /> � . • , Propeny thut is in vicdntion iif any Environmentul Luw. The precedin�z iwa sentences shull not apply ai the presence,use,or I
<br /> ' smrage on thc Propeny af smull yuuntitiex of Huzurdous Subunnces�hai are genc�ully recognized 10 be uppropriate ta nomial •,�t;
<br /> ' ;;�;-,::iJ. . residential uses and to muintenanceof thc Propeny.
<br /> ' .•. ,��.:;5 . " Borrower xhull promptly give L.ender written notic�of uny investigation, claim. demand, lawsuit or other action by uny +-
<br /> �' , � , gavernme�tul or re�ulutory ugency��r privatc party involving the Praperly und uny Nuzardous Substunce or 6nvironmental l.aw `�
<br /> � of which Borrower ha�vctual kni�wledge. lf&�rcower leurns,or is ratified by any giwernmental o�regulatory autha�ity. that ;, _;
<br /> . any remov�l or�uher rem�diation of any Haznrdnuti 5ubx�unre affrcting the Property is neces�ry.Bonawer shull prornptly tuke
<br /> — _-__- —_ s!!neces.s:ry remeclis!sclion-,in scmrc3ance a�ith Em ironment�l l.ate.
<br /> As useJ in thix parrgruph 20, "H�►tnrdnu�Suhslunccs" an �hou wbswncc+Jcti�k�d us toxic ar h�ardouti subtitunces by
<br /> � F.nvironmentu) la�w und lhc foU��wing suhstanrc�: gusiiline, lcroticn�. ��thrr tlummuble or tu�ic petruleum pr��lucts, toxic
<br /> • pesticider und herbiciJes,w�lu�ile�Ivem�. nwtcriulx containing a�besta,ar fi�mwldchyde,unJ r.�dioucli��c muteriul�.As uti��J ia
<br /> � "" • thi� paruuruph ?0, "Em•ironmcnt:d Law" nuun, fedrrul laws anJ law.nf ihe juriKlicli�m w•her� thc Pn�{xrty i�located that
<br /> �' ,���,'�}` rclutc to hculth,rulety or cnviromncnwl protccti�m.
<br /> ,',...-.
<br /> �';��� . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Burrowcr and l.xndcr funh�r covenant und agrrr a�lidluw.:
<br /> ' '. . 21. Accelcration; Rrmedfer:,l.ender shall Rive nodce to Borrower prlor to accclerutlon fi►OoNinR Borrox•er's breach
<br /> ',� ' .. � aP any c��venant or ekrecmcnt In thls ti�rurity Instrument (but not prG�r to accelerution under paragruph 17 unlesti ��,�,�1�
<br /> � �: " npplicuble Inw pro�•idi�otixn�iu). Thc uuti�r�hall�p��it�: (u)Ihe default; (U1 the uction reyuired to cure the defaultt , ,,,,
<br /> �.� (cl a dnte.not letis thun 30 day�f'rom the date the nntice is Rlven to Borroacr,b� which the default must be cured; und ,,
<br /> ), , (d) that PuOun lu cure the defuult on or(xt'on the date tip�riiicd in the nntice mur result in accelerallon oP tbe yums '"
<br /> � � ' ticcured b�•this ticcurit�•Inrlrumcnt and xulc ui'thc Pru�xrts. Thc nnticc xhall furthcr fnPi►rm Horrowcr of Ihc riRht lo �
<br /> •���, • reinslate uper accelerutNin und Ihc ri�;ht to brin�;a couirt uction to usscrt thc non-cxitit�nce of u dePauU or anv other i�:��!:;�
<br /> , dcfcme of Rorroa�er to accelerutlun und +ule. IP the dcPuull iz not �vred on or ixfore Ihc dute xpecifi��d in the�nuNce. •� '�
<br /> � " ,.�,�.., Lendcr, ul its option, m�� nyulm imm��diatc pu�mcnt in Pull oP all tium� �crurrd b� thi, ticcurit� In�trumcnt x•ithnut �
<br /> � fLrthcr dcm�nd und ma� i�nokc the�n�er of wk and un�othcr remedi��+ �xrmiticd b� upplirubk lu��. I.endcr tihc�ll be �
<br /> entilled to cullttt all e�cpen+�r incurrcd in purtiuinK thc rcm��dicr:provid�d In thi+paru�;ruph.1.includinu.but not limited
<br /> to, rcuwmublc atturncys'it�aw und ro�tx of Ifllc c�idcncc.
<br /> IP thep�n�rr of tiule is imohed.Trutititi.hull r�tiurd u noUce oP deP�ult in eucb cnunh in ��hich am�parl of the
<br /> Nropc�ti�• i.I�K�utcd und�huU mail copi�r oP.uch nnlirc in thc mu�u�rr pr�ycrihcd b� s�pplical�lc lua to Borroucr and to
<br /> thc Mh�r perwmx pr�wrrilK�d M upplicul►Ic lu��. ,►ftcr thc tlroc rcyuir�d b�upplirs�blc lan.7'rutit��c rhull�i�e�whlic n�Nice
<br /> •, oP sule to the perW�ns und in the munncr pre�crihed I» uppllcublc lae. 'I'ru.t�c.���ithout dcmund on Rorn�����r. �h:�ll sell '
<br /> the Pro{krty at public ouction tu Ihe hi�;h�,l Bidder ut the tlnu und pla�ec and under Ihe Ierm+d��,i�;nuted in the nntice oi' �
<br /> sulc in nuc or roorr puncl,und in um� ordcr Tru.tiY dctcrmin��.'f'ru.l�ti nu�� �►ti�p��nc udc of ull or um perccl of thc •
<br /> ,, . Pn�peh�• b� public unnuun�tiHncnl ut thc timc und pl:�r�• af um prc�•iourh arh�tiiulcd �ulc. Lcndcr or it+ de�iy��n�r may
<br /> ' : � purchose thc I'rupcn��ot um s�lc. .
<br /> .:;. I
<br /> , ,
<br /> � ' � Form 3078 8190 � -:
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