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' . •Rt� <br /> � � ' �� � .� ' • .� ' l <br /> ±�r.�,.'I � � <br /> _ �t. <br /> 93• 1o�sss <br /> ptyment�, whk� �ra raferted to in Pan�nph 2,or changa 1he amouni of such payments. Any cxcesr pmcadx aver�n <br /> �nwunt�equirod la ppy dl ouuwidinR ind�e6tedneu undet the Note and thi�Security Instrument�h�ll be p�id w�he enilty <br /> k�ally entitlod lhe�ta. <br /> 8. P�ss. Lendcr may colloct fees nnd chu�cA suthorized by�he Sernt�ry. <br /> . I,' ` f' 9. 6nounds�tu�Accek�stioa af lkbt� <br /> �� (�)Ikl�ull� L.ender m�y,except an limfted by re�ulationa is�ued by.tlye Secretary in 1he cwcc of p�ymau deiwWb. <br /> «._... . roquiro immadi�top�yment in full af all auma suurcd by this Sau�fry lt�m�ment if: <br /> (i)Samwar d o faull�by fufling w pay in full any moutA�ty payr►�snt raqu i r e�by t h ix S e curity I n c t�u m e n t pripr <br /> �° � .,.�;-, ta ar an th4 due dAte of�he next manthlY paYment,or <br /> • it� (il)Borcawer defaulu by f�ilinQ,fw a pedod oF d�irty days,ta pedonil,any olher ohligetiaw contwined in thiR <br /> ' ,_.� SeCWity lfl9t�lltriCnt. <br /> ••'•"+r Ib1 S�le Wllhuut Credil�Approvsd. L.ender shall,if permitted by upp��eable,l�w und with the prior appmv�l af tha <br /> °`"��` Seenst�y requita immediata payment in full of all ihs eums aucured by this.Se+curiry lnsuument iE <br /> �M �c (i)All or pwt of the Pmperty.or e beneflciul inte�+est in a intst owning all:ar,part of the sold or <br /> �. •".���'=.'�.��-:"--r1., uthe,rw1se trnnsf�med(other thun by devise or descentl by thc Horrawer�and ; <br /> (ii17'he Prape�lY is not occupied by the purchaser or grw�tte ag his.or.h¢r pri�cipal residence,or tho purchuser <br /> '�L� � or grantee daes so accupy ihe Property but his or her cnedit�hu+ �wt been approved in accaMance <br /> rk.��:.. . . - with ihe requi�esments af the5ecretary. <br /> (c)No Wsiver. If ci�umstances occur�hat would pemtit Lender ta requim immediate payment in fuli,bul L.ender � <br /> Y,;,. ;�:; ��; � ;� daes nat roquira suchp���rnents,Lender daes not w,ltive lts dghts with respect ta subsequent events. <br /> » Id)Re�uUitloa�ot HUA SecreWry. In ma�y circumstances rogulatians isRUaJ by.the Secretary wfll limit Lendor's <br /># " ,�►" �.���;.:__ , _ _ ' �igl�ts,in�tha cASe of paymont defeults, toreq uire immediata payment,in,full�and foreclose �f notpa�d. Thic <br /> Secudry Instrument daes nat uu�huefce acceleration or foreclasuro if nat permitted by regulations of Ihe Secretary. <br /> � }.�' • (e) Mot�tgaqe Not lasured. Borrower agnees that shauld�his 5ecudty lacerument and the note secured thereby not <br /> � - ' • �:. be eligi6lo for insumnce under thc National Housing Ac�w;lhin 8 IaOAthe from the •, <br /> !•--•.. � data hcrcof,Lender may,at its optian and notwithstanding any�hiag in Puag�rapl�9,reyuire immediate puyment in ' � <br /> ' • '. � �� full of all sums secured by lhis Srcurity Instmment. A written statement.of.any�utiarized agent of the Secretary <br /> , • � �. ',. dat�d subsequent to 8 moAtbe from�he date h��eof,declioing ta insure�his Security .;. � <br /> ; � Instmmem•und�he n�te secured thereby,shall be decmed conclusive•►;uch,inrligibilily. Notwith�tanding <br /> . ' ' ��,�' �he foragoing,this optiom m�y not be exercised by Lerder when the unavail�iliry�of insurance is solely due to <br /> v �,`i;:`� .� � Lender's failure to remil a mortga�e insumnce pramium tathe Secretary. ' <br /> ? • r�� � '' 10� Reinstatament. Borrower ha+a dght to be rcinst�ted if Lender h�s rcyu9red.immcdiate payment in full beCause <br /> c �, <br /> i . � of Bomnwar�Pafluro to pay an utnount due under the Noto or�hi� Securit�••Insuument. This right applies even after <br /> fareclasura ptaeeding+nra instituted. 7i►reinstute �he Securi�y lnstn�ment, Bormwer shall tender in u lump sum ull <br /> � � • nmounts tcquirod to brinE Borrowerx uccount currem�ncluding.�o the extent�tiMty aua obiigations of Borrower undcr tiiia <br /> . '��'`�t�. '. Security Instrumem,foreclnsure cos�, and reaxonuble und custarnary anorneyx'fees;u�d expenses properly assaciA�ed with <br /> i . �'•?-�,,;;,�� the for�eclnsura praceeding. lJ�n reins�atement by Bormw��r, this Securi�y Inrtn�mrnt unJ Ih�obligutians tbat it secures <br /> � • . - , shatl remain in etfect as if Lender had not reyuircd immcdiate paymcn�in full, HoHOVer,Lender is not required topermit <br /> � • reinstatemrnl•ift (i) Lender hax c�ccepted reenswtement after the commenccment ot tioreclosure praceedings within two <br /> , , ' " � years immediat�l� prcceding the commencement of s� curmnt (oreclasure praceeding, (ii) reinstatement will preclude <br /> � " `�• fonclasura on di�osant.grounds in the futum,or(iiil rein�tutement will xJvrrtie{y affect the priorily of Iha lian created by <br /> � , '� '•,-'�;:'.: thisSecu�ity InYtniment, <br /> ll. gnrrower hol Released; ForbearAnce bv Lender Not o Waiver. Extensian of �he time of payment or <br /> .''�'�' � madifica�ion af,amnrtir.�tii�n uf thc sums secured bJ•Ihis Security ln.trument granted by l.ender to any successor in interest <br /> "•• � • � of Born►wer nhs.lbno�oper�te to rcleuse the liubility of the original Borrawcr or Bormwer's xucresxor m interest. Lender � <br /> �= shall�nai be ruywind to commence pnx:rcding�uguinst uny xurce+.or in interetit or rcfuse to extend �ime for payment or <br /> ��' . . • oiherwix� mixlify umonizuii�m oi'the +um+ �ecured by ihis Security Imtrumcnl I�y rcusun of:uiy demc�nd made by the <br /> � ` .�;., • , originxl�Burrower or Barrower's�ucce,sn�in interest. Any forheuruncc h�•I.ender in exen�itiinF uny right or remedy shall ,, <br /> nat be a waiver of ar p�erlude tlx excrcise of uny riFh��x remedy, <br /> � 12. Sucee�ors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Several I.InbilHy;Cn-Sipners. The coven;m+.�,����^^'PmPn��nF .-. <br /> . , this Se�curity ln+trumem xhull bind und Ix nrGt the�ucccs�on and u�.ign+of Lcnder and Burrower,subject to the provisions , �. <br /> ' af Parugmpfi�9.4�. Bormwcr� covenunl. ancl agrermenl+ �hull Ix joint and �evrral. Any Borcow•er who co-signs this <br /> ' . • Securiry Instrument but dixr not execute the Nrne, Iul ix cu•.igning thi, Security Ins�rument only tu manguge,grunt und � <br /> ` com�ey lhat Borrower's inlerc�t in tlx Pn�perly under Ihr lemu of thi�S�wurit��1n.trumenl;Ib1 i.not p�nonally obligutrd to r <br /> i .`•. px)�ihs�umx xecumd by this Srrurily In�tnm�rnl;unJ(rl u�ne��hs►t LcnJcr and um�othcr Rumiw�cr may aErec w cxtend. � <br /> �•���� mod�fy,forlxur ur makc uny urcunnn�xluti�m�with rcgard to thr�crn�•ot'�hi+Sccum}•Instrumcm or thc Notr N•ithaut Ihnt ,, <br /> °�'� � Borrowcrti conscnt. �..'�'.. <br /> , �'�� 13. Nollcew. Any nulirr to Hnrn�wer prnvided ti�r in�hi+Sccunty In�trumrnt yhall Ix given by�kliverin�il or by 1' <br /> . � I ms�iling it by firN clu,+mail unle.s upplicaMle I•rw reyuire�u.r ut' anuther m�thid. The n�Nice .h�ll be dirertrJ to Ihe <br /> ,. . , Property Addm�,or any uther addresti garn�wrr Jr.ignutes hy n�Nire 1n Lendrr. Am nntire w Lrnder,hull be �iven by <br /> firs.t clasx muil to Lrndcr:udJrc,��taird hrrein ur am uddrr�+l.rnJrr dr.iEnatc.hJ• no�irc a� Barrn���cr. Any notirc � <br /> � �mvided for in thi+5ecurity ln.trumcn��I�ull Ix d�timed tu huv� Ixcn Eivrn iu Narn�acr ar Lendcr whrn�iven us pro�•idcd � <br /> m this parugruph. <br /> 14. Co�•ernin�Law;Seti•erabUil}�. Thi�Sccuril� M�trumcnl ,hall Ix �o��crnrJ h�• 1=cd�ral lau•unJ thc luw of'the ; <br /> ' ` jurisdiction in a•hich thc Propcny i+I�xatcd. In thc r��rm that un�� pm�i.i�in ��r rlau.r ot'�hi.S��rurity In+trumem or�hr � <br /> � '� Note�unflirl+wilh up�lirahle law.wrh rantlirt ,hall not vtle�•t other pro�i.ion. ol'thi•Security In.�rumrnt or the No►e : <br /> i; . . whinc�an lx�given rftcrt Without thr coniLcting pro�•i.ian. Tii�hi. rnd�he pra�•i.iom of thi.Scrurity Instrument und the <br /> ' Nate are dcclurc�d�o hc�c�•crabk. <br /> ' ' ,. . 1S. Burro�►�er's Cop��: RorruWCr,hs�ll t+c givcn onr r��ntiumc�l rnpy uf thi,Scrunty In��rumrm. <br /> ' 16. AssiRnment of Rents. BnRUNrr unconJiiiun.�ll� u�.iF�u and tr:imli n to Lendcr nll Ihr rrnt+;uid n:��enu�.uf Ihe . <br /> � ' PropeNy, BoRO�ccr authorire�LcnJcr ar Lrndrr'� collcrt the rcnt.imd rrvrnue.unJ hcr�hy dircr�.�arh tcnanl oi' <br /> •,; the Rvpeny to pay thc remti tu LenJrr i�r Lrndcr:uErn1..,priar to Lrnder:no�icc ta Banuw•cr of Be►muwcr: <br /> � brench of uny cuvenunl or uErrem�nt in thr Srrurit��In�trument, Bnrren�er.hall cullrct and rerri�•e all nnt+und n:venuc+of <br /> � the P�uperty us tru�t�c for the txnrtit uf LcnJrr and Horruw er. Thi. a.tiignmrm uf mnt.camulutes�n ahsolute a�signmcnt , <br /> . �—.--- and not an assignment for additional�rcurity unly. <br /> — � --"- If Lender give�nouce ut breuch tu Homo�ver: (u1 ull rem. nte�reu oy iiurr����er.naii i+e neid'o�•normWrr o��ru,i�w • <br /> . , � tor benefit af Lendrr only,to he upplied to the wm� .iwunJ b}�thc 5rcuritp In.trum�nt: Ibl Lrndrr.hull tx rntitl�tit w <br /> collect nnd reccive nU of the rcnt+of the Pm�xny:anJ�rl r:uh tenan���1'thc I'ru�xri� ,hall pay�ull renl.Jue suid unp•riJ ta <br /> . � Lender or Lendcr:ngrnt un Lcndrr:written demand to thc tcnum. <br /> Barower har not rzeruted su�y prior a�.ignmcnt of thc rrnl. und ha. n�H unJ a•ill not perti�rm uny ar��ha� wou1J <br /> � prevent Lender fnim i�.righ�ti umlcr thi.Parugruph 1�.. <br /> � ;, Lender shall not Ix re�yuind tu rnter up�m,h�ke rimind at'i�r nwintain thc Pru�xny bcl�►n��r alier giving nutire af <br /> i ; , breach io Borrowcr. Huwrvcr.LrnJcr ar a judicially u��imcJ r«ci��rr may do.a ut um �inm ihcrc i.•r brcach. Any <br /> ; j opplicutinn of rcm+shall not curc ar w�ivc any drfuult ur mvulida�r an�•uthrr right��r nm�yiy��i LrnJer. 1'hi.:�..i�nmcnt <br /> , of rents of 1he Propehy shall temiinate when Ihe debt ticxua•d by thc Securi�y In.trumcnt i.pvid in t'ull. <br /> 7 ; . : <br /> .�; . , <br /> - -� ' — -� r/hier±„�.1 ry�er.► <br /> � . <br /> . � <br />