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. :.:r <br /> .. . .-�rPW1. <br /> ' / L V �� ...t. n x";. <br /> . , ""SY . . .._� - ���`� <br /> ' .t:ii <br /> Q�!1 1Q&S.S6 <br /> NON-UNIFORM COV6N�►NTS. Barrower and l.cndei furl covenwnt und��rce w foliowr: <br /> lT. �oreclowro Pn�cedure. IP r ui�en immcd�to p�Ymcnt in full undor �rnph 4.l.cnder m�y iovolcc�hc <br />�1g !A <br /> pawer of e�lo�nd any dhcr remc�lapem�ftt�d�y�pplk�ble I�w. Lcnd.x rh�ll bo rnt Ilcd t�collecl�II cxpertsew ineumal <br /> in pursuln�the rcn�edier pravidod in�hi�par+�n►ph l7.includin�,bul nat IfmitcA to,reAronpblc anomcyr'feer�nd cro�lr of <br /> titk evidancc. <br /> 1�Ibe povrer of eale ts Invoked.71'aste��b�ll record�nallce of de�ivlt In e�ch counly In wbicb any p�rt d Ibe <br /> P y ir Mc�ud�nd�awl copks of ouch autloe�a tbe nwnner preacrlbed by sppIkAble law ta Barrowr�ead <br /> to�ol6er penoia pr�cAbed�y applkable 4w. A er Ihe time requlred py ApMFcobla I�w.7Yustee�h�ll�Ive <br /> pub�ic notice of ss�le lo Ihe persons aad in tl��noer prcacribed�by�pplkable I�w 1lructa.without dem�na as <br /> Narcawer,dMll seil the PropeH A1 pablk ouctiun tu the bl�hestit bWder pt the Ume aad ptwce end under!he terme <br /> dpi�ated in the notice ot sde�a one or more aad in an order 7Fw�tee determines. 7lrusta m�Y P��� <br /> �� sak d all or�ny p�rcel of tbe Prop�rlY bypu II IC a11DO111K'Itdll'O Nl IIIQ�Itp!iqf)PIAC!O�Ylly PI'QYI011lIy�OEOYI!'a <br /> n <br /> wde. Lender or ita designee nwypurchw9e Ihp P� roperlY M wny sa . <br /> Upoa reoeipt otpayment o(the Prioe bld. 71�usla ehplf deUver la the purchaser 7Yustee•s deed conveyina Ihe <br /> Property. Tbe recitafs in the 7lrustee s dead chall tu p�iqw�fACie evidence ot truth of Ihe atatementr mwle Iherein. <br /> 'ltivstee sbwll�pply the proceeda of tbe rsnle in the�dluwinR�Rr: (n) ta all costs and ezpen�e4 of exe�lsinp the <br /> power ot sple�and the sak.IOCIIidlllg lhe p�yment otlhe 7Fus�ee'9 feav pctu�lly incurred,aot to ezeeed t�vt �, <br /> ot lhe� princippl amonot o�the aote�t tbe time oT tbe declaration oP defauit, And reasonoble Atloraeys•�ees ps <br /> Nted by I�ww lbl to s!1 suau�xcured by Ihlr 9ecurity lartrumenli��d lcl aoy excesw lo the person or penaw <br /> �11y lalHled t0�� <br /> 18. �econve wnce. Upon payment of'nll sums �ecurcd by this Securiry Inawmenl.l.cndcr ahall reques►7tuRtec 10 <br /> reconvey the Roperty and shall surror�der this Secu�ity Instrum�mt end ull nates evidencing debt Recured by thia Security <br /> �,r;� Inslrumenl ta 7lvstee. 7fustee shall.nccoovey Ihe Propeny withou�wurriuny aul withaut charge to the person or persons <br /> G�"" IeyaUy entidod to it. Such{sersan or persons xhull pAy uny recordation costs. <br /> � l9. Substitute 7lrustee. its option,may from time to Nme rcmove 7tustee und appoint a successar uustec <br /> '"`* -- ' �,,� ` , � x�r= lu any 7lvatee appaintcd hcreunder by an instrumcnt recorded in thc county in which this Security Instrument is�ccorded. <br /> rc <br /> ��` t.;,s ;,.;, Without canveyance of the Property. the succexsor tnistee shall succced to aU lhe title,power uod dudes conferred upon <br /> ,�: � <br /> �'^ d b n plicable low. <br /> �r 'llustee herein an y <br /> s�r���'�. P renc to Bomower's <br /> � •�� �:.:�;?�.-�, :�����•�. 20. Request for Notices. Borrower rcquests thu copica of the naice�of default and xak be <br /> , .. ,� address which is the Praperty Addrass. <br /> .. �(6s�'e;-:r� ;?�er, n <br /> „ : ;��;::����:�.�:... <br /> ��;,SM1;�,_f;w`,,,;�,. Riders to this Securlly In&trument. If one or rnore rider�are execmed by BoROwer und recorded togetheT with U�is _ <br /> ..,:�%?�'`.. ' Seru�liy Insuumant, the covenanls of each such rider shall be incorpornted int��and shull umend and supplement lhe <br /> ' .�;i;;��a,i�"':����•-�''��! covenants und Agrecmenic of ihis Securily lnstrumcnt As iP the ddcr(s►were in u part af this Security lnsuument. <br /> • ,.:. <br /> � . ': ,;,,�i�? (Check applicable box(es)), <br /> �'. .�.. <br /> ,6 �, . , � ,.,�s�y��., <br /> • .��"'�M"�'•��'' �",,�5 �Condominium Ridor �Gmduated Payment Rider �Growiog Equity Rider <br /> �;e:,r- a� <br /> . '__ti1':.a' ::;� � �:. <br /> � � ' .!'�'��- �Plannec!Unit Development Rider �Othcr�Sprrify� <br /> � • i�+: <br /> , ', f>';,ri'�•� <br /> ��.{,f{$`���i�!'°t?�?`'�'.''`=` BY SIaNWG BELOW,Bormwer accept+und ugrces�o �he terms comained in page.r• I Ibraugh 4 oi this Security <br /> �• . . r. <br /> ,, • ,,. • Instrumcnt and in uny tidor(s)cxecuted by Borrower and rerordcd wilh it. , <br /> �,. ° „ . .. ' '�t`r; <br /> : . h ' <br /> � . , � . . c g: �� :� <br /> �� '' (Scal) ,*;: <br /> ,4'"'' ti,. ."` - J CA 80N eotmwcr <br /> �I' / � �1 <br /> ,� .. . :+' .._.�tictuc ; C �1 �i'"!l (ScaU <br /> � . . . � DSANNII L CARL eonowcr <br /> +C, •�. <br /> .:::'�... _(5cul l . <br /> •.r4A,;:,�;... • Bo�ruacr ;il�s <br /> 'J x'- <br /> ` . (Sc•rl l <br /> .�:":'°. — Bom�acr v` <br /> � , . <br /> 1 „ :,,T: S1'ATE OF NEBRASKA. HIILL Counl)•�+: ,'''�% <br /> h�, .�� E:w <br /> iJ� '' { �� �� On thls lst duyuf OCtObei, 1993 .txf�x�mc,thc un�kroipned,u Notaty <br /> ^�;.�; . 'a , . •i " <br /> � I'ublic duly commi.,ioncd anJ yualilird li►r+aid caunt}.(knonally ramr <br /> ��R � JOE6 M CARLSON AND DBIWNA L C1IRLSON 8USB11ND 11IiD WIFE i�:�. <br /> I.y;, ��' � � . tn mc hnown �o Ik �hr �;;,f: <br /> V '� ! <br /> ��&,"" �,, � ., idenlicalpc nonlr.)who.c numcl.�arr wb.critxd tn�he lirrrguing in,trumcnt•rnd acMnnwl�d�ted thc cxccution�hrrec�t'tu Ik � <br /> f'�, � � ; - " ` '-,���� thel! vulun�ary act anJ decd. • <br /> , . ,•�;,;`��• .; .,,,.,, <br /> ,: ',�,:'��••:;;,.�� Witnc�smyhand��ndnoturiul,calat aR11D1D ISLAND in ,�id rount?•. �he ; <br /> .���;�::<' dote aforesaid. t'_,� <br /> , ' , <br /> '; . �•'. .. � �: <br /> , • � � ;� <br /> . My.Cotnnwsion4� 'P.�.. .4,.. ---- - — -- n�w���i��h�k t <br /> ti antat���Av w��.�,,�.��.,.�..�� ROB T11 L RBBD <br /> _ ' � •NO6;RTA L kE,i1� + <br /> � y � ��=;�w Mf�;c.r..-q ��=��Uy�yq� REQUE5TF012RECONVEYAI\CE �`'`� <br /> • � '1'O TRUSTEE: ` <br /> r�.- <br /> The undersigned i�the holder of the nnt�or nutc�.�wurcd b� thi. Ikcd al'Trutit. SaiJ natr ur notc..�o��thrr with u � <br /> o�hcr indebt��lnes+.ewnd by this[keJ uf 7fu�t,hc+vc Ixt�n paiJ in i'ull. liiu arr h�r�h} Jir�Yted tu canrrl .aid nole ur � <br /> � � '�' . not�s:uid this D�:ed ul"Itu.�.WIIICN JR IICG�'CR(I I1CRNt.UI1lI 10 RCUt1YC\.WIIIIUUI�►arruni��.aU thc c.�aic naw hrlJ hy�uu <br /> � , under this Deed c�f 71vst to Ihr peru►n ur p�nun,.lcEa11}•cntiticd thcrc�a. � <br /> � <br /> ' , ��. � <br /> �' <br /> • • .. Date: - -- --------— <br /> �• _�_'�. �r�Cr.l n/�p�Cru <br /> , � <br /> i <br />