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�`� .,� .t <br /> �' <br /> -i:aegN.14..Fw,�1.,. •;N.�:. ,. • � � <br /> . :�:r..-� , ... � et��� . N"`,.�i <br /> • �... _,.�.., - � <br /> � 93_ �OBSS6 <br /> �''¢! 1. p�yaKnt af Princlpd�Inkro�t�nd l.�te C6ar�e. Botmwer rlwll pay when due Iho prfncipnl oP,and interCU an. <br /> 1ho debt avfdenced by�he Note und late charges due under tho Nato, <br /> 2. Montbly p�ymenta o�7lrzea,InwrAace�nd Utha�C1�es. Barmwer,Iwll include in ench manthly pxyment. <br /> �;�, . togelher with�he principal and intercst ax set fonh in tho Nate And any late chorgen,on i�stallment oi any(w)txxea�nd <br /> � ` epeci�l�asessment�levied ar to be Ievied ag�inat the Propeny.(b1lea�ehold ppymcntr or�yYwnd renW on tho <br /> (c)pt+�miuma for insurance rcquircd by Paragreph 4. <br /> -: { :�- � •!.�. Each moothly inrtallment for itemx lu), lb)and (c) xhall cquul ane-twelflh oP Ihe annuul amounls. t� rcacanably <br /> " � ;�.:�'.nt.• estim�ted by l.ender. plus an amount xufficient to malntain un udditinnul bulance of nw rtn�ro �han ane•sixth uf Ihc <br /> ;�T +;�, e�Nmated Amauntx. '11rc iuil annuul umaunt far eaeh item shall bc nrcumulu�cd by l.ender wUhin a period endin�Mte <br /> ���; .;,.•�:�y.;',,;�, mumh before on item would become delinyuent. l.e n d er x h a l l ho l d t he wmounts collected in tru�t to pa y itams(n).lb)And <br /> � ��, (c)beforathey becane�ielinyuam. <br /> ' ' t'!�":'�'�'�`�' ' �'�'`�' tf cu any Ume the tatul oP the paymenta held by Lender for items IA),(b)and(c), asether with the futum monthly <br />� , puyments for xuch item�: payAble ta Lender p�ior ta the due dates of'such itamh,exceeds by more than one•sixth 1he <br />��: ., �°`�•" � ��• ' escimated amaunt of puymen��r�eyuired to Pay such itema when due,und if pay.ments on thc Note ure current,then Lender <br />�••�•• ��::.r � �` � shall cither refund�he excess aver onc•sixth af the e�timat�l payments or credu thc cxcess over one-sixU�of�he cstlmated <br /> ' :%:' o• ppaymcnts to aubseyucm paymcnts by Borrower,at the option of Borrawer. If the total of�he pAyments made by Borrower <br />�„ ; , . . <br /> 1'�.A.�' • � � Ior item la),(b),or(c)ir mcuificient lo pay the itrm when due.then Burrower shull pay to Lender any omounl necessary to <br /> ;.;c.'�. �k�.:: make up�he deticiency an or before the date Qte item becomes due. <br />`•-�'• ' Ax uied io this SecuritZ Inxtrumem,"Sec►etary"meuns the Secretury of Housing u►d UrbAn Development or his or her <br /> ''Y designee.In ony yeur in wh�ch the Lender mu�t pay a mortguge inxurunce premium to�he Secretary.euch manthly payment <br /> ��•.. � a��`�t�� ��-r rhall alsa i�clude either. (i1 un inslallment of the annuul marlgage insurnnce premium to be p�id by Lender to the <br /> ' • . s . ' Secretory,ar(iil u monthly charge in�tead of n mongage insumnce premium if this Security Instrument ia held by the <br /> �, ' Secretary. Each monthly instullment af the mongugc insunuice premium�hall be in an amount sufflcient to accumulnte the <br /> " � full annual moAgoge inxurunce premium with Lender one man�h prior to thc date the full annual moRgoge insurance � <br /> � , - premium is due to the Secretury:or if ihis Security Inswment is held b�the Secretary,each manthly charge shall be in an <br /> ' ' amaunt equal to one-twelfih af one-hulf pereent of the outstunding principul bal:mce cfue on ihe Note. �", <br /> � If Borrower tenden to l.ender the full puyment af nll sums secured by this Security Instrumem, Borrowerk account <br /> � , ' '` shull 6e ctedited with the bulnnce remuining for ull installmentK fur items(u).Ib)nnd (c) und uny mongage insurnnce <br /> ' t , ; ' premium insrallment Q►ut Lender hs�s not become abliguted w pay to the�ecretAry, and Lender shull prompdy refund any <br /> excess funds�o Borrower. lmmediatefy prior to a foreclosurr sale of ihe Propeny or iix ucquixilion by l.ender.Borrower�s <br /> � Account shall be creditcd with uny Iwlunce remnining Par all in,t:,llmentz for item+(u),(b)�nd(c). <br /> � ' „ 3. Applicatbn of Pnyments. All pAymentc under Purugraph+1 and 2 shnll be applied by Lender as follows: �s'�- - <br /> • . the mortgage insuram�e premium to be puid by Lender ta the Secretury ar ta the manthly charge by the <br /> ' Sectetary in.r•tead af the monthly mortguge insumnce premium; <br /> �.;:, �p,lo n�y taues,special usses�meMs,leasehold payments or ground renta,ond Pur�tlaod and other hazard <br /> -— ----•. ==:`�y.-�•, iiiE',iif13iCC pi'CRifURI'..�ti Tey UtfCd; <br /> '"'��' �•I1RD,to intere�t due under thc Note; <br /> ' . �OURTH,to umonixution of th�principal of�he Nute; <br /> � EIFTH,to luta charges due under the Nutr. <br /> 4. Fire.Flaotl and Other Haia�d losurance. Borcower shall in,un�ull impravement+on the Property,whcther now <br /> � in existence or�ubsequemly erected.uguin�t any h:u.arJs,cusuulties, und contingencies, induding fre,for which l.endrr +. ° <br /> • • requires insurance. 'This in�urunce shull be muintained in�he umount.und for thc period,thut Lendcr requircs. Butrow�.-r <br /> ,� . ' shall elso in�u�s►II improvements un thc Ropeny,whelher nc►w in exiz�ence or sub�cquernly erecled,usainx[b�;s by floads <br /> � .�. . � lo the exlent myuired by the Srcre�ary. All inhur•rnce zhall lx r•rnicd with companiec upFxoved by Lender. The insurnnce <br /> ' ' ' ' policir+ and uny nnewul. +hull lx: hcld by Lcndcr und .hull includc lo,x puyuMc clvwcs in fuvor ot', and in a form <br /> ��.. . acceptablc to.Lrn�kr. <br /> .,,;,; .: In ihe event of lo.�.Sorrowcr,hall Eive Lender intmcJiutr notic�by muil. Lender muy mukr prouf of iox. if not :,.".` <br /> ;, ,r made prumpUy by HoR�wer. Eurb insururnc compuny comrrned i.hrrchy uu�horiicd:uid dirccted�o muke payment for � <br /> `�,• tiuch lonxdireclly to l.ender,imtead of ta Borrower und to Lendrr jointly. All ur�iny puh nf the inxurunce praceeds may lx <br /> upplied by Lcnder,ul ilx op�inn,cithrr(a)In thr rcduction ul thr inJchtcJnc..uixlrr�hr N�HC unJ Ihi+S��unty Imlrument, �'�• <br /> ; firs� tu ony drlinyuent umount. opplicd in thc urdcr in 1'urogruPh 3, and ihrn�o pn�puyment of principuL or(b) lo the ,;, � <br /> � ,� ' •• re+t�ttution or rcpair of�hr dumaged proprny. Any appliration of thc prikced.ta thr principul tihall not extenJ or postpone , <br /> �• ' • the due date of the monthly payment�wh�rh ure ref�rted tu in Parugruph 2,ur rhan�c Ihr umoun�of.uch payments. Any <br /> `" �;.�� excetix insuruncc pnxerd.ovcr an nmount requircd to puy ull nut+r.�nJin� indrMcdnr.. und�r thc Nutr und Ihis 3rcurily <br /> '.`. '��,,,.:�• Ina:trom��nt.hall Ix paiJ�u�h�enlity I�g�dly�nlillcd tlx'r�Iu. <br /> . In Ihe event ut'forrcla.ure af Ihis Security Instrumcnt or i�ther �ran.t'er��f litlr iu the Pru�xrt�• �hut eatin�ui+hr,�he <br /> �;:,:;�:.• indehtedn�+,.ull righ�.title anJ intemst of Horru��•cr in:md lo in.urancr pulirir,iu timr,hall pu..tu the purchusrr. <br /> . . S. Occupancv, Prese�vation. M1lvintenance and Pratecti�m oP the Propert��; Burrow�cr'w I.oan Application; <br /> I.cASChulds. Hurtowcr �hull��ahli,h.anJ u,r tli. Yru�kr�y i�� liurr����cr,p�irni��o1 rc�idcn.:c within .r�xtp day� r . <br /> ' � � uf'tcr the executi�m uf�hi�Sccurity ln�irumrnl und.hull rontinue a���rrup� thr Pn.�xn� a. Burrower�principul residenre ! <br /> S•,.' . for ul Iru�t ui�e ycar ulicr thr datr i�f�xrupunry,unl�..lhr lrcretan d��t.rnimr,Ihi.rcyuircmcnt a�iU cautir unduc hurJship i <br /> � z•!.. � for Borrowcr. or unle�ti extenuvtin� rinuni.tanrc, cxi.t which :ur Fx�•und Hurr��arr'.runl�ol. B�m�,wer ,hall notify r,. . <br /> .. Lcndcr�nf uny rxlcnuuting circum.tunrc�. Fiurruwcr,hall n„t r�mmul�►a.�. ur dr,lru�.dama�;r nr .ub.tanuully chan�:e ': <br /> . Ihe F'rnpcAy or uUua•Ihc Pru�xny tu dct�rinralr.n:�,��nahlr��car and trar�x:rp�cd. L�ndcr may in.�xct Ihr Rnpchy if thc <br /> I'ruperiy i�vurant ur ubandi►nrd ur thc lo:m i�in drfault. Lrn�ier m:+�•�ake rra+un:�hk:�rtion��,prutrrt anJ prc+rrvc,uch • <br /> } ' vucant or abundom:J F'roprrty. Horn�wcr+hall al�u I+r in Jrtaul� il�Nurruwrr.durmg thr luan ap�diroti��n pr�kc+.. gave ,; <br /> mulcriallv fad�r �x inurcural� intiirmation ur .iatrmrnh iu Lend�•r I��r Gulcd t�� pru�idc I.rnJrr ��•ith uny matrrial � <br /> � � .. � inti�rm�tion)in cunn�wti�m�+ith Ihe lu:m r�idcnrrd h�• thr Nutr.m.•luding.hui m�i IimitcJ t�,. rrprc.rn�ation,ronrrmin� <br /> Bom►wer�cxcupanry of�hr F'�u�xm a.:�rr���.��r��l re.idrncr. 11'thi.ticrurn� In,trumen�i.�m+i Ic:�,elu�ld.Borcu��cr.hull <br /> � , '��,. comply wilh Ihr pruvi.ion.of Ihe k a�e. If B��rruw rr ar��uir�. fc�UII��a the Prup�•m•.the Iru�rhuld anJ fre tiUr,hull not <br /> ix:merged unlr.�I.�nJer ugree�lu thr mergrr m��ritin�.. � . <br /> � � 6. Ch�ryqes tu Bnrrow�er and Pratecliun uf Lcnder;Ri�hh in Ihe Pru�erfy. H��rt����a•r sh;dl p.i}•all g��vemmrntal <br /> ' or municipal charge�.tine�and im��suiun�Ihitl are m�l inrludcJ in I':uu�.r;�ph �. I�urra��rr.h:dl pay the.c uhli�ati�m.un , <br /> ' ' timc Jin�dy to the entity ��hirh n u�►•ed Ih� paymrut. II I'uilur.t�► p;q� ���wld adcrnch atfrrl Lrnder: interr,t in thr <br /> 1'roperty.upon Lcndrrl nyur.t Hurruwrr,h:�u�r�,�„��iy I'umi.h ta L�nJcr rcr�ipt.c�idrixing Ihr,r paymrnt,, , <br /> i � � U Bortv�vrr fuilti to mukc �hr.e pu�nxm. �,r �he pa}mrnh re��uircd h� P:,raEruph '_. ��r lail. tu�kr�i�nn um• o�her <br /> --.,_ ...�:..�ti:, c.......:��n���,,.nr .,��h.•r,•�.:i 1.•n:J nnk•�.dinu thut muv�ienifli:uttlY aff«I <br /> — . ---•--__.. . ___......... ... ...: <br /> � ' VVt�1�{LII]MIIY M��\V���V������i�i�M�ii���������....��.....� ......�...�..__ .. .. _. <br /> . Lcnder's righl. in thc Rv�xn�• l+urh u,a pnxcrdin�in han6ruptr�. li�r cundrinn:iliun �N l��COIiRI'l' ia��:ar rcgulutiun.►. <br /> . G �hen Lender muy d�i und pay H hatr.•er i.nrc«,ar�� �a prateri thc�alur ut'thr 1'mExrt�•and I.rndrr'.ri� the F'ro�xm. <br /> including pvymrm iil'laxr..huiarJ in,uramc:wJ uthcr i���iiunrd in Paragrurh i. <br /> �. � �. Any iunuum+di.buncJ hy l.cndrr undcr�hi. ('uru�:raph.hall Ixcumr an udJiuunul J�hl�►f Hurc����er anJ t►r.�currJ <br /> �� by thix Sccurity In.trumrnl. Thc.r+un�+unt.,hull lxar m�cm,t from thr dutr uf di.hunrmrnt.a�thc Nulr ratc.and m the <br /> • F option of Lcnd�r,,hvll ix immcJiatcly dur anJ payaMc. <br /> 7. Cundemnadnn. '1'hc pnkreJ.uf un•awarJ ur rluim tiir damagr..dir�rt ur run.cyurnliuL in conncrliun H i�h am <br /> �. c�mdemn�tian��r inhcr tuking of;►ny p•rn of t�e F'n,�xr1�.��r fur rum r�an�r in pla�•r af c�mdrnmatiun,arc hcrrM� a..i�ned <br /> su�d sh�ll be paiJ tu LenJrr to thc rtt�n�at'thr full ;�mount uF thr mdri+t�dne.,d�at nmain.unraid w�dcr thr Notr anJ thi� <br /> 5��curity In�trument. I.rndcr�hall apply.urh pnxccd�tu 1he rcdurlinn ut thr mJ�M�Jtn.�undir thr Nulr anJ thi.5rrunty <br /> Instrument. tir.i t�► am• Jrlinyucm am��wi�. apph�J in ihr �.rJrr pru�idrd m I':�ragr�ph �. and Ih�o a� prrpa�mrnt i,f <br /> principal, Any applicc�tion nf thr pnxcrJ. lu Ihr principul .hall n�H rxtrnd ur ��.tEwnc th� duc datc al thc momhl�. <br /> � <br /> ��,�e�:���.�����.�•„ <br /> i <br /> � � <br />