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<br /> pryme�Na mgy no lan�ir be roquirod,u the optlon af I..ender,lf moKga�o inrurance oover�G�i��ie�m unt�irtd�f rithc porlad
<br /> thu Lenda �equlral provided by an inwnr approvod by Lender��in baamer Availrble wxl ir obWnod. Borrower�lull p�Y
<br /> the praniums roquirod to m�inlafn mort��o inwrnnco in eRxt,or to provWe A loss renerve,unlil Ihe requircmertt for mort��o
<br /> inwrance endr in a000�danco wlth�ny wdttee s�roement between Borrower and I.emicr or applicable low.
<br /> 9.IaspecNoa. 1.ender or il��ent n�y m�ke r�eswrwble rntrica upon ond inspoctians af thc Property. Lender�ull �ive
<br /> Barrower notle�e At 1he time of or prior to an irwpocti�n ipecif�in4 rpwnuhlo cause for tho incpoction.
<br /> 10.Coodqnrwt{ua. The practx�s of uny award or claim for or coasequentlnl, i�cannection with uny
<br /> aondemmtion ar athor Wcln�of�ny put of the Pn�erty.or far convey�nce in lieu oP cunlemnation.aro hercby rwi�nod and
<br /> `� ch�ll be pAfd to L.ender.
<br /> In the event of a total laking of the PropeRy.the proceod�slwll be appliod tu the�uo�s securrd by this Securlty Instrument,
<br /> whulie�or not then due, with any excess poid to Borrower. in the event of u partiol taking oP tha Praperty in which the iair
<br /> morlcet valucs of the Property immodiately before the takiog is oqual 1�or greuter thrn the artwum of the sums sxured by this
<br /> '� ' � .�� Socuriry(natrument immediately before the taking. unless Bamower ar�d l.ender otherwise agree in wrftioa,the sums securod by
<br /> '��•.;��,' this Socudty Instrument shall be reduced by U�e amount of the proceeda multipliod by the fallawing fraction: (a) the towl
<br /> amount of the sums suured immodialely beforc the taking,dividod by (b) thc fajr market value af the Property immediAtcly
<br /> :� befom the wking. Aoy balw�a slwll be�wid to BoROwer. lo ihe event of a partisl taking of the Propetty in whirh the feir
<br /> wa
<br /> �°�'`��``� muket value af the Propeny immodi�tely befon the taking is less than the amount of th¢sums secured immaliately befor+e the
<br /> �� �'�� �`;''��� taking,unless Borrower wxl l.ender dhenvise agree in writing or unless�applicable law othcrwiso provides, �he proceeds�hWl
<br /> .: , �.
<br /> � :i'^ • ' --%«�;,,:z'.s�' be n p p lied to the sums sxured b y this Securi ty Instrument whether or not 1he sums arc then due.
<br /> .� �°:`- . � •�;�:�..:,,,�.��' ' lf the PropeRy is abandoned by Bomower.o�If,after notice by l.ender to Borrower that the rnndemnor offers to make an
<br /> nd
<br /> ;: .�`.• ., . �i�; ; aw�d or settle a claim for darn�ges. Bortower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice ia given.
<br /> ' +�°�= � '�'''' o i�s her to reato tion or re r of Ihe Pro r1 or to the sums
<br /> � � - Lmder is auttwrized t rnllcet and a I thc tion.eit ti
<br /> .
<br /> Pp Y P
<br /> �P P� Pe Y
<br /> •,,. � ` ' ` ''� '° �acurod by this Security instrument,whether or not then due. �':
<br /> � �'° ``F Unless I.ender and Bornower otherwise agree in writing, any application of praceods to principal sholl not extend or
<br /> �� ".,::. :.;:
<br /> , ��'.'i ' ":... ; s ne Ihe due date of�he monthl ments referred to In ara ra hs I and 2 or chan e the amount of such a ments. ` -
<br /> , ;"�:,,'�;�'a�;�,_�r.;•., Po � Y PaY P B P B P Y
<br /> •• • 11.Borruwer Not Itdeased;Forbearance B y l,ender Not a Woiver. Exlension of the time for pa yment or modiGcation
<br /> ' � �- ''�;:t'-r � �"' �•. of artwrti�ation of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument grnntod by l.ender to any succescor in interest of Borrower shell
<br /> , .,��,�wa'�;.
<br /> ,. .-. -.,:, • not operate to�elease the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successars in interest.L.ender shall not be required to
<br /> C f'•�T``'�� ' '� ' commence proceedings ageinst any suocessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modify amortization
<br /> � S{`�."-• '.�.` of the sums socurod by Ihis Security Ins�rument by rc.ason of any dertwnd made by the original Barrower or Borrower's "�
<br /> � ` su�eswn in inierest. Any iorbearanrx by Lender in exercising aoy right u�rcntaiy siwii �rol ix a waiver uf ur prr�:IwIC d�
<br /> .:7r� .:";��'��f` exercise of any right or rcmedy.
<br /> '?-'-�-'�,��'�'��i', .: �� • .
<br /> , .- . � ,,..;:. 12. Successore sutd Asci� Bound;Joint and Several LiaWlity; Caslgners. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> � '���r� , � � Security Instrument sFwll bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and B�rrower. subject to the provisions of
<br /> ,�;:, :,��� . ' • paregraph 17. Borrower's covenants and ag�eements shall be joi�t and several. Any Borcower wha casigns this Security
<br /> �!�,;;;•;:�.�-` • . � lnatrument but dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing thia Security Instrument only to mongage. grent and convey that
<br /> .:�`;.��''�'.•'�''' • • Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Sccuriry Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> „�w�'� , •� . � secured by this Securily Instrument;und(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear or
<br /> ;;5.;;, ,. , malce any accammodations with regard to the terms of this Security Inslrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> , � 13.Loan Chorges. If the loan secured by Ihis Security Inslrument is subject ta a law which sets maaimum loan charges, �
<br /> ; .� and that law is finally interpreted ro that the interest or other loan charges collected or to 6e collected in connecdon with the '-�>
<br /> '���' � ,.,i, � loan ezceed the permitted limits. Ihen:Ia)any such loan churge shull be redured by the anwum necessary to reduce ihe charge ~�'
<br /> �'�`° � ��°,,�;.;?;�;, _ ' to the permitted limit; and(b)any sums almady cotlected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be�efunded to �•�
<br /> ' ` ., '�•'•+ Borrower. Lender muy choose ta make this refuad by reducing the p�incipal owed under the Nate or by making a direct ;,�5;,
<br /> �'� ' payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, �he reduction will be treated a� a panial prepayment without any ,t'����
<br /> j • •'��. _ -' prepayrnenl charge under the Nnte. ��!�'�
<br /> � ,� ' ^ 14.Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided fc�r in this Securi�y Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by rtwiling
<br /> it by first class mail unless upplicable luw requires use of another method.The nutice shall be dirccted to the Property Address "
<br /> _. . �� or any other address Borrower designates by� notire to Lender. Any noticc to lAndcr �hall bc: givcn by first clatis mail to `��Y
<br /> �� ^' i,ender's addrrss stated hercin or any other address Lender desig�iutec by notke to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> �• • -"�;� �� Securily lnstrument shnll be deemed to huve becn given to BoROwer or L.endcr when given us provided in this parugraph. s,•
<br /> ' 13.Governing Law; Severnbillty. Thiti Security lns�rumcnt ,hall be Foverned by federul IaW� and the law of the
<br /> � + � . ��;�;� , jurisdiction in which the Propeny is laclitod. in thc evcnt tha� any provision�►r rlause of this Security In�trument or the Note
<br /> ;7'.'.�:`�'�•:'�1, . conflicts with applicuble luw,such rnnflict shull not uff'��t olher provisiom of thi.S�:curity ln�trument or Ihe Note which run be �
<br /> '�� . �:c;',�:'`�,' ,� given effect without the conflicting provitiian. To thiti end the provisions of thi.Security In,trument and the Note are declared
<br /> _� : :',;.;,c, � ' �
<br /> r'{ '� ' ` � ,�r`:';:;1�%{{ to be severable. �
<br /> ("t_ z:�;,.,; . 16.Borrower s Copy.Bonower shull Uc given anc canfornied c�py of thc Note and of this Sccurily Instrument.
<br /> l l; � � '•:•��::`..,: .
<br /> 7 'y:,..". Form 3018 �I�O
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