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<br /> S. �ra a Ptopeii� iarunne�. Aamwer ch�ll kap tba impmv�mrnta now e��*f�iaARrT� on dm
<br /> Prapaty intured �irat lo�by firo.h�ands includod within�he term'exletdad wven�e"u�d�ny oU�er IwraN�. iacludir►Q
<br /> floods or ftoodin�,for which l.er�der roquircs inwrnnce.This insurance siWl be maintalned in tho wncwnt�w�d for the periada
<br /> tlut Lender requira. The insuanoe carrlr.�provlding the insurance sfwll be chosen by Born►wer subjxt tn[.ender's�raval
<br /> which shdl not be unnwconwbly wlthheld. If Borrower fails to Rwintain wvara�e describod Above. l.ender ntry. at I.endet'�
<br /> aptian.abain oovera�o to pmtect L,ender'��ights in the Pro�etty in accardw�ce wfth poragraph 7.
<br /> • All insurvice policies and rerrew�ls siwll be Acr�eptable to Ixnder wnd s,lwll it�clude a st�n! muhgage clau�. l.ender
<br /> � �ll have the�i�ht w hold the policia and renewal�. If Lendcr requires,BoROwer alwll promptly give to L�ender�II roceipu of
<br /> p�W ynemium�w�d re�aw�l notices.in the event of loss.Harnawcr�Iwll�ivo prompt notico to thc insuran�x curfer and l.eider.
<br /> " Lender r�y mdce p�aof oP la�s if not made promptly by Harmwer.
<br /> Unkss La�dc�r aM Borrower whcnviea agroe ln wriling,insurance pmcoeds shall be oppliod to restoratian ar rcpalr of the
<br /> Property d�utw�od,if the restoratian or nep�ir is xonomically fcasible wd I.orKkr's sxurity is not Icssened.Ii the restorwbn or
<br /> repair i� not economically feasible or l.ender'a security would bc lessenod.lf�e insurancc praceeds sh�ll be appliod w ihe sums
<br /> sacurod by �hii Secu�lty Instrument. whe�her or not then due, with any excesa pafd to Borrower. If BarrowBr ob�ndons the
<br /> ���, PrapeRy,or daes not anawar wltl�in 30 days a notke from L.ender Ihat Ihe insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then
<br /> Lender mAy oollact the insurnnce pracoeds. L.ender may use the proceeds to repalr or r�estore 1he Property or �o pay suma
<br /> �acurod by thfs Security Instrument,whett�er or not then due. The 30-duy periad will begin when Ihe notioe is given.
<br /> Unkss Lender and Borrower otherwise agroe in writing, ar►y appiication of proceeda to principai sfiall not ealend or
<br /> �,,� :�.
<br /> ` " poupone the due date of tlte monthly payments referrcd to in p�r.igtaphs I and 2 or change the amount of Ihe�ayments. If
<br /> ;'l�+'�j" •"," ,.1�j:'�::y�, under par�graph 21 the.Prope�ty is acquired by Lender.Borrower's rlght to any insurance policies and proceads resulting from
<br /> • �'t`;� _., ...�, d�nage to the Property prbr to thc acquisition ahall pasc w[.ender to tiu e��cnt of the sumc auured by this Sncur�ty Instrumem
<br /> ' �'��L'�.�;�� inunedistely ptiar to the acquisition.
<br /> • a7� . ,._a.•.=• 6.Oau Prr�xrvAlion,MAinte�wnce aad Protectioo ot tbe rt � ,
<br /> G. p�acy. Prope y Borrower s La�n Appltcatton;I.ease6otd�.
<br /> '`y:t( .r`.� '-��^.��� Bornnwer shall occupy.est�blish,unnd use ihe Property ag Borrower's principnl residence within siaty days after the eaecution of
<br /> 'n.`, o . '�.�... .•t`�4.'-�'��{ii:r
<br /> ':+:''' .�,• •1�:P:,;: this Socud Instrument and slwll oontinue to occu the Pro as Borrower's rinci y
<br /> `';^���• '�'` tir. dnte oftyaccu unless Lender othenvise a rees in writin�which cansent hall not be unreasonabl t withhe d or�unless
<br /> ...:,., Pa�'• 8 8 Y
<br /> ' ' '�;i=�.`..;;:',:'�...;:;.:.,F extenuating circumwances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. BMrower shnll not destroy, damage or imp�ir the
<br /> � �:{,%;�. ; °' Propcity.�llow thc Ptoperty to dctedorate, or rnmmit waste on �he Property. Bormwer shall be in default if eny farfeiture
<br /> .: ,•�;.:.. ..:,. .
<br /> �S'�.. �''" .:<< . I action or proceoding. whether civil or crfminal,is begun that in Lender's gaoci faith judgment could result in fort'eiture of tha
<br /> !;,,. . .����,�:4:�.�`�`:,
<br /> '..,,. ._ .,:�t+���,' Propeny or ottierwise mate�ially impair the lien created by this Security Inswment ar Lender's secur�ty interest. Borrower may
<br /> '. ;:. : .�,..' . . ,:. cure such a defauic and reiasta[c.as provided in para8raph i8.by causing the actian or praceeding to be dismissed with a ruiing
<br /> . :;�;•,�' :• � � that. in l.ender's good,faitfi determination, precludes forfeiturc of the Borrower's interest in the Property ar other material
<br /> • ;>'��" ' impairment of Ihe lien created by this Security ir►9trument or Lender's security interest. Bonower shall also be in defxult if
<br /> • ,°f�}'� ' Borrower,during the loan applicatio�proce�s.gave materially f�lse or inaccurate informa�ion or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> l`�+. , '`�� to provide Lender with any matedal informvtion)in rnnnection with the loan evidencod by thc Note. including,but not limited
<br /> . :,,., .
<br /> �??" � "�• • �•+Y������%• , to,representations rnncerning Bonower's occupancy of'the Propevty as a principal residence. If this Securiq�Instrument is on a
<br /> ��` '•���� � leasehold, Borrower shuil comply with all the provieions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee �ide to the Property, the
<br /> ,�;f?;..,,, . ,
<br /> leasehold ared the fee tiUe shall not merge unless I.ender agrees to tbe merger in writing.
<br /> • 5,;' • ''� 7. protectlon ot Lender's Rlghts in the Pmperty.lf Borrnwer Pails to perfom��he covenanls and agreements cont�ined in
<br /> -�� �u;'� ' .� . : .: this Sccudty Instrumen[,or there is a legal proceeding thnt may signiftcandy affert Lender's rights in the Propeny(such as a
<br /> r, f��� � •..�,� proceading in benlcruptcy, probate, for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then l.ender may do nnd
<br /> r:�.
<br /> •� ,;;y�r'• ..':.� � , pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Property and l.ender's rights in the Propeny. I.ender's actions may ' �`�
<br /> ' }� �'����;�j�� : ', inelude paying any sums seew•ed by u lien which has priority over �his Security Instrument, uppearing in court, paying
<br /> ,.;��,:�', reasonable anomeys' fecs and entedng on the Property t�muke repairs. Although!_ender may taka action under this paragraph � �.`
<br /> �,.� }�::�„. ,,�;�:� 7,[.ender dces nat have to do so. ''
<br /> � ' - ." • �'•,'+:;,z';r:; Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this p•rrugraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower securod by this
<br /> �� � ' ��`�'�`?'Y"' Socurky Instrument. Unless Borrower and I.ender agree to othcr tcrms of papment, the+e amaunts sholl beur interest from the
<br /> �� 5 � � dete of disbursement a� the Note rate and shall be puyable. with interest,upon nutic� from Lender to gorrower requesting •+-�
<br /> t'!� '�"� ,,' ' ' payn�ent.
<br /> s�'��'j�`• "• �' 8. Motigage Insurance.If l.ender required mongage insurunce ati a rondition of making the loun securecl by this Securlty •�
<br /> .y Y r i-.'. ��Y L.;'r r.-n.
<br /> rz: . �� �,n. �. ` Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required tn maintain Ihe moA�age insurrnce in effect. If, for wny rea.wn, the �t.:;��
<br /> q''(;����� mortgage inaurance coverago required by L.ender lapses or rea.ces to be in effect.&�ROwrr sholl pay tbe premiums required to `;``
<br /> •��,�'�
<br /> ;_tik,�. oMc�incoverage substantially�quivalent to the monsage insurance previ�u�lv in eff��t, at a c�st subtitantiallv equiv�len�to the
<br /> �t�' " '�` ' cost ta Borrower of Ihe mort a e insurance reviousl in effect, fmm un altcrnate nx�n a � insurer a mved b l.ender. lf .
<br /> .,i . S 8 p Y � R' PP Y
<br /> ��i. ,r�•; ' substantially equivalent moAgnge insurance coverage is nut availahle, Borrower tihnll pay ta l.ender each mnnth a sum equal to
<br /> ��,�- F ' ;� '�_ one-twelflh of the yearly mongage insuranre premium being p:�id by Bnrrower when thr in:�urnnce co�•eragc lapsed or ceased to .
<br /> �l4 � . be in effect. I.eader will xcept,use and retein these payments us a lass reserve in lieu of mon�age inwrance. Losti reserve i,
<br /> 1"E" fam 3028 9190 '.
<br /> �. 1�7: . . PU{p 3 0�6
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