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°,x. .. . ..� .:►:�ni <br /> "�R�•*'v� y,�.. R .. .. �� r> <br /> , i�s <br /> 17.'t'ramta�ot the Propp�y oe a Be�eltci�l Wterat in Bonower.if dl or en y�rt` of the Pmperty or�ny Intemt in it <br /> i�sold or tranrkmed(or if A tieneiiciW interat in Borrower i�cold or tranaferroJ and Borrower le rat p n�tu�al perron)without <br /> Lender'� pdar written consent. Lendor may. u its aption. requiro immediuc payn�nt in fLll of all �w�� securod by thii <br /> Secu�ily Instrument.Howcver,thi�option slull not be exercl�ed by L.eiwie�if exercife i�prohibitod by fedcra!law w of 1he dwto <br /> of thie Sxurity Inatrumcnt. <br /> IP Lender exerrise�thi�optian,l.ender siwll ive Barrower notice of acceleration.The noticc shall provfde a pedod of'rnot <br /> t. (aRS thpn 30 days fmm the dAte the ratice i4 del�verod or mAilod wlthin which Borrower muat pay all aums cecurod b� this <br /> Secu�ity Instnunent.Ii Borrower f�ils ta pay thcsc burr�s prior to 1he eapirntion of this perfod. txtider may invoke any remedies <br /> 4� permitted by this Socurity Inst�ument wi�hout further noticx or demand on&artawer. <br /> '1 L8. Borrower's Rlgbt tu Relnctate. If Bomower meets certain conditiana. Bortawer shall have the �ight to Iwve <br /> enforcemcnt of�his Socu�ity Ituttrument disoontinued a� any time p�ior ta the earlier of: (a)S days (ar such other perfad as <br /> applicabie law may spxify for rcinsuuement) before sale af the Property pursuun to any power of aele contefned in this <br /> Socurity Insuument;or(b)entry of a judgment atforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions�ue that Borrower: (a)pays <br /> , :- Lender all sums which then wauld be due under this Security Instn�ment and the Nae as if no acceleratian had occurred;(b) <br /> "��''�' � cures any default of any ather covenants ar agreements; (c)pays ull expenses incurred in enforcjng this Securlty Insuument. <br /> lncluding. but not limitod to.reasonable attorne�s' fees;end(d)takes such xtion as Lender may reasonably �equ�rc to assure <br /> ;�,jb.,:':.��;�a that the lien of this Sxurity lnatrumcnt, l.ender s�ghts in the Property and Barrower's obligation tn pay the sums securod by <br /> � .•w�k this Secudt ln4trument shall cont�nue unchan ed. U n reingwtement by Borrower, this Security Instniment and the <br /> Yrr... . y g � <br /> : �����+�v�j.�� ' he ahall rcmaln full effxtive ac lf no accelerAtion iwd oocumed. However, this right to reinatate shWl <br /> ::.�r.,�.�� . obligations securcd rcby Y <br /> �. .�. -. .-• :r-. not apply ln th�case of acceleration under p�ragraph 17. <br /> ,.;�'r. .,.,.. ,,,,,,; ' 19. Sale of Note; Cbaa�e ot I.osm Servicer. The Nate or a paitial interest in the Note (together with this Security <br /> pa t <br /> '" •-.-�-.•��� Instniment)may be sold one or more timas without prlor notice to Borrower. A sale mwy result in a chenge in the eMity(known <br /> ��;-'� � 'j5;;i;�;;�;.:;':,.: ;:,'r�� as the"l.aan Servicer")that rnllects monthly payments due unJer the Note and thi,Security In strum ent.T h e r e a l s o m ay b e a n e <br /> � ' � :., :t•� or more changes of thc L.oan Servicer unrelatod to a sale of the Note. If there is a chaoge of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be <br /> •� . , �,''; �:,� given written tatice of the change in accordence wilh paragraph 14 above and applicable luw.The notice will state the name and <br /> . '`•��°��.;•.�. a nts should be made. The notice will also conta in an ot h er <br /> " �..�,�,fj,� address of the new Loan Servicer end the addrcss to which p yme Y <br /> � �,s.: ^, ��•�;yr;•f inforn�ation required by applicable law. � <br /> •• �r, h 2p, Hazardous Sub�qcea, 9orrower shall twt cause or permit the presence.use,disposal, storage, or release oi any <br /> ' �.t•. <br /> ° .;,�:,�,� ,. r Hazardous Subslances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the <br /> ;t';�.•',,,,� : '� � property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply ro the presence,use, or <br /> ., '"� ''' ' storage an the Property of smeli quantitie.�of Hazardoas Substances �hat are generally recognized to bc appropriate to nomwl <br /> .,,� .. .;�,;�r .(h.�•;;; a,: residential uses and to maintenance of the PropeAy. <br /> Borrower shall promptly give l,ender wrftten notice of any investigation, claim,demarid, lawsuit or other c�ction by any <br /> = �. %�'�"'�'''�'° -¢"` �'n g o v e m m e n t a l o r n e g u l a t o ry a g e n c y o r pr i v a t e p a r t y i n v o l v i n g t h e P r o p e n y a n d a n y H a z ardous Substencc or Environmemal Law `^ <br /> �.�',�'' ' �•>� of which Borrower hes actual knowl e d e If Horrower learns, or is nmified b an overnmental or re ulato sulhori ty. Ihat 'M <br /> -�.:,s' .:. • � • Y Y � � rY <br /> ., eny rcmovai or other remedia[ion of any Hazardous Subatw�cr affrA:�i�i�the Pr�►p�rty is necessary, liorrower st�all pmmpi ly iake <br /> � � ". ull neressary remediel actions in accordance with Enviranmental Law. <br /> ' As used in Ihis paragraph 20, "Huzardaus Substances" are those substances defincxi ati loxic ar hazardous�ubstances by <br /> , � :,_�-';'.� . Environmental Law and the following sulastances: gasoline. keroxene, other flammable or toxic petroleum Qraducts, toxic ,• <br /> • �`� ' '��';�"' � pesticides and herbicides,valutile solvems. materi�ls containing asi�ectos or formaldehyde,and rudioactive matonalx.As used in �� • <br /> ��'��,ri�� '' {�� this ppragraph 10. "Emironmenuil" menns federal luws and laws of the jurisdiction where �he Propeny is locatod tlwt �: <br /> , :,,,; <br /> . ' ' .'�;;�'•� rclate to health,safety or environmental protection. <br /> � � ��•�''�., � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Barrower�nd Lender funher covcnnnt end agree as follaws: <br /> � , � � 21. Aceeleration;Remedies.I.ender shall give not(ce to&►rcower prbr to accelerntlon tollowing BorroN•er•s breach <br /> � , ot any eovenant or ag�ecment in this Securky Instrument (but not prbr lo acceleretion under paragraph l7 unles� <br /> � �� ' app8cable law provides otherwise). The notice ehall speclfy: (a) the defeult= (b)Ihe action requlred to cure t6e defAUlt; ,. <br /> � ' ' (c)A date,nat less Ihan 30 deya f'rom the date tha notice ic given to Borrower, by which the default mu�t be cured;And `�" <br /> ' ��r. �.:;�`�"` (d) that fallure to cure the defeult on or before the dale speciiied in the nutke may result in accekrntlon of t4e sums <br /> ���,; _ secured by thia Securlty Instrument and salc of the Property. The notice shall funher inPorm Borrower of the dght to ' <br /> ,�;f�.� • <'ss� retnslate ai�er acceleradon and the rtght to brfng a court action to asscrt the non-ezistence oi'A deiault or any other • <br /> ��� '��;�,;i,� defense uP Borrower to acceleralion end s�le. IP the default is no!cured on or before the date speclffed in the notice, ; �' <br /> r Lender, at its apNon, may requlre immedi�te payment in full uf all sumx tiecured by this Securlty Instrument without <br /> ; ;' � _,, . furtper demAnd and may invokc thc po«•cr of sult and any other remedies permlllcrt b}� appliceble law. I.ender shall be �i <br /> ' • � entitled to colle�t all expenses incurrcd in pursuin�the remedies prnvided In thls purasraph 21.includiny;.but not limited <br /> � � ,:�. �� to.reasonAble altorneys•i'ees and costs ut title evidence. ''� <br /> •'i�`.; IP thepo wer of sale is invoked, Tru.stee tihull n�aord a noNce oP detault in each cnunty In w•hfch an�• part of tfie <br /> "�����'� � Pruperty is I�ted and shull meil copirs oP�uch noticr in the manner pre.scrlbed b��upp!lcable!aw to Burrower and to ` <br /> '� o ��� � �� the Mher persons prescribed by applkeble lax�. Ai'tcr the timc required b�•appltc�hle luw•.Trust�r zholl Rive pubUc nodce -��� <br /> . '.`:;��,i';�• , . <br /> . ot sale to the persons and in tMe manner prawcribed by applicablc law. Tru�tee, aithout demand on&�rrower. �hall sell <br /> ,° � . the Property at public auction fo the hi�hest Mdder al the time and place and undcr the tcrms desi�nuted In the notice of r •.� <br /> '�,,-., � �,'�'« ' s�le in one or more parcels end In any arder Trutitec detcrmines.Trutitcc muy pustpme salc of aU or um• parrel of the . <br /> Property by public announcement at the lime und place oP um� prrvN�u►1y scheduled sale. I.ender or its desi�nee mAy . _ <br /> ����' ' , �' purchase the Property ot any sale. <br /> - . . . r : <br /> :,�, _ <br /> :.i;; ., � , � . <br /> � <br /> Form 30Z8 9180 � <br /> ...I� .J � . . vps 9 0l 6 �I <br /> �i � .:i . � , �� <br /> j:;r .�;��: � . . ' �s <br /> �:' , <br /> `�t�, � ' -- -.- . ._ , . . , . ,.:r - , , , .., .�.a ...ra..� .n..»�� . . , _ .. „ � <br /> .��y}Q'r�`7l�+l���.�reKM• , , '"'� <br /> . :�' <br /> � � . --�r�i;.T� ----•—-,_— . . . . , . —.: r__. .. <br /> ��" . '� " , ,Jj . <br /> {. o • t��` <br /> �� � i .. � i <br /> � , , <br /> �-� ' ' . . . .. <br /> `i�'4[s' �1 , <br /> 1 , ° . ,. . . <br /> }�' ��� • <br /> ,_.. ---r.v:. . � <br /> ��- . „- _.. . .: . . . . <br /> 4 :Y4 [ • , <br /> ` �,� ? � � '1�� .,`� - . <br /> i <br /> � <br /> t : <br />