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<br /> TO[)BTH�R wITH dl�he imp�ovanents now or hec�e�fter eratad an tho property.And dl�c�.ap�u�� ,
<br /> li�cwia now or h�eraRer � prt of the pmperty, All rcplacen�ents and sdditions ahall alw 6e covarod by thi� Sowrky
<br /> Ituuument.All of the fare�oin�is rcferred to fn lhis Security lnrtrnmant ax the "Property "
<br /> BORROWP.R COVENANTS that Bornowcr is lawfully seisod of thc csl�tc hercby canveycd tud h�.�Ihe right to�rant and
<br /> canvey the Properly and tiwt 1hc Property is unencumberod. except for encumbrances i�f recorJ. Bormwer wiuranta tud will �
<br /> defeM QeneNly Ihe titlo ta tit�PropeRy�inst all claims ard demand�.subject to any encumbran�,�ea�f record.
<br /> 7'N15 SECUWTY INSTRUMBNT combin� unifurm covena�x for natiorud u.cc iud ooa-uniform cavencuux with liaoi�ed
<br /> �,�� vuWians by ju�icdiction to cat�ctituto e unifarm security ins�rument oove�ing real propetty.
<br /> . UNIfQRM CO'VENANTS. Bamawcr end I.cnder covenant and agrce as followR:
<br /> � 1. Paya�ent at PNaclpol w�d lata+est= Prepwya�eat and 4wte Chwge�. Bcxmwcr �hull promptlY paY whan due the
<br /> pcincipal af rnd intercst on the debt evidenccd by the Note and any prepayrt�m and late churges due under the NcKe.
<br /> `�''` �' 2. Fnnds for Taxes�nd Itwunnct. Subject to applicable law or tu a w�itten waiver by Lender. &►rrower shul! pay tu
<br /> `�,;' Gender nn the day monthly payments are due under the Nate.until the Note is paid in full,a�sum('Punds')for.(a)yearly taxp�
<br /> _, and acsessments whicb may atUiin p�ia�ity over Ihis Sauriry Inr�niment�.s a licn on the Prapeny:lb)yeurly leasehold pa7►mcnta
<br /> . or ground rents on the Propehy,if any:lcl yeurly hawrd or propeny in.wrancc premiu�s:(d l yearly fload in.tiurance prernjuma,
<br /> '.-� '�;;y��.',:' � if any:le)yearly mortgage insurance premiums. if uny;and(�any sums payubte by Bc�rrower to l.ender. in acmrdnnae with
<br /> •,.�. •.r r , the pnrviRic�of puAg►aph 8. in lieu af Ihe paiyment af martgage inwrance premiums.Thc�e item5 are ealled'Pscmw ltemg,"
<br /> L,en�ier rr�y,at wny time, rnlloct am1 hald Funds in on unxwnt not to cacced Ihe maximum amiwnt a lendcr for.a federall�y�
<br /> . ��:,':-.;:.'.
<br /> rcl4tad mongage loan may require far Bnmowei s escrow ecoount undsr th�federal Real Estate Se�Uement Prcx�odures A►v�f
<br /> "' s � ���!'�� : ___ 1974 as amended from lime to time. I Z U_S.C. Sectian 2601 el seq. ("RESPA").urdecc anMhe�law tlwl appli�W lh�: Furids
<br /> sets a le�ser amaunt. If so, l.ender may,ac an�� time,collect wid huld Furd, in an arm�unt ix�t to exceed liws le�:ser amoun[.
<br /> '1, �'iY.��IF�-i� �- � r� ��r may estimate the anxwnt of Funds duo on the basis of curnent datn anc! reucan•rble euimn�e�oi ezpardin�r�w of future
<br /> ` ' � Escrow Items or oth�wise in accordance wilh applicable law.
<br /> �..-.�. ..��°:.:'�,��.. The Funds shall 6e held i� an in�lilution whosc deposits arc in.wred by a federal ugaocy. in.Mrumantality. or entity
<br /> '�t• .. h . � (including l.ender,if Lender is wch an ins�ilutionl or in any Federal Horne I.oan Bank.l.ender�:hull apply tlw�undn to pay the ��-�*
<br /> '' �' Escrow Items. Lender may nat charge&�mower for holding a�xi upplying�hc Fundw,Lnnuully awlyr.ing�tws e�rrow�crount,or
<br /> ,;
<br /> =�'""'�`�'r "'�� ' veri �n the Escrow Iteme,unl�c[.ender a s&�uuwer uu�r�st on thc Fundr and� h�ablc law rmiu i.cncicr ta make such
<br /> • � u�'��� a charge. However, I.emler nwy roquirs Q�oR wer to pay a one•time clwrge foc an irwkpendcnt real estaut G�.s reporting service
<br /> � . . g
<br /> ' ;���. ��';a,.' used by Lender in connenion with this laan, unless upplicable luw provides attwsnvise. Un1aFS s�n��re�ment is made or
<br /> �" , ,.. . � ' applicable law requi�interest to be paid,l.ender shall�xit be reyuired to pay Bonowcr poy intaresl�r eamin�.r on the Funds. .;T'
<br /> ,... ,
<br /> ,��:�::..; -� =i ,.-.. Bornnwer and l.ender may agrec in writin¢.how•cver,tlwt intenest shall h� paid oo�Fk Fund�:. I.�n�Irrr�hnll give►� pn��wer.
<br /> . , withoul churge, un annu�l uccounting of the Funds, slu�wing crcclitK and debits to tlxt Fundn and Ih� purpose fnr which each
<br /> ° „ debit to the Funds wits made. The Funds ure pledged a+additionnl�ecurity for all wum.ti ururecl by thix 3�rurity Instrument.
<br /> If�he Funds held b�� l.ender excced ih�•rnxwnt�permit[ed to bc held by appli�ablc I�w, I.ender�hull account tu Bonower
<br /> ' • for the exces�Fumiti in ac�.roniance with�he requiremen�s i►f applicablc law. If the am�wnt of th�t Funds heW by l.ender at any
<br /> '� , time is not suf�cient to puy the E,�mw ltemti w•hen due,l.ender muy ui notif� &►rc��wer in w��ing.and,in such cn�e Bc�rr��wer
<br /> � shall p�y to Lender the anxwm necessary t.i m:Jce up�he deficienr.y. p�irrower Fhull muke up tho Jeficicncy in no more than
<br /> � ., „ . twelve manlhlY paYments.at I..ender'S u�le di+�cretinn.
<br /> " Upon payment in full uf oll sumti xcur��i M�� thiti S��curity Intitrumen�. l.cnJcr shull prMnpUy rcfund tu Bormwer any
<br /> �' Funds held by l,ender. If, under p�rngrnph 21. I.endc:r�hall:kyuire ur ticll tlu:Pnyx:rt�,[.,;nJer, prinr�o thc •rryui�ition or yale
<br /> �r' of the Property,+hall nppl��any Fund�helJ h�� LenJer at tFk time ol'acyuisiuon or�,Ale a�u credit again�t the+um��ecured by
<br /> ��•. this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> a� i r • � . „ 3•Appllcntion of Pa�•mentF.Unlc+s applicahlc I•rw nrovidc�i�th4rwi�c,all paymuntn r��civc�l My L.endcr unJrr paragraphs .
<br /> ' . ' �• I and 2 shull be applic+l: lir�t.to an�•prc�ymrrn rhurges duc uncicr th��Nntc; •�xond.t��amount.r p•ryuMle undcr p�ragraph 2; �,
<br /> ;' �� �• ' � .. �� third,to interc�t due:founh,to principal due:and la.t,to an} lalu rhorgc,dua undcr�h�N.uc.
<br /> •�. _' �.;;;.;;•-:;;;,,.ti .�D''_ ' 4.Clwrgcv; Llenc. &�rma��r�hyll pa}•all rr!ces.atiu�.mcnty.ch�ir��:r.. 1inc�nnJ im�oxiti�,n.uttrihut•rblc to thc Property �`.
<br /> ' , . � .. • which msiy atwin prioriry iivc:r chi� Securiry In,irument, and Ieu.ch�►Id p:ryn�n�ti ur �tr��unJ rent., if any. Borr��wcr tihall pry . -�
<br /> .}';, ' these obligatians in the nunner provided in paraeraph�.��r if rnn p;ud in that munncr. I���n►ucr.hull pay thcm nn tink dirertly `
<br /> to the perwm ow�l p•ryment. &�rr����er.h•rll promptly furniHh t��L�nJer al) nntice�cit'amount+tn be�;tid under Ihi�parugruph.
<br /> • , »•• . '- �t iforrower make.�he.re p�yrtxnt�J�n.wUy, k�►rrawer.hnll prv,xnpNy I'urnirh to I.cnJrr mrcipts e�•idcncing the p•ryment..
<br /> • " �`.'" Borrowcr sh•rll promptly Jiu:hargc an� lien whiuh hsir priuril� ovrr thi�Securit�� In.trutrknt unle�.&muwcr. �;�)agr��c,in ;,
<br /> ` � • ' writing ai the payment of tlx obligation,ecurcJ b��thc lisn in a munnrr acceprrblr to Lerxicr; �h�cnntc�t� in g�x�d faith thc lien � �
<br /> ;' �. �.�� ��", ' by, c�r defend+ agaimt enforcement nt'�hc lien in. IepiJ nrixealing� which in �hr l.cndcr'. ��pini�m operatr tn pre�•ent the
<br /> t � . •- ., '� enforcemenl of the lien;or Ir�+ecure�from thc hnlder nf th�lien an�grrrment �ati.larU�r� t��Lendcr •,uFw�rdin•r�ing the lien to .1 '
<br /> 'S� , � :'•;�0' �':�•= this Security In,�rument. If Lendcr�ieterminc• �hat any p,�n of ihc Pra�xm i+ �uhjert u, .�lien u•hirh may attain priurin o�er , ,
<br /> ;�. ;'�'.;'�;.. ., this Security In,trunxnt. Lender may gi�•r Bnrr�►wer y m►li�c idcntil'�ing th� licn. Rurru«�•r�hall .:ui.t'� Ihc licn„r takc�mc or ' .:..
<br /> � 'r � . more of the uctionw set forth aho��e within 10 Juy��H'Uw Eiving nf n���irr. '�:�
<br /> � .. ;�f:y'�i
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