<br /> �• , r� •� •
<br /> � . ..•�r �{ .�•.•:, �{
<br /> .��- ' �" �i11�1,
<br /> - �93' �,oesao
<br /> pymenu rruy nn lon�cr be requirod.N tho opllon of Lender,if mart��Qo lacunroo cov�a(in 1ho nnwunt wtd Por the periad
<br /> tlut i,e�der raquina)�stovided by�n inwror q�pnoved by I.ader��n b�ecorna�vdl�ble and iw obUdned.Borrower �lull p�y
<br /> �he praniunu roquirod W mdnWn mort�aQo inwr�ro in etYecl. or to provido�la�s reserve.until the rcquiroment ior monQqe
<br /> inwnnoe eMs in aa�ord�nce with�ny written�roe+nent betwoon Borrowor ud Lender or 4pplicable law.
<br /> 9.Iurprctloo,L.e�der or it��ent m�►y ma{�e r¢awnablo entria upan wnl inspoctfons af tl�o Property. l.ender�IWI alve
<br /> Borrower notia�t�he time of or prior to an inspoction speclfyin�►e�on�hle cause tor thc inapection.
<br /> 10. Copdanatloa. The proceeds of Any award or cldm for d�nwae�.diroc►or cansoquenti�l. in oonnoction wlth Any
<br /> candemnadon or othcr t�kjnQ of�ny part of the Property,or for mnveyance in lieu of condemnwion,pro hereby ac4fgnod and
<br /> �.� dull be paid to Lcnder.
<br /> 1�the evrnt af r toW taking of thc Property.the praceeds shall bo applled ta thc suma saurad by thfs Socurily InxtNment,
<br /> whether or not then due, with any excess paid ta 6urrowcr.In iha evenc of u panl�l taking of the Propeny in whfch the Wt
<br /> " m�rket value of the Pr+operty immodietely beforc the wking ia equal to or greatcr than the amount of�he�ums secured by thi�
<br /> Secudty I�rctrument immodiately beforc the talcing,unless Borrowor and i.eider dhenvise agroe in wtitin�,tho sumv securod by
<br /> thfa Security Instrumcnt sh�ll be roduced by the amount oi the proceeda tnultipliod by the fallowing fraction: (a) the tatd
<br /> pmount of the cums securcd immediately before the taking.divldod by (b)the fteir maricet voluc of thc Properly immediwtely
<br /> befon the talcing. Any balance shall be paid to Bormwer. In the event af a paztial taking of the PropeRy in whkh �ho fair
<br /> mirket vAlue of the Property immedietely beforc�he laking ia less than thc amount of the sums socured immediately before the
<br /> . 4 taking. unless Bor�ower u�d I.ender othenvise agree in writing or unless appitcabk law othenvise provides, the proceeds ciWl
<br /> ��;�: be appliod w 1he swns saured by this Security Insnument whether or not tha sumg are then due.
<br /> '`'�. --•��°' � D:• �...��i� If tha Pmperty is ebandoned by Borrower.or ff,afler notice by Lender to 8ormwer that the condemnar offers to moke on
<br /> � � � �"'�""'^�'" j` B espond to l.cndcr within 30 da g
<br /> .c.}_,:�; : .-�.,�;�':;;�,;'j:,;�;•. awsud ar se/►Ie a cl�im for dan�ages, arrower fails to t ys aRer thc date the�rotice is iven.
<br /> �m �
<br /> • ��;�r. �ry�'� Lender ls authotizod to collect aM epply the proceods,at its aption,eNher to resaration or repair of the Property or to the surt�
<br /> . � , � . ..,. cecurod by this 5ecurity Instrument,whether or not then due. �''s
<br /> ,:.�.�,. . t.,,
<br /> . � I' � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application oi praeeds to principal shall not eatend or
<br /> .��
<br /> ' !��u••���..:��:�:+. postpone the duc date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 end 2 ar change tlie arnount of such payment�.
<br /> f,' �'''`�!'����t'�''s`�,'�'� l l. Borrewer Not Reka�ced;Forbearance B I.ender Nat p WAfver� Extension of the time for a ment or modificatian '
<br /> --,-.��&4ikl,i•:- , y P Y
<br /> s � • �-;;r����:w,,; of amonization of the sums secured by this Security Instromenc gmnted by Lender to any sucassor in iMeres�of Hurruwer aLrll :�<
<br /> ' . not operate to release the liebility of the original Borrower ar Borrower's successors in interat. I.ender shall not be required to � �
<br /> � " � " �: �•�°'`" commence praceedings against any successor in i�terest or refuse to eatend time for payment or otherwise modify amoMization , �
<br /> ��� � � of th� sums saured by this Security InstrumBnt by rason of any denund madc by the original Borrower ar Borrower's �`'
<br /> j:° � ^ n.%'^���;,I't."�. successors in interest. Any forbcarance by L.ender in exercising eny r�ght or remcdy shall aot be a waiver of or preclude 1he
<br /> z. .�.L.'r;:.;��.
<br /> �� °;�....:,y,� �_.. , ezerci�c ot�y�gnc o:n�ay.
<br /> • 12. SucceFSOrs Aad Assigns Hound; ]oint and Several Uabflity=Co-siQners. The covenants and agreementx af thia
<br /> '3� , '�' Security Instrument shall bind and benefit t6e successors and assigns of Lender and Bc�rrower, subject ta the provisions of
<br /> i• • ��, �'' �� _. p�g�ph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreemenis shall be joint and ievewl. Any Bonower who co-signs this Security
<br /> ♦ �.�i.fY'.1 . .
<br /> �. '.. �::� ;: I�trument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Ins►rument only to mongage, grant and convey that
<br /> � ,,
<br /> �^Y �`�'�' ' Borrower's interest in the Property under thc terms of this Secud�y Instrumant;(b)is not personally abligated to pay thc sums �
<br /> , �� • securcd by thia Security Instrument; and(c)agr+ees that Lcnder and Any other Borrower may agree to exlend,madify, forbear or
<br /> � . J,..
<br /> ���r� � moke any accommadations with regurd to the terme of this Security Instrurnent or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> , ' 13. Loan Cfwrges. If the loan secured by �his Secnrity Insuumm�t is subject to�law which sets maaimum loan charga,
<br /> ,��:� ^, • and that law is Pinally interpreted so that the interest or other 1a�n charges collected or to be callected in connection with the
<br /> ' " loan exceed the pertnitted limits,then: (a)uny such loan churge shail be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> , � ; � to the permitted limit; and (b)any sums already collected fram Borrower which exceeded perrnitted limits will be refu�led to _
<br /> " ' Borrower. L.ealer may chaose to make this refund by redu�ing the principal awed under the Nate ar by making a direct �,7
<br /> ��s�;. � , • � payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, �he reduction will be trpted as a panial prepaymant without any •
<br /> ;';`.; . �� . �` prepeymcnt charge under the Note.
<br /> � :;,:•_,,�.:•._;.�L.
<br /> - � 14. Notices. Any notice�o Bonuwer pmvidctil fur in�i�i. Sctiwiiy fns�rument sh�ll bc givcn by delivering it or by mailing 'i
<br /> ,... . `��'-Y�. ° , :•:�
<br /> , it by first class mail unless applicable law require�use of anuther method.The notice shull be directed to the Property Address
<br /> t ' ;' � or any other eddress Borrower designates by notice u�Lender. Any notice to Lender xhall be given by first clnss mail to
<br /> '� _"x� L.cndcr's Addrcss stated herein or any other address l.ender designatc+hy nnrire to Horn�wer. Any nrnice provided for in this
<br /> �+"'� . . Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given ro Burcc�wer or l.erdcr when given As pmvided in this paragraph.
<br /> -° IS. Goveming I.�w; Sevemblllty. This Security Instrument shull be govcrned by 1'ederAl luw and the law of the
<br /> � � � jurisdiction in which the Propeny is locnted.In the eveat thut Any pmvision or rlause of this Securiry Inxtrument ar the Note ••
<br /> ( �?:.,. , .�°'�v- i��.
<br /> s, _ conflicts with appliceble Inw,such conflict shull not uffect other provisionsof�hi.r Securi�y In►trument or the Note which cAn be
<br /> � � �, given effect without the conflicting provision.Tn this end the provixions nf this Security Inurunknt and the N�xe are declared
<br /> .''�;� ,� " .." to be severable.
<br /> � . w , 16. Bornwer's Copy.Horrower shall be given one conforn�eci copy��f ihc Nwc and of�his S�:writy Instrument.
<br /> .
<br /> ,�• t.� . ^ . Form30Z8 8190 �.
<br /> '�'l� r� i . ; , . " v.0.+as � .
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