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<br /> 1T.Te�nda ot tbe PropMY or�Heneflci�llnta'e�t lo Horrowa'.If all or nn �rt of tho Property or any interest in it
<br /> e
<br /> is Rol�ar tnmcferred(or if a benefici�l interat in Borrower is sold or transferrod and mOWG�IB f101 M IIAtU�i PQ11i011)�Mj�MY�
<br /> [.ender'r prior wrltten cor�sent. l.ender rrwy. at its option. require irrunodirte pnyment in iLll oi oll sum� secur�d 6y thi4
<br /> Secu�ity lrut�ument.However,thir option shall not be eaercised by LeMer if eaerciso ir prohibiled by faderW law�w of the duo
<br /> of this Secudty Gutrument.
<br /> � If l.ender axercisea thia optian. Lender shall give Borrower notice of ac�xleraUon.The notico shalf prov(d�o pedad of nat
<br /> � le�than 30 days from the dete Ihe notico ic delivered ar mniled within whieh Hormwer mu�t pay ull cumc securod by this
<br /> Security Instrument.If 8arrower fa�l�to pay these sumg prior ta the eapiration of thie periad,l.a�der may invoke wty retnodles
<br /> y� permittod by this Secu�t Insuument wfthout furtitier notice oe dem�nd on Bonower.
<br /> 18. Borruwer'e I�bt to Rdnctate. If Borrower mats certain conditians. Borrower shall have the dght to hevo
<br /> • cniorcement of this Socurity Inslroment discont�rtued at any time pdor to the earlier of: (a) S deys(or such ahcr periad as
<br /> ' applicable law may specify for rcinstatement) before sele of the Property pursuant ta anY powar of sAle contnined in this
<br /> 'Y���� '���:, Securiry Inslmmenr or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those condilions atB that Barrower.(a)p�ys
<br /> ' .t�'.
<br /> ;;,:��`" Lender all aums which�hen would be due under thls Security Instrament and the Note as iP no acxelaration had occurted;(b)
<br /> ,�� , '�• cu�es any defauit of any other covenants or agreementa; (c) pays all eapenses incucred in enionciog this Secu�ity Instrument,
<br /> ��ti�;", including. but not limited to,�easonable attameys' fees; wtid (d)wkes such actian as Ixndar may �rascmably require to assure
<br /> , Y:1r...: '-.1 '
<br /> �. 5._.:; that the lien af this Security instn�ment. I.ender's rights in the Propecty end Borrower's obligation to poy Ihe sums secured by
<br /> �'�=• this Sacurity Insttument shall �ntinue uncha�ged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secu�ity Ins�rument and the
<br /> '"�'�' � ;� abli ians socurod herebY shal�remain fully effective as if no occeleration hod accurrod. Howover,this right to reinswte shal)
<br /> ';,�•�.�...... .-: �
<br /> � , ;"�+�-F� � not apply in the cage of aviceleration under psragrnph 17.
<br /> t,� .�� 19. Sale ot Note; Chpt�Qe of I.os� Servicer. The Note or a panial interest in the Nota (to�ethar wilh this Secudty
<br /> •• r� '`'••' '� insirument)nwy be sold ona or more times without pdor notice�o Barrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> • �;"'.�.,,._� .
<br /> �`";';i.;+ ':.�'� :,•• as the"Loan Servioer")Ihat collects monihl Y p aYments duo u n d er t h e Note a n d t his S e cun ty ins t r u m e n t.Th e r e a lsso m a y be one
<br /> ���..�-
<br /> '�'.:`';�'"�'�:��s�, or more changes af the Loan Servicer unrelated to a salc of the Note.If there is a chengc of tho l.aan Scrvicer,Barrower will be
<br /> ''-:,�' given written natice of 1he change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable Iaw.Tha natice will stute the name and
<br /> ` ^�`' address af the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.Tha notice will ulsa contain eny wfier • .'"
<br /> �� �� � � - information required by applicable law. ;+!�,
<br /> .° �. , _ �� d, 2p, Fl�ardous Substances. &►rrawer shall not caur�c ar permit the presence. use. dfapasal, staroge, or release of any �•.iih-
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Praperty. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone elre to do, anything affecting Ihe i'�s�l;
<br /> _ :�...�. . �._ Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall nat apply to the presence, use,or �;1�
<br /> �,�1, . ° - storage on the Property of small quantilies af Hazardous Sub�aix�es that arc generully rccogniud to bc appropdate to narn�a! ���•.
<br /> ' „ �;�ra>��:... �� : residential uses and to mafntciwnce of the Propeny. "�
<br /> Borrawer shall rom tl rve I.ender written notice of an investi ation, claim,demand, lawsuit or olhar action by any ���'�
<br /> ,�„.:� ' ., P P Y 8� Y B �;��,r
<br /> • governmental ar regulatory agency or private pany involving the Praperty and any Haz�ndous Substance or Environmentnl Law
<br /> � � ��� of which Bonower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notitied by any governmental or reguletory uuthority. Ihat
<br /> ��~ `;:•_ i:��.'�. any removal ar other remediatian of any Ha�ardous Substance aifecting�he Propeny is necessary.Bormwer shall prompUy t�ice ;ti
<br /> , •;� . all necessary remed�ai actions in accordance with Envimrunentui Law.
<br /> � .. � As used in this paragrnph 20, "Haxardous Substances" are those substances detined as toxio or hau►rdous subslanc�by �s,.
<br /> .�,.�
<br /> ' ;,� �� Environmental Law and the following substances: gasdine, kerosene, other Oummnble or loxio petroleum �aducts, toxic +:�x:�•,
<br /> ' � pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,materfals containing asbestos or formaldehyde,und mdioactive matenuls. As used in �:,��;�`
<br /> ' this paragraph 20, "Envimnmental Law" means federal laws and laws af the jurixdiction whare �he Pmperty is located that �4
<br /> �' b � relate to health,safety or emironmental protection.
<br /> � � •';�!s`� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender furlher covenant and agree ac follows: '�•>t
<br /> � 2I. AocelerAtion=Remedi�. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower prla�to acceleratlon follnw�ing&�rrower•s breach �, ,
<br /> . . �.,.
<br /> � � . .' • ot any rnvenAnt ar agreernent in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleratlon under paragroph 17 unles4 ,�;,
<br /> � ' + ppplicable low provides otherwise).The not(ce sball specify: (A)the default; lb)the aclion required to cure the detault; ��`',
<br /> �.,.,. , �� (e)a date.not I�s thAn 30!Inys Prom the date the notice is given ta Norrower. by which th@ default murt be cured=and � �
<br /> ` •��', � • - (d)that failure to cure the deipult on or before the dAte specii�ed M the notke may result in aarleration of Ihe sums °;.4;,,
<br /> � secured by this Securlty Instrument and seM of the Property. The notice shpll further infnrm Borrow•er o�the right to
<br /> ��" '�, ,.' reinstAte aRer acceleratlon and the right to brins a rnurt action to asseK thn non�exi�tenoe oF a defuult or any other �','°.
<br /> �,: � , defense of Borrower to acceleratton and sale, lf the default Is not cured un or beiore the date speciiTed in the notke. �''��
<br /> i�., .
<br /> Lender, at its optlon.may require immedi�te pa�ment in iull of all sums secund b�•this Security Instrument withoul k%
<br /> � �, • further demand and may Invoke the pow•er oi'sale and am•othcr remedies permitted by appltcs�ble law. I.ender sfwll be
<br /> ',��'�� � +. � . �;:��.' entitled to collect all expensec incurred in pursuinR the remedies provlded In this paragraph 21,includlna.bul not IimUed
<br /> ;..,., .
<br /> -�• � �!;�•,;�� to,reASOnable nttorneys'fees And costs oP Utle evidence. � ,
<br /> ;,,; .
<br /> If thepo wer oi sele Is invoked. Trastee shall nrord a notice oP defeult in cach county in w•hlch any part oi the
<br /> �,� . . " • Prope�ty is I�cated and shall mail cupics of such notice in the manner presc�lbed b�•applicabla law�to Borrower s�nd to y.� ,
<br /> k •�•'-- • the other pc�sons prescrlbed bv appllcable laa•.At�er the dme requirnl b�applicablc lo«•.Trushr shell�ive pubNc nolicr �
<br /> ... ..� �' ': � '�� ' of ssde to the persons and In t�e manner prescribed by�applicable laµ�. Tructee. w•ithout dcmend on Hurrower.shali aeii �--�:
<br /> ';�:;, , •,:•` . '1";';, the Property at public aucNon to the hi�hest bidder at Ihe tlme und place and under the tern�s dc�ignated in Ihe noNce ot ,:''';
<br /> • '' ' �•� ' • sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustcr detcrminec. Tn�stm ma�• p►stpune wle of aU ar any parcel aP the
<br /> �,�„
<br /> (' _;',�s.�;`���`' �' • �• properly by publk announcement at the timr and placr of am� previousl�• rcheduled t+uule. I.ender or ite desi�nee rtwy
<br /> 4� :�, purchase the Pruperty at pny sale. ;�: s
<br /> ;i'. j.
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