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, a . <br /> . .. .�. <br /> .�� ;!' ,. <br /> .., <br /> q. �,08.530 <br /> S. H�snl oe liropwt� Inurance. Bonowa �11 keep the improvanrnt� no��J uin4 or het+e�Aer e�e�,�ted on the , <br /> Piop�aty inwred�dmt I�ss by Bro, hwrd� Included within the term 'extended coven�e'u�d any other hraa�. includin� <br /> flaads or floodfn�.for which l,ender rvquiKC i�wurwxx.Thia insu�nce clwll be maintained in�ho amounts and far the period� <br /> Uuit l.ender roquin�.The inwrnnae c�urfer providin�the inwuance shall bc choscn by Borrowcr subject w Lender's approvol <br /> which�hall aot be unroaco��bly withheld.If Borrower failr to mainutin rnvcrage dcscribed ubovo. LoMer may, W L�ender's <br /> option,obuin wvenQe toprotect Lender'�dQhw in�he Praperty in wxardanoe with pnrag�nph 7. <br /> '= All insurunc�e policie+ end rcnewels Aheli be eoce�tehle to [.�nder and .rhall include a standerd mortgoge clause. Lender <br /> �� 4hAll hwve the d�ht eo hald the poliafes pnd rcnewal�.IP I.ondcr requircs,Borrower shall promptiy givc to I.�nder ell roaiptc af <br /> �7 pAid premiutns And rcnew�l na�lces.In the event of loss.Bonnwer W�ll Rive prompt nwloo to the incu�nce carrier and Lender. <br /> l.ender moy mal�e proof ot loss if nat tnade promptly by Bomnwer. <br /> UNess L,endo�md Hornowcr otherwisc ngroo in writing.insuronce pracood�ahali be appliad ta rcstoration or rcpair of�he <br /> Property dwmagaf.if the rcstamtfan or r�epair is xanamically feasible and l,ender's securiry ia not lersened.if the restoration or <br /> rcpair Is not economically feasible or Lender's secu�ity would be lessened, the insurence proaedr shall ba appiled to the sums <br /> sa:ured by this Secudty Inshument. whether or nat thon duo, with any exass paid to Borrower. If Homawer absmdons the <br /> Pmporty.or daes nat an�wer within 30 dayc a notice from I.ender lhat the insurance camer has off'ered to settle a claim, then <br /> Lender mpy collect tbe in�umnce proc�aede. L,ender may use tha proceeds to repair or nestore �he Property or to pay suma <br /> cxured by thia Secudty Instrumcnt.whethcr nr not then dua.The 30-day period wlll begin when the notice is given. <br /> Unless L,ender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrlting. any applicpdon af proceeda to princlpal shell not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymentc referrod to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> ��..'F,-,` ` ����F. .� , I under par�aph 21 the Pmperty is acquirs:d by I.ender. Borrower's right to any insurancc policies and procxds resuiting from <br /> damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall puss to Le�der w the extent of the sums seiured by this Securlry Instrumer�t <br /> . s ���`� � '` i m m e d i a t e l y p r i o r t a t h e a c y u i s i t i o n. <br /> , . <br /> �:.' • .. ,' • � , , 6.Oavp�acy,Preservs�don,DMintennnce and Procectton of the Property;Borrower's I.oAn Application;l.easeholds�. <br /> � ,,:�:"*�:�H���r��;.'•. � Borrnwer shall occupy, es�oblish.end uae the Propeny as Borrower's principal residence within siary days aRer the exaution of <br /> � ' ` '•'' this Socu�ity I�trument and shall continue to occupy Iha Aroperty as Borrawer's principal residence for at least one year after <br /> �' �'- =�''-�'��''�`" `°"�'� tfi¢date af occupanry. unless l.ender otherwl.�,e agr�a in writing. which eonsent shaU not be unm�sonably withheld. or uniass <br /> ���:�j�=�;'�'���w x�• B Yond Borrower's control. Borrower shell not destro . demege or i air the <br /> ° �� eatenuatin circumstances eaist which are be y mp <br /> - :' '' " i= Pro ellow the Pro to deterlorate,or commit waste on tha Pr rt Borrower shall be in dafault if an farfeiture <br /> .y , ,.,,,..• '% '�.:>•;;; P�nY• P�Y � Y• Y <br /> ''',�:�'' '� '-��� action or pmceoding,whether civfl or cr�rninal,is begun that in L.ende�s good faith judgment cauld result in forfeiture of the <br /> � .�Pr, IS. '. . `r,�.� <br /> "�:���r,•b-�•;�•:�:�°�' Ptoperty or otherwise materiall im ir the lien created b this Secur� Instrument or Lender's securft interest. Borrowcr ma <br /> ,: . t,. ... r�'.;: Y pa Y �Y Y Y <br /> " cure such s defauls sad prcvic3ed ia parsgraph ! causing the sction or proceeclfng to be dismissed wlth s culfng <br /> • �� ��'"s tfwt. in I.ender's gaad faith detertnination,precludes fort'eiture of the 8orrowcr's i�tcrest in the Property or other material <br /> ' , . � .,, <br /> � ,:k'���°d�=• � •� � impairment uf ihe 8an created by this 5ecurity Instn�ment or I.ender's secu�ity interest. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> '� � ��','��t Horrower,du�ing tha loan application proces.c, gave materiwlly faise or inuccumte informa[ion or statements to L.ender(or fejled <br /> � �"� � ��• '�' to provide L.ender with any motedal iniorrnetion)in connection with the loan evidenced by the NMe.includiog, but not limited <br /> � �;• <br /> '' i ����:�' � ' ta,representations cancerning Bc�rrower's oaupancy af the Property as u principal residence.If this Securlry Instrument is on a <br /> � ' leasehold, Horrower shall com I with all the rovisions of the lease. If Borrower ac uires fee title to Ihe Pro the <br /> " Y'; ' �`..� ' •:�'� . P Y P 9 PertY� <br /> �. J ': le�sehold end the fee title shall not margc unless L.ender agrees to the mergcr in writinR. <br /> ��, • � `�•��'•; 7.ProteMion ot I.ender's Wghta in tha Property.if eonower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in <br /> , .�.� <br /> "`�:' r�'' : . . •; tnis Securi�y Instrument.or there i�a legal proceeding thut nwy significantly a t'fect Lende r's rig h t s i n t he P r operty(s u c h a s a <br /> � � ' ,., �:�;'�'��, proceading in bankiuptcy,probato, Por cor�demnation nr farfeitu�e or to enforce laws ar regulations), then Lendev may do and <br /> " • .: ...�:,; pay ior wl�tever is n�essury ta protect tlie vAlue of the Pmperty nnd I.ender's righis in the Property. l.ender's actions may <br /> �' - � " � ''' include paying uny sums secured by a lien which hac priority over this Security lnstrument, appearing in rnurt, paying <br /> ''� ' � � ' � "' �" " ' reaso�wble nttomeys'fees end entering on the Property to make repairs. Althcwgh I.ender may take action under this paragraph <br /> wb <br /> ,�'�"j'` 7,I.ender dces not have ta do so. <br /> � .. :t` . <br /> i�}x• � - - ��'�'` �` � An amounts disbursed b [x�Kler wder thir� ura �u h 7 tihall become additional debt of Bcxrower secured b this <br /> ti . , '•�''nj:-:;.:�; ,, . Y y P R P Y tt:�� <br /> " � .� ��',4:, • Secudry Inatrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agnee to other term,�f pnyment, these amnunts shall bear interest from the •�- <br /> •• •� � date of diabur,rcment at the Note rate and sh�ll bo payable, with interest, u�o notice fr�m l.ender ta Bc�rrower reque.�ting <br /> ' � -- _,,.. : PaYrmnt. <br /> t�``� "=�;A. . � 8.Mortgage It�suraaee,if l.ender required monguge in,urunce as a conditinn cif making the loun �secured by this Secudty <br /> ��`"� " :� .'�y.,•,"•. •. Instrument, Bomower shall pey the prcmiums required tn maints�in tha mnrtgnge imumnce in eifect. If, far uny reason, the <br /> •� '{�f'�'��. • mortgage insurance rnveroge required by Lender lupscs or ceusex to be in effcet.&�rrower shal l pay the premiums required to <br /> ' ' },��u�, <br /> ��_;.:��" ., obtain ooverage substantielly equivalent ta�he mongage insurunre previously in effer�,at a cos[,ubstantiully equivalent to�he <br /> �� ?��-��'i � � cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in eftect. frum an ulternate mnrtguge insurer approved by Lender. If '- <br /> .�� � <br /> '�r . � substantially equivalent mortgage insurance covcrase i�not uvailuble, Barn�wer shull puy a� I.ender each nwnth a sum equal to e•?� <br /> �, ! ?. . '� one-iwelfth of the yearly mongage insurnnce premium being paid by&�rrower when tlx insurunce ruverage lapsed ur re:4+ed to <br /> j. ; y , . <br /> ; . be in eifect.Lxnder wilt accept, use und relain these payments a� u loxx reserve in lieu of morcgoge insurance. Lotit reserve <br /> �.��*s�"� � ;�.� •, .. � . �.. <br /> rca Fam 3028 9190 <br /> �;'d:. ..,.'' '.f � . P�qr 3 0l 6 � <br /> r?Y <br /> !'t�' i+ � , <br /> ��+ S`�,:;t},,r;,'�� � 4,' <br /> '`t%'dSc� fy�Fi,� � , <br /> .. . i�: « ,-- ,. ---�--. - -� � _ - . , . . . •� �int'+".i'.8�'� _ �:-}�.A:1�1: i7�� -�•' <br /> ��7k: • _ F 3ri:� . •�'+�i..-;.. , . . . <br /> %i`•' ,f:. - .i . <br /> ��.� �ii:!._�tt� .. � �� • , o . . '---�-'---. . ._ . .. . . .. .. ... .- -' -••- �-�--°-- �'--------- - .. . . . <br /> ,.� •.�:p.�:.� .. }�u . - .. <br /> .i •.�e. ..1' . . . . <br /> � ° U � <br /> ♦ , .; � <br /> • . ``'. .. �. ' � .� - . .. • <br /> � � . . . �- . '. , , . • . <br /> ►�:" � � �. � - . Y� - • . ' � . <br /> ' � ...°4... � +�pi „ " . . � . .. � . . <br /> (�'� .�. �"sy;, . _'—_ •' _ .. " "__.. . .. " '_ - '__--�'___._ . .. - .. ... ...T._"'_. . <br /> � � <br /> �� �,i. �j�, •.� <br /> .. � .. � � . . .,. , <br /> � • �� <br /> r ' . � <br /> � •� � <br />