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<br /> 7'OUBI'HER WITH�Il lhe improvancnu now or hereafter erected an the prnperty,and �il�wanont�,+�ppNAa�o�►nd
<br /> Axlura now or heoa�flcr a part af tho PropenY. All rcpl�cemrnu iud �dditions �hall dw bo wvqted �by�.thit� Sqourity
<br /> Lawment.All oP tho foregoing is rcfarrod to in thi4 Secudry Instniment�c the"Property."
<br /> BORROWER COV6NANT9 thAt 8on�wer ic lawfully eeisod of th�estac horcby cunvoyod wid hpx Iha�Ight.ta.�rqnt�nd
<br /> oonvey tho Property ond that tha Property ia uoencumberod.except fot tncumbrnncea af roccird. &�rrqwe� w�ura�ttF aild will
<br /> defend Qenernlly the tftlo�o tho Proporty�goinst all alpimr w�d demAnds. wb}ect to pny encumb��es ai'rooard.
<br /> THi3 3ECURITY IIVSTRUMFNT cc►mbines uniform covenents for nationel use and nnn•unifarm a►vo�ntF wjth�limited
<br /> varlWiona by Juricdiclian to canctAute a uoiform security inswment covedng rcal pmperty.
<br /> UNIF�RM COVENANTB.Barrowe�and Lender cavctwnt and ogroe as failowx:
<br /> 1. Rymmt ot 1MncipW nnd inte�t; Prepwyment Aad l.s►te CharyeA. Bcirrowcr shwll promptly pay wh�n•dua tho
<br /> pdncipal of and intercst on tha debt cvldonood by the Note and any prepaymeM w�d Intc chatgas due undor�ha Nata,
<br /> 2. Fbnd�tor Tvxes ond Inouranae. Subject to applicablo law or to a written waivor by Lender. Borr�wor shqll pqy to
<br /> Lender on the dny manthly pwymente Are dua under the Nate,until the Nde is paid in full. a cum("Funds')fnr:(ul yauly taxes
<br /> Q and assessments which itwy attain p�ioriry ovor thiF Socu�ity Instrument as a IMn an the Prapertyt(b►yaarly laasehold ppyment�
<br /> or ground rcnts on the Property, if any:(N yoady ha7Ard ar p►�aperty insurnn�o pmmiums: (J) ywriy flcxid fnsum�e ptsmiums.
<br /> if any: (e)yearly moRgage inwrance premiums. if anyt and(�nny sums payablo by Borrower ta Lender, in aahtdatnoe with
<br /> the pmvisions of piuugrnph 8.in liau of tha paymant of martgage insurance premiums.These itamx ars cxll�d •"Ercmw�Irams."
<br /> l..ender may. at any tlme, callect and hald FundF in.an amount not to exceed the mu�cirnum om�wnt a.lnndor Pot�a federally
<br /> , � related mortgage loan may requi�for&�rrowor's ebcrow account under the f�demi•Rea! F.�tato 3ct�lamont�Proeedures Act of
<br /> '�' ' �-�—r� 1974 ps amended from dme to time. 12 U.S.C. Sactinn 2601 et seq.("RE3BA"),�unlass anather IAw that,appUos to tha Funda
<br /> ,.�., .r��:,,.r��
<br /> _ ��;�,�,�,.�,�,,_�� sets a lesser amount. If so, l.endar may, ut any time, collect arid hnld Funds in an•am�unt,nnt ta ezceed the lesser amount.
<br /> • .. :.,•.';,;,,-,� •.�: _^ , L,ender may estimate the amount af Funds due on the basis of current data and reasanwble astimatos of�axpenditures of futurc
<br /> � � Escrow Items or otherwise in u�otdance with upplicubir law. ,
<br /> ^ �'�"; � •v�.�� � The Funds shall be hald in an insti�ulinn.whose deposits are insu�d by a fadoral agcncy. instrumenlality. or entity
<br /> � . ,, .
<br /> �� � (including L.ender, if Lendar is�such an in�tituti�n)or in uny Federul Home Loan Bank.l.en�er shall apply th�Funds to pay the
<br /> • ":';':J�;;`,'��''��''� � F�craw Ilems.I.encler may nnt chuge Bnrmwer for holding and applying the Funds, annually unulyzing tha e�cmw acrnunt,or
<br /> � �.1'ax,:�.y��,.':•_�• �`.'. I verif in the E.ccrow[tems, unlsss I.endar A c Bnrrower lnterest c►n 1he Funds and a licbble low rmite L.er�ier to make such
<br /> }.. Y S P Y PP Pe
<br /> , � a charge. However.Lender may mquina&�rr��war t�pay a one-cime charge for an independant renl ehtate lux reporting service
<br /> •.� 6 ` .-��i. , usai by Lendor in cannectian. with�this lonn, unluss applicabie IAw pravider cxhenvi:�e. Unlesss en agreement is mude or
<br /> applicable law requireF interast to be paid. Lendar shall not be required to pay Hnrmwcr any inleresl or earning�on tfie Funds.
<br /> �,��,.;' �,, ` � Bors+ower ans!l.cnder�,y�gcc�in Ssrlting, ho�seter,that ':nte�st shs!!bc paid on the F�nds. Lender shal! give to Borrower,
<br /> � ' without charge, an annuel accattnling af Ihe Funds, showing c�edits and dehits to tho Funds und the purpose Por which each
<br /> � ' , debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged aq additional security for all sumti�ecured hy thir Security Instrumant.
<br /> �., . � � � If the Funds held by l.ender ezceed the amcwnts permitted to t►e held by applicablu law, l.ender shall accaunt to Sorrower
<br /> � ,,�;., ' for the eacess FundR in accurdance with the requirementa af upplicuble luw.If the nmaunt uf Ihe Funds heW by Lender ut any
<br /> ' �'`.:'��+�,:...,�. . time is na sufficien�to pay�he Eurow Itemx when due. l.ender muy w notify Hanowcr in writing,�nd,in such cu.se Borcower
<br /> �;•:,.,�. ,
<br /> ,;�..���,:. , shull pay lo i.ender 1he amount necessury to muke up�he deficiency. Borrower chall make up tho doficioncy in no mon¢than
<br /> �s�,�' "` .� ' twelve monthly payments,at I.ender's sole di+creiion.
<br /> �% •�•�: . Upon paymen� in full of ull xums accured by this Securi�y Instrumem. L.r.nJcr xhull promptly refund to &irrower uny
<br /> � Funds held by Lender. If, under parugruph 21, l.ender shull ucyuirc or ticll thu Proporty,l...endUr,prior ta tho acyuisition o�wle
<br /> _� � . f.:;y' •�'' , , of the Propeny, shull apply uny Fw�J�hcld by l.ender at thc time of acquis;itinn or wle u�a credit aguinst tha sums secur+ed by
<br /> �� t ; '' . � : , � this Security Inswmcnt.
<br /> •' ' � ' •� .. 3.Applicat(on a�Payments.Unlcxx opplicuhlc luw provides nthcrwisc.all puymentN rcreived hy L.ender undcr parngrophs
<br /> .;_r, ` , . ;
<br /> Jt �,i�t;.�:,•.�~."''':';,:'.' ' . � 1 nnd 2 +:hall be upplied: first,to any prepuymcnt rharges due undcr tho Natc; sccond,U�umnuntr�payable undcr purngruph 2;
<br /> r�"'� �"'�' � third,to interest due;f�iunh,tn prinripal dur;und la��,to uny lute churgc�due unJ�r�hu Notr.
<br /> � � {���i�:���- . `� 4. Clw �; Llens. &ttrower shull .► ull taxcti, asscs+ments, chur es,ftnes anJ im ►tiitinns uttributublo to thc Nr�� rt
<br /> ,� • ,...�. � P'Y S p�•' P� Y
<br /> , "�,<<�.^ , which may attain prioriry over thi. Securiry Inxtrument, utxl Icuschold puymcm�ar graunJ rent., iF uny. Borrower +hull puy
<br /> �• � thrse obligations in thc ros�nner provided in parugruph 2. ��r if nnt pnid i n tbu�munncr, Borruv��cr�hall pay them on tinw dittctly
<br /> � � to the person owed payment. Bonower shul) promptly furnir.h lu Lcixlcr all iH�tic�.ul'a�ua�uui,w be puid undcr thi,,paragraph. � '�'
<br /> �' �: . -. Ii Borrower makes thexe puymemz direcUy, Borrowcr shull prompUy furni�h�o L.�:nJcr r�r�iptti cviJcncing the puyment�.
<br /> {�,•'4; °i�.,':•�"' � � Borro�vcr shall prumptly dischUrgc uny licn which hu�priority uvcr thir.G:curily In+trunnnt unlc,.Borrowcr: lul uhrce+in
<br /> �i;•a�•' . w�iting to Ihe puymeot of the abli�ntion+ewrcJ hy ttx�licn in u munncr xceqablc w lAndcr, �h)cun►es�.in gaxl 1'uith the(icn
<br /> 1.{`,,,,,, ,;,-�,,�:�a�� . • , by, or defends against enforcernem nf�he lien in. Icgul pr�xcrJin�t� which in �hr LenJcr'ti�►pini�m c,�erute to pn:vem the .,
<br /> �+ � ��``�' enfixcemeM of thc lien:or(r).r�cureti from thc hiilJcr��f Ihc lien an ugrccrnent tia�i�f'ac�on t��IAndcr�uhnrdinuting the lien tu
<br /> f`�� this Securit Ins�run�ent. lf Lcnder detcm�inr.thut an ,�rt of thr Pru rt i. wh'cc�a� u li�n which may u�win riurit �wer
<br /> ;��- �.J Y Y P' I'� Y • �., r Y
<br /> ;�*� '�;; this Security Instrumcnt. Lrixicr muy giv�Rorrowcr a nutirr idrntil'yin��hr licn. Barruw�cr shull wti�fy thc licn��r takc�,nc or ,,;�
<br /> � ; . v more of the actions sec fonh ubi�vc within 10 day.��I'thc gi��ing uf n��tir�. �k�i;��
<br /> �.�� � . 'C'�''•
<br /> Form 3028 9180
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